Saturday, 2009-02-07

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mithrollnz: great!01:55
mithroezod: poke?01:55
llnzno problem01:55
mithroezod: If you are about, I can show you how to build a py2exe module of the ai in about 30 minutes01:55
mithrollnz: so I'm just assuming that you'll hold onto it yourself right?01:56
mithrollnz: any more thoughts on setting up a Thousand Parsec Foundation?01:57
llnzyes, no not yet01:57
llnzwe should do it soon, so it is ready for this year (if we are accepted to take part)01:58
llnzbbs, dinner01:59
mithrobblr going to go grocery shopping02:03
* llnz wanders off07:38
llnzlater all07:38
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Iwanowitchmake[4]: *** No rule to make target `tpserver-cpp-mtsec.xml', needed by `all-am'.  Stop.18:52
IwanowitchOn making tpserver-cpp18:52
IwanowitchHmm, it might be an outdated Makefile, wait...18:55
IwanowitchEh, kay. Nevermind, worked now. :)18:59
IwanowitchThough, I'm still unable to join a risk game it seems.19:03
IwanowitchEh. Now building just fails at the configure step.19:12
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