Monday, 2008-11-10

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JLPgood morning everyone05:57
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gau_veldtanyone familiar with jam here that could help me create a stub ruleset project using jam?14:14
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llnzhi nash16:47
llnzand all16:47
JLPllnz: ahoy16:48
llnzhi JLP16:49
nashheyo llnz16:49
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tansell~seen llnz22:54
tpbtansell: llnz was last seen in #tp 5 hours, 29 minutes, and 18 seconds ago: <llnz> brb22:54
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tansell-laptophello gau_veldt23:16
gau_veldtoh hiyas it's alive now :)23:16
gau_veldttrying to get the basic ruleset example from the book to work in tpserver-cpp23:17
gau_veldtseems the book is out of data, incomplete and/or has some errors23:17
tansell-laptopgau_veldt, all true23:17
gau_veldtlike it did not mention I needed to implement doOnceATurn()23:18
tansell-laptopI'm not a C++ server developer23:18
gau_veldtI'm trying to make a ruleset23:19
tansell-laptopso I don't really know the details23:19
tansell-laptopgau_veldt, you prefer C++ over Python?23:19
gau_veldthad issues witht he python server in ubunutu so I'm stuck with using C++ based ruleset23:19
gau_veldtI'd prefer python actually since I'd probably end up cobbling up some interface and swigging it for python scripts to use23:20
gau_veldtso far I don't see a package for the python server23:21
gau_veldtand the cpp server seems to be lacking a few things23:21
gau_veldtlike not doing anything when a path is given to --configure23:21
tansell-laptop./configure --prefix=/opt/tpserver-cpp23:22
tansell-laptopworks fine for me23:22
gau_veldtnot that configure23:22
gau_veldtthe --configure option to the server23:22
tansell-laptopgau_veldt, what is wrong with the python server?23:22
gau_veldttpserver-cpp --configure /path/to/my/own/tpserver.conf23:22
gau_veldtit doesn't build/isntall without errors from gits and doesn't have a precompiled ubuntu package like the cpp one does23:23
tpbTitle: DroneSec - Thousand Parsec Wiki (at
tansell-laptopgau_veldt, well it works here23:24
tansell-laptopso I would like to know why you are unable to get it running23:24
tpb<> (at
gau_veldtis this right: gau@Nall:~/sources/scratchpad$ ls23:25  repack.bat  setup.bat  setup.sh23:25
gau_veldtahh wrong output23:26
gau_veldtthe saying "setting up for inplace operation"23:26
tansell-laptopgau_veldt, yes - that is what you want if you are doing development23:26
gau_veldtjust checking since it's the next step where I started having problems23:26
gau_veldtbut I wan't using dronesec jsut the base tpserver-py23:27
gau_veldtahh yes the alchemy thing23:28
gau_veldtwell shhot this didn't want to work before23:29
gau_veldtoh and one big thing -- there's no key.asc on the main dist page23:29
gau_veldtthe curl comes up with a 40423:30
gau_veldtget a lot of complaints about stuff not being authenticated23:30
gau_veldtokay now it's at: ImportError: No module named schemepy23:31
gau_veldtthe config looks to have missed telling me about a required dependency23:32
tansell-laptopupdating the instructions now23:33
gau_veldtalso it suggests plt-scheme but apt-get can't find anything called that23:35
tansell-laptopgau_veldt, thanks for bearing with me23:36
tansell-laptopyou tend to not see these issues when you are developing all the time23:36
gau_veldtI'll stick the full output onto rafb23:37
tpbTitle: Nopaste - ./tpserver-py output (at
gau_veldttpb: wtf?23:39
tansell-laptopgau_veldt, tpb is a bot23:39
tansell-laptop(Thousand Parsec Bot :)23:39
tansell-laptopI have a patch I need to push to the scratchpad repository23:40
tansell-laptopbut I can't from my work laptop23:41
gau_veldtapparently the ubuntu dist calls plt-scheme something else23:41
gau_veldtdarn work compys are always so crippled T_T23:42
tansell-laptopyou can get by without plt-scheme23:44
gau_veldtthe schemepy one though is a show-stopper23:44
tansell-laptopI just don't have my ssh keys on my work laptop23:44
tansell-laptopsee the updated dronesec instructions23:45
tansell-laptopto clone schemepy23:46
gau_veldtis it okay to do this over top or do I need to purge everything first?23:46
gau_veldt(like tpserve scratchpad and proto)23:47
tansell-laptopjust clone23:47
tansell-laptopgit clone git://
tansell-laptopcd tpserver-py23:48
gau_veldthmm the setup thingy isn't sudo'd anymore23:48
gau_veldtor do I skip that part this time round?23:48
tansell-laptopln -s ../schemepy/schemepy schemepy23:49
tansell-laptopnone of the stuff should be sudo23:49
tansell-laptopI don't know who added the sudo23:50
gau_veldtsomeone too used to 'sudo make install'23:50
gau_veldtthe ln isn't going to work since a schemepy dir is already there23:52
tansell-laptopso what is the problem then?23:53
gau_veldtI'll remove it and do the ln again23:53
gau_veldtthe schemepy dir that was there had a broken schemepy link23:54
gau_veldtso I have to delete that then do the ln23:56
gau_veldtokay so now its running23:56
gau_veldtstart the clinet in another shell?23:57
gau_veldtokay now asking for server/uname/pw23:57
gau_veldtlocalhost I guess for server23:58
tansell-laptopsee the section on adding players23:58
tansell-laptopand creating a game23:58
tpb<> (at

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