Sunday, 2008-11-02

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JLPahoy everyone05:34
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llnzlater all05:53
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mithroso your music is being used in the 3d client mainly14:25
mithroezod: ping?14:25
remaxim3d client? whom have I to say thanks to?14:36
mithroA guy who goes via the name jmtan14:37
mithrohe doesn't hang out much on IRC however14:37
remaximok... can I find the client somewhere?14:37
tpb<> (at
mithroI'm just about to post a release14:37
remaximI have to admit that its not that bad anyway ... my music has been downloaded over 180 times, listen to over 1700 times, and some guy also used it for his video14:38
mithroWindows and Linux are support14:38
remaximok, thanks14:38
remaximI don't get it, is it your client, or did someone else program it?14:39
mithroremaxim: how can it be listen to more then downloaded?14:39
mithroremaxim: it uses a lots of the same libraries14:39
mithrobut plasters a cool 3d interface on top14:39
remaximah, ok!14:40
remaximmithro, usually the people can listen to an album in jamendo before they decide to put it on their harddrive ... technically its still downloading, but that's not what I ment14:41
mithroezod: poke me when you are around14:45
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ezodmithro: poke, but could disappear abruptly at any moment15:32
mithroezod: so how goes the single player stuff?15:33
ezodother than the wizard looking really plain, it should be all there15:34
ezodcurrently the client just links you to download servers and ai clients if you haven't any15:35
ezodno platform detection in the client15:35
mithroall the platform detection is in the website?15:37
ezodthat's the plan, however right now i'm only doing it for the ubuntu instructions15:37
ezodthe next step is to build a single-player bundle15:37
mithrowindows and mac?15:38
ezodso that we can have the download page detect the platform and recommend the appropriate package15:38
ezodwhat about windows and mac?15:38
mithroI think the target platforms should be Linux+Ubuntu, Linux+Gentoo, Windows and Mac15:38
ezodwell, to my knowlege, the single-player stuff works in all of them15:39
ezodmac works like unix, and win32 has that registry thing now15:39
mithroI mean for the website15:39
mithrosince we have packages for each of them15:39
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ezodwell any platform we create a bundle package for, we can autodetect and offer the bundle package for download15:41
ezodunder the quick start heading15:42
mithroI can create a bundle deb pretty easily15:42
mithrobddebian: ping?15:43
mithrodo you have the link for your latest version of the download page?15:44
ezodyeah, basically as soon as we have tpserver-cpp/tpadmin-cpp and one of the ai clients release packages ready, i think we'll be ready to go15:44
ezodas i said we may want to pretty up the wizard a bit, i'm not very good at such things15:44
tpb<> (at
ezodthe quick start section is just a placeholder for the bundle download15:45
tpb<> (at
mithroI think that should be the default page most of the time15:47
ezoddownload-instructions.php defaults to tpclient-pywx and win32 if there are no get arguments15:49
mithroezod: I mean, having the download.php redirect to a specific page if it detects the operating system15:50
ezodoh, i know, just commenting :)15:50
ezodi was thinking i could put a link on the instruction pages back to the main download page15:51
ezod"download other products / other platforms"15:51
mithroi think the download link should be more prominent15:51
ezodi could stick an icon next to each file15:52
ezoddown arrow + hdd, that kind of thing15:52
ezodbold text too15:53
mithroI'll see if I can find an example15:53
mithrosomething closer to this - ?15:54
tpb<> (at
mithroit's not exactly what I was thinking15:56
mithrobut it's getting closer15:56
ezodi think i get the idea16:00
ezodwhen i get back later i'll fix it up and update you16:00
ezoddo all the redirect stuff too16:01
mithrookay cool16:26
CIA-47mithro web * reaa53033e6c8 / (4 files in 3 dirs): tpclient-pyogre announcement.17:07
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tpbNew news from Thousand Parsec Ogre client released!17:34
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mithroJLafont: hey18:20
mithrohey nash18:20
JLafont-laptophi mithro18:24
mithrohow goes things?18:25
JLafont-laptopThings could be better18:25
JLafont-laptopbut not too bad18:25
JLafont-laptophow about you?18:28
mithrookay - to many things to do18:31
mithroand I have a cold :(18:31
JLafont-laptopyeah, I know what you mean. Sucks about the cold though18:31
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tansell~seen Alklomion23:45
tpbtansell: Alklomion was last seen in #tp 3 days, 4 hours, 9 minutes, and 47 seconds ago: <Alklomion> I need to leave - I have some stuff to do, see you on tuesday: i'm completing object information, orders done by monday and implement fleets in to the starmap23:45
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