Wednesday, 2009-06-17

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tansellllnz, thanks for explaining that :)00:11
llnzno prob00:19
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* alanp moved props to XML00:53
alanpshould xml and comps be separate files, or one file?00:54
alanpi'm thinking same one00:54
alanptpserver-cpp-mtsec-gamedata.xml <--too long?00:57
alanpgotta sleep, will continue tomorrow, later01:09
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* llnz wanders off08:16
llnzlater all08:16
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CIA-21joelboh tpclient-pyweb * rd97d0ce705c3 / (3 files in 3 dirs):09:38
CIA-21Frontend: Refactored turn-component (displays current turn and eot timer).09:38
CIA-21Backend: Added a turn attribute to all get data requests.09:38
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CIA-21joelboh tpclient-pyweb * rc27e08c667a4 /frontend/scripts/map.js: Frontend: Added a callback parameter to cache update.11:39
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epyonYou're not here when it happens ;)12:50
epyonYou're not here when it happens ;)12:50
epyondammit ^^12:50
epyonWrong chan :P12:50
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llnzmorning all16:18
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Landonmorning llnz17:20
llnzhi Landon17:21
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CIA-21joelboh tpclient-pyweb * re4e73c543bae /frontend/ (index.html scripts/jquery-ui.js scripts/map.js): Frontend: Redesigned the user interface. Added draggable components.20:35
tansell-laptopmorning people20:38
totei wish it was morning :)20:42
LandonI wish it was night20:43
* Landon very emphatically wants to move up north20:44
Landonway way north20:44
tpb<> (at
tansell-laptopit's always morning on the internet20:44
Greywhindtansell-laptop: hm... i don't use vim, but i'll keep that in mind20:48
Greywhindtansell-laptop: so i've gotten the resizing working, and now i'm making various panels20:49
tansell-laptopGreywhind, more screenshots?20:50
Greywhindtansell-laptop: sure20:50
tote  <- ideas and comments on the interface is welcome (only tested in firefox 3 and chrome 2) :)20:51
tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec Web Client (at
tpb<> (at
Greywhindhm. i wonder where the rest of that position text went, now that i look at it20:53
tansell-laptopGreywhind, I think the fold bar graphic could be better20:53
Greywhindtansell-laptop: i should be able to change the colors20:55
Greywhindtansell-laptop: what kind of look do you want to see?20:56
tansell-laptopsomething a little closer to the AUI stuff20:56
tpb<> (at
Greywhindtansell-laptop: how's that look?21:10
tansell-laptoplooks good to me21:10
Greywhindback to adding panels!21:11
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CIA-21alanp tpserver-cpp-mtsec * re3d44bd7cb95 /modules/games/mtsec/ (7 files): Removed all traces of the propertyIndex set, which there is no need for. Initial setup for importing properties from XML. Needs work on RANK.21:57
CIA-21alanp tpserver-cpp-mtsec * r8aa337501b1a / (7 files in 2 dirs):21:57
CIA-21Finished support for adding properties from XML file.21:57
CIA-21Both Components and Properties share a file, this can be separated later if needed.21:57
CIA-21Changed the name of this file to tpserver-cpp-mtsec-gamedata.xml.21:57
CIA-21Renamed the compsImport class to xmlimport.21:57
CIA-21Updated the quickstart file to match the new XML import.21:57
CIA-21Updated MTSec to do the actual importation of Props and Comps.21:57
alanpwomp womp21:58
CIA-21landon tpclient-pyogre * r1b2d3925c92e /src/ Changed next/prev to be True/False values22:45
CIA-21landon tpclient-pyogre * r94d8eb226172 /src/ Turns out creating a scene for every event is a really bad idea with a lot of overhead. Going back to change my approach22:45
CIA-21landon tpclient-pyogre * ra569eb2c2e15 /src/ Can now show logs with log_event in the BattleManager22:45
tansellLandon, so do we have something which displays a battle scene yet?23:12
Landonsorry, using neighbors wireless again, but yes it displays an initial scene23:23
Landonright now I'm focusing on getting single events implemented23:23
Landonand then work my way up to something that moves through the rounds23:24
Landonseems my last approach was flawed23:24
tansellLandon, can you progress through rounds?23:31
Landonno, not yet23:32
tansellLandon, thats is what you are working on?23:50
tansellhey Greywhind - so ready for our weekly meeting?23:51
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tansellGreywhind, poke poke?23:56
Greywhindtansell: oh, right. meeting.23:57
Greywhindi'm here23:57
tansellGreywhind, weekly blog post?23:57
Greywhindtansell: i'll write one up real quick23:57

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