Saturday, 2009-03-21

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mithroezod: ping?01:10
ezodmithro: pong, about to shut down01:23
mithroezod: will you have time tommorrow to try and push out a release?01:24
ezodi've got a few things going on but i'm trying to work it out that way01:24
ezodwhat needs doing?01:24
mithroI'm happy to be around to help with any problems and such01:24
mithrowell there seems to be some problem with 64bit machines where the player never has any objects01:25
mithrodaneel-ai says it support rfts (which it doesn't at the moment)01:25
mithrowe need to test under windows and mac01:25
mithrothen build binaries, debs, etc01:26
ezodok, i should have at least an hour or two tomorrow, and sunday probably more01:26
mithroI'm going to aim to get up early tommorrow and see what I can finish01:28
ezodi'll keep up on irc logs, just stick my nick in front of anything you want me to note01:29
mithroshenki: ping?01:30
ezodi'll try to collect all the outstanding issues, then knock everything i can off01:30
ezodpost to ML anything i can't01:30
ezodfor now, sleep, early day tomorrow01:31
* ezod out01:31
mithrookay see ya then01:31
ezodyep, later01:31
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* Knio slaps mithro around a bit with a large trout02:02
mithroKnio: long time no see02:03
KnioI was browsing gsoc02:03
Knioand I saw battleXML in your page02:03
Kniois that related to me? lol02:03
mithrokinda :)02:06
mithroyou wanna do a BattleViewer for GSoC? :P02:07
Knioheh maybe02:07
KnioI haven't been getting any better job ofers :(02:07
mithrodid you see our 3d client?02:08
tpb<> (at
tpb<> (at
mithrothat was from last years GSoC02:11
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shenkimithro: pong03:02
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CIA-65jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * rd68c11be4a22 /src/ ( tpclient-pyogre): Remove pygame function calls and use pyglet instead03:54
CIA-65jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * r7d521fa07c33 /src/ ( Additional method changes for python-ogre 1.6 compatibility03:54
CIA-65jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * r9dd7a99a757f / (4 files in 3 dirs): Update windows build scripts for python-ogre 1.603:54
CIA-65jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * r0e0cc12a9117 /src/ ( Use pyglet Player for sounds due to buffering issues03:54
CIA-65jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * rae6efa3ceb23 /src/ ( Change method calls for python-ogre 1.603:54
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Gaurav__when llnz comes online ?06:52
Gaurav__can anyone give me his mail id ?06:53
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totedoes anyone know what happened to the webclient from gsoc 2007? :)06:56
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JLPgood morning everyone07:30
gab32morning JLP07:46
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JLPverhoevenv: welcome back09:55
verhoevenvJLP: we already have students?09:57
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JLPverhoevenv: yeah, there are a couple of new nicknames here :)10:00
verhoevenvEh. Why does MiniSec have a "no operation" order? :P10:01
JLPverhoevenv: well if you make a list of orders, you can stick a NoOp in there as a kind of a pause, for example let's say you send two fleets from to planets to attack one planet, and those two planets are not at the same distance from the target or you have fleets with different speeds ro something like this10:05
JLPin this way you can synchronise a bit events10:05
verhoevenvHmm. I see.10:10
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mithroverhoevenv: it's the first order you impliment because it's so simple :)10:14
mithroanyway I'm off to bed10:14
JLPmithro: night10:15
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JLPskiff2643: ahoy11:01
skiff2643hello :)11:01
skiff2643i tried mithro in personal channel, but it may be more suitable here11:01
JLPskiff2643: yeah, it's better here, also mithro went sleeping, so he's not here now11:02
skiff2643I have put a (not so) short introductory page together for GSoC, but Im not sure who is actually the right person to send it to11:02
skiff2643so, if enyone is interested in some boring wall of text, it can be foud here11:03
JLPskiff2643: you mean a draft for gsoc application, or some other kind of intro11:03
tpbTitle: GSoC 1000 pc ideas sketch (at
skiff2643JLP : draft for gsoc application11:04
JLPah, cool, i'll give it a quick look11:04
skiff2643thank you :) I have to go afk right now, otherwise our home will collapse, but I will have plenty of time .. say 3 to 4 hours from now11:05
skiff2643if youll have any questions, ill be glad to aswer them as soon as i get back11:06
JLPok, i'll be here11:06
skiff2643thank you and good bye for now11:07
toteJLP: how involved are you in this project? you dont happened to know about a webclient for gsoc 2007? :)11:07
* skiff2643 disappears in the woods11:08
JLPtote: hm i can't seem to remember much about what happened to the web client11:09
shenkiHello all11:10
JLPshenki: ahoy11:11
shenkiJLP: do you have any code in tpserver-cpp?11:11
shenkii was hoping for some feedback on the patches i sent to the mail list11:12
toteJLP: okey, guess i can assume that there is no web client until someone says otherwise :)11:12
JLPshenki: only a couple of compilation fixes and bugfixes11:12
shenkiJLP: ah, fair enough. i guess i should bug mithro and llnz some more then11:12
JLPshenki: llnz should know the most, but we haven't seen him for the last couple of days11:13
JLPtote: hm i don't even see the webclient project on gsoc07 page11:14
shenkiJLP: thanks11:14
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toteJLP: okay, need to get hold of llnz and mithro to see if they know anything then11:20
JLPas far as i can remember we only had a couple of prorposals but none was selected in the end11:21
JLPbut yeah, you better also ask mithro and llnz, it may be my bad memory11:22
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totein minisec, is it possible to attack a moving fleet? or is most of the battles around planets?11:26
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JLPtote: if you intercept it it should be possible, i guess the interception would be the hardest part to do with current clients11:32
JLPbut if two opposing fleets meet at the same coordinates they would enter battle11:33
totei see, thanks11:34
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JLPOverseer10: hello12:53
jdrakeSalve JLP!12:56
JLPjdrake: ciao12:58
jdrakeQuid agis hogie?12:59
jdrakeI looked at the protocol and it looks easy enough to implement, in fact a lot can be accomplished by transposing the c++ to objective c13:00
JLPyeah, version 4 will be specified in XML so it could even be automated in most part13:04
JLPOverseer10: here for gsoc?13:07
Gaurav__i am here for gsoc and searching for llnz for last three days here13:23
JLPGaurav__: we don't know where he's hiding :)13:25
JLPmaybe he's sick or just so busy with other things13:25
Gaurav__ohk i will wait13:25
Gaurav__is there anyone from Tpserver-cpp project ?13:26
JLPGaurav__: ezod was working on it quite a bit, so if he's here now he could probably help13:27
Gaurav__actualyy there is a project on Tpserver-cpp in gsoc "persistence interface for postgresql and sqlite"13:29
Gaurav__i have worked with postgresql and libpqxx api to save information of an graphical application13:29
Gaurav__so i want to discuss some things about that13:30
Gaurav__JLP: can you give me llnz's mail id13:30
JLPall contacts for menors are on our GSoC wiki page:
tpb<> (at
jdrakeJLP: I was wondering about that... XML seemed suited for this sort of thing, and this is coming from a guy who feels that XML is needlessly verbose13:39
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skiffczI am skiff(somenumber) who was here some 4 hours ago. I have sent you some light GSoC intro, and now Im here to ask and be asked a bit more ;)15:05
JLPskiffcz: welcome back15:06
JLPi've quickly read it and it looks like a very good start15:07
JLPafter detailing out the schedule and other things like "risk management" info it should be fine15:08
JLPalso a little write down about your thought on how you plan to make it adapt to player skill, or how it will be possible to set difficulty level15:09
JLPoh and you say you already have a lot of code for this system written, so be sure to not forget to include the link to it15:10
skiffczok, Ill try to polish this a bit, include missing stuff and set up a small wiki documenting the base library I want to build it on ;] so, updated version tomorrow I guess :) thank you for feedback15:12
JLPskiffcz: no problem, we're here to help, the sooner we can start polishing stuff up the better it is for all of us15:13
skiffczalso, may I ask you, if someone already applied to make any new ruleset? the minisec will be more than enough for baby AI, but the time will come, when it will need multiple ship types etc to test how it can adapt15:14
JLPi'm sure there will be applications to make some new rulesets, although we would more like to see the existing ones polished and improved15:15
JLPbut yeah, at least Patrick and Azkar and gab32 were talking about rulesets15:16
skiffczok, its just in case that MTsec would be too big jump for it .. just for info. Thank you. Well, I guess I have enough work for now, so better to get it done. Thank you, and see you soon (hopefully)15:18
JLPlooking forward15:18
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jdrakeJLP: One thing I was meaning to ask - is there anything that TP can't do? More specifically, is there anything conceivable in the 4X genre that it would not be able to handle now?15:26
JLPlot's of stuff is still missig from the protocol (which defines what is possible): for example diplomacy, research15:27
JLPsome of the planned stuff for version 4 of the protocol can give you the idea:
tpbTitle: TP04 - Thousand Parsec Wiki (at
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