Tuesday, 2009-03-31

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jmtanLandon: within python-ogre, I make use of ogre, cegui and ois for the client00:00
jmtanyou may want to check out the separate pages for these libraries00:00
jmtanogre has lots of great documentation and forum support, making it fairly easy to pick up00:01
Landonoh, cool00:02
tansell-laptopthe hardest part is getting the wrapper to compile00:03
tansell-laptopLandon, btw I pushed some fixes which might help with your problems00:04
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Landongreat, I'll check them out later00:04
tansell-laptopLandon, sadly, you might need to start from the begining again :(00:06
Landonoh, with python-ogre, not your packages?00:06
Landoner, the installer*00:06
Landonok, I'l lget started on that now then :p00:06
tansell-laptopi'm still trying to get the packages working00:07
Vadteci think instead of trying to do unit testing at this point on the libtpproto-cpp code, ill migrate a small personal project to C++ and get comfy with it there, at least that way i know *exactly* what my code and unit tests should be doing00:13
Vadtecthat way i can get in the groove of things00:13
Hascowhey, is there someone herethat I can talk to about GSoC?00:13
tansell-laptopHascow, yes - a few people00:17
tansell-laptopezod, I'm assuming you are long gone?00:17
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tansellHascow, ask away00:20
Hascowso, I was looking to submit a proposal and wanted to talk to someone about it before I sent it in00:20
Hascowand found my way here00:20
tansellHascow, that is good00:20
HascowI'm not extremely familiar with Thousand Parsec or anything, but it really interested me, as working with games/game design is something that I've wanted to do for a long time00:21
Hascowand I was considering making a ruleset based somewhat on Settlers of Catan, if you're familiar with that00:22
Hascowobviously, the details need to be ironed out, but it's a start00:22
Hascowshould I keep talking or do you have something to say to me beforeI go further?00:24
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tansell-laptopso there is a couple of things00:38
tansell-laptopif you are thinking rulesets - I think the tpserver-py is the best option at the moment00:38
tansell-laptoptpserver-cpp already has a bunch of rulesets00:38
Hascowalright, that's fine00:38
tansell-laptopwe are also concentrating on improvements this year00:38
tansell-laptopso something like imporving the MTSec, Risk or RFTS rulesets would be a better proposal (that is not to say that we wouldn't consider it)00:39
tansell-laptopyes, I have played Settlers of Catan00:39
Hascowhmm, well, I could always send in proposals for both improving one and making my own, right?00:40
tansell-laptopHascow, the biggest problem you need to look into is the fact that Thousand Parsec uses "simultaneous turns"00:40
tansell-laptopHascow, sure - but remeber that GSoC gets many high quality applications, so don't split your effort unless you have time00:40
tansell-laptopHascow, but the more applications we get, the more slots, so :)00:40
Hascowsimultaneous turns? that would make things a bit iffier. I must've missed that when looking through everything00:41
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Hascowwell, that is definitely something that can be worked with though00:43
Gaurav__hello llnz00:43
Gaurav__llnz: I mailed you something, had you checked it00:43
Hascowit obviously wouldn't be a straight port, but I'm pretty sure it's doable00:43
Landonjmtan: the 3d client uses 2d images, not 3d models or anything?00:44
llnzhi Gaurav__, just replied to it00:44
jmtanLandon, 2d images are used for the gui, while 3d models are used for the ships, planets and stars00:45
Landonoh ok00:45
tansell-laptopHascow, sure, look at the risk conversion for an example00:46
Hascowyes, I'm doing that right now00:46
Landonwondering how the battleXML viewer would work out then, since it seems to be made for working with 2d images00:47
Hascowtansell-laptop, how about I sketch some ideas out and then come talk more tomorrow? It's probably best for my brain anyway00:47
llnzLandon: battleXML could be updated to support 3d without affecting too much00:49
tansellHascow, yes I think that would be best00:49
tansellHascow, I also think it's a good idea to "play out a game in your head"00:49
tansellHascow, take a look at Epyon's application for an example00:50
Landonllnz: well what I'm really wondering about is how easy it is to get to a 3d point on a model, since I haven't played with ogre yet00:50
Hascowtansell, where can I look at that?00:50
tpb<http://ln-s.net/34K:> (at www.thousandparsec.net)00:51
tansellLandon, I'm pretty sure you could update the "media size" of BattleXML without breaking anything00:51
jmtanLandon, you might not need to access individual 3d points on a model00:52
jmtanyou could load them in as meshes00:52
jmtanogre abstracts them into a scene node00:52
tanselljmtan, he needs access to points on the model for where gun fire occurs from00:52
llnzLandon: it's probably a property of the model, and battlexml shouldn't worry about it00:53
Hascowall right tansell, thank you, I should be back tomorrow00:53
Landonok, so they would have predefined weapon mounts or something like that?00:53
LandonI'm thinking that's how Freelancer did it, but I was never too big into the modelling part of that00:54
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jmtanthat could be one way to do it, currently the models have no such information built in00:58
tansell-laptopI'm sure that Epyon can hook you up with some models01:00
tansell-laptopjmtan, do the models have information for things like engine exusts?01:03
jmtannope, they have vertex and texture information only01:03
jmtanperhaps some metadata could be attached to each model, containing the necessary points where weapons could be mounted, etc01:05
tanselljmtan, it would be great if we could add that?01:05
tansellquick way to add a bunch of eye candy :)01:05
jmtantansell, where would be a good place to store such information?01:07
tansellI'm not sure01:09
tansellepyon, poke poke01:09
llnzjmtan: as close to the media as possible01:09
tansellI think Ogre must have some way to describe this stuff already01:09
tansellactually, I think you can even describe the particle emitters and all that type of stuff01:10
Vadtechiya llnz, wb01:11
llnzhi Vadtec01:11
jmtandoes a new 3d file format sound feasible? it could pack the mesh data, particle emitters and hardpoints into a single file to be extracted at runtime01:12
jmtanor would 2 separate files be better? one is the ogre .mesh file, the other contains the rest01:13
llnzjmtan: no need, the client could get all the associated files from the media server01:13
llnzsee the Media.gz page on the wiki01:13
tanselljmtan, i'm sure the ogre guys have already solved this01:18
jmtantansell, you can describe particle emitters in a ogre script, i was just wondering how should we associate a certain particle with a particular model01:21
chereztansell: Are the subdirectories in libtpproto-py going to be replicated in libtpproto2-py as well?01:23
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tansellcherez, well the objects directories will be auto-generated rather then manually01:28
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cherezDiscover and support?01:28
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Gaurav__llnz: got my pm ?01:28
llnzGaurav__: hold on a second01:29
Gaurav__yeah sure01:29
tansell-laptopcherez, they'll probably need to be ported too01:30
Landonwould it be easier to start off creating the battleviewer as standalone and then integrating it into the 3d client, or the other way around?01:31
cherezThat's a lot of files.01:31
cherezAnd GenericRS, httpdemo, server, and twist?01:32
tansellLandon, jmtan would probably be the best person to ask01:33
tansellcherez, genericrs yes01:33
tansellserver yes01:33
tanselltwist - unknown01:33
tansellhttpdemo probably not01:33
Landonjmtan: ping,  for my above question01:33
Vadtechey umm, i have a .gitignore file, but git isnt ignoring the files it has listed, shouldnt git add . ignore them?01:33
jmtanLandon, I think a standalone viewer would be better for testing and quickly getting off the ground01:33
tansellVadtec, no01:34
Landonjmtan: thanks01:34
Vadtectansell: ok01:34
llnzbbs, dinner01:35
jmtanbut you may want to look at how the client displays scenes01:35
jmtanalso, there is a simple test_battle.py file in the client source code01:35
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jmtanit loads a battle scene and some ships, but nothing else01:36
Landonthat's integrated into the client?01:36
jmtanit can be run as a separate program01:37
jmtanwhat i'm trying to say is, please reuse as much as you can :)01:37
Landonalways happy to do that01:37
Vadtectansell: omg, this whole time ive had its filename typoed01:38
Vadtecim going to bed01:40
Vadtecthat broke the camels back01:40
LandonI'm trying to think of what possible features the battle viewer could have outside of what's in the BattleXML definition, anyone care to brainstorm a bit?01:56
Landontwo things that have jumped out at me are time manipulation controls (pause, play, step) and accurate ship movement01:56
chereztansell: What is in GenericRS?01:56
Landon(ship turns towards its destination before moving, so it doesn't just float sideways to its destination)01:57
tansellgeneric reference system01:58
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tansellit's a way for things like messages to reference objects01:58
tansellLandon, well it's expected that the viewer will have time manipulation controls01:58
tansellLandon, but that is not part of the BattleXML definition01:59
tansellas well - battlexml is not really suppose to be a "graphical" description01:59
tansellit just describes how the battle went01:59
tansellkinda like if you imagine it explaining how a chess game went01:59
tansellyou could display that in like ascii art01:59
tansellor cool 3d stuff where the units actually fight and running cometary about a wookie ripping the winners arm off02:00
Landonbut if you had a fancy 3d client, you might want to extrapolate from the battlexml file and have a hand come down and move the piece to its destination, that's what I was geting at with accurate ship movement02:00
tansellyes - but that's not recorded in the battlexml itself02:01
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Landonis it outside of the scope of battlexml to include something like ship's starting health?02:02
Landonso there could possibly be a sidebar with absolute information02:02
tansellLandon, no - that might be something which is useful02:04
tansellbut remeber "health" could be health of a bunch of parts or something02:04
Landonis "bunch of parts" something that can be done in current battlexml?02:05
Landonor are you saying that none of the parts has their own specific health, but as a collective they have a health?02:07
cherezWhat is all that stuff in discover?02:07
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Landonalso, ogre hasnt failed building yet, maybe it'll work :p02:14
Landontansell: heading to bed, I'll be back tomorrow (and hopefully have an application in by wednesday :P)02:18
tansellLandon, the sooner the better02:18
tansellcherez, it's how you automatically discover games02:18
tansellcherez, IE via zeroconf or via the metaserver02:18
cherezThat sounds icky to unit test....02:19
tansellit's not that bad02:19
tansellactually the metaserver side is pretty eays02:19
cherezJust fake the messages?02:20
tanselljust record a bunch of different responses and replay them02:20
tanselljust like any other web stuff02:20
cherezSimple enough.02:21
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cherezSo that's... 11 files in there.02:22
llnztansell: about to cut 0.6.2 release02:23
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chereztansell: What is pyZeroconf?02:23
tansellit's an implimentation of zeroconf in pure python02:29
cherezAlright... what is zeroconf?02:32
llnzcherez: mDNS-SD, multicast DNS service discovery02:33
cherezWill libtpproto2-py need to reimplement that?02:34
llnztansell: just 14 patches feels a little silly02:40
tansellllnz, oh well02:41
* llnz starts preping02:43
tansellllnz, once you have released it, I'll build the windows binary and debs02:45
shenkiwhatcha relesing?02:49
llnzshenki: tpserver-cpp 0.6.202:50
llnztansell: cool02:50
shenkiwhat's up with c558d53c27efed09327e41c57ee8d38b2193af36 in tpserver-cpp?02:50
shenkiit err... adds shave to gitignore02:50
shenkiwhcih doesn't seam like an optimal strategy02:51
tansellshenki, shave creates two files02:51
tansellshenki, it adds these files to the .gitignore02:51
shenkierr, no. those two files are part of shave02:51
* shenki is wrong02:52
shenkic++ std::vectors have been rotting my brain all arvo02:52
tansellshenki, thats not new :)02:52
* shenki waits for tansell to break something again02:52
tansellnever :)02:53
tansellllnz, oh - you have fixed the missing files too02:53
jnengland77night all. I should have my proposal up by tomorrow night for feedback.  Then I'll submit the revised one to GSoC on Thursday.02:54
CIA-1llnz tpserver-cpp * r3e55be26e6d5 / (ChangeLog NEWS configure.ac): Prep for 0.6.2 release.02:54
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tansellllnz, we can look like an active project :)03:01
CIA-1llnz web * rab401d18f8e5 / (3 files in 3 dirs): Releasing tpserver-cpp 0.6.2, tarball and news.03:09
tansellllnz, great!03:12
tansellllnz, we should enable a screenshot for tpserver-cpp03:17
tansellllnz, btw - have you been uploading to sf?03:18
llnzyes, just about done now03:18
tansellllnz, hrm03:19
tansellyou seem to be missing the conf files?03:19
tansellno i'm just blind03:20
shenkitansell: a new draft: http://jms.id.au/~shenki/tp-web-proposal.pdf03:28
tansellI like shave03:28
tansellshenki, you know there are things like called sentences? :P03:29
tansellwoot, we are washing the website :)03:29
tansellhow are these different?03:30
tansell• Conversion from MediaWiki1 markup to the Markdown markup format. MediaWiki is03:30
tansell  capable of producing an xml dump, which includes revision history.03:30
tansell• Conversion from MediaWiki to a new wiki format, while preserving history. Markdown203:30
tansell  would be the preferred ”wiki format”03:30
tpbNew news from http://www.thousandparsec.net/tp/rss.php: TPServer-cpp 0.6.2 released.03:30
tansellhow long do you think each period to take?03:32
tansellshenki, that enough to work on?03:35
shenkitansell: you're right, those three things are ambigious. i need to work out how to seperate them.03:39
shenkisecondly, i initally said each peroid would be three weeks. some would be longer than others - eg, i'm a XML noob, so that might take longer than say #303:39
shenkiand because of the second point, im not sure if it's enough03:40
shenkii think there's more work involved than what i've articulated in the proposal03:40
shenkibut at the same time, we need some follow on tasks incase things go quiclky03:41
shenkia big one that comes to mind is the buildbot03:41
shenkitansell: "you know there are things like called sentences?" -> i don't follow?03:42
tansell• Fragmentation of information - half is in the wiki half is in the website03:43
tansell• Users like the wiki (web) interface, developers like the git interface03:43
tansell• Can’t ”fork” the wiki for reworking03:43
shenkithey're your words, not mine :P03:43
tansellthey are sentences fragments :)03:43
shenkii just cut and pasted03:43
tansellshenki, yeah - but I wasn't writing a proposal03:43
shenkiok. i'll fix em03:43
tanselli was suggesting things03:43
shenkiI liked the suggestion so much, i put them in there. verbatim03:43
CIA-1llnz libtpproto-cpp * r55fc3f6fbcf8 /configure.ac:03:44
CIA-1In configure scipt, error if boost signals is not available03:44
CIA-1Fixes issue verhoevenv (Iwanowitch) noted in October.03:44
llnzworking late tansell?03:47
tansellllnz, hrm?03:47
llnzwell, you are still on irc...03:48
shenkinah, dinner must be running late03:49
shenkihow many months does SoC run for?03:50
shenki1 week, april, may, june, july, 1week03:51
shenki4x4+2 = 18 weeks03:51
shenkitansell: new version up with some changes. heading home now.03:57
tansellI'm always on IRC at this time03:57
tanselldinner is served at 7:00pm03:57
tansellshenki, okay cool03:57
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tansellwelp off to dinner04:10
tansellbe back in an hour04:10
shenkiok, cya04:10
shenkithink of other tasks while youre eating04:10
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JLPgood morning everyone04:28
llnzhi JLP04:29
cherezYou crazy foreigners have mornings in the middle of the night!04:31
tansell-laptopit's always morning on the internet05:01
llnzhehe, 14 hours ago i said more or less the same thing05:04
shenkitansell-laptop: any feedback?05:07
tansellshenki, on?05:18
shenki18:27 < shenki> tansell: new version up with some changes. heading home now.05:19
shenkiif you haven't read it yet, thats okay. i'll polish it some more before you take another look05:20
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llnzhi Noughmad06:21
Noughmadllnz: any news about gsoc?06:22
llnzits going fairly well, student applications are due in a few days06:23
tansell-laptopNoughmad, what about gsoc?06:23
tansell-laptopwe could use more applications :)06:23
NoughmadI already submitted mine06:23
* JLP finaly reserved a hotel on Grand Canaria (for the Akademy + GUADEC desktop summit)06:27
JLPPatrick`: ahoy06:28
Patrick`I've had no time constraints for 2 days and my sleep has slipped by 4 hours06:28
Patrick`I'm fightig the inevitable trying to stop it06:28
shenkimithro: http://jms.id.au/~shenki/tp-web-proposal.pdf06:38
shenkislowly getting closer06:39
shenki(to something that's good)06:39
mithroshenki: we are still washing?06:42
shenkiohh, spieling06:43
CIA-1mithro libtpproto-py * r140c7271c1be /tp/netlib/version.py: Version bump.06:46
shenkito everyone else who is checking out my proposal: feel free to provide feedback :)06:49
shenkimr gentoo/kde user, and mr windows user, and mr debian/kde user06:50
JLPshenki, and there is also this speeling mistake: To compete the migration (compete → complete)06:51
shenkiJLP: thanks!06:52
shenkimithro: what is Supybot?06:53
mithroshenki: tpb06:53
shenkipersonally, i think the cover page of my proposal is it's strong point06:54
shenkiit kind of goes down from there06:54
JLPshenki: git-cms → git-scm06:54
shenkihehe, git-cms sounds kinda handy06:55
shenkii guess that's what we're going to end up with06:55
mithrowhats git-scm?06:55
shenkiit's what git.or.cz redirects to now06:55
shenkimade by a mac user06:55
shenki(as evidenced by the stolen "tar" filetype logos)06:56
shenkiand the overwhelming web2.0-ness of it06:56
shenkiJLP: do you remember the unicode for that arrow? or does your client do it by magic?06:58
JLPshenki: my keyboard does it (AltGr + i)06:58
shenkiis it a US keyboard layout?06:59
shenkii see. very cool06:59
JLPi stumbled upon it by playing with the keyboard, just pressing every possile combination with AltGr and it looked like a usefull thing and i remembered it :)07:00
tpb<http://ln-s.net/354I> (at www.fileformat.info)07:02
mithroI think we might be at the stage where we can actually release07:02
shenkinot as easy as altgr+i, but it works for the rest of us07:02
shenkimithro: will it still be broken for me?07:02
mithroshenki: no - we fixed your problem07:02
shenkiyay! thanks07:02
shenkiwhat was it?07:03
mithroit turned out not to be a race condition07:04
mithro(one still exists)07:04
mithroit turns out that it was trying to log you in as guest07:04
shenkihmm, my machine is stuck on the pygame login screen07:05
* llnz wanders off07:05
llnzlater all07:05
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mithropygame login screen?07:06
mithroshenki: I thought you where logging and not getting any objects07:06
shenkiyeah. it's black, the video didn't play at all07:06
shenkiand its just sitting there07:06
mithrowhat happens if you click on it?07:07
mithrois this under linux?07:07
mithrodid it use to work?07:09
mithroand what happens if you touch "NOSPLASHMOVIE"07:09
shenkiim not sure if it used to display the splash, but it did let me get past here07:11
tansellshenki, sounds like a graphics card problem :(07:11
shenkiNOSPLASHMOVIE worked07:11
tansellgraphics card problem then :(07:12
shenkicould be - ive got a fancy new card, and it's running the brand new XV capable driver07:12
shenkiso perhaps it's not so capable after all07:12
JLPi get the same problem here on integrated ATI, sometimes video shows, most of the time it doesn't and is just black07:13
mithroI'm likely to move to using pyglet in the future07:14
mithrobut there are playback problems on windows07:14
Patrick`mithro: is there much more I could do to make my application stronger in a day or two?07:15
Patrick`revision pressure's really coming on, I have to go do that soon :)07:16
mithroPatrick`: I'll have a look in a minute07:17
mithroPatrick`: nothing says you can't do revision and sit on IRC at the same time :)07:17
Patrick`I'm porting my old thing to twisted and it's looking like it'll be much faster and smaller07:17
Patrick`I don't work at home.07:17
Patrick`when I do, I get distracted and fail.07:18
Patrick`gotta find somewhere without internet and just go there for 8 hours a day07:18
shenkimithro: it works07:18
shenkidunno how to play, but it works :D07:18
Patrick`I'll be about in the evenings, sure07:18
BCarlyon|Servershenki just skim read your proposal nice :-P07:27
shenkiBCarlyon|Server: thanks07:41
CIA-1mithro tpserver-cpp * r15d833903a55 /win32/ (build-for-windows win32.patch): Updated the win32 stuff.07:59
CIA-1mithro tpserver-cpp * r84ceb8b79a42 /tpserver-cpp.xml.in: Need to reduce the logging level as it's a performance problem on Windows.07:59
Landonmithro: it worked!08:03
mithroLandon: wow!?08:03
Landonwell, at least the step that was failing08:04
mithrowhich step was that?08:04
Landonstep 408:04
mithrodid you get to the end to Step 5?08:04
Landonnot yet08:04
Landonstep 508:04
Landonyeah, I finished that one finally08:04
Landonafter I run install08:04
Landonwhich ran without ahitch08:05
mithroimporting tpserver-cpp 0.6.2 being importated into our package repository now08:05
mithroLandon: that gives me hope08:05
mithroLandon: oh - I forget - SinglePlayer support for the ogre client is also a high priority08:06
tansellso that is something else you could think about08:07
Landoncool, just ran a demo08:08
tansellit worked!?08:08
Landonit worked!!08:08
tansellwow - definately put a screenshot in your application :)08:09
tansellhaving python-ogre compiled and working is like a *huge* plus08:09
Landona screenshot of python-ogre working?08:10
tansellLandon, yeah - proof that you got it working08:10
Landonheh, ok08:10
LandonI don't suppose the client needs any extra modules built08:10
tansellcan someone try installing tpserver-cpp 0.6.2 from packages.thousandparsec.net08:10
tansellLandon, I think it says it uses ogreal08:10
tansellbut he switched to using pyglet a couple of weeks ago08:11
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tansellwb Noughmad08:21
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CIA-1mithro tpclient-pywx-tpclient-pywx-0.3.x * r70ba91d20d4a /libtpclient-py: Version bump.08:23
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CIA-1mithro libtpclient-py-stable * ra34241054860 /tp/client/SinglePlayer.py:08:27
CIA-1Use the full pathname.08:27
CIA-1- This is the only way it seems to work on Windows, need to check it doesn't08:27
CIA-1break Linux.08:27
mithrocan everyone do an update and test that I have not borked singleplayer for you08:30
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adrian_mo16Hi, where can i find python_tp_netlib ? I seem not to be able to install tpclient-pywx from the repo and i'm trying a manual approach.08:39
skiffczmithro: are the changes in the source, too?08:39
skiffczmy apt seems not to like the repo, but I can build it from source and try it08:40
adrian_mo16i have resolved all dependencies, the only that remains is python_tp_netlib, and i cant seem to find it, even with google08:41
adrian_mo16neither in the repos08:41
mithroskiffcz: hrm? why doesn't your apt like the repo?08:41
mithroskiffcz: which deb based system are you using?08:42
adrian_mo16speaking of which, i have ubuntu hardy, and the same problem with the repos08:42
adrian_mo16as skiffcz probably has, the tpclient-pywx appears and dissapears randomly after apt-get update's08:43
skiffczmithro: ubuntu, but its my fault, Ive prolly borken something and didnt care to fix it yet .. ire those pathname changes in the sourcecode download form web?08:43
mithroadrian_mo16: oh?08:48
mithroadrian_mo16: I didn't think we even had tpclient-pywx in our hardy repo08:48
mithrowe will again soon08:48
mithroI'm in the process of working through the release process08:48
mithrojust want to check that nothing breaks for everyone08:48
mithroshenki: poke poke08:48
skiffcz+100 points for make being much neater in this version08:51
shenkimithro: pong08:52
mithro--> can everyone do an update and test that I have not borked singleplayer for you08:53
adrian_mo16mithro: i am looking right now at http://www.thousandparsec.net/tp/download-instructions.php?product=tpclient-pywx&platform=linux-ubuntu ,and it says here that there is a tpclient-pywx in the repo08:59
tpb<http://ln-s.net/328-> (at www.thousandparsec.net)08:59
JLPmithro: made a clean clone and it started the risk game and added the AI client to it, the first turn ended fine08:59
mithroadrian_mo16: it lies :)08:59
JLPwhen i give the order to end second turn it just sits there09:00
adrian_mo16i also checked the repo itself and found it, though cannot quite resolve the dependencies09:00
mithroJLP: what about minisec?09:00
shenkimithro: works still09:00
shenkiexcept when you make two AI's with the same name09:01
shenkiit doesn't like that09:01
adrian_mo16mithro: oh well, seems i'll have to compile it from source09:01
JLPmithro: with risk these lines are repeating in console in infinite:09:01
JLP2009-03-31 15:00:50 < Debug > About to Process09:01
JLP2009-03-31 15:00:50 < Debug > Stage3 : logged in09:01
JLP2009-03-31 15:00:50 < Debug > Processing Get Time frame09:01
JLP2009-03-31 15:00:50 < Debug > Finished Processing09:01
mithroJLP: what did you clone?09:01
* shenki thought that was normal09:01
shenkiJLP: i get it too09:01
JLPmithro: only tpclient-pywx, tpserver-cpp daneel09:02
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adrian_mo16mithro: a bit of help with resolving "tp.netlib > 0.2.4" generated by ./requirements.py, please ?09:06
mithroadrian_mo16: umm what are you trying to do?09:07
adrian_mo16run tpclient09:07
mithroadrian_mo16: so you did a09:07
mithrogit clone git://git.thousandparsec.net/git/tpclient-pywx.git09:07
mithrogit clone git://git.thousandparsec.net/git/daneel-ai.git09:07
mithrogit clone git://git.thousandparsec.net/git/tpserver-cpp.git09:07
mithrothen built tpserver-cpp09:07
mithroand ran the client?09:07
adrian_mo16i have tpserver already built09:07
adrian_mo16and downloaded the sources for tpclient-pywx via http09:08
adrian_mo16and now im trying to run it, but i gather there's something missing, so i'll follow your advice and get them from git09:09
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mithroJLP: ping?09:16
JLPmithro: pong09:16
mithroso how long did you wait until requesting the second EOT?09:16
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JLPmithro: a couple of seconds, just added one reinforce order and one move order and requested09:19
mithroJLP: you have to wait for daneel-ai to finish processing09:19
mithroJLP: should take about 4-5 seconds09:20
CIA-1mithro tpserver-cpp * re126f2bc7824 /tpserver-cpp-inplace.xml: Make the logging level a little less.09:21
mithroJLP: if you pull that update09:22
mithroit'll be clearer when daneel-ai is finished09:22
mithroit will say something like09:22
mithroTurn 409:22
mithroTotal strength of player 1: 3609:22
mithroTotal strength of player 2: 009:22
mithroJLP: is that what you are getting?09:25
mithroJLP: btw - did you actually add any opponents?09:25
JLPmithro: yup, i added one ai09:32
JLPmithro: here is the complete output → http://pastebin.com/m25627b7209:32
tpbTitle: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at pastebin.com)09:32
mithroJLP: did you try again with the above patch?09:33
JLPyup, that's with the new xml09:33
mithroJLP: hrm09:34
mithroI don't see daneel-ai finishing it's turn09:34
JLPi think it does, if I set 100 turn time it does its job09:35
JLPmaybe it doesn't send the oet when it finishes09:35
mithroits not finishi09:36
mithroyou can tell because it says09:36
mithroTurn 009:36
mithroTotal strength of player 1: 309:36
mithroshenki: ping?09:36
mithrocan you pull everything and see if you can get past the second turn?09:36
mithroJLP: when it's finished processing the second turn09:37
mithroit'll say09:37
shenkimithro: you'll have to walk me thru making a 'turn' happen09:37
shenkimithro: i don't think it's working09:41
mithrookay what happens?09:42
mithroyou are playing against one AI right?09:42
shenkiwhen i request end of turn, there's nothing that comes out on the console09:42
mithrocan you send me the complete output from the time you started tpclient-pywx?09:46
mithroand a screenshot of your client09:46
shenkimithro: it just poped up saying my turn was over09:49
shenki7 minutes later09:49
mithropastey please09:49
shenkiso when i end my turn,a dn it has that popup, should it re-start tpclient-pywx when i click "ok"?09:51
tpbTitle: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at pastebin.com)09:51
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shenkithat's a run with one AI09:51
shenkiand this time when i clicked "end turn", the turn edned instantly09:51
shenkibut when i clicked it a second time, it didn't. i waited about 30 seconds, and closed it09:51
shenkithen uploaded the log09:52
mithroshenki: this doesn't start from the beginning :(09:54
mithroinfact I can't see how that log ever occured?09:56
mithrohow is tpserver-cpp started before tpclient-pywx?09:56
shenkimithro: http://verbal.mithis.net/~shenki/log-20080401-001909:56
tpb<http://ln-s.net/356c> (at verbal.mithis.net)09:56
shenkithat's intersting09:56
mithrostill not the complete log09:56
mithroplus it's all mangled09:57
mithrocan you try again from a clean console?09:57
shenkiit's the output of  './tpclient-pywx > log'09:57
shenkiso i can't see how it would go wrong09:57
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mithroyou also need a09:59
mithro2>&1 after that09:59
mithro./tpclient-pywx > log 2>&109:59
mithro(also redirect stderr)09:59
shenkibut there's nothing coming out of stderr, except one depreciation warning for python's sets module09:59
shenkiim letting it flow out tothe console this time, and will do a cut/paste10:00
tpb<http://ln-s.net/356e> (at verbal.mithis.net)10:01
shenkiit was exactly the same behavour as i described the first time10:01
shenkiloaded, one AI, end of turn, popup asking me to realod, clicked ok, end of turn, nothing for a minute or two, close client10:02
tansellshenki, you didn't change any of the settings right?10:04
tansellshenki, you didn't get a warning about not owning any objects either?10:05
shenkino, and no10:06
shenkii used the defaults, aside from selecting risk and adding one AI10:06
shenkiand i was told i was assigned a planet (system?) randomly10:06
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tansellshenki, hrm10:09
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Patrick`wow, productive day10:13
Patrick`I do 30 minutes of note writing and then end up listening to wham and IRCing10:13
tansellJLP / shenki: can you try again10:14
tansellwhen you get to the second part where it doesn't work10:14
tanselldo a ps faxwww10:14
tansellcan send me the output?10:14
mithroit could be that daneel-ai is dieing10:16
tpbTitle: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at pastebin.com)10:17
shenkibedtime for me10:17
shenki(and for you!)10:17
JLPmithro: mine → http://pastebin.com/m7f729f8110:19
tpbTitle: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at pastebin.com)10:19
tansellnope, daneel-ai is still there :(10:19
CIA-1mithro tpserver-cpp * r5bfd6f1ff132 /tpserver/turntimer.cpp:10:23
CIA-1A little bit of logging on player requested EOT.10:23
CIA-1Trying to track down a singleplayer bug.10:23
tansellJLP, update, recompile and try again?10:23
mithrothis would be so much easier if I could reproduce :(10:24
Patrick`mithro: Nah, kids are distracting10:24
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onnadi3_Hey all. I'm interested in creating a Thousnd parsec web client for the GSoC. Are there any mentors for that project?10:26
tansellhi onnadi3_10:28
tansellyes there are a couple of us around10:29
JLPmithro / tansell: http://pastebin.com/m5f6b953610:29
tpbTitle: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at pastebin.com)10:29
JLPonnadi3_: ahoy10:29
onnadi3_JLP, tansell: Hello10:31
onnadi3_Hve there been any proposals for the Web client project? I'm interested in applying for that...10:32
BCarlyon|Serverim writing one :-P10:32
BCarlyon|ServerJsut need to get my arse into gear10:33
onnadi3_BCarlyon|Server: Good to know :)10:34
Landonmithro: it's doing the boost 1.37 thing again :P10:35
tansellI think I have found the problem10:37
tansellLandon, oh?10:37
tansellLandon, you sure your up-to-date?10:37
tansellI thought you said you where running demos?10:37
LandonI tried to get some modules/plugins built before class10:37
Landonok, the failure wasn't on ogreal10:37
Landonso, not that important :)10:38
CIA-1mithro daneel-ai * rd4e299b6fe66 /daneel-ai:10:38
CIA-1Fixed a bug where on a fast computer daneel-ai would misses the EOT.10:38
CIA-1- Increased debug logging level to "info".10:38
tansellyou don't really need any modules10:38
tansellso ignore that :)10:38
LandonThe following recommended modules where not found:10:38
Landonpython-ogre/ogreal,  The OgreAL addon, which is required for audio, does not seem to be installed10:38
tansellJLP, can you pull that and see if it works?10:38
tansellLandon, i think that is old10:38
Landonwhat's the git update syntax ?10:39
tansellI'm pretty sure he has moved to using pyglet for the audio10:39
tansellLandon, "git pull"10:39
Landonhm, says I'm up to date10:39
tansellLandon, what are you trying to do?10:39
* tansell pokes JLP I really need to be heading off soon10:39
Landonrun the 3d client10:40
tansellLandon, how are you running it?10:40
tansellit should run fine without OgreAL anyway - it's only recommended10:41
JLPtansell: seams to be working now :)10:41
Landonjust ./tpclient-pyogre10:41
tansellJLP, yay!10:41
tpbTitle: landon private pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at landon.pastebin.com)10:42
Landonthat's the output10:42
LandonI need to get ready for work, will be back in a few hours10:43
mithroLandon: you are running ./tpclient-pyogre in the src directory?10:46
CIA-1mithro libtpclient-py-libtpclient-py-0.3.x * r4bff3646a770 /tp/client/version.py: Version bump.10:47
mithrookay - I'm tagging things for release10:48
* ezod cheer10:48
mithroezod: I think we nailed the last remaining show stopper with that daneel-ai10:49
mithroI logged two "bugs" which we can fix for 0.3.310:50
ezodjust looked at the normpath stuff, looks fine to me10:50
mithronormpath also fixed the wrong direction slashes on windows :)10:50
ezodyeah let me guess, it was interpreting them as escape characters10:51
mithrobut it didn't like em10:51
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mithroezod: I'm tempted to call this 0.4.010:52
mithrobut I was hoping to reserve that for tp04 support10:52
ezodwell the only major addition is singleplayer10:53
mithrobut that is a pretty big addition10:53
mithroor it feels like it is after the amount of work we had to put in to get it released :)10:53
mithroI guess 0.3.3 can be a few bug fixes and minisec support in daneel-ai10:55
mithroI would love to see dronsec support too10:56
CIA-1mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * rc14f19569994 / (libtpclient-py libtpproto-py requirements.py version.py): Version bump for 0.3.2 release.10:56
mithroezod: tag pushed as 0.3.210:57
ezodmithro: i haven't done much with tpserver-py but i can start looking at adding singleplayer support10:58
mithroit should be pretty easy10:58
BCarlyon|ServerI updated my proposal so far: http://thousandparsec.net/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/BarryCarlyon_proposal feedback welcome :-)10:58
tpb<http://ln-s.net/34I_> (at thousandparsec.net)10:58
mithroit pretty much doesn't have any arguments :)10:58
ezodi just cloned it recently to do a -9999 (git) ebuild10:58
ezodi think my current 0.1.0 ebuild doesn't really work10:59
mithroI would so prefer to be working on tpserver-py rather then tpclient-pywx10:59
mithroha - the release version of tpserver-py is ancient10:59
mithrodaneel-ai is 0.0.3 right?11:00
mithrolibtpclient-py has a makefile which still references darcs11:02
ezodyeah 0.0.3 (or 0.1.0 if you consider going from 'not working' to 'working' major enough)11:04
mithroI'll let Iwanowitch declare a 0.1.011:05
CIA-1mithro libtpproto-py * r41593273547f /Makefile: Adding a Makefile for releasing.11:07
CIA-1mithro libtpproto-py * r5691462e42d7 /Makefile: Create a bz2 instead of a gz.11:12
CIA-1mithro libtpclient-py-libtpclient-py-0.3.x * ra6b47842c7d7 /Makefile: Updated the Makefile for making releases.11:14
mithrohrm - not sure I remeber how to release tpclient-pywx :P11:16
mithrookay - building windows binary now11:17
CIA-1mithro web * r2651fe54d205 /downloads/ (5 files in 2 dirs):11:17
CIA-1The new releases of the support libraries.11:17
CIA-1- Needed for singleplayer support.11:17
CIA-1mithro web * rfa04a0cf89b4 / (3 files in 3 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://[email protected]/git/web11:17
CIA-1mithro daneel-ai * r5b4cf0828627 / (libtpclient-py libtpproto-py): Version bump.11:19
CIA-1mithro daneel-ai-refs/tags/DANEEL_AI_0_0_3 * r5b4cf0828627 / (libtpclient-py libtpproto-py): Version bump.11:19
mithroezod: how have you been actually releasing daneel previously?11:20
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ezodmithro: kind of manually11:24
mithroezod: do you want to do it again then?11:25
ezodi could sure11:25
ezodi think i'll automate it this time though11:25
Black-Pantherhi everyone!11:26
Black-Panther"The universe in an hour", are there already many student interessted in this project?11:27
mithroezod: nobody has been testing on Mac11:27
mithroBlack-Panther: maybe one other that I can remeber11:28
mithroezod: but I think we can just say "Screw it" :)11:28
ezoddaneel-ai release should be up in 1.5hrs approx11:30
ezodonce i get back on my own pc11:30
mithrowell it all seems to work11:51
mithrobut it does pop-up ugly consoles11:51
mithro22mb binary :(11:51
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CIA-1mithro web * rbc91369a727e /downloads/tpclient-pywx/tpclient-pywx-0.3.2-setup.exe: Adding tpclient-pywx 0.3.2 windows binary.12:07
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bddebianmithro: Is there going to be another tpserver-cpp release shortly?12:15
mithrobddebian: 0.6.2 was release today12:15
bddebianGah, you're killing me! :)12:16
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mithrowell, I'll write the release announcement for tpclient-pywx 0.3.2 tommorrow12:20
bddebianEeks :)12:20
Landonmithro: does python-ogre installation take advantage of multiple cores?12:22
mithrobddebian: oh and you have a new package - daneel-ai to contend with :)12:22
Landonnot even a make -jX ?12:22
Landondang :p12:22
mithroLandon: nope :(12:24
mithroLandon: someone did some work to make it use distcc and such12:24
mithrobut it was horrible unstable12:24
mithrobddebian: it's an AI for thousand parsec12:24
mithrobddebian: it follows the standard "python setup.py install"12:25
mithroanyway I should be in bed12:25
mithrosee ya12:25
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adrian_mo16Hi, any current developer for TP (tpserver-cpp) available?13:17
bddebianShit tpserver-cpp needs libtprl??13:18
ezodbddebian: negative13:18
ezodthe console is split out to tpadmin-cpp13:19
ezodadrian_mo16: llnz is your guy, but i may be able to help, what's up?13:19
bddebianSo I don't need libtprl to build tpserver-cpp?13:19
ezodbddebian: shouldn't13:19
bddebianSweet, let me try it13:19
adrian_mo16ezod: I cant seem to find the example files for BattleXML (the dtd and xml). I was under the impression that BattleXML is not implemented at all but i was told in a review of my application proposal that i should check out those example files. So, any idea where i might find them? (i already used google on the site for a search, also searched the forums)13:20
ezodadrian_mo16: i think battleviewer has them13:23
tpb<http://ln-s.net/1Dpo> (at git.thousandparsec.net)13:23
adrian_mo16i'll check it out, thanks13:23
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CIA-1mavrinac daneel-ai * rbb573bd3ec65 / (daneel-ai.xml daneel-ai.xml.in setup.py): Add CWD to single player XML before installing.13:29
CIA-1mavrinac daneel-ai * re08b2295cbdb /daneel-ai: Prep for 0.0.3 release.13:29
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CIA-1mavrinac daneel-ai-refs/tags/DANEEL_AI_0_0_3 * rbb573bd3ec65 / (daneel-ai.xml daneel-ai.xml.in setup.py): Add CWD to single player XML before installing.13:34
CIA-1mavrinac daneel-ai-refs/tags/DANEEL_AI_0_0_3 * re08b2295cbdb /daneel-ai: Prep for 0.0.3 release.13:34
ezodthat was weird13:35
CIA-1mavrinac gentoo-overlay * r5e0e33d87a14 /games-strategy/daneel-ai/ (4 files): Update daneel-ai ebuild to version
CIA-1mavrinac web * rfa0e820d9055 /downloads/ (daneel-ai/daneel-ai-0.0.3.tar.bz2 downloads.xml): Add daneel-ai 0.0.3 tarball and update downloads XML.14:01
bddebianezod: Yep seems to build fine without it, thanks14:02
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ezodbddebian: np14:08
* ezod back later14:09
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Noughmadis there any interest in using cmake instead of autotools?14:20
Noughmadwhy not?14:21
bddebianBecause it's lame?14:21
Noughmadok... just suggesting14:22
bddebianI'm not a TP developer by the way, I'm just spouting my worthless opinion :)14:22
Noughmaddo you have a reason why it's lame anyway?14:24
bddebianIt can be inflexible at times but it's gotten better14:34
bddebianGah, should the binary package really be tpserver-cpp-tpcl-guile and tpserver-cpp-tpcl-mzscheme, etc?14:34
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bddebianHi alanp :)15:00
alanphow's it going?15:00
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* llnz wanders in15:37
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BarryCarlyonHI llnz!15:38
BarryCarlyonYOUR LATE DAMMIT!15:39
* BarryCarlyon sacks llnz15:39
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llnzhi BarryCarlyon15:39
BarryCarlyonHows it going?15:39
llnzi've actually been at work for 30 minutes now15:39
llnzgoing fine thanks15:39
BarryCarlyonI updated my app if you have any feedback, http://www.thousandparsec.net/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/BarryCarlyon_proposal going to finish it tonight one hopes15:40
tpb<http://ln-s.net/35:4> (at www.thousandparsec.net)15:40
BarryCarlyonooh 35:4 is that valid as an address rofl15:40
BarryCarlyonIf you have time to take a look since your at work, feedback would be welcome15:40
llnzBarryCarlyon: I will have a look15:41
BarryCarlyonCoolio :-)15:41
adrian_mo16Hi llnz, a quick question, I don't know/have Lee Begg's IRC name (he being the one that quick reviewed my proposal for GSoC), but i have to wonder. He said "Have you looked at the BattleXML dtd, example files, etc?", any idea what that means exactly? Because i have looked at the example files and dtd and don't quite get what he means by that question.15:42
llnzadrian_mo16: I am Lee Begg15:42
alanpllnz = lee beggs15:42
BarryCarlyonRofl adrian_mo16 = fail15:43
alanpllnz, I plan on submitting my proposal today :-)15:43
adrian_mo16Myeah, fail for my part15:43
adrian_mo16anyway, the question stands15:43
llnzadrian_mo16: i was just asking if you had looked at them, to see the complexity15:44
llnzadrian_mo16: you might also like to have a look at the combat code in minisec and the other rulesets15:44
llnzalanp: cool15:45
adrian_mo16llnz: yes, i have, i find the complexity acceptable, and i know it is linked to minisec (for now)15:45
adrian_mo16i have downloaded the battleviewer from git and tested it15:45
adrian_mo16llnz: In any case, does the question mean that i should write further details on the BattleXML idea?15:46
llnzadrian_mo16: cool, you should mention that in your proposal15:46
llnzthat could be a good idea15:46
adrian_mo16llnz: ok, will do15:47
adrian_mo16llnz: Also this somehow eluded me "I am fairly sure that you will have to do 7 (Layer of indirection for module system) before doing 4, 5 and 6. Simple implementation of 5 already exists. And modules can already be loaded (on Unix-like system)." :)). I was quite tired.15:47
adrian_mo16It's quite obvious that the order needs to be changed15:48
llnzthat's ok15:49
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llnzhi krl8315:56
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krl83im here for the GSOC. i just posted a proposal on the wiki15:57
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krl83if anyone got time, please take a look and comment on it15:58
tpb<http://ln-s.net/35:V> (at www.thousandparsec.net)15:58
krl83thanks in advance15:58
llnzkrl83: will do15:58
epyonkrl83: more details :)16:00
krl83epyon: in which part?16:01
epyonand some implemenation details -- which server, which protocol library and which client are you aiming at16:02
epyonwhat language :)16:02
krl83epyon: C++ most likely16:03
krl83epyon: havn't read through all the documentation yet16:04
epyonalso, in the timeframe you'd need to note how much time do you intend to spend on the project, do you plan any vacations, etc16:04
krl83epyon: there shouldn't be any vocation16:05
epyonkrl83: this is crucial because you need to check whether the protocol/clients will support your design out of the box (unlikely) and if not, what changes are needed to be made on both client side and protocol side. Hence the timeline may shift dramatically16:05
krl83i'm looking at the UML now, it seems that i need to extends the existing Move16:06
krl83kinda sad that im on a laptop with 1024x768 right now16:07
krl83epyon: quick question, is it possible to create territory not owned by any1? or you have to create a fake owner16:16
llnzthat uml diagram is out of date16:22
llnzkrl83: a fake owner exists (0, which is noone)16:23
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xenozephyrdoes tpserver-cpp support HTTP tunneling?16:43
llnzxenozephyr: not yet16:44
llnzit does support https though16:44
llnzhumm... actually16:44
llnzit does support http tunneling16:44
llnzboth the demo servers have it running16:45
llnz(on port 8080)16:45
xenozephyrok, well im jugging a few ideas in my head on how the backend of a web client would communicate with the server. That seems like the easiest since the http tunnel technically is a backend16:46
llnzxenozephyr: just remember that the protocol is stateful, and a lot of frames have to happen in one connection16:47
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llnzxenozephyr: the only reason to use the http tunnel connection is if you are behind a firewall that allows http, but disallows the normal tp port16:48
xenozephyrso it doesnt actually maintain a users session?16:48
llnzit is not a web server16:48
llnzread the description under the "basics" heading on this page: http://www.thousandparsec.net/tp/dev/documents/protocol3.php16:49
tpb<http://ln-s.net/Ix2> (at www.thousandparsec.net)16:49
xenozephyryeah thats what I was reading when I got the idea16:50
llnzeffectively the whole connunications between client and server look like one big HTTP POST request/response pair16:51
xenozephyrbut thanks for elaborating. Do you guys have any preference to how you want the backend to work?16:51
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llnzweb client backend?16:51
xenozephyryeah, im debating either marshalling raw data or doing xml or some form of RPC with the python netlib16:51
xenozephyrwell the front end which I plan to use flash/flex will need to connect to the server. So my choices are to write my own netlib or a backend on a webserver that can do that. and use some thin wrapper to have them communicate16:52
llnzthere are a few options, your proposal should document which one you chose and why (benefits/disadvantages)16:55
xenozephyryeah im working all that out in my head atm =P16:56
xenozephyryou guys have any preference to it?16:56
llnznot that i'm aware of16:57
xenozephyrok, well I think I'll stick with the python netlib, and write a webservice to bridge the communication16:58
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llnzBarryCarlyon: you need more detail in your proposal, especially in your timeline and describing what you are going to do17:17
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llnzhi gamp18:00
llnzhi Greywhind18:01
Patrick`is there currently testing of the protocol stuff in C++ ?18:01
llnzthere is a little bit, and a couple of users18:01
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CIA-1mavrinac gentoo-overlay * r2ef97863a403 /games-server/tpserver-cpp/ (4 files): Version bump games-server/tpserver-cpp to
CIA-1mavrinac web * r7d7aae611dac /downloads/downloads.xml: Update tpserver-cpp Gentoo version to
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rooneyhi llnz)18:23
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llnzhi gamp18:24
Vadtechi all18:25
Vadtecllnz: hi18:25
Vadtecllnz: i updated my application on the gsoc site, ill be updating the wiki later tonight, but i think im going to condier whats on the google site "final"18:26
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* BarryCarlyon randomly appears18:31
llnzbbs, meeting18:32
Vadtechi barry18:32
* BarryCarlyon waves18:34
Vadtecso i found out my college library is total crap18:34
Vadtecthey have 40, yes check that, 40 books in print18:34
Vadtecthe rest are all in their "database"18:34
alanpllnz, ping18:35
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VadtecBarryCarlyon: yeah, i went there looking for a copy of the ISO C++ 2003 standard....they didnt even know what i was talking about18:37
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gampis there any patch to do for apply?18:49
* BarryCarlyon is somewhat waiting for feedbacks and browsing the project lists18:51
gampi mean is it required to make a patch after submitting application to show ones programming skills18:52
mhilmii dont think the mentors ask for that but Im not sure18:52
Landononly for some orgs18:53
gampok, thanks18:53
llnzalanp: pong18:53
alanpllnz, Hello, I am about to submit my application for MTSec and I'm wondering if you could provide a little bit of guideance for my timeline18:54
llnzalanp: sure18:54
xenozephyrfor my proposal since im doing a client, is it required to have rough drawings of the UI layout now? Im not quite sure how Id want it to look..and am rather more interested in specifying a good architecture first18:54
llnzBarryCarlyon: i gave some feedback for you earlier18:55
ezodgamp: it's not required, but it can't hurt :)18:55
Vadtecugh, ive re-edited my GSOC side app twice now, and it refuses to keep the bulleting like I setup18:55
Vadtecfail GSOC app18:55
BarryCarlyonAh I must of been afk at the time /me scrolls up18:56
llnzxenozephyr: not required, but if you have an architecture, you should document it, maybe with a diagram18:56
alanpllnz, what has been implemented already, and what is left to do in MTSec?18:56
BarryCarlyonThanks llnz will have a ponder, more writing to do....18:57
alanpllnz, and which order would you prefer to see the unimplemented portions developed?18:57
llnzalanp: the basic objects are created, and *some* of the components18:59
llnzyou will need to: finished creating the compoonents, build the association between missile designs and the responding missile ship component19:00
llnzwrite the combat19:00
xenozephyrllnz: yeah I was planning to have the architecture in my proposal, just Im not sure what the UI will look like, and personally Id rather make a stronger framework for the client so the UI can easily be adjusted (potentially to a 2D client as a project for someone else in the future).. since its flash/flex it'd be do-able.19:01
llnzprobably in that order19:01
llnzxenozephyr: sounds good19:02
alanpllnz, is there a spec with the completed components?19:04
llnzalanp: have you seen the mtsec page?19:05
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llnzthat's it19:06
llnzif you need more you can add to the documenation19:06
llnzsince it is the first implementation of MTSec19:06
alanpi can add to the spec?19:07
llnzyes, within the sprirt of the game19:07
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cherezI hate power outages.19:09
BarryCarlyonyou in australia?19:10
BarryCarlyonI know there was a power outtage down there19:10
cherezNo, United States.19:11
cherezThere was an outage as I was touching up my GSoC application before submitting it.19:11
cherezSo I get to start over.19:11
didiReading the "Ideas for Programmers" I saw an entry about embedding a 3D screen in the tpclient-pywx and it is even suggest to take a look at python-ogre. I know there is a client that uses it (tpclient-pyogre). Is there a know problem/reason why the author chooses to create a new client instead of integrating it?19:13
cherezWhy isn't there any way to save a proposal without submitting it?19:13
alanptext editor...19:13
llnzor wiki...19:13
llnzdidi: i don't know, it could have been around how ogre is embedded in programs (ie, it doesn't, its the other way around, or something like that)19:16
didillnz: Thank you.19:16
llnzdidi: ask jmtan or mithro19:17
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alanpllnz, I've submitted my proposal.19:49
llnzalanp: cool19:49
gampcould u give any advices how to start open source programming, i think my skillz are not enough for gsoc yet)19:55
alanpgamp, find various bugs in an interesting project that are within your grasp19:56
ezod(say, TP: http://code.google.com/p/thousandparsec/issues/list)19:57
tpb<http://ln-s.net/35EY> (at code.google.com)19:57
gampalanp: thx, i'll try19:58
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didiHow many rulesets TP has? I was able to identify 3: MiniSec, MTSec and RFTS. Is that correct?20:00
gampbbs :)20:00
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llnzBTW: Google has just mentioned that it would be a good idea to put your proposals into the system early (you can edit them there up to the end date)20:02
llnzearly would be now/today, iirc20:02
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alanpllnz, thanks for the comment20:03
llnzalanp: no problem20:03
alanpI will put more meat into the proposal and update it for you20:03
nashepyon: Prepare to hate me again20:03
nashsee your elitesec proposal20:03
llnznash: that isn't a positive way to start...20:04
didiAm I right, am I wrong?20:05
llnzsorry didi, didn't see you question20:05
llnzdidi: no, there are more20:05
llnzdidi: minisec, mtsec, rfts, risk, TaE, dronesec20:06
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llnzoops, forgot two: MiniSec Plus, TIM Trader20:07
nashllnz: What you prefer... ?20:08
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llnznash: "its a good start but..." ? :-)20:08
nashllnz: maybe "Epyon: I've attacked the fundamentals of your proposal"20:08
* llnz shuts up now20:08
nashllnz: It's round two ;-)20:08
nashAnd it's epyon who I know has a think enough skin and enough clue to understand exactly what I'm saying20:09
didillnz: Nice. A lot. Which of those do you guys have more interest with? I see that you have 2 demo servers with MiniSec and RFTS. Is there any reason for so?20:09
nashllnz: Besides read my comments... if it was your proposal you'd probably hate me too ;-)20:10
llnzdidi: because it's too much effort to demo more20:11
llnzthough that may now have changed...20:11
llnznash: true, just catching up on the comments now20:12
didillnz: I am asking because I am really interesting in making a AI so I would like to choose a ruleset that you appreciate or see as a fun one.20:14
llnzdidi: cool, AI are interesting and hard20:14
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llnzdidi: about 50% of the effort of an AI is the underlying client code and AI algorithms, which can be reused between different rulesets20:15
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didillnz: :-D I do have a little experience doing AI for robots or mathematical algorithms but I never did it for a game. Seems to be a very fun challenge.20:16
llnzdidi: so pick one (see the matrix on the documentation page to see what the other AI are doing) and make it easy to add other rulesets later20:16
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llnzdidi: in that case, it might be better to start with an existing AI, and extending it to a new ruleset20:17
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Vadtecllnz: i just finished updating my proposal on the wiki, if you have time, take a look at it, i plan to leave it as final at this point, unless you notice something that needs fixing20:20
nashllnz: So... my comments fair?20:24
Vadtecpoor llnz, he is bombarded nearly all day i bet....he needs a robot to answer questions for him! :P20:25
llnznash: yes, though i have an idea for the "combat and fun", which is the make the area where people start "safer" then usual, to give them a chance20:25
llnzVadtec: i'll have a look shortly20:25
llnzand no, i'm no robot, just slacking at work20:25
Vadtecllnz: no rush, i know yer busy and getting slammed20:25
xenozephyr2vadtec: lol yeah I feel bad asking him questions =P20:25
Vadtecllnz: no no, im saying we need to make you a robot that will answer questions in your place, ya know, give you a break and let the robot pretend to be you for a bit20:26
didillnz: daneel-ai seems to be a good starting point.20:27
nashllnz: maybe... but even if you drop the chance of death from 20% to 5%... it's still broken20:29
nashThe whole concept needs to be fixed.20:29
llnznash: i think it would be possible to overcome20:32
llnza good plan would be required though20:32
nashllnz: Of course... that's my point.  The current proposal makes the game broken, it needs to be fixed...20:32
nashI'm not sure how...20:33
nashAnd the flip side is makeing sure pirates still work... ;-)20:33
Vadtecyarg says the space pirate20:33
xenozephyr2llnz: since my project requires additional work to make a webservice, im beginning to think a full feature client may be a little too much for the summer. Do you have definite requirements as to what parts are you reallyreally want versus what can be optional?20:36
llnzxenozephyr2: just guess here, but at least login/out, starmap, orders20:37
xenozephyr2llnz: ok, I'll put those down and the rest of the features as optional/timepermitting20:39
didillnz: How much effort would you say it is necessary to build a client lib? I am looking at the project list and I can not find any C library, which is my language of choice (in most cases). Would you say it is prudent to make a proposal that include such a task, as well as the AI?20:45
llnzdidi: it's quite a lot of effort20:46
llnzthere might be one in galaxie which you could use20:46
llnzor you might like to help develop that client20:46
llnzdidi: nash developed it, so he is the one to ask20:47
didillnz: Yes. I was about to comment that. I took a look at the galaxy but I could not find a lib per se.20:47
didillnz: That might be fun.20:48
nashI what?20:48
llnzin fact, galaxie has an AI built in, so you mighe be able to extend from that20:48
nashIt's not a lib in the sense of a '.so' but there is a lot stuff that could become a lib...20:49
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nashdidi: that was for you ;-)20:49
didinash: Thanks. :-)20:50
didinash: That should be a better starting point than daneel-ai so.20:50
nashdidi: Maybe... it needs a total rework of the UI20:51
nashThe core engine can also need to be cleaned20:51
nashdidi: my issue is the graphics lib I use daily _can't_ be used in the project :-(20:51
didinash: Hum. I was thinking something more lower level, if I can say that. I was thinking of building a C lib and an AI based in the galaxie. Do you think that would be possible?20:52
didinash: Nice.20:53
nashdidi: I plan to move the UI to elementary one day20:53
nashwhich is raster doing to his library some of what FST does to E ;-)20:53
didinash: Sorry... FST?20:54
nashFST is the company I work for20:55
didinash: Oh. Ok.20:55
didinash: :-)20:55
didiHum. Well. I think my proposal is getting a real form.20:55
nashdidi: I'd be very happy to see it get some work ;-)20:56
didinash: Nice. I will take a closer look at the galaxie.20:57
* nash notes it's one he could mentor well too20:57
* nash also notes this could be bad if epyon gets his stuff together ;-)20:58
* llnz could mentor epyon20:58
nashllnz: Good, I don't think I have bandwidth for more then one20:58
llnzor xdotx20:59
llnzor xdotx could20:59
llnzanyway, we will sort that out later20:59
nashAnd galaxie related would be good, as I don't need much bandwidth for that - in fact it could look like work if done right ;-)20:59
* didi is feeling a little anxious21:00
didinash: Hum... Maybe that word does not have the same meaning as it has in my home language.21:01
nashWords in english pretty much mean what you want them to mean ;-)21:02
nashWhat do mean by anxious, or more to the point, about what are you getting anxious about?21:02
didinash: Unfortunately it is not always true in portuguese. :-)21:03
nashYeah... but english is a bastard of a language...21:03
nashAnd I mean it's heritage here ;-)21:03
didinash: I was trying to say that I was getting exited and some how a little nervous about begging it.21:03
didibegging? No... Beginning it.21:04
nashAh... then anxious is perfectly fine21:04
nashbasically it may be coming together ;-)21:04
didinash: :-)21:05
nashdidi: Make sure you check out galaxie, and check you can get it work and the like21:05
didinash: On it.21:05
nashdidi: I assume you are comfortable in C, especially C with lots of callbacks and events ;-)21:06
nashAnd not enough documentation/comments21:06
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didinash: I would say yes. But just reading the code I would be sure. ;-)21:06
nashdidi: Ahh... that's reading 'nash code' which is an entirely different thing as well ;-)21:06
* nash doesn't think it's too bad, but I'm biased21:07
nashbut I know efveryone in my office thinks my code is reasonably clean21:07
didinash: Lol.21:07
* shenki wonders if tansell is awake after that very late night debugging session21:08
* nash thought tansell had a day job21:08
didinash: As a undergrad student, your code needs to be very ugly to scare me. I've seem a lot.21:08
nashdidi: As an ex-lecturer, I know ;-)21:09
nashso got the cod ethen?21:09
nashOr are you still getting e?21:09
shenkitansell: http://jms.id.au/~shenki/tp-web-proposal.pdf21:09
* nash isn't sure about brazillian internet speeds ;-)21:10
didinash: Still talking to you. Going to get it now.21:10
nashdidi: I assumed you'd be doing both ;-)21:10
shenkitansell: in particular, section 2 "background and significance" has some nice big paragraphs talking about Stuff.21:10
didinash: It is not that bad, although it is not great.21:10
nashdidi: So similar to australia then ;-)21:11
shenkihmm, do people usually put an "about the applicatant" section in their propsals?21:11
didinash: Code is here.21:11
shenkitansell: do you want me to put a "about me" section in my proposal?21:12
didinash: How do I build it?21:13
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didinash: Just make.21:13
nashdidi: In theory21:14
nashalthough you will need e17 in your path21:14
didinash: Yes. I will get e.21:14
nashdidi: http://omicron.homeip.net/projects/ ->easy_e1721:14
tpbTitle: ( omicron ) » projects (at omicron.homeip.net)21:14
didinash: Maybe I am lucky and there are some packages already in the Ubuntu repository?21:15
nashdidi: Yep, there are some21:15
nashno idea if they work21:15
nashbut give them a go then21:15
didi"I am feeling lucky"21:16
xenozephyr2hrm, I feel this is a dumb question but: im going through the API docs on libtpproto-py and I don't quite see how to join specific games.. I see the call to get a list of games.. how are they created/joined ?21:17
didiHum... Well, It was a change. Just e16.21:17
Vadtecllnz: thanks for the feedback, ill submit my final proposal to gsoc in a bit21:17
nashdidi: they are in debian experimental21:18
nashelse easy_e17.sh21:18
nashit downloads and isntalled21:18
nashit doesn't get your distro depends though :-(21:18
nashxlibs-dev png-dev and the like you need to install manually21:18
nashfreetype-dev, fontconfig-dev21:18
nashet al21:18
didinash: Ok. I am giving it a go now.21:19
nashit will take a while21:19
nashbacked by SVN... which is... not as quick as git ;-)21:19
didinash: Indeed.21:20
didinash: Well, while the script works I will take a look at the code.21:27
nashgood call21:27
xenozephyr2how details/broken up should the timeline/milestones be? is a tangible result every 2 weeks good? or should it be weekly?21:44
didinash: Smart script. It did not download everything again because I did not have a library.21:47
nashdidi: there is also a -s or something to say "don't even check" which is useful21:48
nashdidi: get those libs I mentioned above BTW... you will need them ;-)21:48
didinash: Although it would be nice if I could set it to compile with more jobs.21:48
didinash: Ok.21:48
nashdidi: --threads=N21:49
didinash: Nice. Would it be much offended if I CTRL-C it?21:49
nashdidi: don't think do21:50
didinash: I will try.21:50
llnzxenozephyr2: either21:53
llnzVadtec: no problem21:53
llnzshenki: looks much better than the last version i read21:57
shenkillnz: did the one you just read have a "Oppertunities and Motiviation" section?22:01
Vadteci swear22:01
Vadtecthe GSOC edit is epic fail22:01
Vadtecit doesnt support formatting for crap22:01
cherezYeah, it's pretty poor.22:01
Vadtechardly any of the bulleting works22:01
cherezWhat browser are you using?22:02
llnzshenki: yes, btw that section needs spell checking22:02
shenkiyeah. im just doing that now22:02
shenkigedit sucks at spell checking. any tips for a code-friendly spell checker? i use vim as my editor, but dunno how to get the ckecing working in that22:02
Vadtecshenki: aspell22:03
cherezaspell is the easy way to do it.22:03
Vadtecbut it wont replace words for you22:03
Vadtecit just tells you whats wrong22:03
Vadtecbut its better than nothing22:03
nashshenki: :set spell in vim22:04
nashif you are C mode it even spell checks comments and strings (but not code ;-)22:05
Vadtecits uploaded to google22:06
Vadtecbut the wiki vesion just plain looks better22:06
shenkiVadtec: aspell here let me replace, word97 style22:07
shenkiit ROCKS22:07
shenkivery smart piece of software22:07
shenkithanks guys :)22:07
Vadteci may be using an older one22:07
Vadtecor never used it that way22:07
shenkiaspell -c tp-web-proposal.tex was how i used it22:07
* shenki needs to re-learn how to spell22:08
didinash: It wont compile because of this error: "src/ffmpeg.c:278: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘pkt’" Do you know what could it be?22:10
nashdidi: NEver seen that one before22:11
nashWhat is it building?22:11
Vadtecdo you have ffmpeg-devel installed?22:11
didinash: enthrall22:11
shenkinash: thanks for the vim tip22:11
nashshenki: I have that in my .vimrc22:11
shenkinash: can it suggest changes?22:12
nashdidi: Don't build it22:12
nashshenki: z=22:12
nashzg marks it as 'good' (ie, No it's not misspelt)22:12
nashzb for a word marked as good which you know is bad22:12
shenkihmm, is discoverability a word?22:13
nashyes, but it's ugly ;-)22:13
nashdidi: --skip=enthral22:13
nashyou may want to add that to your .easy_e17.con22:14
nashyou may want to add that to your .easy_e17.conf22:14
shenkiany suggestions for a synonym?22:14
nashdidi: that last (pair) of comments was for you22:14
didinash: Thanks. :-)22:14
nashshenki:  discoverable with a slight change in context, or just use it as is22:14
didinash: Is "eyesight" important?22:20
nashdidi: Probably not... I don't know what it is ;-)22:21
didinash: Another skip so.22:21
nashdidi: You can skip most of the apps ;-)22:24
nashdidi: Anyway.... of to lunch22:24
didinash: As we say in portuguese: "Bom apetite".22:24
didinash: In straight english: "Nice appetite"???22:25
didinash: Thanks for your help. I am now having some problems compiling "galaxie" as it complains about some undefined reference to 'ewl_view_widget_fetch_set' but I think it is probably because I've installed e17 in a non default directory.22:47
didiWell, it is 23:47 right now in Brazil. So, good night to everyone. See you again in some hours.22:48
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Landonfinally finished a draft of my application23:47
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