Saturday, 2008-07-26

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CIA-32victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * r6936f6dc1bf2 /gencon/ (7 files in 6 dirs): FullGameStatus can now copy itself (due to making it private in Master, need getter, and thus to copy itself). Began to make order in RoboLib.13:18
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CIA-32victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * r5abbc69d3284 /gencon/ added Javadoc comment to the getter.13:20
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CIA-32juanmy777 tpserver-py-dronesec * rcde8fa2dd4ba /tp/server/rules/dronesec/ ( maps/test.csv): Maps can now be loaded from csv files in the maps folder.14:46
CIA-32juanmy777 tpserver-py-dronesec * r3250fc5afe08 /tp/server/rules/dronesec/ Fixed a bug with assigning a planet to a player when the seed was a NoneType14:46
CIA-32juanmy777 tpserver-py-dronesec * rc5c2ac4173fa /tp/server/rules/dronesec/ ( maps/test.csv maps/test.xml): Loading maps will now use xml instead of csv files14:46
CIA-32juanmy777 tpserver-py-dronesec * r5f45aeaf81d1 /tp/server/rules/dronesec/ Games can only be populated once14:46
CIA-32juanmy777 tpserver-py-dronesec * rec942d95f4fb /TODO: Updated TODO14:46
CIA-32juanmy777 tpserver-py-dronesec * r1f09bcc72108 /tp/server/rules/dronesec/research/ Added a syncCombatTypes to test syncing the database with the csv14:47
CIA-32juanmy777 tpserver-py-dronesec * r0449f919cbfe /tp/server/rules/dronesec/ ( actions/ Added the syncDB action14:47
CIA-32juanmy777 tpserver-py-dronesec * rb393437292cd /tp/server/rules/dronesec/ (actions/ research/ Added CSV syncs for Economy and World Researches14:47
CIA-32juanmy777 tpserver-py-dronesec * rb316780b55a8 /tp/server/utils/default.txt: Removed some of the more "random/obscure" syllables for the planet name generator14:47
CIA-32juanmy777 tpserver-py-dronesec * rc26daa7217f5 /tp/server/rules/dronesec/ ( actions/ research/ Merge branch 'csvsync' into dronesec14:47
CIA-32juanmy777 tpserver-py-dronesec * rafb4d66cc706 /TODO: Updated TODO to reflect recent changes with CSV sync14:47
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jsmillerwish me luck... just did 'git init' for my sandbox name generator contribution18:12
jsmiller(first time with git)18:12
greywhindgood luck18:12
* JLafont motions to second that statement18:15
* jsmiller looks to see if the Internet ate his last gesture.18:17
jsmillerThanks, JLafont.  Don't you also have a name generator in the sandbox?18:17
JLafontjsmiller: yeah, its not very good though. Just randomly picks some pre-generated syllables18:34
jsmillerwell, that's about where I'm starting18:34
tpbTitle: Names generated from starwars.txt using seed 1619936901 via Django and AppEngine (at
* jsmiller tips his hat to the butler robot.18:35
JLafonthahaha. Thats a much better way of doing it18:36
JLafontThe names at least make a whole lot more sense to me18:37
jsmillervery pluggable in a very simple wa18:39
jsmillerway, even18:39
JLafontI'll probably end up using them18:39
jsmillerI'm picking at a planetary disk generator too.18:39
JLafontanything is better than Ibphyreq18:39
jsmillerPlease help yourself.18:39
jsmillerlbphyreq ?18:40
JLafontone of the many disappointing names my generator has managed to produce18:40
jsmillerjust needs some post-processing to syllabify it, I suppose.  Or reject unpronounceables.18:40
jsmilleroh, if that was Ibphyreq, starting with a letter "eye", that's not terrible.  It's pronounceable.18:41
jsmillersilly font can't distinguish "eye" from "ell".  Who let that through?18:42
JLafontIts still rather painful. Maybe someday I'll go back to it and try to fix its fail18:42
jsmillerthat's better, copperplate font for Colloquy.18:44
jsmillerokay, there's the local repository.  Is there a general preference for GitHub or some other public shared repository?19:08
jsmiller(Mithro also suggested
jsmillerargh, looks like I need to generate a key pair?19:15
tpb<> (at
jsmillerbye folks20:04
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