Tuesday, 2009-04-21

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Landonmithro: success, compiled all fine and dandy00:01
Landonnow I just need to figure out how I had it set up before00:01
LandonI'm getting an error when I run the client >.o I think it was how I dealt with the already installed ogre libraries though00:02
mithrowhat is the error?00:20
Landonjust restarted my desktop, but it had to do with an assertion about a singleton in ogre00:21
Landonpython: OgreRoot.cpp:103: static Ogre::Root& Ogre::Root::getSingleton(): Assertion `ms_Singleton' failed.00:26
Landonhm, got rid of that by removing the libogre package that was on the system00:28
Landonbut now it just crashes after the intro clip00:28
Landonnothing really odd except a DeprecationWarning00:28
Landonbut that doesn't seem to be anything major00:29
Landonwait, same error00:30
Landonor close, just not printed00:30
Landonpython2.6: ../../OgreMain/include/OgreSingleton.h:66: Ogre::Singleton<T>::Singleton() [with T = Ogre::LogManager]: Assertion `!ms_Singleton' failed.00:30
mithrocheck your plugins.txt00:35
mithroour what ever it's called00:35
mithroand make sure you have set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH correctly00:35
mithroexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/development/root/usr/lib/00:35
mithroexport PYTHONPATH=~/development/root/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages00:35
Landonno python2.5 directory on here, but other than that those are what I have00:36
mithrowell it would be python2.6 in your case right?00:36
Landonhm odd00:36
Landonplugins.cfg was pointing at /usr/lib/OGRE00:37
mithroLandon: that is normally a good default00:37
Landonok, works now00:38
Landonseems a little slow, but I'm wondering if that would be my hard drive00:38
Landonwhich has been a little flaky lately00:38
Landon(I have some spares, so once this one kicks the bucket I can move over to them though)00:38
mithrocherez: ping?00:40
mithroLandon: you don't really want to be recompiling often :P00:40
mithroepyon: ping?00:41
mithroGreywhind: ping?00:42
Landon mithro well I hope not to ;) (at least until 9.10 comes out ;) )00:42
mithroother students, ping?00:42
mithrotote: ping?00:43
Greywhindmithro: pong00:43
mithroLandon: btw it would be good if you could update your project proposal on socghop - don't take too long on it00:43
LandonI can edit it?00:43
mithroLandon: in theory00:46
mithrohey jnengland77, sorry about your application - the competition was really tough00:46
Landonmithro: hm, nope, it just tells me the page is inactive at this time00:46
mithroLandon: so, you should have a new "project" page00:47
LandonI see it now00:47
mithroI can't see it from your point of view - so forgive the vagueness00:47
mithroLandon: maybe if possible put your mock-up, etc into it00:48
jnengland77Yeah I already talked to llnz. Still a bit disappointed. I'll be sticking around though. Probably won't be active the next couple of weeks, regardless.00:48
mithrojnengland77: what was your proposal again?00:48
jnengland77Universe in an Hour.00:48
mithrojnengland77: was a ruleset right?00:48
jnengland77Yeah. I also said I would help improve the ruleset dev. book, and implement boost.random.00:49
cherezmithro: Pong.00:52
* Landon heads to bed at a normal time00:55
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mithrocherez: so I'm assuming you saw that you go accepted?00:57
alanpwow, left for a second and the channel blew up with chatter :-)00:58
alanpok, it was close to 3600 seconds00:58
alanpmithro, pong00:59
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cherezThe summer now holds a lot of promise.01:00
mithrocherez: so I'm going to be your mentor01:00
mithrocherez: so we should organise a regular meeting time01:02
alanphow often are we to meet with mentors?01:03
mithrocherez: and make sure we have the correct expectation of when / how stuff will work01:03
mithroalanp: once a week at a minimum01:04
alanpmithro, Wont be a problem, just wondering really01:04
cherezmithro: You live in Australia, right?01:07
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jmtanhi everyone01:08
mithrohey jmtan01:08
cherezI'm in GMT-5, which puts our time zones... really far apart, but my schedule is pretty flexible.01:10
mithrocherez: I think it actually wraps01:11
mithroyour late afternoon, night time is my morning01:11
mithrocherez: what timezone are you in01:11
cherezUS Central.01:11
cherezI'll probably be on a polyphasic sleep schedule this summer, so it doesn't matter too much.01:12
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Landonhi jmtan01:13
jmtanhey Landon, congrats on getting accepted01:13
Landoncherez: my plan exactly :P I have no other time-dependent responsibilities hehe01:13
Landonthanks, I see that you're my mentor :P01:14
jmtanyup, i'm looking forward to it01:14
jmtanby the way, what's your timezone location?01:15
Landongmt -6/-501:16
Landonah, looks like -501:16
jmtanokay, mine is +801:16
LandonCentral time01:16
cherezWhoo, go Central time!01:17
Landoncherez: what state?01:17
cherezI go between the two pretty often.01:18
Landonjmtan: I'm no stranger to late nights though, if you think around now would work for catchup01:18
Landoncherez: neato, I'm at KSU01:18
cherezCool; I'm at MST.01:19
cherezDon't feel bad if you haven't heard of it. :P01:20
cherezmithro: So any time that's good for you I can plan around.01:21
Landoncherez: yeah, haven't heard of it :P01:21
mithrocherez: just checking the timezone chart now01:21
cherezLandon: Formerly UMR.01:21
jmtanLandon: we'll see how it goes, when do you intend to start working?01:22
jmtanI'll be in korea for next week01:22
mithrowhat is the place you are actually at?01:23
tpb<http://ln-s.net/ltG> (at www.timeanddate.com)01:23
Landonjmtan: nothing serious as soon as next week, school is leading up to finals and final projects01:23
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LandonI'm thinking finals get over the week before or right when the coding period starts01:24
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cherezChicago is  the closest out of the ones listed there.01:25
Landonand until June 1 I'm staying at my parents until I can move into the house I'm renting01:25
cherezActually, make that Columbia if it matters.01:25
Landonso, ~June 1, probably some minor stuff before that01:26
jmtanalright, fine with me01:27
alanpI'm going to be extremely busy over the next 2 weeks, but after that I will starting studying what I need to do for MTSec01:28
alanpOnce finals are over I'm free and clear ;-)01:29
cherezalanp: You're doing MTSec?01:29
tpb<http://ln-s.net/3$17> (at www.timeanddate.com)01:29
alanpwhat are you working on?01:29
mithrocherez: something like http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2009&month=4&day=21&hour=0&min=0&sec=0&p1=64&p2=24001:30
tpb<http://ln-s.net/3$19> (at www.timeanddate.com)01:30
cherezalanp: libtpproto2-py. I did a proposal for MTSec 2 years ago and wasn't accepted.01:30
cherezmithro: That would work great.01:31
alanpHave you guys joined @ planet-soc.com?01:33
mithrocherez: so which day do you want to do?01:33
Landonalanp: yeah, I'm definitely going to try to keep a more worthhile blog this year01:33
mithrocherez: you did it for the python server, alanp is working on the c++ server01:33
mithroso, I would like a weekly "summary" blog post for each student01:34
alanpNot a problem, I'm just setting up my blog today01:34
cherezmithro: Any day works for me; I can roll a d7 you don't have any preference.01:35
cherezalanp: Just joined.01:36
Landonmithro: very valuable resource :P01:38
LandonI was able to get jmtan's battleviewer up and running  based off of his posts01:38
tansell_laptopcherez, would you prefer end of week, start or middle?01:40
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cherezHow about middle?01:41
mithro_[15:35] <mithro> the more information we have on what you are doing, the better01:41
mithro_[15:36] <mithro> oh, I need everyone to send me a ssh key and their preferred username too01:41
mithro_I'll send an email about it soon01:41
alanpvia e-mail?01:42
tansell_laptopyes thanks01:42
alanpI'll send right now, but I must get to bed for tonight01:43
jnengland77night all01:46
tansell_laptopcherez, okay01:47
alanpI'll check the logs tomorrow to see what I missed.  Goodnight.01:47
alanpmithro, key+username sent01:47
tansell_laptoplets say Tuesday your time and Wednesday my time?01:47
tansell_laptopsending you a meeting request?01:48
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cherezA meeting request?01:49
tansell_laptopso it appears in your calander :P01:49
tansell_laptopcherez, btw what is your email address?01:50
cherez[email protected] is my usual address.01:50
tansell_laptopcherez, so that means your weekly blog post should probably be Tuesday yourtime01:51
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tansellcherez, so you still there?02:38
chereztansell: Yeah.02:39
tansellso the meeting is set for Tommorrow at 11:00am my time02:39
tansellrecurring weekly02:39
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tansellcherez, so what is the plan for the next couple of weeks?02:52
cherezWell, I'm still pretty busy with classes, but it's clearing up.02:53
cherezFinished my last project in one class and 1 AI tournament is out of the way.02:53
cherezAfter next week I'll be pretty free, and  a few weeks after that I'll be out of school and can really work on the project.02:54
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nashepyon: ?06:33
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JLP_good morning everyone07:27
JLP_and congrats to all the students of gsoc 200907:27
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llnzhi JLP07:45
JLP2.) as you may also need to change something in libtpproto-cpp from time to time you should probably also send a SSH key + desired username to Tim Ansell (mithro) so he can setup Git account for TP, send to this e-mail → [email protected]08:01
JLPhehe wrong window08:01
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llnzlater all08:54
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alanpezod, ping09:38
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epyondamn wrong window ;)15:04
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llnzmorning all16:04
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Vadtechi all17:05
llnzhi Vadtec17:06
Vadtechow goes it17:07
llnzfine thanks, you?17:07
Vadteclong day so far17:07
Vadtecfinished my research paper for english17:08
Vadtecand turned it all in17:08
Vadtecmore like reliefe actually17:14
Vadtecits not that it was hard, it was just long17:14
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llnzmorning mithro_19:35
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Landonoh boy, l4d dlc19:41
Landonach, wrong channel :)19:42
Landonbut, if anyone has l4d and wants to do some survival /me is game19:42
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mithro_alanp: ping?21:47
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alanpmithro, hello22:01
alanpmitro, key seems to work22:03
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Landonmithro: project page updated and the key works22:10
mithroI would recommend testing that you can push sometime22:17
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mithroalanp: I would recommend clearing out the current web client22:23
mithroand starting again22:23
Landonpushing failed22:27
Landonnot sure what side it failed on22:28
tpbTitle: landon private pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at landon.pastebin.com)22:29
* Landon will be back in 5022:31
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tansellLandon, ahh you probably don't have permission to push to that repository :P23:35

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