Thursday, 2008-10-16

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CIA-18mithro web * raf4f078b3c3c / (img/hal.png img/ogre.png news/ Add the Google Summer of Code write up.17:14
tpbNew news from Summer Writeup17:32
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llnznice gsoc write up mithro18:22
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tansellAlklomion, hey18:54
tansell~seen Alklomion18:54
tpbtansell: Alklomion was last seen in #tp 2 weeks, 6 days, 14 hours, 31 minutes, and 19 seconds ago: <Alklomion> and i'm still stuck on pipeline connection18:54
tansellhow goes things?18:55
tansellI have yet to had a chance to have a good look at your starmap stuff18:55
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AlklomionI'd say it's going well. The zooming seems to work fine, as does the scrolling18:58
AlklomionI haven't implemented the fleets yet, which I will do, now that i can crowd the screen a bit.18:58
Alklomionbrb - let me find my notepad19:00
Alklomionok, i'm back19:00
AlklomionThe object scrolling, you switch to it by pressing 0, works for the most part pretty well19:00
AlklomionThe big issue with it is that if objects have the same x or y value the object scrolling gets in to a loop, that is you can only scroll between the two objects19:01
tanselltwo objects having the same x/y values is pretty common19:04
tansellthat sounds pretty easy to fix?19:04
tanselldo you have some screenshots?19:06
tansellI like screenshots as they let me show other people too19:06
AlklomionI can have some screenshots.19:06
AlklomionSorry to change subject in the middle, but for our project fair day in november, you said you couldn't make it as you'd be in New Zealand.19:07
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Alklomionis it ok to put your name in the documents that may be available in the university's library?19:07
tansellyes, I believe that is true - what was the date again19:07
tansellAlklomion, if you send me a copy to review first19:07
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AlklomionThursday, 13th November, 200819:08
tansellyeah, smack bang in the middle of my New Zealand trip19:09
AlklomionEssentially, the information about fair day will be document deliverables, (code, which should be fine?)19:10
Alklomiona bio with the project code, the final name19:10
Alklomionfor the final name, it is currently 'Mobile Client for Thousand Parsec Game'19:10
Alklomioncurrently we've named the software TPClient-MIDP; are you find with 'TPClient-MIDP: A Mobile Thousand Parsec Client'?19:11
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CIA-18mithro web * r616a42f3f874 /news/ Small fixes.19:14
mithrollnz: I had been meaning to do it for quite a while19:14
tansellAlklomion, I'll let you discuss with Chris about the fairday stuff19:15
tansellbut would appreciate being CCed any docs19:15
tansellit would be good if you could do a simple user manual too19:15
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tansellAlklomion, tpclient-midp is fine19:20
mithroAlklomion: I'll be back in 519:22
mithrojust have to move rooms19:22
Alklomionno problem19:22
Alklomioni'll brb too19:27
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mithroAlklomion: sorry about that19:39
mithrotook me a while to figure WTF the room was19:39
AlklomionEssentially, i'm writing up the Bio now. it consists of some information about the client organisation19:43
Alklomionso I can spiel about Thousand Parsec there i believe19:43
mithroThere is stuff you can copy from the website19:50
mithroAlklomion: so those screenshots19:52
mithrodid you get any further with the status bars?19:52
mithroand how much time do you have left now?19:52
AlklomionNo. You mentioned people use libraries to handle this?19:53
mithrogenerally use something which hides most of the details19:54
AlklomionFour weeks left til the fair day19:58
mithrohrm, it does build atm19:58
mithro/home/tim/oss/tp/libtpproto-midp/nbproject/build-impl.xml:532: Failed to copy /home/tim/oss/tp/libtpproto-midp/C to /home/tim/oss/tp/libtpproto-midp/dist/lib/C due to /home/tim/oss/tp/libtpproto-midp/C (No such file or directory)19:58
mithroBUILD FAILED (total time: 5 seconds)19:58
mithroyou had J4ME referenced20:00
Alklomionmaybe i didn't upload the build xml files20:01
Alklomiondid you fix it?20:02
mithroyou can select objects which are not shown in the screen which are very confusing20:03
AlklomionYeah, perhaps some sort of centering functionality20:04
Alklomionie: if off screen, move screen to have this object in the center20:04
AlklomionWhat year was thousand parsec started?20:08
tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at
mithroAlklomion: have you thought about using those little icons we talked about?20:17
mithroor did it appear to be too cluttered?20:17
AlklomionI forgot about them.20:17
AlklomionI can try implementing the spaceship ones, see how that looks. If it isn't too cluttered, I can implement others20:18
mithrohow does it compare when run on the phone?20:24
Alklomionpretty decently I think. The status bar is a bit off (chops a little of the text off)20:26
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