Monday, 2008-09-22

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CIA-18llnz tpserver-cpp * r44f2d53cb4e6 /tpserver/commandmanager.cpp:02:01
CIA-18Added status and server-quit commands.02:01
CIA-18The status command is a direct port of the status command from earlier02:01
CIA-18built-in console. The server-quit is based on the older quit and exit02:01
CIA-18command from the built-in console. I have found that it is useful to have.02:01
CIA-18llnz tpadmin-cpp * r9ce0cdeb9ee9 /tpadmin/session.cpp:02:01
CIA-18Added exit as an alias for quit.02:01
CIA-18I keep typing exit and it was doing nothing.02:01
llnzoh well..02:08
* llnz wanders off02:08
llnzlater all02:08
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