Sunday, 2009-04-19

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mithroLandon: any luck with python-ogre?00:13
LandonI started over from scratch earlier in the week, but I got swamped with homework :\ I'll see if I can get it finished or erroring tonight00:15
Landonthere have been a few things I have had to change by hand when compiling CEGui the last few tries though00:15
mithroLandon: oh?00:16
mithrowhat did you have to change?00:16
LandonI recall 2 things, but the only one I remember right now is replacing ILvoid with void in the DEVIL files in CEGUI00:17
mithroLandon: oh? it should be compiling without devil00:20
tpbTitle: landon private pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at
Landon^ the errors I've been getting00:25
Landonthis is from trunk like you suggested00:25
LandonI can get it all to compile fine though, it's just that scons bit that screws up at the end00:28
Landonok, the other error is in directfb-renderer.cpp00:30
Landondirectfb-renderer.cpp:264: error: ‘stable_sort’ is not a member of ‘std’00:30
mithrodirectfb-renderer? in devil?00:31
Landonthe fix to that was #include <algorithms> or something like that00:31
Landonno, in the RendererModules00:31
mithroLandon: on fix is to compile with gcc-4,2 rather then the new gcc in jaunty which borks everything00:34
Landonfor those 2 problems?00:35
mithroLandon: probably for all the problems you are coming accross00:37
mithrobtw what does00:37
mithrodpkg --list | grep scons00:37
mithroanyway I have to run00:39
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jnengland77ping: llnz or nash?02:46
mithrojnengland77: hey02:50
jnengland77So I've started a story and a more detailed game for my proposal on a separate wiki page. It's very incomplete at this stage.02:52
tpb<> (at
jnengland77It's a bit messy, too.02:54
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jnengland77But it shows where I'd like to go with the game.  Feel free to leave comments on what I've got done. I've added a little bit more, just a few more details.03:11
jnengland77I need to go to bed.03:11
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jnengland77Night all.03:12
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epyonmithro: < mithro> you'll find out tomorrow06:37
nashepyon: Not this tomorrow06:40
* epyon feels like he's living in an alternate space-time06:40
nashepyon: Tomorrow US time.. which is like a week behind the rest of the planet06:42
nashepyon: And it was 2am Sydney time... which means it's still today06:43
epyonBut I was asking about the slot count for TP not the accepted applicants06:43
epyonI assume you know that already06:44
nashI know what may be the final count, but I'm not sure if I can say it06:44
nashI also know the order of people... and I think we have been clash free ;-)06:44
nashBut I'm not entirely sure06:44
epyonthis is something that really interests me06:44
epyonI was surprised that there were no clashes concerning me, and something inside me tells me, that none of my applications got accepted -_-06:45
nashWhat else did you apply for?06:45
epyonboost and SDL06:45
nashDo you ahve a history with either?06:46
nashAll bad06:46
* nash notes clever students would know soc projects for next year and get involved early06:47
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llnzlater all07:22
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mithroezod: ping?11:11
shenkimithro: o/11:20
shenkiyou're up late11:20
mithroshenki: should you be asleep too?11:21
shenkimithro: yes11:22
shenkiim watching the F1 Grand Prix11:22
shenkiit's very entertaning11:22
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mithroI find it boring and pointless personally11:26
mithroanyway I should be in bed11:26
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llnzmorning all16:51
mhilmiafternoon ;)16:54
epyonevening' llnz :P16:54
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llnzhi mhilmi and epyon16:56
mhilmilast exam tomorrow, yay !16:56
Landonlucky :P16:58
LandonI haven't even started16:58
Landon3 weeks to go I think16:58
mhilmithat sucks :(16:58
mhilmiim so exhausted from school now too, i couldnt imagine 3 weeks16:58
Landonjust barely starting final projects here too17:00
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Vadtechi all17:19
llnzhi Landon and Vadtec17:22
alanp2 weeks for me :-)17:33
llnzhi alanp17:34
alanphello llnz, how are you?17:34
llnzi'm fine thanks17:36
alanpPretty good, better in 2 weeks though ;)17:37
llnzsoc accepted proposal announcement 7am tomorrow.... (approx)17:40
Vadtec7am what time zone :P17:40
epyonHow is trhat in GMT?17:40
alanp19:00 UTC17:40
alanp12:00 PST, 15:00 EST17:41
llnz0700 NZST :-)17:41
Vadtecso thats... 13:00 GMT -617:41
alanpYou're in CST?17:42
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Vadtecnet split17:56
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Patrick`won't be able to concentrate18:25
Patrick`I do not relish the prospect of starting a hunt for an IRL summer job in a university town during a recession18:25
Patrick`this is my home! students go away! even if I'm one of you!18:26
LandonPatrick`: I'm going with the tried and true "$RELATIVE, can I borrow some money?"18:29
Patrick`dad, wanna fund science?18:29
Patrick`(I'll probably wolunteer at uni, get some face time with another PhD group before I start)18:30
Landoneven if I don't get in, I want to bust some arse on OSS, specifically pisg18:30
Patrick`oh, yeah, keep that side up a well18:31
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