Thursday, 2008-10-02

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llnzlater all00:23
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CIA-18bmar_beam libtpproto-java-midp * r3a172af22234 / (9 files in 5 dirs):03:26
CIA-18Thousand Parsec Mobile Client: Starmap now draws Planets to the screen (no fleets yet - trying to keep screen uncluttered for now, this task will be trivial)03:26
CIA-18Zooming and scrolling capabilities have been added, although these may need to be redefined (when zoomed in, you tend to jump over planets on the screen)03:26
CIA-18and tested further.03:26
CIA-18Coordinates are drawn to the planets as well, so as to aid in the testing of the zoom function.03:26
CIA-18bmar_beam libtpproto-java-midp * r82b4dacb1253 /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/Client/ And a pretend objects class to go with it!03:27
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llnzhi all04:02
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llnzbrb, linux (hopefully)06:35
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llnzahh, so much better06:53
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* llnz wanders off09:01
llnzlater all09:01
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