Monday, 2009-06-15

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Greywhindtansell: ping?00:13
tansellGreywhind, pong00:13
tpbTitle: Issue 4001: Fixed method of determining when to show "you have no objects" warning for tp04. - Code Review (at
* llnz wonders about the strange issue number assignment from the codereview software00:17
tansellllnz, it is a bit weird00:20
tansellfor some reason greywhind's versions are going up by the thousands00:20
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matthewdtote: You around?05:18
totematthewd: morning :)05:38
matthewdHi :)05:45
matthewdSo, I guess firstly, how do you think you're progressing relative to your schedule?05:46
totematthewd: very good actually, the only thing im missing from the schedule is a list of all the objects and a simple search for those objects :)05:49
matthewdYeah, it's looking pretty good05:57
totematthewd: im actually suprised, i usually dont follow schedules this good :)05:58
tansell_laptoptote, so are we going to get a download progress bar?06:33
totetansell_laptop: not sure how to make one, need some researching, but ill add it to the wishlist :)06:36
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mithrotote: btw have you looked at pyjamas?06:45
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totemithro: reading about it now, it does seems pretty cool, but i like to separate my languages, it looks so bad when writting a language inside another language, and i really got no problem writing js06:57
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toteanything else we need to discuss today right now? else im off to make some food07:31
matthewdHrmm... don't think so; your blog post is quite detailed about specific progress.07:39
toteokey, then im off, back in an hour or so07:47
* llnz wanders off08:12
llnzlater all08:12
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shenkimithro: have you written anything using pyjamas?09:10
epyonWhich headers should ho to headers and which to noinst_?09:55
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epyonIs there some blog on the web-client?10:23
toteepyon: ye, (not that intresting blog tho :P)10:25
epyontote: you're the one responsible? :P10:25
toteepyon: yep :)10:25
CIA-46epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r018f663013bb /tpserver/ (frame.cpp frame.h): Preliminary refectoring of Frame class10:33
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totei got a git question, say that i are coding a new feature, and i find a fix, how could i in the same repository only push that fix but still have my new feature in the code but not commited yet?10:57
Landongit stash I think10:57
Landonand then once you commit it `git stash pop`10:57
Landonor something like that10:58
* Landon would recommend googling before following my advice though10:58
ezodtote: like, you're working on foo.c but haven't committed anything, you fix something in bar.h, you want to push the fix to bar.h immediately but keep working on foo.c?10:59
ezodfor that, you could do git add bar.h to only stage bar.h, then commit and push11:00
toteezod: makes sense, and if its the same file i use git stash?11:02
ezodtote: yeah i guess you'd need to if it's in the same file11:02
totegreat, from now on my commits should be bit more structured :)11:04
Landongit stash is pretty much a temporary branch11:04
CIA-46epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r62a2e75a1b73 /tpserver/ (connection.cpp connection.h):11:05
CIA-46Basic Connection class refactor11:05
CIA-46* Doxyfication and style cleanup11:05
CIA-46* Removal of unused headers11:05
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epyonBTW, why doesn't mysqlpersistence build on tpserver?11:44
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CIA-46epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * rf742818246b2 /tpserver/ (13 files): Connection status now an enum11:46
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CIA-46epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * rca37aa9e3c5a /tpserver/ (4 files): Removed dangerous setFD methods, also moved to private12:16
CIA-46epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * rcc7074ec162d /tpserver/ (9 files):12:16
CIA-46Protection cleanup of Admin and Player connections12:16
CIA-46* removal of setFD12:16
CIA-46* blocking/removal of non-fd-based constructors12:16
CIA-46epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * ra49b4ff4f8fa /tpserver/ (4 files):12:56
CIA-46Player Connection refactoring12:56
CIA-46* connection has explicit fd taking constructor12:56
CIA-46* playerconnection cleanups12:56
CIA-46* playerconnection has sendFail method12:56
CIA-46epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r18444a6cbdc1 /tpserver/ (logging.h playerconnection.cpp): Logging upgrade on PlayerConnection13:27
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toteis there a list of all tp-gsoc blogs somewhere? :)13:51
alanptopdon't think so?13:56
toteoh well, if any gsoc ppl reading this, link your blog!14:00
tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec - GSoC 2009 (at
epyontote: what about you?14:07
alanptopwas he in ghosts busting in her too?14:08
alanptopwrong chan14:08
toteand the web client up and running can be found at:
tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec Web Client (at
alanptopis web client tp04 spec?14:10
epyonalanptop: without context that sounded.... :P14:10
alanptopepyon: it may be even worse with context, haha14:11
totealanptop: nope its using libtpproto-py and libtpclient-py which is tp03 (atleast i think those are tp03)14:11
* alanptop worried that no clients will work with his ruleset14:12
alanptopwell, not my ruleset, but the one i am working on :P14:12
toteis someone working on tp04?14:12
epyonalanptop: mtsec?14:13
alanptoptote: i think that Greywhind is working on moving pywx to tp0414:13
alanptopin MTSec, it should be possible to build ships with different components14:13
alanptopthere is no interface to do this in the current clients :(14:14
epyontote, the test page doesn't load :/14:14
alanptopepyon: loads for me14:14
epyonI see only a starfield and loading page :/14:14
alanptopwhich client?14:15
epyonyeah, works now14:15
alanptopbrowser, i mean14:15
epyonany host I can fill in?14:15
alanptopi was trying to remember the test server address14:15
epyonI like the UI visuals, tote, looks pro :)14:16
alanptopyeah they're good14:17
epyonon the login screen :P14:17
epyonmake the rest of the app look like it14:17
toteyep thats the idea :)14:17
epyonand if need be, I can supply icons/ships14:18
totecool, that surely will be needed later on (im not good in photoshop) :D14:18
alanptopsomebody posted a link to an "open icon set" on hacker news not long ago14:20
alanptopnot sure how useful it would be here though14:20
totealanptop: got a link?14:25
alanptopi don't think there is a search function14:25
* alanptop deleted the rss link14:28
alanptopcan't find it14:28
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CIA-46joelboh tpclient-pyweb * r11d6620af698 /frontend/scripts/map.js: Frontend: Added an event handler.16:12
llnzepyon: Line 57 in playerconnection.cpp could result in a segfault16:19
llnzsendFrame takes ownership of the passed frame and will free it when ready16:19
epyonllnz, ah yeah, true, didn't look close enough16:20
epyonhowever there are big issues with ownership there -_-16:21
llnzautoptr or similar would catch that sort of thing16:21
llnzframe is some of the oldest code in the server16:21
epyonI will be moving everything to shared_ptr anyway16:21
llnzah, that was the one i was trying to think of16:23
CIA-46epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r753147b7b78c /tpserver/playerconnection.cpp: Fix for potential segfault16:23
epyonauto_ptr is waaay to risky to be used -- too many pitfalls16:24
* epyon thinks it should be removed from the standard, and replaced with scoped_ptr16:24
alanpheh, i need to work on my boostfu16:25
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CIA-46joelboh tpclient-pyweb * rba13c29f7a15 /frontend/ (index.html scripts/map.js): Frontend: Moved page-ready function to index.html to make way for unit tests.17:43
alanpllnz: thanks for the quick reply17:44
llnzalanp: no prob17:44
alanpthe way I was discussing it with ezod, a ship can be built in various configurations that would allow you to have multiple tubes/racks/armor/colonosation based on size of the ship17:46
alanpsound about right?17:46
alanpok cool thx17:49
CIA-46joelboh tpclient-pyweb * r85a48fe0e200 /frontend/scripts/map.js: Frontend: Event handler now supports objects.18:23
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alanpscreens are backwards18:30
alanphow do i fix18:30
alanpnm easy option18:30
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CIA-46joelboh tpclient-pyweb * rfe6c4a9c3464 /frontend/scripts/map.js: Frontend: Refactoring draw ui function because of new event handler.19:42
tansell_laptopmorning people20:19
* Landon imagines a barbershop... quartet-120:29
Greywhindi did too20:30
Greywhindhello (three steps higher) hello (three steps higher) hello20:30
CIA-46alanp tpserver-cpp-mtsec * r06b4fb7e2154 / (3 files in 2 dirs): Added Category ID to component importation.20:51
CIA-46alanp tpserver-cpp-mtsec * r67232e34cdbd /.gitignore: Undid deletion of .gitignore.20:52
Greywhindtansell_laptop: ping?20:56
tansell_laptopGreywhind, pong20:57
Greywhindtansell_laptop: so... i'm trying to figure out how to translate the collapsible panel demo into what i need for panelInfo20:57
Greywhindtansell_laptop: my first problem is that when i add a wx.lib.foldpanelbar.FoldPanelBar in XRCED, then start the game, it says something about not knowing what to do with an object tag that has wx.lib.foldpanelbar.FoldPanelBar20:58
Greywhind03:54:14 PM: No handler found for XML node 'object', class 'wx.lib.foldpanelbar.FoldPanelBar'!20:58
Greywhind03:54:14 PM: Error in resource.20:58
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tansell_laptopyou'll probably need to do something like the other special objects21:03
tansell_laptopsee the extra directory21:03
tansell_laptopin the file21:03
Greywhindwhat am i looking for?21:04
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tanselltake a look for example at the EditableBox stuff21:05
Greywhindah. i see.21:06
tansellso I think it should work like order panels21:07
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tansell-laptopbasically each parameter type has it's own XRC file21:08
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ArpmanHello - where can I find tp-netlib > 0.2.4 and tp-client > 0.3.1 ??21:39
alanpwhy is it that a missile tube doesn't specify a size?21:41
alanpdoesn't it need to?21:41
CIA-46joelboh tpclient-pyweb * r4d1c0d8a1ef6 /frontend/ (index.html scripts/map.js): Frontend: Refactored the map component.21:43
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Arpmanargh STARS! locked up in WINE....21:59
ArpmanHello - where can I find tp-netlib > 0.2.4 and tp-client > 0.3.1 ??21:59
CIA-46alanp tpserver-cpp-mtsec * rbfe5e60fdff5 /modules/games/mtsec/ (components.xml mtsec.cpp mtsec.h): Added namespace as per Ruleset guide. Added two more components from local.22:05
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* alanp makes blog entry23:23
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tansellArpman, the website or download from bit23:40
tansellalanp, my guess is oversight23:40
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