Sunday, 2008-10-05

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llnzhi mithro05:13
mithro~seen JLP05:24
tpbmithro: JLP was last seen in #tp 1 week, 0 days, 1 hour, 45 minutes, and 6 seconds ago: * JLP gets something for breakfast05:24
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* llnz wanders off07:25
llnzlater all07:25
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llnzhi all16:26
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llnzhi mithro20:15
mithroso how are things in the future?20:40
mithroGreywhind: ping?20:40
mithrollnz: any luck with tpserver-cpp release? did you see ezod's email about the single player stuff?20:43
mithro~seen JLP20:44
tpbmithro: JLP was last seen in #tp 1 week, 0 days, 17 hours, 5 minutes, and 8 seconds ago: * JLP gets something for breakfast20:44
llnzmithro: i'm not sure what needs to be done. what single player email?20:47
mithroSingle-Player XML Data in Server/AI Packages20:48
llnzoh right20:48
mithroon tp-devel20:48
mithroezod and myself are going to try and push out a tpclient-pywx release with single player support20:49
mithrowithin about a month20:50
ezodllnz: basically we want to include an xml file to be installed by packages of tpserver-cpp, and one line needs to point to the binary's path20:51
mithrohey ezod20:52
mithroso how goes things?20:52
ezodhi :)20:52
mithroare we still on track?20:52
ezodi believe so20:53
ezodother than this xml stuff, i think it's just a matter of making the wizard gui a little friendlier, which i've been working on a bit20:54
ezodand as i said i'm going to bang on it to make sure it doesn't break, of course20:54
mithroezod: okay cool20:56
mithrois a target of two weeks okay for doing an RC1?20:56
ezodsounds good to me20:57
ezodi'll try to get the gui part done this week20:57
ezodso my target is oct 19 for tpclient-pywx21:01
ezodit's not really necessary, but we might want to have at least one supported server/ruleset/ai combo in release before we do an official release ;)21:05
llnztpserver-cpp will be out soon21:09
mithroezod: agreed21:10
mithroI think we should target risk and minisec21:10
mithrowe have an AI for both21:10
mithroand soon have a server for both21:10
ezodwhich ai does minisec?21:12
llnzezod: tpsai-py21:14
mithrogalaxie use too21:15
ezodoh right21:15
mithroi'll be back in about an hour21:19
mithrogoing to find food21:19
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