Wednesday, 2009-01-07

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JLPgood morning everyone04:23
llnzhi JLP04:32
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llnzlater all06:01
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tansellhey nash19:32
nashpants on19:33
tanselllong time no chat19:33
tansellHappy new Year and all that...19:33
tansellhow goes life?19:33
nashpre-christmas crazy rush really19:33
nashhow is life?19:34
tanselldo you get the normal Janurary lul?19:34
nashNope, we get a jan flood mostly19:34
tansellpretty good, finally got a TV19:35
nashGot three projects - two of which are active19:35
tansellso now I have everything I need19:35
nashRhythm & melody?19:35
tansellmy computer arrived from Adelaide a month or two okay19:35
tansellso I've been consumed by catching up on all the recent games I've missed19:36
tansellnot getting much tp work done :/19:36
tansellI want to finish this python-ogre packaging and get back to doing some coding19:37
nashA few of my old projects have been resurrected, so I'm polishing my dice server for a new release19:38
tanselldice server?19:38
tansellI've been thinking of starting up another smaller project which I could concentrate on actually getting users...19:38
tansellI'm lacking motivation to work on TP as nobody uses it19:39
tansellFFS we don't even use it19:39
llnzafter LCA i should be back into TP19:41
nashWhich is fundamental problem19:42
tansellI really want ezod's stuff to get out ASAP19:42
nashThe dice server has a similar issue, but I know how to fix that.19:42
tansellas it actually means we can try and play by ourselves19:42
tansellWTF do you need a dice server for? :)19:42
nashThe dice server is for people playing rpgs or table-top battle games over the web19:42
nashSo you need a way to roll the dice fairly19:42
tansellbut someone has to run it right?19:43
nashBefore my server the solutions were:19:43
nash - Some webservers19:43
nash - Wacky systems involving enryopted files19:43
nashtansell: Run it as in: Copy binary to server, set up .procmails19:43
nashAfter that it runs itseld19:43
nashSo you send a message to [email protected], and it mails you and the other people in the game the results of the rolls19:44
tansellso we can't play with you :)19:44
nashMine was the first (10 odd years ago) to allow a standard email19:44
nashtansell: No, was the biggest drawback19:44
nashI couldn't (in fairness) use it19:44
tansellyou could use app-engine ;)19:45
nashtansell: What for?19:45
tansellweb 2.0 version of course!?19:45
nashThe rendevous server adds a few more features...for orders19:45
nashtansell: I don't think you understand the problem space: Generally speaking players are in different time zones and different environments... a webservice doesn't surfice19:47
nashUnless you are talking about the '' service19:47
tansellapp-engine can send email19:48
tansellit was a private joke - don't worry19:48
nashtansell: Did app engine exist in 1996?19:48
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llnzhopefully back later23:06
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