Wednesday, 2008-08-06

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* llnz_work wanders off01:11
llnz_worklater all01:11
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JLPgood morning everyone05:20
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CIA-32aaron tpclient-pywx-singleplayer * r07550bc7f7b6 /windows/ ( xrc/ xrc/winConnect.xrc): Added a Single Player button to winConnect.12:16
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CIA-32nuleren tpserver-cpp-tae * rff71d75a92aa / (3 files in 2 dirs): Updated quickstart. Added extra messages to players when an order fails.14:53
CIA-32nuleren tpserver-cpp-tae * rf274de66c3fe /modules/games/tae/colonize.cpp: Fixed a bug which was causing regions not to be merged correctly14:53
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ezodjphr_: ping?15:52
jphr_ezod: pong15:52
ezodhey, what settings do you want me to put in for risk for single-player?15:53
ezodi have risk_map as a user parameter15:53
ezodanything that should be forced?15:53
jphr_mmkay, umm, you could probably force all the risk_rfc_ options to be the default15:54
ezodif they default automatically i don't need to do anything15:54
jphr_oh everything defaults :P15:55
ezodwell is there anything that ought to be non-default for single-player though?15:55
ezodand what is the default for risk_map btw?15:56
jphr_rfc_start should be set according to the map15:56
ezodack, that doesn't sound good, what do you mean?15:56
jphr_sorry, I just mean if its a gigantic map you might want to start with more reinforcements15:57
jphr_but it doesn't REALLY matter15:57
jphr_and the default map, right now, sits in the root of the repository where quickstarts are, i'm not sure how they should be installed, but it could be safe to assume it will sit in the same folder as the quickstart file15:57
ezodok i'll put rfc_start as an option then15:58
jphr_that works16:00
ezodif --risk_map isn't provided what happens?16:01
jphr_it defaults to default-map.svg16:05
jphr_sorry it was risk-defaultmap.svg16:39
ezodah no problem, i just wanted to make sure it had one :)16:39
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CIA-32jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r2575884c9efb /modules/games/risk/ (mapimport.cpp testing-risk.conf thisweek.txt): Fixed bug where wormholes were being drawn improperly (slightly offset.) I should note, it is now very difficult to select planets on the map.16:43
CIA-32jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r36c0c2a2c1b1 /modules/games/risk/ (mapimport.cpp risk.cpp testing-risk.conf): Added underscore removing function to map import16:43
CIA-32jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * rd3bee1888d48 /modules/games/risk/ (5 files): Fixed up misc. things here and there16:43
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llnz_workmonring all19:17
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nulerenllnz: ping?20:29
nulerenllnz_work: ping?20:29
llnz_worknuleren: pong!20:31
nulerenhey there, i was just wondering if you had gotten a chance to look over that email i sent you20:32
nulerenalso I was wondering if you were the one I should be talking to or if I should be talking to JLP20:32
llnz_workI have, you should get a reply in the next 5 hours20:36
llnz_workprobably me again20:36
nulerenok great, thanks20:36
llnz_workI should have internet access in the flat i'm moving into this weekend20:36
llnz_workand I am here at work20:37
nulerenok sounds good... just trying to get everything in order for the end of GSoC20:37
nulerenI'll let you get back to work ;)20:38
mithrohey people20:38
nashPants on20:41
JLPahoy everyone20:48
mithroezod: ping?20:53
llnz_workhi mithro, nash and JLP20:57
nashHeyo llnz_work - you still using a webbrowser irc client?20:58
llnz_workstill using temporary laptop, waiting for my new work laptop to arrive21:10
* llnz_work grumbles about using windows21:10
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* jsmiller will be in and out22:29
* jsmiller has been trying out planet texture to disk projections.22:30
mithrohows it going?22:55
jsmillerjust starting23:06
jsmillerI have the impression that this is a well trodden path23:06
jsmillerbut it's not clear what the best tools are23:06
jsmillerso I'll hand-roll something and see how it performs23:06
jsmillerIf you had some sample textures you would like me to work from, that might help shape my approach.23:07
jsmillerI'm starting with a lat/long checkerboard23:07
jsmillerYou had commented that the NASA imagery wasn't as useful for texture work at it could be.23:08
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ezodmithro: pong..23:12
mithroezod: I recommend checking out the order stuff that client does23:16
mithroas that is a similar problem that needs to be solved23:16
ezodreferring to dynamic control creation?23:17
ezodi noticed GameSetupWizard.xrc using wxWizardPageSimples btw23:23
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ezodmy first email is essentially asking, where would you code the subclasses (WizardPage*) for those?23:24
* ezod needs to get to sleep23:38
ezodmithro: anything you can offer re: those 2 emails i'll appreciate.. not fun being stuck on the last part of my project :\23:39
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