Tuesday, 2009-03-10

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mithrotime to put together our GSoC application01:24
Azkar|afkthats convenient, I plan on applying to gsoc01:34
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tansellAzkar, i mean for the org01:49
AzkarI know :p01:49
AzkarI forgot that you said you were mithro earlier01:49
mithrosorry I have 3 computers on my desk01:50
Azkarmakes sense now01:50
Azkarwhere are you from if you dont mind me asking?01:52
tansellfrom? As in country?01:53
tansellI'm currently in Sydney, Australia01:59
* tansell works at Google and founded Thousand Parsec back in 200101:59
Azkarthats awesome02:00
AzkarI aspire to one day work at google :p02:00
Azkarhave a minimum of at least 5+ years of education first02:01
Azkarthen probably years of a real-world job... ewww02:06
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CIA-69mavrinac libtpclient-py-singleplayer * r5f75e08e5745 /tp/client/SinglePlayer.py: Only post boolean arguments if they are True.15:13
CIA-69mavrinac libtpclient-py-singleplayer * r4bb2467201c9 /tp/client/SinglePlayer.py: Check for blank values when populating commandstring with options.15:21
CIA-69mavrinac libtpclient-py-singleplayer * r8707ed090ad4 /tp/client/SinglePlayer.py: Fix spaces that got in somehow to tabs.15:23
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CIA-69mavrinac tpclient-pywx-singleplayer * r37637c2986a6 /windows/winConnect.py:16:32
CIA-69Populate option controls in single player wizard with proper controls16:32
CIA-69with validation.16:32
CIA-69Solves issue #2: http://code.google.com/p/thousandparsec/issues/detail?id=216:32
tpb<http://ln-s.net/2zUi> (at code.google.com)16:32
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ezodwizard sizing needs work16:39
tpb<http://ln-s.net/2zUu> (at code.google.com)16:39
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ezodtansell__laptop: ping?20:25
tansell__laptophey ezod20:25
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ezodhey, the control types and validation are in the wizard now, don't know if you saw the commits20:26
tansell-laptopyeah I did20:27
ezodok cool - so main stuff:20:28
ezod1. i probably have very little time until saturday now20:28
ezod2. are we still wanting to do another hackathon or whatever?20:29
tansell-laptop2) Yes20:29
tansell-laptop1) Okay - not much I can do about that20:30
ezod3. i was thinking about updating the gsoc/programmer ideas page some more as prospective gsocers are already looking at it20:30
tansell-laptop3) Could you update the ideas page20:30
tansell-laptopha :P20:30
ezodhehe, will do20:30
ezodthat i can probably get in over the next couple of days20:30
tansell-laptopezod, Could you add a section about the scenario idea?20:31
tansell-laptopezod, btw are you willing to be a mentor this year?20:31
ezodyes, and yes20:32
ezodoh, before i get asked this again, are we looking for any new rulesets from gsoc?20:35
ezodi thought llnz had mentioned he didn't want any for tpserver-cpp20:35
tansellUnless someone comes up with a very strong idea20:36
llnzi would accept one if it was spectacular with a good person behind it20:36
tansellI would like to see people working on existing rulesets20:36
llnzmtsec would be a good one for someone to work on20:36
llnzit's already started but still lots to do20:37
ezodi think gsoc students are tempted to do very self-contained projects generally20:41
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ezodpersonally i just wanted to learn more about development in general, since it's not really my main occupation20:41
llnzezod: what do you mean by "self-contained"?20:42
ezodlike, new ruleset, as opposed to working on existing one20:42
ezodprobably learn more working on existing code though20:43
ezodi guess it depends what they want to take away from gsoc, but i'm saying to me it was more about working in a team than about doing a coding project20:44
llnzmaybe that is something we should emphasize?20:46
ezodi'm all for doing that if that's what we're after :)20:47
ezodworking on existing stuff = more team interaction, less NIH syndrome, etc.20:47
ezodplus i think there's plenty of stuff to do20:48
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tansellllnz, can you help update the ideas page21:07
tanselland don't forget to sign up on socghop.appspot.com21:07
tansellI'll put in our application tonight21:07
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llnztansell: i will21:40
llnzhave now signed up on the site21:45
tansellllnz, great!21:59
tansellcan you send me your "linkname" so I can put you as the backup mentor21:59
llnzllnz is my linkname :-)21:59
tansellllnz, I guessed so :)21:59
tansellwhy is it llnz and not lbnz?22:00
llnzafter my original linuxfreemail email address: LinuxLeeNZ22:00
llnzllnz is less common than lbnz22:07
* llnz should google fight them22:07
tansellI think llnz looks more aesthetically pleasing then lbnz22:09
llnzi have a lot of history with llnz now, can't leave that behind22:10
tansellyeah - I wouldn't be changing if I was you22:14

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