Sunday, 2008-08-24

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JLafontmithro: pong04:11
JLafontmithro:  I have to go soon. The amazing power of sleep is calling to me04:14
JLafontI am weak and now I must follow its commands.... Bai bai04:18
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mithroit gets very empty in here on weekends :(06:25
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mithrohey Iwanowitch08:27
mithroready for the big battle on Tuesday?08:27
mithrowell I'm heading to bed08:28
Iwanowitchmithro: I suppose so.08:30
IwanowitchDidn't really have time to look at it yet.08:31
mithrowell you still got a day and a half08:31
IwanowitchMmm. There's still a few things I'd like to try, but I'll see how far I get.08:32
* mithro chants "two bots enter, one bot leaves!"08:32
IwanowitchI haven't seen a chicken foot.08:32
mithroanyway really gone now08:35
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CIA-33llnz libtpproto-cpp-config * ra2c889a8c4b6 /index.dox: Updated future documentation areas to reflect current library.16:57
CIA-33llnz libtpproto-cpp-config * r7c44b160c035 /tpproto/ (buffer.cpp featuresframe.cpp httpssocket.cpp idsequence.cpp): Fixes for missing headers, formerly autoincluded.16:57
CIA-33llnz libtpproto-cpp-config * r832a489bbb96 / (5 files in 2 dirs): Merge branch 'master' into config16:57
CIA-33llnz libtpproto-cpp-config * rf049af1242ed /tpproto/asyncframelistener.h: Added missing pre-declearation in asynchframelistener.h16:57
CIA-33llnz libtpproto-cpp * r7c44b160c035 /tpproto/ (buffer.cpp featuresframe.cpp httpssocket.cpp idsequence.cpp): Fixes for missing headers, formerly autoincluded.16:58
CIA-33llnz tpclient-cpptext * r09be760fae0d /src/ (6 files):16:58
CIA-33Updated print classes to current git libtpproto-cpp.16:58
CIA-33The more difficult fix to main.cpp will come soon.16:58
CIA-33llnz tpclient-cpptext * rad977e2d114d / (README Replaced readline with libtprl in configure.16:58
CIA-33llnz tpclient-cpptext * r2eae8cbdb443 /src/ ( console.cpp console.h main.cpp):16:58
CIA-33Client now runs with current git libtpproto-cpp.16:58
CIA-33Not all features and notifications are working yet.16:58
CIA-33llnz tpclient-cpptext * r70c6f7fcab66 /.gitignore: Added .gitignore file16:58
CIA-33llnz tpclient-cpptext * r481d570c422e /src/main.cpp: Added eventloop to GameLayer, now connects and all commands work.16:58
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llnzmorning all17:12
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mithrohey nash19:15
mithroyou where after me on the weekend?19:15
nashheyo mithro19:15
nashYes... trying to get the bloody python libraries to build/work etc19:15
nashThere is still nothing in the README about installign them BTW19:16
mithroyou don't install them19:16
mithroyou just follow the instructions on the HOWTO page -
tpbTitle: Ubuntu Setup - Thousand Parsec Wiki (at
Iwanowitch_nash: If it's for daneel-ai you might want to take a look at what that shellscript does and do the same for daneel-ai.19:18
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nashmithro: Still not in README file19:19
nashIwanowitch: daneel-ai was barfing for no depends19:20
nashwhich reminds me... is it possible to catch exceptions in python?19:20
Iwanowitchnash: Yes, try-except block19:20
IwanowitchIf that's what you are after.19:21
nashIwanowitch: Good... start with: ./daneel-ai                                       ──(Mon,Aug25)─┘19:21
nashTraceback (most recent call last):19:21
nash  File "./daneel-ai", line 9, in <module>19:21
nash    import tp.client.threads19:21
nashImportError: No module named tp.client.threads19:21
* nash notes that is what as known as a loaded question ;-)19:21
IwanowitchSo basically I should say "hey, install the libraries"? :P19:21
nashIwanowitch: An exception traceback is for all practical purposes the same as core dump19:22
nashExcept a core dump can be opened with a debugger ;-)19:22
nashIf you generate one... it's _your_ bug19:22
nashThe whole point of exceptions (vs explicit errors - ala C) is that they are easier to catch.19:23
mithrowhen I finally get the submodule stuff working you won't need to check out anything other then tpclient-pywx (as it will include all dependencies)19:23
IwanowitchI dunno. I find exceptions to be pretty helpful. I'd rather let them bubble out than catch a toplevel all-compassing exception, print "this exception happened" and then quit. That's silly.19:23
nashmithro: If I searched the archives for IRC from 18 months ago... would I find that same quote?19:24
IwanowitchDefinitely from 2 months ago. ;)19:24
mithrosubmodules are only a new thing in git (less then 12 months old)19:24
mithroI only upgraded git on the server a month or two ago19:24
mithroand we are currently testing with tpserver-py19:24
nashIwanowitch: Agreed - they are better then a dumb "an error happened".  But they are essentially the same for anyone who is not the developer.19:25
nashOkay... so did the scratchpad thing...19:25
nashstill get:19:25
nash    import tp.client.threads .... No module named... yadda yadda19:26
IwanowitchYes, scratchpad only sets up the client and tpsai-py.19:26
mithronash: so now you poke Iwanowitch and tell him to update to include daniel-ai19:26
IwanowitchCan I do that?19:26
mithroIwanowitch: sure, why not?19:27
mithroand at worst you just have to send me a patch19:27
mithroanyway heading to work19:28
Iwanowitch"fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly"19:28
IwanowitchThough, wait a bit...19:28
IwanowitchNope, permission denied.19:29
IwanowitchPatch send to mailing list.19:37
Iwanowitchmithro, nash: ^19:37
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CIA-33verhoevenv scratchpad * rd003bdb74686 / Added daneel-ai to setup.sh19:48
mithronash: did you get it all sorted?20:40
nashno, just finished the monday morning meeting ;-)20:57
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CIA-33mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * r6e8ee610f66f / (.gitmodules libtpclient-py libtpproto-py
CIA-33Add libtpclient-py and libtpproto-py as submodules.22:20
CIA-33Updated to check the submodules.22:20
CIA-33mithro libtpproto-py * r4b05b93fdeea /tp/netlib/ Also support "bare" references.23:38
CIA-33mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * r685e7d529599 / Try and initilise the sub-modules.23:43
CIA-33mithro libtpclient-py-stable * r41b113d25d51 /tp/client/ Make NetworkFailure events more specific.23:45
CIA-33mithro libtpclient-py-stable * r16eeb6b782a3 /tp/client/ Also download the game frame.23:45
CIA-33mithro libtpclient-py-stable * r7316668ec516 /tp/client/ Also support "bare" references.23:45
CIA-33mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * r233799b27843 / (libtpclient-py libtpproto-py): Move the client/proto library forward.23:49

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