Saturday, 2009-04-11

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mithrosup people?01:47
alanpnot m uch01:48
mithroalanp: so patches count for a lot :)02:04
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Landonhey mithro02:51
Landonhaving some python-ogre troubles :P02:51
LandonI'm pretty sure I've seen this problem before, I just can't remember how I saw it was fixed :\02:51
Landonbasically, scons seems to be inserting a long line into the g++ statement with spaces inbetween each letter02:52
Landonso I get a lot of P: no file or directory, y: no file or directory type of messages02:52
tansell-laptopyou on v1-6 branch?03:20
tansell-laptopLandon, I would try switching to the trunk for now03:20
Landonhow do I do that?03:21
Landonoh, just s/branches\/v1-6/trunk/ in the checkout line?03:22
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tansell-laptopnot quite03:26
tansell-laptopbranches/v1-6 -> trunk/python-ogre03:26
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mithrobe back in 2003:58
mithrogoing shopping for some food03:59
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shrinkCan someone give me a email I can reach matthewd over ?15:00
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Vadtecafternoon all17:59
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alanpanybody around?21:09
Vadteci am21:10
didiMe too.21:12
alanpbeen kinda quiet lately :(21:18
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Landonmithro: stil getting the same scons error :\22:58
alanp_Landon, how are you preparing the patches  you send in?23:13
LandonI found a document on the wiki I think23:14
Landonoh, not the wiki23:14
Landonbut here it is23:14
tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec : Source Code (at
Landongit format-patch --keep-subject origin23:14
alanp_ahhh, woops23:15
alanp_woops, i have been using git diff23:16
* Landon goes to watch dr who :D23:17
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