Wednesday, 2009-06-10

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tansellGreywhind, in that nothing has mutliple order queues?00:41
tansellbtw if an object only has one order queue00:41
tansellit would be a good idea to hide the order queue select dialog00:41
Greywhindtansell: hm... i suppose.00:42
tansellwell the space is limited00:42
Greywhindtansell: do you know of any way i can test multiple order queues, or the order parameter types that aren't used yet?00:42
tansellGreywhind, two ways00:43
tanselladd support into tpserver-cpp00:43
tanselladd support into tpserver-py00:43
tanselloh - figure out a better testing methodology00:43
tansellso that's three ways00:43
Greywhinddo you think i might be able to get Llnz to make something that i could test it with?00:43
tanselltesting gui stuff sucks00:43
tansellGreywhind, you know C++ right?>00:44
Greywhindtansell: yes00:45
tansellGreywhind, feel free to hack away :P00:45
Greywhindtansell: i don't know if i'd be able to figure it out, but we'll see00:46
tansellchat with lee00:46
Greywhindwill do00:46
tanselldo notice that I never implimented a bunch of tp03 order types because they where never used00:46
tansellif you could figure out do actual testing, that would be really helpful00:47
Greywhindyeah, i've been working on trying to make some of the missing panel types00:47
tansellbut I think it's going to be impossible00:47
Greywhindthe genericreferencelist parameter looks rather complex. don't know if i'll be able to make that one without spending a lot of extra time at it00:47
tansellGreywhind, it's not as complicated as it might first seem00:48
Greywhindgood to hear :)00:48
Greywhindonce i have at least a little testing done on it, i'll look at submitting a big patch for review00:49
tansellI think fixing up the starmap to work with this new order structure is probably the next move00:51
Greywhindtansell: yeah00:54
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tansellhey jmtan01:06
jmtanhi tansell01:07
tansellhow are things?01:07
jmtanthe battleviewer should see more commits soon, i wasn't around yesterday but Landon was making progress on monday01:11
tansellokay great01:12
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CIA-46llnz libtpproto-cpp * r42c13edb04d2 / (index.dox tpproto/gamelayer.cpp):01:53
CIA-46Protect against segfault if EventLoop is not set.01:53
CIA-46Also updated Doxygen main page to make the requirement for an eventloop01:53
CIA-46before connection.01:53
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Landonah hey jmtan, probably heading off to bed real soon but I was wondering what your idea on thsi was02:37
LandonI'm thinking to be able to progress through rounds (and go backwards, etc) I'll need a list of scenes or something like that02:38
LandonI'm not sure if that's something feasible in ogre though? storing a state to come back to it later02:39
Landonmy other option seems to be having a forward/reverse method for each event, pass it a state and it "adds" itself or "subtracts" itself from the scene02:39
Landonfor now I think I'll try and focus on having transformation methods on each event02:41
jmtanyup, ogre is scenegraph based, so just store your scenes as nodes02:43
jmtanyou can remove a node to hide the entire scene then02:43
jmtanwhat sort of transformation methods?02:45
Landonwell, since I've changed the battlexml parser to give back a list of all events now, it could be something like02:45[i].forward(Scene)02:46
Landonand it would say, move the ship02:46
Landonand have a counterpart[i].reverse(Scene), which would move the ship from the destination back to the source02:47
Landonbut if I can easily copy nodes, I'll do that instead02:47
Landonwould probably be easier to have a list of those made before the battle and just progress through them as needed02:47
jmtani guess the actual movements will be arbitrary, since only firing and damage are captured in battlexml02:52
LandonI thought there was movement in the DTD02:55
jmtanoh, ok02:56
LandonI guess it must not be implemented in the srvers yet02:57
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CIA-46joelboh tpclient-pyweb * r051ba3d929d2 /backend/ ( Added a cache update handler08:21
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* llnz wanders off08:42
llnzlater all08:42
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epyonIs there a reason why EXTRACT_ALL is turned off in Doxygen?08:55
epyonand second question, how do I push to a branch?09:01
* epyon is lost in git :/09:05
toteepyon: git push url branch (i think)09:13
epyonmy question is what is the difference between git push and git commit :/09:17
totewhen you do git commit, you commit your changes to your local working copy (the one you cloned), then when you do git push you upload those commits to the server09:19
epyonhmm, so what's the point of doing commits if you're working on atomic commit way?09:21
epyonYou need to do commit then push each time?09:21
toteyes commit and push, atleast thats what im doing and it seems to work :)09:21
toteim new to git too :)09:22
epyonsvn is sooo much user-friendly D:09:22
ezodepyon: git is a distributed vcs09:25
ezodyou're using it in a sort of non-distributed way so it seems redundant09:26
shenkias a person who has to use svn at work, i feel that "svn is sooo much user-friendly" is the most inaccurate statement i've heard in a while :)09:27
epyonshenki: I'm using svn for practically everything now, including but not limited to the windows registry :P09:46
* epyon is wondering why vector length returns doubles09:47
shenkiepyon: so you could tell me how to see the diff between two reivsions of svn:externals?09:48
epyonuint64_t should be enough for everybody -_-09:48
epyonshenki: vendor branch?09:48
shenkiepyon: huh?09:48
epyonuse vendor branches :)09:49
shenkii don't understand09:49
tpbTitle: Vendor branches (at
epyonand then do a normal svn diff on them09:50
shenkierr... that's not the question tho09:50
shenkiif i was going to re-architect the way the repository worked, i would use git :)09:50
shenkibut i can't09:50
epyonIf you store the url as a vendor branch and not as a svn:external, you'll be able to run snv diff on it09:51
shenkiso the answer to my question is: you can't?09:51
shenkithat's the conclusion i came to09:51
epyonJust like you can't make git do coffee.09:51
shenkii don't want to diff the contents of the externals... i want to see what my co-worker broke when he updated externals right before a release09:52
shenki(true story)09:52
epyonsvn:externals is not the tool for the job. Vendor branches is09:52
shenkiin this case, he siwtched from using a tag to using 'trunk -r 123'09:52
epyonIf you don't keep something under a version control system you shouldn't be surprised that it doesn't store version info :P09:52
shenkibut svn:externals is stored as a revision in svn09:53
shenkiwhen i propedit, i then commit it which creates a new revision09:54
shenkiif there's a new revision, why can't i see what the difference is between those revisions?09:54
epyonmethinks you get the idea wrong09:54
epyonanyway, I still don't know why Vector.length returns double -_-09:54
shenkithe work around is to do svn propget svn:externals > ver1, then checkout the old revision, and do svn propget svn:externals > ver2, then do 'diff -up ver1 ver2'09:55
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epyonwho broke the risk ruleset?10:41
epyonanyway, I'm still at a loss when pushing to branches D:10:49
ezodepyon: what do you want to do?10:51
ezodyou already made a commit, but want to push it to a different branch than you are currently on?10:52
CIA-46alanp tpserver-cpp-refactor * r7a7c21df9fee /AUTHORS: Added myself to the AUTHORS file as per Aaron10:54
CIA-46alanp tpserver-cpp-refactor * r11ae51e7d72a /AUTHORS:10:54
CIA-46Revert "Added myself to the AUTHORS file as per Aaron"10:54
CIA-46This reverts commit 7a7c21df9fee817f3dfddbc28006d4fbf87f5e88.10:54
CIA-46mavrinac tpserver-cpp-refactor * r104409969059 /AUTHORS:10:54
CIA-46Revert "Added myself to the AUTHORS file as per Aaron"10:54
CIA-46This reverts commit 7a7c21df9fee817f3dfddbc28006d4fbf87f5e88.10:54
CIA-46noegnud tpserver-cpp-refactor * rbbb02f7f76dd /
CIA-46Added conditions to to check for glibtoolize if libtoolize is not available. This10:54
CIA-46will allow to work on Mac OS X, which calls it glibtoolize.10:54
CIA-46llnz tpserver-cpp-refactor * r5491891d28ea /tpserver/main.cpp:10:54
CIA-46Added headers needed for MacOS (probably others too).10:54
CIA-46Thanks greywhind.10:54
CIA-46llnz tpserver-cpp-refactor * rc45a3d5a2c3d /
CIA-46Pass the guile CFLAGS and LDFLAGS to the AC_CHECK_LIB for guile.10:54
CIA-46Should fix greywhind's MacOS configure issue.10:54
CIA-46llnz tpserver-cpp-refactor * r3820bd41f1be / Fix the previous mistake in passing flags to the guile lib test.10:54
CIA-46epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r9e5de1b4c034 /tpserver/referenceobjectparam.h:10:54
CIA-46Include guard fixed.10:54
CIA-46(also a test of commit access)10:54
CIA-46llnz tpserver-cpp-refactor * r138206c6edf7 /tpserver/ (4 files):10:54
CIA-46Added Media ObjectParameter to tpserver-cpp.10:54
CIA-46Had not yet been added. Needs users in the rulesets.10:54
CIA-46llnz tpserver-cpp-refactor * rf4d0ba84e4b2 /tpserver/game.cpp:10:54
CIA-46Updated default media base url.10:54
CIA-46We moved to subversion a while ago.10:54
CIA-46llnz tpserver-cpp-refactor * r438e8c4b425b /.gitignore: Added the docs directory to gitignore10:55
CIA-46llnz tpserver-cpp-refactor * rb5b35fda15cf /modules/games/minisec/ (10 files):10:55
CIA-46Pull out the ParameterGroupID and ParameterID values as constants in Minisec.10:55
CIA-46Should make adding media parameters easier.10:55
CIA-46llnz tpserver-cpp-refactor * rf9844cb0a6e2 /modules/games/minisec/ (6 files):10:55
CIA-46Added media parameters to SpaceObject in Minisec.10:55
CIA-46Had to update all the ParameterGroupIDs. Needs to still be set.10:55
CIA-46This adds two parameters, called "Icon" and "Media", that are for the icon and main media10:55
CIA-46respectively, as they are not currently together in the media repo.10:55
CIA-46llnz tpserver-cpp-refactor * r92426643ea79 /modules/games/minisec/ (build.cpp minisec.cpp minisec.h splitfleet.cpp):10:55
CIA-46Add media to minisec objects.10:55
CIA-46Looks like the Names and subclasses should be moved to core.10:55
CIA-46llnz tpserver-cpp-refactor * re9a6d285805f /modules/games/minisec/minisec.cpp:10:55
CIA-46(27 lines omitted)10:55
ezodi take it you just wanted to merge master into your branch?10:55
epyonerr ... no D:10:56
ezodwell... looks like you did :P10:56
epyonI just wanted to push a commit -_-10:56
ezodwell if you merged in master it would have to push all those commits to your branch also10:57
epyonno f* clue why this happened ---10:57
ezoddid you do a git merge origin/master previous to your own commit?10:57
ezod(i.e. to get the latest changes from master into your branch)10:57
epyonerr no?10:58
* epyon is hopelessly confused with git10:59
epyonI just followed a tutorial actually10:59
* epyon wonders if his commit actually got pushed at all10:59
ezodupdated vector3d?11:09
tpb<> (at
ezodit certainly looks as though you merged master :)11:10
ezodwhich is fine11:10
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epyonezod, seems it's not fine because it doesn't compile :/11:30
CIA-46epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r0bface703882 / (4 files in 2 dirs):11:51
CIA-46Message class update11:51
CIA-46* doxymented the class, and fixed spaces/tabs11:51
CIA-46* typedefed Reference and Reference set11:51
CIA-46* propagated the typedefs to the rest of server11:51
CIA-46* changed addReference to take a RefSysType value11:51
ezodepyon: well, because of the nature of your project, you will probably need to be careful merging master12:13
ezodchanges there could break your stuff12:13
ezodalthough you'd have to deal with that eventually anyway12:13
epyonsomething is inherently broken with the design of the message board system -_-12:21
CIA-46epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * rb3c4eed8d501 /tpserver/ (board.cpp board.h):12:27
CIA-46Board class update12:27
CIA-46* doxyfication, tabs/spaces and a few style corrections12:27
CIA-46epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r782dd618f53f /tpserver/board.cpp: * addMessage was unneccessary complex12:27
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ezodepyon: whoa, it looks like origin/refactor is out of sync with refactor? don't know what that means, poke mithro about it12:39
epyonezod: yeah, will have to12:40
epyonezod: any idea when I can catch him12:40
ezodepyon: 6 or 7 hours from now maybe?12:41
ezodtansell: ping12:41
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mhilmillnz: ping17:28
llnzmhilmi: pong17:28
mhilmihey :)17:29
mhilmiim having some issues building my client - I'm getting errors in the boost library when I try to create an SimpleEventLoop object.17:30
mhilmiSeen anything like that?17:31
mhilmiI'll post the output.17:31
tpbTitle: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at
mhilmiDunno - get a couple weird errors, one in boost signals_common.hpp and one in gcc typeinfo? Could this be some compatibility/version problem/17:35
llnzyes, odd17:36
llnzbut i don't think you can use simple event loop17:36
llnzyou need to write a new subclass of eventloop that connects up to and uses the QT event loop17:37
mhilmiI'll try to do that .. however the eventloop class itself also uses the problematic boost signals that is causing the error17:40
mhilmiill see if i can find something out on the boost forums17:40
mhilmiand look into the qt event loop ..17:40
Greywhindllnz: ping?17:52
llnzGreywhind: pong17:59
Greywhindllnz: so i'm working on multiple order queues, and support for more order attributes18:00
Greywhindllnz: but there's no ruleset that i can find that uses those18:00
llnzno, because there was no client that supported it, there are no rulesets that use multiple queues18:01
Greywhindllnz: is there any way i can test these things?18:01
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llnzyou could hack up one of the rulesets to add multiple queues to an object18:05
Greywhindllnz: where would i look to do that?18:06
llnzchoose a ruleset (minisec for example), change the object description for the planet object type to add another orderqueue18:13
llnzfind where they are created (two places), create the other order queues18:13
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llnzif you ask nicely, I could be conviced to create a branch to tpserver-cpp that has that in it for you18:16
Greywhindllnz: well, i don't want to make you do work. i'll try to figure it out.18:20
llnzGreywhind: I should have time to do it tonight, if it would be helpful18:21
llnzyou might find bugs in tpserver-cpp18:21
Greywhindllnz: i appreciate the offer - if i can't figure out how to get it working, maybe i'll ask you later if you can try it?18:22
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llnzsure, i have 5.5 hours of work to go today (only 10:20am here), so plenty of time18:22
Greywhindllnz: ok, thanks18:22
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CIA-46joelboh tpclient-pyweb * raa82ca4ed154 / (3 files in 2 dirs):18:40
CIA-46Backend handler get_objects and cache_update is now working. Frontend is18:40
CIA-46now doing a cache_update on login and displays placeholders on the map18:40
CIA-46for objects returned by get_objects.18:40
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epyonllnz: seems as I broke the refactor branch, could you help out? git-related, not code related :/19:10
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CIA-46joelboh tpclient-pyweb * r7b8701a7b096 /backend/ Messed up regex for matching handlers, fixed now.19:36
CIA-46joelboh tpclient-pyweb * r6cf94445b62c / (4 files in 4 dirs): Added logout capabilites.19:36
llnzepyon: what is the issue you are having?19:41
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epyonrefactor doesn't seem to be in sync with master19:44
epyonand my local repo doesn't even compile :/19:44
epyonalso I'm unsure wether I'm actually pushing to refator or master19:45
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llnzepyon: you have been pushing to refactor branch19:55
llnzorigin/master and origin/refactor will now be different (refactor a few commits ahead)19:56
llnzas to why it's not compiling, pastebin the error19:56
* llnz doesn't have a box here to test sorry19:57
llnzwhile i'm at work that is19:57
epyonllnz: the errors are in files I havn't even remotely touched, so it seems that there are some sync errors19:58
epyonmake[4]: *** No rule to make target `tinystr.cpp', needed by `tinystr.lo'.  Stop.19:59
llnzanytime a file changes, you have to run ./ and ./configure again20:00
llnzone of the changes to master you merged into your tree has one of those changes20:00
epyonI'm checking that right now20:01
epyonoh and btw I have a few questions20:01
epyonwhy isn't JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF and EXTRACT_ALL set to YES in the Doxyfile?20:07
epyonMakes the doxygen output useless....20:08
llnzno idea, defaults from kdevelop20:08
llnzhow does it make it useless?20:10
epyonWell it generates documentation ONLY for the documented classes. Which is about 10 in tp-server :P20:11
epyonMost of them third party20:11
llnzhaving extract_all off was the motivation to finish documenting all of libtpproto-cpp20:13
epyonno difference now actually, since I'll be going through all of the server files now20:14
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Greywhindllnz: ping?20:43
llnzGreywhind: pong20:43
Greywhindllnz: i've been trying to add a second order queue to the planet that's created when you join minisec20:43
Greywhindi've done this:20:44
GreywhindOrderQueue *planetoq = new OrderQueue(); OrderQueue *planetoq2 = new OrderQueue(); planetoq->setObjectId(planet->getID()); planetoq->addOwner(player->getID()); planetoq2->setObjectId(planet->getID()); planetoq2->addOwner(player->getID()); OrderQueueObjectParam* oqop = static_cast<OrderQueueObjectParam*>(planet->getParameterByType(obpT_Order_Queue)); oqop->setQueueId(planetoq->getQueueId());20:44
Greywhind OrdrQueueObjgectParam* oqop2 = static_cast<OrderQueueObjectParam*>(planet->getParameterByType(obpT_Order_Queue)); oqop2->setQueueId(planetoq2->getQueueId()); game->getOrderManager()->addOrderQueue(planetoq); game->getOrderManager()->addOrderQueue(planetoq2);20:44
epyonWoah, block of code with static_cast's D:20:44
Greywhindit was like that before i changed it, i swear ;P20:45
llnzepyon: yes, i know, i have started to move that way20:45
epyonDouble woak D:20:45
Greywhindbut anyway, it doesn't seem to have any effect on the number of order queues the object has20:45
epyonAnyway it's great to code something fun again ;>20:46
* epyon left his job monday ^_^20:46
llnzGreywhind: currently that code adds the second orderqueue to the same orderqueue parameter20:46
Greywhindllnz: i see. what file would i look in to change that?20:46
llnzin planet.cpp, you need to add another orderqueue id, note what ID (groupid,paramid tuple) it would get, and use that id to get the orderqueue parameter20:47
Greywhindllnz: well, the thing is, it seems to be using obj->getParameter(ORDERGRPID,ORDERQPARAMID)20:48
Greywhindbut i can't figure out where obj, ORDERGRPID, or ORDERQPARAMID are set20:48
llnzGreywhind: probably planet.h (if not in planet.cpp)20:49
llnzbtw, did you find both places where planets are created?20:49
Greywhindllnz: nope, not in either planet.cpp or planet.h20:49
Greywhindthey're just referenced there20:49
Greywhindllnz: i found the place where the initial planets are created and the one where planets are added when a player joins20:50
CIA-46epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * rfebe6f8fd611 /Doxyfile:20:50
CIA-46Minor Doxyfile change20:50
CIA-46* added JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF as suggested on tp-devel20:50
llnzah, ownedobject.h/cpp20:50
epyonllnz: also, who designed the board system in tpserver-cpp?20:51
llnzthough, the design of the boards in the protocol was mithro, iirc20:51
epyonthe idea that Board doesn't own messages but allows adding an managing seems... wierd :/20:51
epyonand a final question, is there a reason why getDistanceSq in Vector3d returns a double instead of an int64_t? Can the distances be really that big that squared they'd overflow an int64_t?20:53
llnzepyon: yes, they can be that big, anything larger than int32_t size will overflow it20:54
llnzthe universe can be very big20:54
llnz(and sparse)20:54
epyonllnz: but you use int64_t...20:55
llnzthere probably was a reason to use board in that way20:55
llnzanything larger than int32_t squared will overflow a int64_t20:56
llnzlarger than int32_t will, when squared, overflow a int64_t20:56
epyonActually you'd need numbers greater than 303700049920:57
epyonis that possible?20:57
llnzand since we are using int64_t for coordinates...20:57
epyonthe point is that you're loosing on numerical stability by those double typecasts20:58
epyonpossible bug-source20:58
llnztrue, but there isn't any type size large enough20:59
* epyon will look into that20:59
* epyon will look into the boards too20:59
llnzint64_t is a long long21:00
llnzi think you will find that the reason for the boards is because of the way they are stored in persistence21:00
llnzslots was a bad idea21:01
llnzorders have the same sort of problem (except they get more attention because they are important)21:01
epyonStill too soon to judge for me21:01
epyonTommorow I'll be doxyfing the reast of the board system, so maybe things will get more clear21:02
llnzsuggestions are welcome, I need something similar for orders and messages on the client side in libtpporot-cpp21:03
llnzin someways the protocol isn't very smart around them21:04
epyonas for style, I'm keeping it basically the same (except forcing 2 spaces indent everywhere)21:09
epyonThe only major thing is renaming some private and local variables to have more meaningful names21:09
llnzi feel that 4 space indent might be better21:09
epyonand, please forgive me, adding a space between ) and { :>21:09
llnzmy indenting style has change several times over time21:10
llnzthat's ok21:10
epyonMine was always 4 spaces21:10
epyonI'll take back on my whitespace heavy style, however I'd still suggest a space after and before keywords ( "if (blah)" and "} else {" )21:11
epyonIt seems to be quite common21:11
epyonok, I'll be off to sleep now, I'll resume tommorow21:12
epyong'night all!21:12
llnzok, cya later21:12
Greywhindllnz: i've been working on this for hours, and I still can't seem to get it right. would you be willing to look at it at some point?21:14
Greywhindllnz: thanks much21:14
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tansellhey Greywhind21:17
Greywhindtansell: hello21:17
tansellnot having much luck with tpserver-cpp?21:17
Greywhindtansell: nope21:17
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cherezmithro: Ping?21:33
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