Tuesday, 2009-03-24

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tpb<http://ln-s.net/33Aa> (at www.thousandparsec.net)00:05
tansellezod, the cross compiler can be found at - http://www.thousandparsec.net/~tim/tpserver-cpp-win32.zip00:05
tpb<http://ln-s.net/33Aa> (at www.thousandparsec.net)00:05
tansellI mean00:05
tpb<http://ln-s.net/33Ac> (at www.thousandparsec.net)00:05
ezodyeah, i have that00:06
ezodi may be able to build direct on windows once this cygwin thing is done also00:07
ezodyou build against cygwin deps on linux anyway right?00:07
tansell-laptopbtw - you know about how tpserver-cpp needs to be statically linked?00:12
tansell-laptop(on windows)00:12
ezodi guess i do now :)00:13
tansell-laptopdll's have to be self contained under windows00:13
tansell-laptopwhich means that the modules can't use anything in tpserver-cpp.exe - which they need to do00:14
tansell-laptopwe get around that by doing a static link00:14
tansell-laptopI put a bunch of doco in the win32/README file00:15
ezodyeah i looked at it, i'll mess around with this stuff and see what i can do00:16
tansell-laptopezod, I think making sure we can py2exe daneel-ai is a bigger priority00:16
ezodthe fact that we need to put .la at the end of the modules may present a bit of a problem for single player, that's one reason i want to look at that00:17
ezodcurrently that and testing tpclient-pywx are higher on the list, yes00:17
tansell-laptopthat is a libltdl thing00:17
ezodi would really like to avoid having different XML files per platform if possible00:18
tansell-laptopguess we could get tpserver-cpp to try adding the .la if it's compiled for cygwin00:20
ezodthat was my thought, probably easiest way00:21
tansell-laptopjust looking at that now00:23
* ezod goes to finish cygwin stuff00:27
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llnzVadtec: hi00:45
Vadtecllnz: *poke* as requested00:45
llnzlooking at the link now00:45
Vadtecllnz: http://vadtec.pastebin.com/m66bea8900:45
tpbTitle: vadtec private pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at vadtec.pastebin.com)00:45
llnzok, so there are two different issues00:48
llnzone is unit tests for the protocol libraries to check each function00:48
llnzthen there is functional tests to make sure that both ends communicate using the protocol correctly00:49
llnz(there is also performance testing of the protocol too)00:49
Vadtecfunctional and performance i figured would be part of it00:49
Vadtecunit testing was what i was after00:50
Vadtecand sadly, i have no expierience with "unit testing"00:50
Vadtecmy testing has usually been functional00:50
Vadtecor more abstract00:50
llnzunit testing network protocols are difficult, because of the interaction with the network (GUI's also have a similar problem)00:50
Vadteci understand the concept behind unit testing00:51
Vadtecive just never done it, not in this sense anyways00:51
llnzthere is a start of a functional test in libtpproto-cpp (test directory)00:52
Landonmithro: ping00:52
Vadtecwell i just googled cpp unit testing and it came up with cppunit as the first hit00:52
Vadtecso surely i could come up with something from that00:53
Vadtecill take a look at the example as well00:53
llnzprotocol correctness is a big thing00:54
Vadtecthat goes without saying00:54
Vadtecpolicies are meant to be broken, protocols are not00:55
Landonmithro: hopefully you see this in your history, but I was wondering what sort of time  something like adding a tech tree browser could take, I don't want to be too conservative in my estimates, but it looks like something like that would take a large portion of the summer, or am I wrong?00:55
llnzLandon: it would take most of the summer i would think, especially since the research and technology frames are not in the protocol yet00:56
llnzLandon: any suggestions on the proposal on the wiki?00:57
Landonhaven't had much chance to look at it today :)00:57
llnzdemo1 and demo2 started00:58
Landon( I also need to get more familiar with the existing game )00:58
llnzLandon: it's something I want to get done soon anyway so that I can get tpserver-cpp to support it (and update the persistence layer)00:59
Vadtecllnz: im gonna finish this algebra and if im still awake ill look at the example and cppunit01:00
llnzVadtec: cool01:02
llnzVadtec: you could also look at tpclient-cpptext for a user of the library01:03
Vadtecin the git repo correct?01:04
Landonllnz: out of curiosity, the only issues with research frames are  the ones under open issues?01:07
llnzVadtec: yes01:08
Vadtecllnz: k, im nearly done, ill look in a bit01:09
llnzLandon: yes, though if there is anything wrong with the rest then let me know01:09
Landonas far as I know/can guess of the existing protocol, the rest looks good :P having a real humdinger  of a time figuring out which of the possible solutions I like best01:10
Landonall advantageous in different situations, although I would guess that if the tech trees are done so that you can "flip" through other players, the 'id list in Player Frame' option gets my vote01:11
llnzLandon: cool, thanks01:15
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llnzbbs, dinner01:25
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mithroezod: ping - fixed the tpserver-cpp issue01:42
mithroezod: how goes daneel-ai?01:43
* llnz is back02:14
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mithrollnz: can you check the patch I just pushed?02:28
CIA-65mithro tpserver-cpp * r47b2170ea594 / (4 files in 3 dirs):02:28
CIA-65More windows support.02:28
CIA-65- No need for a custom config which is customised for windows.02:28
CIA-65- No need for extra environment variables.02:28
mithroI don't think it breaks non-windows02:28
Vadtecmy algebra prof is a moron02:30
Vadtecshe assigned some extra math problems02:30
Vadtecthat arent solveable02:30
Vadtecand looking back at the notes she gave02:31
Vadtecher notes are flawed as well02:31
Vadteci am far from a math genius02:31
Vadtecmath isnt one of my strong suits02:31
Vadtecbut when i punch the formulas into my calculator for the raw formula and get something entirely different than what the simplified formula is02:32
Vadteci think her stuff is wrong02:32
Vadtecand i just spent 1.5 hrs on this ONE problem02:32
Vadtecand even used the methods from the book02:32
Vadtecher stuff is flawed02:33
llnzmithro: looks good to me02:34
Vadteci just love it when profs give out wrong information02:35
Vadtecso i get a 95 on this assignment02:40
Vadtecnot the end of the world02:40
Vadtectime to look at unit testing02:40
Vadtecllnz: active?02:49
Vadtecim looking at the test examples02:56
Vadtecin libtpproto-cpp02:56
Vadtecand it pretty much looks like i was expecting it to02:57
Vadtecbut it leads me to a question02:57
Vadtecnever mind02:58
Vadteci answered my own question02:58
llnzthat's ok02:59
Vadteci see now where i was "confused" about what you were looking for when the idea list said "testing"03:00
Vadteci was looking at it that i would link in the libs and headers and test prebuilt protocol libraries03:00
Vadtecbut the approach thats taken in the examples is to just do it right from the source tree03:00
llnzi guess you could count them as regression tests as well03:01
Vadtecnow i understand what those elite-ist in ##c are talking about when they say "test case"03:02
Vadtecthough id love for them to simplify things like linked lists....03:03
Vadtecerm, elitist*03:04
Vadtecwell, here is my plan of action then03:06
Vadtecafter I sleep some and get classes out of the way03:06
Vadtecmath at least03:06
llnzmithro: do i release 0.6.1 now or review and include joel's patches?03:06
Vadteci will submit an application for GSOC03:06
llnzVadtec: cool03:06
Vadtecbetween then and (assuming its accepted) the start of GSOC i should be able to get familiar with unit testing03:07
Vadtecand i have a personal project i can dabble with it in03:07
CIA-65joel web * r6e4bf41650fc /dev/bits/start_page.inc:03:08
CIA-65Update bug tracker URL03:08
CIA-65Bugs are tracked at code.google.com, not sourceforge. Note that the03:08
CIA-65sourceforge RSS scraping code still exists.03:08
Vadtecllnz: if my application is accepted, would there be any objection to me starting work on the unit testing before GSOC starts?03:09
llnzVadtec: that sounds like a good plan03:09
Vadtecthat was a silly question03:09
Vadteceven if its not accepted i could work on it, possibly along side someone else who is working on it03:09
Vadteci better sleep03:10
llnzyes, sleep is good03:10
Vadtecim a cronic insomniac03:10
Vadtecand when i get sleepy03:10
Vadteci dont make sense03:10
Vadteclooking at my watch03:10
Vadtecive been up for....03:10
Vadtec49 hours now....or close to it03:10
Vadtecits one of those in like a lion kind of things03:11
Vadtecwhen it hits me03:11
Vadtecit hits me03:11
Vadtecok, so, ill submit an application once my head is clear and go from there03:11
Vadtecim off to bed to try this thing they call sleeping, i heard its wonderful03:12
CIA-65joel web * rd282704a633e /faq.php: Update bug tracker URL in FAQ03:18
llnzthanks shenki03:20
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CIA-65llnz tpserver-cpp * rb8bf7e9a4018 /modules/games/risk/mapimport.cpp:03:57
CIA-65Remove another unused variable in MapImport in Risk.03:57
CIA-65Removing 'risk' is a result of removing graph which was unused.03:57
CIA-65llnz tpserver-cpp * r958319a6af02 /tpserver/main.cpp:03:57
CIA-65Removed explicit instance creation of CommandManager, done automatically at first reference.03:57
CIA-65As suggested by Joel, checked by Lee.03:57
llnzsome failed to be CIA notified because of XMLRPC error because of unescaped xml chars ('>' mostly)03:58
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skiffcz-gsocmorning. I should not irc'd so much with JLP, because now Im getting sick too *cough*05:58
skiffcz-gsocso .. is there any c++ hacker around? I have a bit of a problem with upcatsing and then downcasting a reference. It seems to reinitialize the derived class members .. but I dont want that.06:10
skiffcz-gsocIm also absolutely sure of the original derived class it was upcasted from, so there is no need for any additional checks. I do my own. *sigh*06:13
skiffcz-gsocthere is no problem with memory, its just that when i store value in derived class uint member, pass it to function (which takes base as argument), and then static_cast it down back to original derived, the value is gone .. I can access that member and all, but it just changes (to zero in fact) :(06:16
shenkitansell-laptop, tansell, mithro: look what happened to freshmeat: http://freshmeat.net/projects/tp06:17
tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec | freshmeat.net (at freshmeat.net)06:17
shenkiit's broken your freshmeat box on the front page06:18
llnzskiffcz-gsoc: that's a bit odd06:18
llnzbetter to use a pointer?06:18
skiffcz-gsocllnz: yeh, but ive did the whole interface using references so far, so im not that eager to make one exception ... and somehow Im convinced that it just must work somehow06:20
shenkillnz: thanks for applying the patches06:21
llnzinterface takes the baseclass reference?06:21
skiffcz-gsocive been wrong before, but gut feeling tells me .. eh, Im surely missing some absolutely fundamental thig06:21
llnzshenki: no problem, thanks for them06:21
skiffcz-gsocllnz: yes .. i have class coord .. but there can be various types of coordinates. But it takes just coord, and it has member to distinguish its type06:22
skiffcz-gsocso you can pass any of the derived coordinaates to that interface06:22
shenkillnz: do you think you'll apply the shave one?06:22
shenkii swear i sent it to the list, but i can't see it there. i must have messed it up.06:23
llnzskiffcz-gsoc: that is odd, and i don't know much about references sorry, i stick to pointers (and auto_ptr)06:23
llnzshenki: I think i could, is it going to cause any issues (like when V=1 isn't past)?06:24
* llnz would fix the playermanager problem now if he didn't have to get up at 6am06:25
skiffcz-gsocllnz: thank you anyways .. I used to be pointer-dude too, but here these objects doesnt change, so I thought it will save me trouble and make it cleaner .. eh, at least ill learn something new06:25
shenkillnz: i can't see it creating any issues. it's getting some use on other projects06:25
shenkiive tested it on my two systems06:25
llnzskiffcz-gsoc: no problem06:25
llnzshenki: ok, i'll try it tomorrow if i remember06:26
shenkino worries06:26
shenkigoodluck with the 6am start :006:26
* llnz wanders off06:27
llnzlater all06:27
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skiffcz-gsocaaa!! i got it .. screw that, lets overload it for each type of coordinate, its quickfix but itll work and prolly save me a lot of trouble in the future06:33
* skiffcz-gsoc sings happy happy joy joy06:34
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tansellwhat happened to freshmeat!?07:05
shenkitansell: it's gone crap :(07:15
shenkiall the stuff is gone07:15
shenkithe stuff that made freshmeat good07:15
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JLPahoy everyone07:48
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skiffcz-gsocJLP: you should be more careful when sneezing on the screen, because I have contracted a virus from you over the irc07:56
JLPskiffcz-gsoc: hehe, well i'm sorry :)08:02
* JLP checks if there are any applications fot TP in the system08:05
JLPnone yet :( it sure is a slow start this year08:07
LandonJLP, I'll get one in sometime soon, I promise ;)08:07
JLPLandon: cool08:09
JLPKDE has 15 currently08:09
Landonjust need to get some ideas down and have a hard look at milestones08:10
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skiffcz-gsocthis evening, if everything goes right, Ill submit my first version ;)08:15
skiffcz-gsocevening means ~12 hrs from now08:16
JLPNoughmad___: hello there08:16
Noughmad___is it just me or does libtpproto-cpp not have fleet.h, galaxy.h and other object subclasses?08:16
JLPNoughmad___: hm i can see them just fine here in /usr/local/include/tpproto08:18
JLPbut I remember somone else reported this here, i think it was gab3208:19
JLPlet me check the log08:19
Noughmad___i downloaded the 0.1.9 from the main site08:19
JLPNoughmad___: and you compiled and make install-ed it08:19
Noughmad___JLP: yes08:20
JLPhm, i only installed from git so far, i'd have to check the 0.1.9 package08:21
Noughmad___I'll try git then08:21
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skiffcz-gsociirc gad had 1.1 version for the first time08:26
skiffcz-gsocand that was the reason he couldnt compile it§§08:26
skiffcz-gsocthen he dlded the 1.9 source and it worked for him08:26
skiffcz-gsocalso, the 1.9 source from main site works for me just fine08:27
JLPskiffcz-gsoc: just checked, yeah at first he had 1.1 which gave him problems with gcc 4.3, it needed the newer version which has fixes for this08:27
JLPbut then also reported some missing headers, which i don't see in the 0.1.9 package08:27
Noughmad___i just compiled the git version08:29
Noughmad___the files are there08:29
Noughmad___but don't get compiled08:29
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JLPyeah they are in git tree bt not in the package08:30
Noughmadso that means they're not used by the protocol anymore?08:33
Noughmador just they're missing08:33
skiffcz-gsocah, ofcourse .. pebcac ... i never used the cpp libtbproto .. I have the python one installed ... dont mind my serious attempts to make things even more complicated ;)08:35
Noughmadskiffcz-gsoc: np, thanks anyway08:35
JLPfrom changelog : Removed Universe, Galaxy, StarSystem, Planet and Fleet from build.08:36
JLP Now builds again. Will leave the files until I decide to drop08:36
JLP TP03 support (which will yet need to be written).08:36
Noughmadok... that means not used anymore, I suppose08:37
JLPi guess we'll have to ask llnz about this when he gets back08:37
JLPin the meantime it would probably be the safest to use the git tree which just contain the compilation fixes since 0.1.108:40
JLPtree 2caaf6393b968866190b7784a6f407f3471ab61208:40
JLPwait or should i look at commit id d90fc60a3da62e06f592040110dd53c8893b29dd08:44
JLPat least that's what the tr gz snapshot link points to in gitweb08:45
JLPwell in any case i think it should all be fine if you download and use this → http://git.thousandparsec.net/gitweb/gitweb.cgi?p=libtpproto-cpp.git;a=snapshot;h=d90fc60a3da62e06f592040110dd53c8893b29dd;sf=tgz08:46
tpb<http://ln-s.net/33GX> (at git.thousandparsec.net)08:46
JLPoh no this is just the patch, damn08:47
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JLPah no it is ok08:48
JLPdamn it looks like i'm more sick then i thought :)08:48
* JLP quickly gets himself another hot tea with lemon08:49
* JLP must also not forget the world-famous Lekadol drug :)08:49
Noughmadgood luck with the headache08:51
JLPNoughmad: thank, i'll need it09:02
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skiffcz-gsocbddebian: hola10:39
skiffcz-gsoc(not the fastest greeting ever, but better then nail in the eye)10:40
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gab32I saw Noughmad had the same problem with parsek. For some reason my install can't find ObjectVisitor.h11:47
Noughmadoh, hi11:47
gab32hi :)11:47
gab32I'm talking about this problem : http://pastebin.com/d39aeeddf11:49
tpbTitle: Bash pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at pastebin.com)11:49
NoughmadI don't have it either11:49
Noughmadthere are, however, objectparametervisitor and orderparametervisitor11:50
gab32anyone familiar with vmware? is there any way you could copy/paste through different machines?11:54
JLPgab32: could you try compiling this snapshot from git → http://git.thousandparsec.net/gitweb/gitweb.cgi?p=libtpproto-cpp.git;a=snapshot;h=d90fc60a3da62e06f592040110dd53c8893b29dd;sf=tgz11:56
tpb<http://ln-s.net/33GX> (at git.thousandparsec.net)11:56
JLPthis one should include gcc 4.2 compilation fixes and is the one before llnz started major rework11:57
skiffcz-gsocgab32: I think vmware tools can copypaste /DnD in between host and guest machines11:58
skiffcz-gsoctry google for latest vmware tools11:59
skiffcz-gsocnever tried this myself, but I seem to recall having conversation about this topic with someone in the past11:59
gab32skiffcz-gsoc: will do, thanks12:00
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whackyhello everyone!12:02
gab32hello whacky12:04
JLPwhacky: welcome back12:05
whackygab32:i'm interesred in contributing to tp,iam learning pygame at present, can i help in anyway?12:05
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gab32you should talk to the actual developers :)12:06
whackygab32:can i get mithro's email id?12:06
gab32whacky: i'm here for GSoC too, but you should find mithro's email on TP's website12:07
JLPthe e-mail is for sure there on google summer of code page on wiki12:08
whackygab32:thanks ,selected any idea for soc?12:08
JLPalong with some other contact info like Jabber12:08
gab32whacky: I'm looking at Parsek client, but I still have some problems compiling it12:08
gab32JLP: now I get gcc problems with that snapshot you mentioned12:12
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Noughmadgab32: so do I, free, realloc and memcpy not declared12:15
JLPhm i'll have to check this out, i  thought this snapshot should have all the gcc 4.3 fixes12:17
gab32I'll just add the proper includes in specific files, should work I guess12:19
gab32including cstring and stdlib.h solves that problem, but now I get alot of errors about uint32_t not being a type and some other12:24
skiffcz-gsocgab32: #include <cstdint>12:29
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Noughmadgab32: does it work now?12:36
gab32skiffcz-gsoc: some files work with #include <stdint.h>12:37
gab32Noughmad: not yet12:38
Noughmadgood luck, I hope we get it working :)12:38
gab32I believe I've managed to make and install that specific snapshot12:40
* JLP finds these compilation fixes on the other computer and notices he forgot to push it12:40
gab32not that familiar with linux environment, but I don't see any "error"s :)12:41
gab32well yeah, just a few #include's in specific files12:41
gab32"[100%] Built target parsek" yay12:42
gab32um, no. it didn't work12:43
gab32I can't see any parsek binary12:43
JLPgab32: it should be in <build_dir>/src/parsek12:45
gab32JLP: yes, just found it :) thanks12:46
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NoughmadJLP: can you push them now and post a link?13:10
Noughmador I'll just do the same13:10
JLPNoughmad: i think it wouldn't be usefull to push now since git is quite a bit ahead13:12
JLPit's the safest to add the missing headers to the snapshot13:12
Noughmadand this old libproto still works weth the server the same way?13:13
JLPunless llnz decides that a stable 0.1.x branch should be created and we would put patches there13:13
JLPNoughmad: yeah it should work just fine, the new library started adding support for version 4 of protocol but as far as i know it is not used anywhere so far13:14
JLPor better put, it is not required anywhere so far13:15
JLPfirst we need to finish up the specification of protocol13:15
* JLP checks Noughmad's application13:26
Noughmadugh... should I submit it to TP too?13:27
JLPNoughmad: well, i think we can first get the one in KDE in shape and then copy taht to TP13:29
Noughmadallright, I just compiled the library13:29
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Noughmadand Parsek too, finally :)13:34
Noughmadand it still says Thrid fleet?13:35
JLPNoughmad: yeah, that's one of the 3 fleets you get by default13:41
NoughmadI know, but shouldn't it say 'Third', not 'Thrid'?13:42
JLPNoughmad: you're right, i didn't even notice the speeling error :)13:43
JLPjust read and seen it as it should be :)13:43
JLPa bug you can fix in tpserver-cpp as a warmup :)13:44
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Noughmadis there a specific reason for not using KXmlGuiWindow for parsek?13:56
JLPNoughmad: nope, just didn't get around to it yet13:57
NoughmadJLP: it does save some typing13:58
JLPNoughmad: yeah, i think that when i started this i haven't read about it yet14:00
Noughmadok, so I have some new ideas14:00
Noughmadinfo retrieval obviously works, so the first week should be about interface :p14:01
JLPyeah, not all info is fetched yet14:04
JLPbu should be enough for starmap14:04
Noughmadonly orders are missing, right?14:13
JLPyup, for the basic stuff, then there are spaceship designs but these are not used in rulesets yet14:17
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valdyrHi all14:36
valdyranyone alive?14:36
Noughmadvaldyr: yes?14:36
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valdyrI am a gsoc student. Can I have a few questions?14:37
Noughmadme too :)14:37
Noughmadyou can wait for a developer14:37
valdyrWhere are you from?14:38
valdyrlets wait together14:38
NoughmadI'm from slovenia, what do you want to know?14:39
valdyris TP based on SDL?14:41
JLPvaldyr: ahoy14:41
valdyrhaven`t play with the code yet14:42
valdyrthis project seems to be one of most interesting for me14:42
JLPvaldyr: well it very much depends which TP part you are talking about14:42
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valdyrJLP: actually I haven`t been making games before14:43
valdyrbut I`m interested in it14:44
valdyrit TP a good place to start?14:44
valdyrif I have medium knowledge of C++14:44
valdyra non at all of any graphic libs etc.14:45
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JLPvaldyr: it should be a good place to start, especially if you love 4X games14:46
JLPvaldyr: for c++ based projects look at the code in our GIT repository which has names endinf with -cpp :)14:47
JLPthis includes the server, the protocol library, Parsek client14:48
valdyrso actually game is running on the server and player has got a client?14:50
JLPvaldyr: yes, modules are separated14:51
JLPvaldyr: i suggest you read the wiki and other links from our gsoc page to get the big picture14:51
valdyrwill do that14:52
valdyrHow many students do you plan to take (if it is not a secret)?14:52
valdyrand what main requirement should be met?14:53
JLPvaldyr: the number of accepted students depends on how many applications we get compared to other mentoring organizations14:54
valdyrok just interesting. Last year a friend of mine has been selected but there were no slots for his project.14:55
JLPvaldyr: the requirements are more or less written on our gsoc wiki page14:55
JLPhm that's strange, as far as i know each organization gets 2 slots at least14:55
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JLPllnz: hey14:59
llnzhi JLP14:59
JLPllnz: some had some problems with missing header files like fleet.h and galaxy.h15:00
JLPwhen compiling libtpproto-cpp15:00
llnzoh? which ruleset?15:00
JLPllnz: well with compiling Parsek with libtpproto-cpp15:01
llnzyes, you will no longer find them15:01
JLPare these going to be removed for good from it in 0.2.0 or is this just temp15:01
llnzgone for good15:01
llnzlibtpproto-cpp (will) supports TP04 object parameters15:02
JLPaha, ok, so this will have to be the part of work in Parsek too15:02
llnzalso note that the library is much more asynchronous now15:03
llnzlots of boost::signal15:03
JLPllnz: do yo think this should be in gsoc, is it good to start, or should we still use the 0.1.x for now15:03
llnzwell... tpadmin-cpp uses the current libtpproto-cpp (ie, 0.1.9)15:04
llnzand most things (other than object parameters, messages and orders) are working15:04
Noughmadllnz: so should we work on 2.0 for the client and hope that things will work by the end ef the summer?15:06
Noughmad0.2.0, sorry15:06
llnzNoughmad: yes, it will make me develop the last pieces, or it will force someone else to :-)15:06
Noughmadokay, thanks15:07
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EpyonJLP, llnz, ping?15:33
JLPEpyon: ahoy15:38
llnzEpyon: pong15:40
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EpyonAny chance of chatting about a GSoC proposal? :)15:48
EpyonI'm gonna try the EliteSec proposal again, but I also thought about another one. Yet here I'd like to hear your opinion on what would be needed.15:51
JLPEpyon: improvements to existing stuff is what is needed the msot15:58
EpyonAny C++ projects in this regard?16:03
Epyonwhat's the status of the C++ server versus the python one?16:03
JLPEpyon: yeah, the existing c++ rulesets could be improved/extended, and i guess llnz would like to see persistancy implemented16:04
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llnzif a very good proposal for a ruleset could still be accepted16:07
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llnzi haven't chosen what is going to be done, depends on the quality of the proposals16:16
skiffcz-gsocwhen we are already crunching this topic, how does the "design new AI client" stands in the whole picture ... I understand it will probably not be a hot candidate. However, the two main clients are either rule based in python (which totally doesnt fit my idea) or in java (i dont code in java for fun, i code in java in job).16:19
skiffcz-gsocfrom my point of view, it may be benefical to have cpp AI client to boost developement of other cpp areas of the project, but of course i may be just hopelesly searchin for niche here, and it would not be that benefical from projects point of view16:21
JLPi think having different AI options would be good to have, especially if you implement it for some ruleset which are not yet supported by other AIs16:24
llnzi agree with JLP16:25
skiffcz-gsocim trying to come with ai based on reactive agents, which would take hierarchic structure of goals, assign agent for each goal (who would from informations about current state of world, priority of his goal, and completion state of his goal demand resources for fulfilling his goal).16:30
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skiffcz-gsocso agent building military ships will try to make balanced fleet for attack16:31
skiffcz-gsochowever, in the nodes, there would be agents whos goal would be redistribute resources available to them to subordinate agents16:31
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llnzskiffcz-gsoc: sounds interesting16:33
* llnz wanders off to meetings, sorry16:33
skiffcz-gsocgeez, this seems confusing even to me when i read it back, forget it, Ill put together some examples of actual gameplay, it will me clearer16:33
JLPllnz: here's the link with more info → http://www.stud.fit.vutbr.cz/~xmynar01/16:34
tpbTitle: GSoC 1000 pc ideas sketch (at www.stud.fit.vutbr.cz)16:34
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skiffcz-gsoctl;dr version of what im trying to cumbersomly sketch here: the main advantage of this will be complete independence of the ai on the goals. Its elements would not care what is the goal they trying to accomplish, it will just read the config file "you will do foo(build kindergartens), your need follows bar equation (kids/kindergartens*200), your low treshold in activity is 0.9 (and lower you build no kindergartens), high treshold is 1.1 (you build16:42
skiffcz-gsoceh, tldr it started, haha16:43
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skiffcz-gsocso it will be no need to hardcode new rulesets, only new protocol orders and object types in game (and in future, maybe not even those, the IDs of the objects could be desribed in the config file as well)16:45
Vadtecllnz / JLP: so i talked with one of my professors today about unit testing, and he gave me a more clear picture of what it involves, so im typing up my application right now to submit16:51
JLPskiffcz-gsoc: sounds reasonable to me, it was done in a similar fashion in jane's 688(i) hunter killer where you would write similar doctrine files17:00
JLPVadtec: cool, loking forward to the application17:01
JLPGreg___: ahoy17:01
* skiffcz-gsoc checks the submarine sim17:02
Greg___hi, still actually reading code and looking into the ideas I like (had a very busy week at uni so a little behind the schedule), will no doubt have some questions for everyone soon17:02
JLPGreg___: nice, take youre time17:05
skiffcz-gsocJLP: its more to it, for example I will like to have "stages" (and there will be conditions set for stage activation), so you can define few different behaviours, so lets say attacking agent will be disabled in "startup" stage, but in "finish him" stage it will be with ship builder only one active (screw research, lets get this over with asap) etc17:05
VadtecJLP: how much personal information do you require on the application? name, email, irc nick, or do you need more like college or home address?17:07
JLPVadtec: no home address needed, just, Name, e-mail IM, IRC nickname, collage is optional but nice to know which kind it is and which year17:08
VadtecJLP: k17:09
Greg___JLP: in the AI clients section - it doesn't detail any real ideas, more just that they could be improved, are there any suggestions that I've missed?17:16
skiffcz-gsocJLP: and finally, decentralization of command and decomposition to simpler tasks increases robustness. If some of the agents will be configured poorly, it would not necessarily mean the AI will hang and sit there as duck waiting to be beheaded. Also, distributed/parallel/multithreaded version will be easier to implement, in some distant future.17:16
Vadtecllnz / JLP: is it expected that the unit testing would be done for both the C++ and python versions of the protocol libs, or is one or the other acceptable?17:17
Vadtecthe idea list doesnt say "both" or specify one or the other17:18
JLPGreg___: nope i don't think there are any specific ideas, just improvements to existing support for rulesets, generla structure17:18
JLPGreg___: i think it's best check out the code and contact the existing authors of AI clients and talk to them about this17:19
* skiffcz-gsoc apologizes for wall spamming here, but it in fact helps him to sort out his thoughts a bit, which is needed for writing the proposal anyways *shuts up* :)17:20
JLPskiffcz-gsoc: no problem, whatever makes the application better :)17:22
VadtecJLP: did you see my question?17:22
JLPVadtec: ups missed this one17:23
Vadteci should probably try to ask llnz17:23
Vadtecor mithro17:23
Vadtecas you directed me to them before17:23
JLPVadtec: yeah, that would be the best17:23
Vadtecfor now ill assume specifying the C++ server is ok as it seems to be the more mature of the two, i can always change it later17:24
Vadtecdang...now i lost my thought17:24
Vadtec*think think think*17:25
Vadtecman i suck at writing proposals/applications like this17:26
skiffcz-gsocVadtec: haha, this made my day, sorry, its not even funny, but I cant resist laughing :D17:27
* skiffcz-gsoc totally understands Vadtec17:27
Vadteclaugh all you want, i really do suck at this17:28
Vadtecim sure ill laugh at my self later too17:28
skiffcz-gsocVadtec: the point is, I do suck at this too :)17:28
Vadtecits a skill, you either have it or you have to build it up, i neither have it nor have had to build it up17:29
* Noughmad joins the "I suck at proposals" club17:32
skiffcz-gsocyeah, I know some people whos proposal-writing-fu is actually so strong, that they never have to do any practical work in the end, but thats another story. Id rather stuck to sucking in bureaucracy and excelling in other areas (TODO)17:32
* Landon joins the I suck at starting proposals17:33
cherezThere's a club?!17:34
JLPyeah, i'm also a member :)17:35
Vadtecwell, i know how *I* would setup this proposal, but i know for a fact its not proper nor effective17:36
skiffcz-gsocVadtec: if that includes free beer and strippers, it may have success, but Im not sure what google would say ... no beer and strippers for them (and for their money, pwnd), that would make them angry pandas I guess17:38
Vadtec1) beer is nasty17:39
Vadtec2) strippers are nasty17:39
Vadtec3) it involves neither 1 or 217:39
Vadtecwriters block17:41
skiffcz-gsocVadtec: ok, lets scratch strippers, they cant code anyways ... but the beer, well, Im from Czech Republic, the beer kingdom. That means more beer instead of strippers. (updates his proposal) .. eh, uh, ok, I need to take less of that cough meeds, they seem to have /effects/ on me17:42
Epyonbeer is *not* nasty!17:42
Vadteclol @ both17:42
Vadtecvodka ftw17:42
skiffcz-gsocvodka makes me dead .. i dont like being dead, there is no internet there17:43
skiffcz-gsocno no no, really, I have to stop .... *STOPS*17:44
JLafontvodka is nasty17:48
Noughmadso here's the plan:17:48
Noughmadyou all get drunk, I get accepted?17:48
Vadteclol Noughmad17:49
skiffcz-gsocNoughmad: Im drunk17:49
Vadteci dont drink around my kids17:49
Vadtecand my kids are always around17:49
NoughmadVadtec: :)17:49
Vadteci would consider a duel though17:49
Vadtecmuskets at dawn shall we?17:49
skiffcz-gsochey, I studied through whole university drunk so far17:50
skiffcz-gsocdo you think of me as some lesser opponent, ha? Thou shalt regret thy arrogance! En garde!17:51
* Noughmad goes off to have a refreshing, low-caloric, non-alcoholic beverage17:52
VadtecNoughmad: you could have said Diet Coke and we would have understood17:52
Vadtecdamn this writers block! i know what i am trying to say, just cant find the words im after17:53
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JLPwhollycow: hello18:28
whollycowI am a student with some interest in doing a summer of code project with you guys, so I thought I'd come in and idle while I read the web pages a bit more :)18:29
JLPwhollycow: great to hear18:32
JLPwhollycow: feel free to ask any question and we'll try to help18:33
whollycowIt's interesting that you guys have so many clients.  It speaks well of the flexibility of the protocol, but it looks like the development effort gets spread thinly over them.18:37
JLPwhollycow: yeah it was designed to be modular and flexible18:39
JLPwhollycow: and we are also trying to address the thins spread this year with focus on improving the existing stuff instead of creating new18:40
totei get this when i run ./configure in tpserver-cpp, ideas?:  config.status: error: cannot find input file: Makefile.in18:56
skiffcz-gsocwhat version of tpserver18:57
totelatest from git18:59
skiffcz-gsochm, cant help you then .. maybe try to run it as root. No problems for me, but I have downloaded the one from www (0.6.0)19:00
Vadtectote: run make clean19:01
Vadtecthen rerun configure19:01
whollycowJLP: out of curiosity, was there any consideration of basing Parsek on SDL instead of KDE?  (I ask because I'm a mac user-- SDL support for us is much nicer than things like KDE)19:01
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toteno make clean Vadtec :)19:01
Vadtecrm config.status19:01
Vadtecrun configure19:01
totesame error, am i missing a lib or something?19:02
Vadtecyou are missing a Makefile.am19:03
Vadtectry grabbing a copy from git into a new dir19:03
toteyeah, there is a Makefile.am there19:04
Vadtecif you configure the new dir does it work?19:04
totei need to run ./autogen.sh first right?19:05
JLPtote: yup19:05
Vadtecvery possible19:05
Vadtecautogen.sh creates Makefile.in from Makefile.am19:05
toteconfigure.ac:63: required file `./ltmain.sh' not found19:06
totegetting that but it still says ready to configure19:06
totecan i ignore it?19:06
JLPwhollycow: nope, from the very start I was going to make it KDE-based19:06
Vadtectote: no idea, but probably not, its something to do with libtool19:06
Vadtectry make and see what happens19:06
totethere is no make file as it doesnt get past the ./configure :/19:08
VadtecJLP: quick side question, I noticed TP is on ohloh.net (love that little metric and found a new site to play with), but when i was viewing the stats for the project, it shows that ohloh.net hasnt been updated in 4 months, is that supposed to happen?19:08
Vadtectote: all i can say is you are missing a file somewhere19:08
JLPVadtec: i don't know if it is supposed to happen but it does have lots of hiccups19:08
Vadtectote: i have no idea where to tell you look or who to ask, i just know what autotools and related was looking for19:09
VadtecJLP: so in otherwords, some one probably needs to poke the ohloh.net people and get them to figure it out19:09
JLPVadtec: yeah we have been poking them in the past about these problems19:11
VadtecJLP: ah, sounds like they need another few gophers in the machine then :P19:12
JLPtote: autogen.sh should create ltmain.sh19:13
tpbTitle: Nopaste - No description (at rafb.net)19:15
totethats the output of autogen.sh19:15
Vadtechmmmm, seems like autogen.sh is buggy19:16
Vadtectote: JLP should be able to get you fixed up19:17
EpyonJLP, so what are the highest priority C++ related task for this year?19:17
tansell-laptoptote, sounds like you have an old version of libtool or your checkout is corrupted19:18
ezodVadtec: about ohloh, i've poked them a number of times about it, it gets stuck trying to update branches that no longer exist and stuff like that19:18
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JLPEpyon: hard to say, depends on the quality of applications19:19
toteltmain.sh (GNU libtool) 1.5.26 Debian 1.5.26-4 (1.1220.2.493 2008/02/01 16:58:18)19:19
EpyonJLP, okay, so let me rephrase -- what C++ tasks that are highly regarded are there? :)19:19
JLPEpyon: except that improvement of existing stuff has a bit higher19:19
Vadtecezod: oh, just a curious question, can the enlistments not be removed for the missing stuff and fix it? (I assume thats been tried already)19:20
EpyonI don't mind improving, actually I'd love to refactor :P19:20
* Epyon loves changing messy code to pretty code19:20
ezodVadtec: yes, fixes part of the problem, but it still gets stuck for other reasons19:21
Vadtecezod: meh, ok, i just noticed it earlier today19:22
Vadtecthough id mention it19:22
Epyonnash, you here?19:24
nashEpyon: Maybe19:24
Epyonnash, still supportive of the EliteSec idea?19:25
nashEpyon: If you can give me a better design document as to how the game would work19:25
totetansell-laptop: what version is needed?19:26
EpyonI can do that :)19:26
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nashEpyon: If it's good I'll mentor... if not, I'm just making up tims numbers ;-)19:33
nashWhich client/server et al?19:33
EpyonAnd I'd like to go for the python client, it looks the nicest19:34
JLPtote: 2.1b19:34
ezodhuh, looks like ohloh is updating our stats right now :)19:35
EpyonI'd naturally supply the models for the ruleset ;)19:35
EpyonBTW, how mature is the python client?19:36
toteJLP: so 1.5.26 in libtool packages from debian is a bit old?19:36
JLPtote: yeah19:36
totehmm is there a 2.1 package for debian somewhere? :)19:36
* llnz is back, reading backlog19:37
nashEpyon: Not sure ;-)19:40
EpyonEither that one, or... wasn't there a webclient developed?19:41
nashno idea on the last one19:41
CIA-65mavrinac tpclient-pywx-stable * rc27c6af1d491 /libtpclient-py: Update libtpclient-py submodule to latest head.19:41
nashEpyon: I haven't touched TP for 6 months or so ;-)19:41
toteit was a webclient for 2007, but someone pulled out, i'm intrested in doing a webclient :)19:42
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Epyonnash, I havn't in 9 months :P19:42
Epyonmithro :)19:42
EpyonBTW, nash, I tried Enlightment recently, but it didn't work well with my NC10 :/19:43
nashEpyon: Repeat your questions ;-)19:43
EpyonSamsung NC10 netbook19:43
Epyonmithro, willing to be flooded with questions? :P19:44
nashEpyon: Works great on my desktop and laptop ;-)19:44
* JLP goes to sleep now that mithro and llnz are here19:45
JLPgood night everyone, and keep on working on applications19:45
llnzcya JLP19:45
ezodlater JLP19:45
Epyonnash, feeling so dirty for using Windows on my desktop I decided to use linux on my laptop as a form of redemption :P19:45
Epyonbye JLP19:45
nashIt's not enough right?19:45
EpyonI have a virtual machine with linux on my desktop...?19:46
nashGood start.  But generally it's a linux box with a windows virtual machine19:48
EpyonTried that -- 3ds max and Friuty Loops still don't work as expected :/19:50
tansellEpyon, flood away, no guarantee I'll answer them :)19:57
tansellEpyon, if you want to refactor and unittest tpserver-cpp, that would be a pretty good task19:58
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tansellit's not very glamerous, but it would be really cool from making tpserver-cpp better code point of view20:00
* nash notes thats the sort of job that primary maintainers should be doing20:03
toteon the demoserver for minisec, why am i no longer in control of my fleets and planet?20:05
llnzunittesting tpserver-cpp isn't that valuable, as at some point it is going asynchronous20:06
llnzunittesting libtpproto-cpp which is already, is valuable20:06
Vadtecim about to submit my application to do that very thing llnz20:08
whollycowwould some kind of more general-purpose protocol compliance tester be more desirable than a set of unittests for one of the protocol implementations?20:08
Vadtecjust as soon as i get groceries put up that is20:09
tansellllnz, you can quite easily unittest asynchronous stuff20:09
CIA-65mavrinac libtpclient-py-stable * r8f6b996b8bc7 /tp/client/SinglePlayer.py: Stop using 'type' as an identifier.20:10
llnztansell: yes, but changing interfaces are annoying20:10
tanselllibtpproto-cpp crashing is a "opps I just have to restart a client", tpserver-cpp crashing is much more serious20:10
tansellplus nobody actually uses libtpproto-cpp really :)20:10
ezodthere was talk earlier today about using it20:11
tansellezod, i guess tpadmin-cpp uses it right?20:13
ezodoh that too :)20:13
ezodbtw, that needs to be compiled for windows to ship with tpserver-cpp20:14
llnzVadtec: cool20:14
llnzwhollycow: yes, being able to test whether the protocol implementation is correct on the wire is useful too20:14
tansellezod, why?20:18
tansellezod, I don't see any real use for it with the single player stuff20:18
ezodtansell: i dunno, don't we want it to be included?20:18
tansellezod, I'm uploading a new version of the binary as we speak20:19
tansellit includes the fixes from yesterday20:19
tansellwhich mean it should work better with the singleplayer stuff20:19
ezodoh good, i'm working on that now20:22
tansellezod, uploaded - same URL as before20:23
llnzskiffcz-gsoc: just read your idea sketch, looks very interesting20:23
tansellezod, any luck with daneel-ai?20:24
skiffcz-gsocllnz: the best part is that Im actually convinced that I can make it happen :) And that it will work. I just need some time to glue the real proposal (or at least first version) together.20:26
llnzskiffcz-gsoc: cool20:27
ezodtansell: not yet, i was about to test it now that i have everything installed and tpclient-pywx is working20:27
ezodcurrently weeding out win32 bug(s)20:27
skiffcz-gsocwhich requires tidying up the finished code i intend to build it on (not uber, but I have some) and document it a bit .. so I have a mounting point for my ivory tower :)20:28
* skiffcz-gsoc gets back to work20:28
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Vadtecalrighty, groceries put up, kids fed20:51
Vadtectime to submit20:51
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Vadtecwhat the....i submitted my application, and there is all this weird code at the top of it that google seemed to have placed there21:05
Vadtecthat was weird21:05
Vadtecapplication submitted, i wonder how it will be percieved21:06
skiffcz-gsocwell done *thumbs up* .. I wont make it today, but the coding is done, few more tests to be sure, and tomorrow /only/ finish documentation and im set ...21:17
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llnzVadtec: i can see it in the list of applications21:45
llnzVadtec: expect some comments in the next day or so, and be prepared to make improvements21:47
llnzactually, that goes for all students, you will get comments and you should make improvements21:48
Vadtecthat goes without saying21:58
Vadtecand thanks for the update21:58
CIA-65mavrinac libtpclient-py-stable * rd78ffe35c63e /tp/client/SinglePlayer.py:22:00
CIA-65Also check for *.exe files on Windows when checking for single player22:00
CIA-65command executables.22:00
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CIA-65mavrinac libtpclient-py-stable * r2d1efa85325e /tp/client/SinglePlayer.py: Fix wrong parenthesis logic in previous commit.22:04
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tansell-laptophey Greywhind22:09
tansell-laptopGreywhind, you signed up to be a GSoC mentor?22:09
ezodtansell-laptop: ok, tpclient-pywx/libptclient-py side of things appears to be all good on win32 now22:10
Greywhindtansell-laptop: i was hoping to apply as a student22:10
Greywhindwant to talk about that sometime?22:10
tansell-laptopGreywhind, oh okay22:10
tansell-laptophave to go22:10
tansell-laptopsee ya22:10
Greywhindcan we discuss it some other time, though?22:10
chereztansell-laptop: Is there a document on what libtpproto2-py needs finished?22:15
ezodargh, this logilab-constraint dependency is a pain in the butt22:25
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skiffcz-gsocok, Im out of caffeine today22:37
ezodgot daneel-ai working in windows, going to add py2exe stuff to setup.py soon22:37
ezodif all goes well with subsequent testing we should be able to proceed with release22:37
skiffcz-gsoc3:37 am, time for bed ... gn all22:37
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Gaurav__hi llnz22:42
Gaurav__sorry i was little bit busy with my exams22:43
Gaurav__todayonwards i will work on persistance module22:43
llnzhi Gaurav__, cool22:54
Vadtecugh, my english professor sure knows how to pick lame research topics22:55
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whackycan i contribute to tp using pygame23:51

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