Tuesday, 2009-03-03

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CIA-69mithro libtpproto-py * r9209415a0167 /tp/netlib/objects/Object.py: Small fix for something that never occurs.08:37
CIA-69mithro daneel-ai * r6e65b7ee4115 / (14 files in 2 dirs): Move stuff around and make the install actually work.08:39
CIA-69mithro scratchpad * rc2559c2b2207 /python-cleanup.py: Teach python-cleanup about daneel.08:57
CIA-69mithro scratchpad * rc989a70fdbe3 /makeclientrelease.sh: Update to use git commands instead of cogito.08:57
CIA-69mithro tpserver-cpp * rad32aa730f68 /.gitignore: Small updates to the .gitignore files.08:59
CIA-69mithro daneel-ai * r032740cee9a8 /debian/ (changelog compat control rules): Added debian package stuff.09:07
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ezodllnz: ping?15:16
llnzezod: pong15:17
ezodive been working on getting tpclient-pywx single player to work easily within a dev setup15:17
ezodsmall problem with tpserver-cpp:15:17
ezodwhen i compile it in my working dir with a normal prefix it can't load ruleset modules15:19
ezodis there a prefix i can give it to make it load them from the work dir?15:19
llnzyou can pass the path to the module in the setting15:19
llnzie, modules/games/minisec/.lib/libminisec as the game ruleset15:20
ezodah, cool, will do15:21
llnzno prob15:31
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ezodllnz: still around?20:29
ezodruleset loading works as above20:30
ezodtpscheme has another problem20:30
llnztpscheme works the same way, different path though20:30
ezodi got it to load, but (using guile lib) it can't find guile.scm20:30
ezodi assume mzscheme will have a similar issue20:31
ezodany way to resolve that?20:31
llnzit should still work even though it logs errors (or warnings)20:33
llnzit looks in different places (the normal place first), but logs an error after each attempt20:33
ezodhm, connect failed, i assumed that was why, let me see20:34
llnzhumm... actually, that description only applies to tpmzscheme20:35
llnzscm_c_eval_string("(set! %load-path (cons \"" DATADIR "/tpserver/tpscheme/guile/\" (cons \"modules/tpcl/guile/\" (cons \"../modules/tpcl/guile/\" %load-path ))))");20:36
llnzlooks in the main location (DATAPATH/tpserver/tpscheme/guile/) then modules/tpcl/guile/, then ../modules/tpcl/guile20:37
ezodyep, thats why20:37
llnzso tpserver-cpp needs to be run from the right directory20:37
ezodyeah, the cwd in this case is tpclient-pywx work dir20:38
llnzah, that explains it20:38
ezodso there are 2 options:20:38
ezod1. add ../tpserver-cpp/modules/tpcl/guile/ to the load path20:39
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ezod2. put a cd ../tpserver-cpp && in front of the command string in the dev xml file20:39
llnz3. if running all-in-one style, cd into the correct directory before running tpserver-cpp20:40
ezod#2 is uglier but doesn't add development clutter to the server20:40
ezodwell it's being run by tpclient-pywx via libtpclient-py20:41
ezodack, i don't think #2 is an option, it's not running through a shell or anything20:42
ezodpython subprocess20:42
ezodso um, mind if i just do #1?20:44
ezodlooks like the last 2 paths in there only really apply to dev builds anyhow :)20:45
llnzsure, why not <sigh>20:45
ezodthe mzscheme one is only looking for installed or ../modules/...20:50
ezodif i make it look in ../tpserver-cpp/modules/... should it look in modules/... also? (for consistency with tpguile)20:51
tansellezod, you can do #221:23
tansellit would be good if the xml file could specify a path to run from21:23
ezodi was going to suggest it21:23
ezodit may be useful in other scenarios21:24
tansellyou need it for windows tpserver-cpp21:24
ezodalright, well that solves it then :)21:25
tansellI think the path should probably be relative to the location of the xml file?21:31
tansellezod, did you see that I had to reorg daneel-ai to make it possible to install using setup.py21:32
tansell(and I add deb packages)21:32
ezodtansell: yes, and i just realized that my ebuild installed it anyway, in completely the wrong place, and somehow it still works21:41
tansellezod, interesting21:41
tansellezod, put on a feature list somewhere a "console" option21:42
tansellso that we can look at the output from the various processes that are running21:42
tansell(in the client)21:42
ezodit's all going to the same stdout as the client's (as it is subprocess) but the ouptut is all jumbled together21:43
ezodi can redirect stdout/stderr for each one separately21:44
tansellezod, yeah - but you then have to make sure you are reading it21:45
tansellotherwise the buffer will fill up and it the progress will block on a print21:46
ezodhrm, well ill just add an optional param to SinglePlayer where you can specify a buffer to send it to, otherwise it just drops it (/dev/null or whatever)21:48
tanselldon't worry about it now21:48
ezodon the todo list21:48
tansellSo we have daneel-ai for risk and rfts right?21:55
tanselltpserver-cpp supports minisec, mtsec, risk, rfts and tae21:55
tanselltpsai-py supports minisec21:55
tanselltpserver-py supports minisec and dronesec21:56
tansellgencon-rfts-ai support risk and rfts21:56
mithroezod: can we generate http://www.thousandparsec.net/tp/documents/matrix.php from the new download stuff?22:05
tpb<http://ln-s.net/FE7> (at www.thousandparsec.net)22:05
CIA-69mithro web * re7ff0647afe4 /documents/matrix.php: Add a ruleset support matrix.22:05
CIA-69mithro web * re5901394d07c /downloads/ (daneel-ai/daneel-ai-0.0.2.tar.bz2 downloads.xml): Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://[email protected]/git/web22:05
ezodmithro: sure can22:08
* ezod is going to rework SinglePlayer.py and XML system a bit22:09
ezodwithout breaking bc22:10
ezodand within 24 hours22:10
ezodshould be able to tackle the rest of the dev setup stuff along with22:10
tansellezod, I might have a look at that tonight22:13
tanselland remove all the old crud from that document22:13
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