Monday, 2009-04-13

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mithroepyon: ping?01:05
mithroGreywhind: ping?01:16
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cherezmithro: Thanks for that coroutine link.01:21
mithrocherez: so patches are welcomed and help strengthen your application01:22
cherezI hadn't even realized that that PEP had been accepted.01:22
cherezWhen are the applications being selected?01:22
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Greywhindmithro: pong, but i need to go to sleep...01:45
mithroGreywhind: okay we should catch up sometime however01:51
Greywhindmithro: ok, i might have some time tomorrow.01:53
Greywhindmithro: it would be good if you could catch me about... 2 hours before this time, however01:54
Greywhindi'm going to have to sleep now. see you later.01:55
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epyonmithro: pong07:24
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shrinkhi all10:13
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* nash waves20:31
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tansell-laptoptote, ping?21:01
tansell-laptopalanp, poke?21:01
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Vadteci havent been able to really touch a PC since friday21:20
Vadtecit was...freaky21:20
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Vadteci have seriously GOT to get some free time to work on some of the TP unit testing, i want to have some in place before GSOC starts (whether or not im accepted into GSOC)...22:17
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tansellmatthewd, poke?23:02
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