Thursday, 2009-05-28

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tansellit would be good if you could prepare a weekly summary before each meeting and a "this is what i plan for next week"00:02
Greywhindtansell: ok. the blog posts are too detailed for the summary?00:02
tansellGreywhind, the blog posts are good - but I'm more after "this is what I actually achieved"00:03
tansellonly once a week00:03
Greywhindtansell: ok00:03
Greywhindi'll write a summary next time.00:03
tansellit'll become more important when I get busier00:03
Greywhindfor next week, i plan to start by continuing to fix the bugs that appear whenever i start the client00:03
tanselland can't look over your shoulder as much00:04
Greywhindi plan to finalize drawing of objects with multiple coordinates as much as possible at this point00:04
tansellhow does the undefined problem effect that?00:05
tansellA number of types of objects you should consider include00:05
tansell * Wormholes (IE an object which is connected between to locations)00:05
Greywhindwell, it might make the drawing of some objects impossible to perform accurately, if they have a reference object with multiple coordinates00:06
tansell * Mine fields which can be an arbitrary shape00:06
tansell * Scanner ranges?00:06
tansellanything else you can come up with00:06
tansellLee was suggesting that wormholes might need more work because they could have properties like00:07
tansell single directional00:07
tansellmight not no where they pop-out00:07
Greywhindwell, i'm thinking i'll draw anything with multiple coordinates like a starsystem with a line between each coordinate00:07
Greywhinddoes that sound reasonable?00:08
tansellGreywhind, possibly00:08
tansellGreywhind, before you get to far along, it might be worth drawing some stuff on paper00:09
Greywhindthen things like scanner ranges can be specified simply by a circular set of coordinates00:09
tansellwhat happens if the coordinates are very very close together00:09
Greywhindminefields by a polygon of coordinate00:09
tansellthey should probably be drawn as icons00:09
Greywhindi'll also try to start using media00:09
Greywhindalthough that may need to wait for next week00:09
Greywhindbut instead of trying to figure out the type of object first, i'll just use whatever media it points me to if it has any00:10
Greywhindthat way, future rulesets can be drawn as they like rather than as the client attempts to auto-generate00:10
tansellGreywhind, okay your going to have to figure out things like "icon" verses full image, etc00:10
tansellnobody has hit that problem before00:11
Greywhindtansell: yeah, i'll try to look into that kind of thing00:11
tansellso I think people have been just ignoring it :)00:11
Greywhindmight have to have specific requirements for the media if it's to be drawn on the starmap00:11
Greywhindlike a specific name or tag or something00:11
Greywhindwe'll see00:11
tansellso my suggestion would be to use file endings00:13
tansellhave you seen00:13
tpbTitle: Media.gz - Thousand Parsec Wiki (at
tansellwhat is missing there is that it requires a client to download the complete media to find out things like size00:14
Greywhindso by file endings, you mean what exactly?00:14
tansellThousand Servers will not give full URLs for the media to be used, instead it will give a URL leaving out the media extension. It is up to the client to choose the file type that is requires.00:15
tansellFor example,00:15
tansellGame's base url:
tansellObject's media url: planets/planet100:15
tansellIf the client supported mng and the file is present in the Media.gz file, it could download00:15
tansellThe different types of media will be present in the Media.gz file, so the client can choose from them.00:16
tansellicon verse full size is the same problem as 2d art verses 3d art00:16
Greywhindok, gotcha00:16
tansellthe media downloader stuff needs a bit of work00:18
Greywhindi'll look at it when i get to that part... which file is it?00:19
Landontansell: poke00:22
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tansellGreywhind, it's the Media thread in libtpclient-py00:43
tansellLandon, how goes things?00:44
Greywhindtansell: ok.00:44
Greywhindnow i have to set up git-cl on this machine00:44
Landonnothing tangible yet, mainly reading the ogre manual and sketching out the battle spec so I have some quick references to it00:46
Landongoing to try getting python-ogre on my netbook from my desktops installation btw00:47
Landonand see if that works00:47
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tpbTitle: Issue 2: Fixed panelPicture to figure out types of objects TP04 style. - Code Review (at
tansellGreywhind, done01:02
Greywhindtansell: ok01:02
tansellI wonder why cherez's change ended up at 100101:02
cherezI hope Greywhind doesn't put up 999 more, or we might have problems.01:03
tansellcherez, you saw my comments on your patch right?01:04
tansellokay great01:05
cherezI'm doing the pack/unpack testing now.01:05
CIA-46Greywhind tpclient-pywx-tp04 * r49060472af5b / (extra/ windows/main/
CIA-46Fixed panelPicture to figure out types of objects TP04 style. Note: will need to look01:06
CIA-46for self-specified media in each object in the future.01:06
Greywhindok, time to write a blog post and then sleep01:07
chereztansell: Should negative timestamps be possible?01:23
mithro_cherez: dunno - how are they represented01:37
cherezThe packed value is derived as: t = long(time.mktime(t.timetuple()))01:39
cherezBut time.mktime doesn't work with negative times and throws an exception.01:40
cherezI could write a replacement function that would work around that, but I'm not sure how much pre-1970s timestamps will matter.01:40
tansellbut can they even be stored?01:40
tansellis it stored in an unsigned int?01:43
cherezIt's presently unsigned, but there's no reason for it to be.01:44
cherezIt looks like Python's datetime objects internally use a signed int.01:44
tansellcherez, it has to be compatible with cpp-server01:46
cherezAnd there will only be inconstencies before January 1st 1970 and after January 19th 2038.01:46
tansellis it a 32bit number or 64bit?01:46
cherezThere are versions for both in xstruct.01:46
tanselltest boundaries and wrong input01:47
cherezThey both have the same boundaries.01:47
cherezThe ones I just mentioned.01:47
cherezSo between times 0 and 2^31-101:48
tansellwell a 64bit number has a bigger boundry then that01:48
cherezYes, but we convert to and from datetimes.01:48
cherezSo even if our int64 is okay with it, it will crash in the conversion.01:49
tansellcherez, will it? does a datetime only support 32bit numbers?01:49
cherezSigned 32-bit integers.01:50
cherezSo 1970 +- 68 years.01:51
cherezI don't think we can circumvent that without either dropping datetime or reimplementing it.01:52
tansellcherez, so document the limitations :)01:52
cherezWhere should I document them?01:52
cherezJust at the header of the file?01:53
tansellwhere ever seems the best01:57
tansellmaybe a "limitations" section at the top01:57
tpbTitle: Issue 1001: Fixed floating point numbers and added float and timestamp tests. - Code Review (at
tansellcherez, I think you're better of making a light weight class for this02:11
cherezFor datetime objects?02:12
tansellI'll put in the comments02:12
cherezDoes anything use xstruct for timestamps now?02:12
tansellcherez, I think they do02:18
tansellcheck libtpproto-py02:18
cherezDefinitely seems so.02:21
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tansellcherez, comments02:24
mithro_cherez: a good theory to follow is that you are up at 2:00am in the morning trying to debug this code02:26
mithro_try and make them as clear and easy to debug as possible02:26
cherezThat will probably be happening in half an hour. :P02:27
cherezI'll be implementing your suggestions now.02:27
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chereztansell: Is this more readable?
tpbTitle: Issue 1001: Fixed floating point numbers and added float and timestamp tests. - Code Review (at
tansellcherez, almost04:09
tansellbut repeat after me, *never*, never, never use backticks :P04:09
cherezAlright, I'll turn them into repr()'s04:10
tansellotherwise it's much better04:10
tansellcherez, there is %r04:10
tansellwhich does what you want04:10
cherezAre strings null terminated?04:11
tansellcherez, no04:11
tansellpython uses a length character04:11
cherezI mean in xstruct's packing.04:11
tansellcherez, no04:12
tansellwe use a len packing scheme04:12
tansellsee the protocol document04:12
tpb<> (at
tansellknow and love that protocol documents :P04:14
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chereztansell: The protocol says UTF-8, but xstruct looks like it only supports ASCII right now.04:19
tansellwhy do you think that?04:20
tansellcheck unpack_string04:20
cherezI might not remember UTF-8 well, but I believe that will just give us the ASCII string that happens to have the same representation as the UTF-8 string.04:23
cherezDoesn't str only support 8-bit characters?04:23
tansellbut Python has a unicode object04:24
tansellhence why04:24
tansellpack_string does04:24
tansellwhich basically encoded the unicode string into utf-8 format04:24
cherezMy pack_string does "s = str(s)"04:25
tansellunicode(u'') does nothing04:25
tansellcherez, hrm04:25
cherezAre you sure your version is what's on the repository?04:25
tansellyou might want to check it against libtpproto-py's as that is the most up-to-date04:25
cherezHey, it's the code I was going to write!04:26
cherezI'll forward port that into libtpproto2-py.04:26
tansellyou should also backport your changes and test to libtpproto-py04:28
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cherezI don't think I'm understanding how to pack lists.04:43
tansellcherez, oh?04:44
cherezCan lists contain compound data?04:44
tansellwhat do you mean?04:44
cherezLike [bb] ?04:45
tansellwe have things a lot more complicated then that04:46
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mithro_[18:46] <tansell> sure05:00
mithro_[18:46] <tansell> we have things a lot more complicated then that05:00
mithro_[18:46] <tansell> [jSI[II]]05:00
mithro_going to dinner now05:01
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cherezmithro_: New version for you to look at.05:22
tansellcherez, lgtm05:33
cherezAlright, I'll push it then.05:33
tansellcherez, still not checking error cases however05:34
cherezThat's next.05:34
tansellokay great05:34
cherezI'll be checking to make sure exceptions get thrown whien they should be?05:34
tansellIE when you try and encode an float into an int05:34
tansellor you can invalid unicode05:35
CIA-46cherez libtpproto2-py * r080ecf71e8a8 / ( tp/netlib/ Fixed floating point numbers and added float and timestamp tests.05:39
CIA-46cherez libtpproto2-py * r5d573789afb0 / Implemented separate pack/unpack testing.05:39
CIA-46cherez libtpproto2-py * r16a1e196cc0e / ( tp/netlib/ Testing for timestamp objects and documenting timestamp limitations.05:39
CIA-46cherez libtpproto2-py * r5bfd73ae9b2f / Cleaned up the tests.05:39
CIA-46cherez libtpproto2-py * re370e08a3006 / ( tp/netlib/ Unicode support, tests for lists and strings.05:39
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cherezI'm writing a list of things that could go wrong.06:05
cherezI just realized how futile that sounds.06:06
* llnz ponders how to set up the media in minisec06:15
chereztansell: I have failure tests up for review.06:19
tansellcherez, hrm - you forgot to squash before pushing06:20
cherezDoh. :/06:20
tansellI can reset the remote repository if you want to try again06:20
tansellcherez, btw your better of using mithro: as it flashes both my work and home laptop06:21
cherezAhh, alright.06:21
cherezYikes, it's 5:30 AM.06:33
cherezGood night.06:33
* llnz wanders off07:55
llnzlater all07:55
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llnzmonring all16:19
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alanp-homewhat do you guys use to generate your xml?17:18
alanp-homeshould I just use vim?17:18
alanp-homeor some gui app?17:18
llnzalanp-home: i typically use quanta (html/xml editing tool for kde)17:22
llnzvim would be ok17:22
alanp-homekde eh17:28
alanp-homeworks for me17:28
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* alanp-home trying to figure out how to use quanta17:31
llnzit probably is not the best tool17:33
llnzevery time I open the protocol.xml file it asks to turn it into an HTML file17:35
* alanp-home hasn't done much cpp+xml, checking for recommended procedures online17:36
llnzWe have tiny xml in the sources already17:37
alanp-homeyeah i see it in the risk ruleset17:42
llnzi'll move it to the core (tpserver) if  you think it would be useful17:46
llnzactually, i might anyway17:46
alanp-homewe can leave it out of core for now i think17:46
alanp-homebut it might be beneficial to add it17:46
alanp-homesince we're now using it in two places, and i am sure it will be used in more17:47
alanp-homellnz: do you use an ide?17:52
llnzyes, kdevelop317:52
* llnz uses kde as his desktop17:53
llnz(when not at work)17:53
* alanp-home also17:53
alanp-homewhich dist?17:53
alanp-homeof linux i mean17:53
llnzdebian testing currently17:54
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alanp-homellnz: ping19:12
llnzalanp-home: pong19:12
alanp-home does that look like an alright xml layout for comps?19:12
tpbTitle: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at
alanp-homemy xmlfu is not advanced, so I want to run it by you19:13
llnzas a micro format it looks ok, the top level tag could probably be "Components"19:14
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llnzare you going to use the tag names inside the property list to find the propertyid?19:15
llnzhi nash19:15
alanp-homellnz: what do you mean "find"?19:16
llnziirc, the property list in Component is a propertyid to string map, so will you use the tag name to lookup the property (and thefore the id) before adding it to the map?19:18
alanp-homethe index right?19:18
alanp-home    propertylist[propertyIndex["Speed"]] = "(lambda (design) 0)";19:18
alanp-homeyes, for sure19:21
alanp-homei had to capatalize the property to match because of that19:22
llnzhi tansell20:14
tansellGreywhin1, ping?20:15
Greywhin1tansell: pong20:17
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tansellGreywhind, how goes things today?20:18
tansellI have a meeting at 11:00 here - so just wanted to check there is nothing we need to chat about first20:19
Greywhindtansell: a little bit slowly, since i'm trying to figure out how best to add media support to the starmap20:19
Greywhindi submitted one patch for review20:19
tpbTitle: Issue 3: Fixed the code that determines whether an object can move in to work with tp04. - Code Review (at
tansellGreywhind, I would go for something easy to start with :P20:24
tansellGreywhind, the left pane box and the icons in the system tree for example20:24
Greywhindthe picturePanel?20:25
tansellGreywhind, done!20:27
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tansellGreywhind, the starmap problem is actually really hard20:47
Greywhindtansell: hmm... i was thinking adding another icon type, that draws an image20:48
Greywhindand using that if the correct media reference exists for an object20:48
tansellGreywhind, how does that work for things like the orbit icons for systems20:52
Greywhindtansell: i was thinking that a system would either choose to use the media reference, and just draw the star, or use the standard system icon style as it does now20:53
Greywhindmaybe in the future it could be extended to draw the child images around it too20:53
tansellGreywhind, there isn't a huge amount of space on the starmap20:55
Greywhindwell, obviously the images would need to be fairly small20:55
Greywhindthe size of current icons20:55
tansellwhich is pretty tiny20:58
Greywhindi think it would make the starmap look more game-like to have some images, especially for fleets21:01
tansellGreywhind, those little triangle icons don't take up much space21:02
tanselland when you have 500 of them21:02
tansellthat is a good thing :)21:02
Greywhindbut custom objects like minefields will probably need their own images, because we'll never draw everything exactly as it wants to be drawn by trying to auto-detect21:02
llnzI wonder if we need a type of object type, being point, area, "line/link", etc21:04
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tansell_laptopeven the small 16x16 icons in the star system pane are too big for the starmap21:24
Greywhindwell, i'll start with the picture panel21:24
Greywhindand we'll deal with the starmap another time, i guess21:24
Greywhindis it important that i remove that single deleted blank line from the commit i submitted for feedback?21:25
Greywhindif so, how would i do so?21:25
Greywhindjust make another commit with the line returned and then squash it?21:25
tansell_laptopGreywhind, do a --amend commit would probably be best21:27
Greywhindi'll take a look21:27
Greywhindtansell_laptop: i'm having trouble coming up with any other way to figure out if an object can move. all objects have velocity...21:46
Greywhindhaving the ability to be given a move order seems like a reasonable way to determine it21:46
tansell_laptophas an order which as a position?21:47
Greywhindoh - orders can have a "pos," i see...21:47
Greywhindthat would probably be better than using the name, yes21:47
tansell_laptopbut if you imagine a "packet thrower" might have a "throw packet here" order21:48
tansell_laptopwhich would be caught by that21:51
tansell_laptopmaybe we can draw different orders types in different colors21:52
Greywhinddoes that have anything to do with this solution, or is it a separate thought?21:52
tansell_laptopwell - I mean the lines21:53
tansell_laptopthen you could see if it's an intercept verses a throw-packet21:54
tansellthen you could go down the route of something like the resources21:55
tansellwhere you say "Display only paths which are of this type"21:55
tansella fairly flexible solution?21:56
Greywhindwell, this is just to show or hide the waypoint button21:57
Greywhindbut i'm not sure what lines you're talking about21:57
tansellyou know how we loop over the objects orders21:57
tanselland find a "path" the object is going to take21:58
Greywhindno, actually... not sure i do21:58
Greywhindi haven't looked much at the order panel and such21:58
tansellGreywhind, tell a fleet to move somewhere, and then somewhere again21:59
tpb<> (at
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Greywhindtansell: well, in this case, the fleet won't necessarily have any orders22:05
Greywhindtansell: we need to find out if it supports move orders, not if it already has some22:05
tansellthey are a related problem22:05
Greywhindwill this subtype attribute help? if subtype == constants.ARG_ABS_COORD:22:06
Greywhindor does that have the same packet thrower problem?22:06
tansellwell that has the same thrower problem22:07
Greywhindi figured22:07
tansellso basically what I'm suggesting is a UI rework22:07
tansellwhere we ask the user to select which 'paths' to show on the starmap22:08
tansell(and thus which paths can be added using the waypoint system)22:08
tanselldoes that make more sense?22:09
Greywhindyeah, that makes more sense22:09
tansellso basically they can go22:09
tansell"Oh a green path is a packet thrower"22:09
tansell"and a blue path is a ship moving"22:09
Greywhindyeah, that makes sense22:10
tansellthe idea still need a bit of work22:10
tansell(what about ship mounted packet throwers :P)22:10
Greywhindi don't know how soon i can do a change like that... i might have to leave it as it is for now22:11
tansellmultiple order queue might be another solution22:11
tansellGreywhind, well I would alteast change it to be consistent with the path stuff for now22:11
Greywhindi'll try to do that22:12
tanselland that path code should probably end up in your objectutils stuff to22:12
Greywhindwell, i'm actually not sure that path code will work with tp04, since i haven't looked into how orders work now22:12
tansellGreywhind, the only real change is the fact that objects can have multiple order queues22:13
tansellso instead of using the object id - you use the order queue id22:13
tansell(and an object will reference a bunch of order queues)22:13
Greywhindso cache.orders[] won't work anymore, but cache.orders[] will?22:13
tansellmore like22:14
Greywhindwhere orderqueue is one of the object's order queues, that is22:14
tansellwhere 'orderqueue1' is dynamic22:14
tansell(the name)22:15
Greywhindi'll try to figure out a method for that at some point22:15
Greywhindmaybe "get order queue by name" or something22:15
tansellIE It could be an attribute called "Orders" or "Build Queue" or22:15
tansell"Attack Orders"22:15
Greywhindand a "get all order queues"22:15
Greywhindi have to go eat22:15
tansellfixing the orders panel is probably a good short term goal too22:16
* tansell is heading to lunch himself22:16
tansellsee ya in a bit!22:16
Greywhindi was thinking of doing that after fixing drawing, but i might move it up22:16
llnzGreywhind: just fyi, i'm intending to add media info to the objects in minisec this long weekend23:16
Greywhindllnz: ok23:17
Greywhindtansell: so, two things23:23
tansellI have to run off in 5 minutes again (busy friday :()23:23
Greywhindtansell: well, the old way that the path manager calculated stuff23:23
Greywhinddoesn't work with dynamic orders23:24
tansellGreywhind, orders have always been dynamic23:24
Greywhindwhen i did:23:25
Greywhindargument_name, subtype = orderdesc.names[0]23:25
Greywhindit said the orderdesc didn't have a names attribute23:25
Greywhindso something must have changed23:25
tansellIt might be a change to the general structure of dynamic objects23:26
tansellbecause the on-wire format for orders has not changed23:26
Greywhindwell, the other thing is that hasattr(orderdesc, 'pos') doesn't ever return true23:27
Greywhindeven though dir(orderdesc) shows a 'pos'23:27
Greywhindtansell: i can get around that with:23:31
Greywhindfor property in
Greywhindif == 'pos':23:31
Greywhindcanmove = True23:31
Greywhindbut i'm confused as to why it doesn't have a .pos attribute23:31
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Greywhindi think i'm actually going to check if it has any parameters of type OrderParamAbsSpaceCoords or OrderParamRelSpaceCoords23:36
Greywhindthat'll be more robust than "pos"23:36
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Landonhey jmtan23:47
jmtanhi Landon, did you resolve the pythonogre issues?23:47
Landonmaybe, I'm missing a few libraries on my laptop23:47
Landonso i've been tracking those down23:47
jmtanoh, which libraries are those?23:51
Landonnot sure23:52
Landonthe last time I tried I got a message that GEM was missing or something like that23:52
Landon(soon after I got a kernel panic)23:52
Landonoh just remembered there was a prereq script, I'll try that23:54
jmtanthe prereq script in pythonogre should be for compiling only (i think)23:56
Landonoh good point, its only dev stuff being installed23:56
jmtanis your kernel unmodified? some googling shows that gem is a kernel feature23:58
tpb<> (at
Landonyeah it's unmodified23:59

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