Tuesday, 2008-10-21

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* JLafont_ wonders why his house is so cold.. :(... might be because its winter... but that is beyong the point!!!01:21
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JLPgood morning everyone06:25
llnzhi JLP06:28
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* llnz wanders off08:33
llnzlater all08:33
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CIA-34mithro web * r0bf444548065 /img/server.png: Missing server.png file.13:34
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CIA-34mithro web * rc27aa8436a74 /screenshots/ (32 files): Clean up the screenshots page.13:42
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ezodtansell: ping?16:54
tansellezod, pong16:54
ezodhey, thought you might like an update on the download page16:54
tpb<http://ln-s.net/2Mtr> (at glorfindel.mavrinac.com)16:54
ezodmostly there, except:16:55
ezod1. no package+platform specific instructions yet16:55
ezod2. haven't worked in anything about UA or other platform detection yet16:55
ezodeverything is linkable directly with anchors and GET variables16:56
ezodall generated from the XML file, except for the platform instructions16:57
ezodi was thinking about maybe putting a "visible" attribute in the product elements in downloads.xml so you can hide some products from the main download page16:59
ezoddunno if that's useful though17:00
ezodoh also add to the above:17:02
ezod3. no ruleset support info yet17:02
tansellsorry about this - doing multiple things at once17:16
tansellI think it would be good to have a "developer version" link rather then a link to git17:16
tansellI love the little icons17:17
ezodok, developer version - how?17:17
ezodoh, i see17:18
ezodlike have "Developer" as a platform, and in the instruction page show how to clone the repo17:18
ezodi like it :)17:18
tansellit should probably link to the "how to set it up"17:18
tansell(the development environment)17:18
ezodthe wiki page you mean?17:19
ezodwe can have the instructions link to it17:19
tansellthe AI's should use the hal icon :)17:19
tansellwe need to find a good library page too17:21
ezodlibrary page?17:21
tanselllistening to a talk at the same time17:22
tansellso it might slip into my chat :)17:22
tansellthe download page is a little daunting at the moment17:23
tansellcould we split it into a couple of sections?17:23
ezodwell as i said, it's all linkable by anchors17:24
ezodlike #lib will take you to libraries, etc17:24
ezodi can put a list at the top17:24
ezodthere are product anchors too, incidentally17:24
tansellyes true17:25
tansellbut if I was a new person to turn up to that page I would not know what to download17:25
ezodoh i tried to write some brief instructions at the top, was planning on expanding it17:25
ezodif it still looks intimidating after, i'll make it check a GET var and display a single category17:26
tansellI think that option is a good idea17:27
ezodno reason we can't do both, in fact17:27
tansellmaybe with links at the bottom saying "click here to download server, AI, etc"17:27
ezodwell actually17:28
ezodon the current page17:28
ezodyou have developer docs split up with a second row of tabs at the top17:28
ezodi can do that for the download page17:29
tansellsounds like it could work17:31
tansellobviously "complete" packages should be the default option I think17:33
tansellit would be good to have a rotating screenshot to17:34
tansellezod, sorry about this - you are getting lumped with a bunch of changes we have been meaning to do17:36
ezodno worries, this is more fun than working on the GUI anyway17:39
ezodi'm not much of a wx coder, i've decided :P17:39
tansellI hate GUI coding :P17:40
ezodso, i think i'm going to add another category for the "complete" packages17:40
tansellsomeone I ended up being the client developer17:40
ezodi don't even like *using* guis, hehe17:42
ezodwould an animated gif on the "Download <product> for <platform>" page suffice for a rotating screenshot?17:44
ezodmight be kind of a pain to keep that up to date though17:44
ezodi'll figure something better out17:44
tansellI mean it chooses a random screenshot on each load17:46
ezodoh, that's easy :)17:47
tansellobviously of the right type17:58
tansellI think both galaxie and parsek should probably not be shown until they are in a reasonable state18:10
tansellthe MIDP is probably the next client to get to a usable state18:11
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