Thursday, 2008-10-30

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CIA-47mavrinac tpclient-pywx-singleplayer * raa05e1eaef8d /windows/ (3 files in 2 dirs): Added page to single player wizard for the case where no AIs are found.10:42
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tansellno Alkimon19:06
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mithro_hey Alklomion19:31
Alklomionhey mithro - sorry i'm late19:31
mithro_no problem19:31
mithro_so where are things at?19:31
mithro_I haven't see any changes to the code for a long while19:32
mithro_the last change you pushed was on the 15th of October19:32
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CIA-47bmar_beam libtpproto-java-midp * r06ca7c66cea5 /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/Client/
CIA-47Edited how the nearest object is chosen, it now doesn't get stuck.19:33
CIA-47Fixed the exceptions that are thrown when searching for objects further out than the left/top/bottom/right most objects.19:33
AlklomionThe starmap is only missing the fleets still.19:34
mithro_has it been connected to the network library?19:35
Alklomionnot yet, no19:35
mithro_and you have two weeks right?19:36
AlklomionTwo weeks until the fair day, yes19:37
mithro_is there anything else you have done over the past two weeks?19:37
mithro_that previous patch is pretty small19:37
mithro_Alklomion: poke poke20:11
mithro_so where to next?20:11
mithro_what do you have plan done by next week?20:12
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AlklomionDefinitely implementing the fleet in to the star map20:13
Alklomionthen, the object information panels20:13
Alklomionand the orders20:13
tanselland where will the connecting to the network stuff come?20:16
tansellso since we have such a short timeline20:17
tansellwhat do you think you will have done by Monday next week?20:17
AlklomionI think i'll have those above things done20:19
Alklomionso what should i be working on next?20:19
Alklomionwork on connecting it thereafter?20:19
tansellby next monday?20:20
tansellso you are going to have the menus and object info by next monday?20:21
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Alklomionsorry, had to help my father with something20:22
tansellwell lets organise to meet on Monday sometime20:23
tansellsay this time?20:24
AlklomionI'm at university from 8 am to 8 pm on Mondays20:25
Alklomionso Tuesday would work?20:26
AlklomionI need to leave - I have some stuff to do, see you on tuesday: i'm completing object information, orders done by monday and implement fleets in to the starmap20:36
mithro okay20:36
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