Monday, 2009-04-27

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* llnz ponders04:49
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llnzhi mithro_05:02
mithro_epyon: ping?05:04
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mithro_llnz: you there?05:31
mithro_llnz: I'm sending you the intro email for review05:34
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mithro_got time to review it right now?05:34
mithro_llnz: sent05:42
llnzok, looking now05:44
llnzwell... i will when it arrives05:46
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mithrollnz: any luck?05:51
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mithrollnz: poke?05:58
llnzmithro: looks ok05:59
mithrollnz: anything I'm missing?05:59
llnzagain with the blog and/or email to devel mailing list05:59
mithroI think we should require blogs this time05:59
mithrothe email kinda never happened last year06:00
llnztrue, but i still perfer email06:00
llnznot that i have a student this year06:00
mithrollnz: you don't?06:01
llnznope, TotV was going to be the project i mentored06:01
llnzi'll back nash more instead06:02
mithroyeah, I'm sure both Epyon and Alan P will need your help06:02
mithroplus the Parsek kid06:03
mithroanyone know his email address?06:03
llnzJLP: do you?06:04
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mithrollnz: anything else before I send this out?06:07
mithrookay I'll send it then06:09
* llnz ponders wandering off06:43
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llnzlater all08:43
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bddebianHi folks10:02
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CIA-1mavrinac gentoo-overlay * r7e90f8028f51 /dev-python/logilab-constraint/ (5 files in 2 dirs):11:45
CIA-1Remove dev-python/logilab-constraint ebuild as it is in the official11:45
CIA-1tree as of 28 Feb 2009.11:45
CIA-1mavrinac libtpclient-py-stable * r1ee28468926d /tp/client/ (
CIA-1SinglePlayer now uses Launcher for process control.11:50
CIA-1Also added a simple command-line game "wizard" in __main__ for testing.11:50
CIA-1mavrinac tpclient-pywx-stable * r43d255bf233e /libtpclient-py: Update libtpclient-py submodule to latest head.12:00
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llnzmorning all16:10
Vadtecafternoon all16:29
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llnzhi Vadtec16:39
Vadtechow goes it llnz16:44
llnznot bad, you?16:44
Vadtecsore and slightly sunburned16:45
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Vadteci had an interesting idea today, though not one i would consider seriously...porting TP to the beagleboard ( and setting it up like an arcade game of sorts across the globe :P23:14
tpbTitle: - hardware (at
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llnzbeagleboard is interesting, i'm looking at them for another project23:20
Vadteci like the fact that they can run on 5V and are so small23:22
Vadtecif they werent ARM they would make for an interesting cluster-in-a-box setup23:22
Vadtecsadly ARM doesnt lend it self well to clustering like MIPS can23:22
Vadtecthough it is doable on ARM23:23
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