Saturday, 2009-05-30

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CIA-46llnz tpserver-cpp * r438e8c4b425b /.gitignore: Added the docs directory to gitignore00:17
CIA-46llnz tpserver-cpp * rb5b35fda15cf /modules/games/minisec/ (10 files):00:17
CIA-46Pull out the ParameterGroupID and ParameterID values as constants in Minisec.00:17
CIA-46Should make adding media parameters easier.00:17
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CIA-46llnz tpserver-cpp * rf9844cb0a6e2 /modules/games/minisec/ (6 files):00:33
CIA-46Added media parameters to SpaceObject in Minisec.00:33
CIA-46Had to update all the ParameterGroupIDs. Needs to still be set.00:33
CIA-46This adds two parameters, called "Icon" and "Media", that are for the icon and main media00:33
CIA-46respectively, as they are not currently together in the media repo.00:33
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mithromorning people01:42
llnzhi mithro01:42
Greywhindmithro: hope you don't mind waking up to a bunch of patches waiting for review ;P01:44
mithroGreywhind: nope01:44
mithroIt makes me feel like there has been progress01:44
Greywhindmithro: at least a bit, hopefully01:44
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tpbTitle: Issue 2002: Added functions to get media lists to objectutils, used these lists in - Code Review (at
tpbTitle: Issue 2003: Temporary fix for drawing icons in the system list - need to improve once media support is better. - Code Review (at
tpbTitle: Issue 2004: Added getOwner method in objectutils, used it in to colorize icons. - Code Review (at
mithro2002 done01:55
mithroGreywhind: all reviewed01:58
Greywhindmithro: thanks01:58
Greywhindmithro: so you think i shouldn't make an attempt to auto-detect object type if there's no media?02:00
mithroGreywhind: yeah02:01
Greywhindok. it does make the code a bit simpler. it'll force all rulesets to include media if they want the client to be at its best, though.02:02
Greywhindi'll work on really fixing the media support starting tomorrow, since llnz updated minisec to have media02:03
CIA-46Greywhind tpclient-pywx-tp04 * r63bde7c3fac8 / (extra/ windows/main/overlays/ Added getOwner method in objectutils, used it in to colorize icons.02:05
mithroGreywhind: he did? Cool!02:06
Greywhind[21:17]           CIA-46 : llnz tpserver-cpp * rb5b35fda15cf /modules/games/minisec/ (10 files):02:06
Greywhind[21:17]           CIA-46 : Pull out the ParameterGroupID and ParameterID values as constants in  Minisec.02:06
Greywhind[21:17]           CIA-46 : Should make adding media parameters easier.02:06
Greywhind[21:20] + jnengland77 [[email protected]] has joined #tp02:06
Greywhind[21:33]           CIA-46 : llnz tpserver-cpp * rf9844cb0a6e2 /modules/games/minisec/ (6 files):02:06
Greywhind[21:33]           CIA-46 : Added media parameters to SpaceObject in Minisec.02:06
Greywhind[21:33]           CIA-46 : Had to update all the ParameterGroupIDs. Needs to still be set.02:06
Greywhind[21:33]           CIA-46 : This adds two parameters, called "Icon" and "Media", that are for the icon  and main media02:06
Greywhind[21:33]           CIA-46 : respectively, as they are not currently together in the media repo.02:06
mithrowell, I'm about to head out for a bit02:18
mithroGreywhind: I assume you'll probably be asleep by the time I get back02:18
Greywhindmithro: probably. see you tomorrow.02:21
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cherezmithro: Ping?02:45
Landonjmtan: I was looking at my timeline today and I ntoiced that your work already covers the next week or two (setting up a battle scene)02:47
Landonso I think I'll fastforward next week to processing battle events02:47
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* llnz waits for the media repository to crawl down05:50
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* llnz wanders off08:38
llnzlater all08:38
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cherezmithro: Ping?17:31
CIA-46Greywhind tpclient-pywx-tp04 * raeb243bcb90b /extra/ If an object has only positional and media parameters, it can still be a galaxy.18:21
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llnzhail and sleat21:13
cherezThat bad outside?21:15
Greywhindllnz: ping?21:18
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llnzbetter now though21:26
llnzGreywhind: pong21:26
Greywhindllnz: would you be able to add an icon and an image to at least one object in minisec, so i can test?21:28
Greywhindright now, they're all empty strings21:28
llnzGreywhind: should be in with all media in 10-15 minutes21:28
Greywhindllnz: thanks!21:30
CIA-46llnz tpserver-cpp * r92426643ea79 /modules/games/minisec/ (build.cpp minisec.cpp minisec.h splitfleet.cpp):21:36
CIA-46Add media to minisec objects.21:36
CIA-46Looks like the Names and subclasses should be moved to core.21:36
llnzlet me know if the urls don't work21:36
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mithromorning people22:50
Greywhindmithro: hello22:50
mithroGreywhind: need any code reviews today?22:52
mithroas I'm hoping to head out soonish22:52
Greywhindmithro: 200222:54
Greywhinderr, 100222:54
tpbTitle: Issue 1002: Added support for getting object-specified media to panelPicture, with support in objectutils. - Code Review (at
mithroGreywhind: I thought I commented on this already?22:55
Greywhindmithro: it's revised22:55
mithroGreywhind: why didn't you upload it over the old one?22:55
Greywhindbut i had to bring it back into the mainline first to get other hcnages22:55
Greywhindthe original one is here:
tpbTitle: Issue 2002: Added functions to get media lists to objectutils, used these lists in - Code Review (at
mithroGreywhind: you are missing changes for some of my comments there22:56
mithrobtw you know you can reply to my comments by clicking on the command and hitting the reply button22:56
mithroGreywhind: you know you can just merge tp04 into your topic branch22:57
mithro(or rebase your branch on tp04)22:58
Greywhindmithro: i suppose... i'll do that next time22:58
Greywhindmithro: hmm... it looks like the urls llnz put in don't have filetype endings on them. i was assuming they would.22:59
mithroGreywhind: yes23:00
mithrodid you read the media page I sent you?23:00
Greywhindmithro: i'll look over it again23:00
Greywhindcan you remind me of the address?23:00
tpbTitle: Media.gz - Thousand Parsec Wiki (at
mithrothat make sense?23:11
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Greywhindmithro: do we already have code for getting/parsing the Media.gz?23:17
mithroit's in libtpclient-py23:22
Greywhindmithro: ok. i'll look into it. thanks.23:23
mithrosee media.py23:23
Greywhindmithro: i'm having trouble figuring out how to get the list of file extensions for a given object... it seems like panelPicture keeps its own list by tying into the MediaDownloadEvent?23:50

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