Thursday, 2008-07-17

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jmtanmithro: sorry, was in the toilet.00:09
jmtanat the moment, i'm focusing on the user interface00:09
mithrono problems00:09
mithrobut what is the final aim?00:09
jmtanto have a usable client that is attractive as well00:10
mithrojmtan: that is a very nebulous goal :)00:11
mithrookay - what is blocking doing a release?00:11
jmtanthe first thing is the ship design window00:13
jmtanand next would be order queue management00:13
jmtani hope these are concrete enough00:14
jmtanas i see it, the client can view and send orders, other than ship design and research00:17
jmtanso it will be fully functional after i implement those00:18
jmtanand what's left would be the appearance, you've given me some suggestions on those already - like exhaust trails for the ships and battlexml in tpserver-py00:19
mithrojmtan: so I would like to see a release which includes binaries for windows, mac and debs for linux before the end of GSoC00:27
jmtanmithro: sure, windows and linux are okay - i'm a bit worried about the mac, is it a must?00:31
jmtani'll see if i can get my hands on one, and setup a development environment00:31
mithrojmtan: it would be really preferable00:34
mithropython-ogre should run on mac00:34
jmtanyeah it should, i'll work closely with greywhind to produce a binary00:36
jmtanand try to get one myself as well00:37
jmtanshould the windows version have a setup file that installs to the start menu?00:37
jmtanor rather, should it be packaged as installer?00:40
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jmtansorry, i have to go and get lunch, bb in 1 hr00:49
mithrojmtan: okay00:53
mithrojmtan: yes it should00:53
mithrotake a look at how tpclient-pywx does it00:54
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jmtanmithro: ping?07:19
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mithrojmtan: pong!07:51
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jmtanhi mithro, i'll post the error i'm getting on cygwin (both git and 0.5.1)07:53
jmtanchecking for boostlib >= 1.32.1... yes07:53
jmtanchecking whether the Boost::Signals library is available... yes07:53
jmtanconfigure: error: Could not link against  !07:53
mithrodo you have boost signals?07:53
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jmtanit's not part of the standard boost library?07:54
mithrono idea07:54
mithroI think it is normally part of boost07:54
jmtanbut it says yes... and the next line is some link error, i'll check my installation07:55
mithrocheck the config.log07:55
jmtanokay the last 3 lines:07:56
jmtan#define HAVE_BOOST07:56
jmtan#define HAVE_BOOST_SIGNALS07:56
jmtanconfigure: exit 107:56
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mithrojmtan: that is not all that helpful08:08
mithroput the whole last couple of hundred in a paste bin08:08
tpbTitle: Nopaste - config.log (at
mithroyour boost is ancient08:21
mithroyou should be using 1.34 at a minimum08:21
jmtanoh thanks, now i have something to go on08:23
jmtanso i should be compiling boost then? cygwin's most updated version is 1.3308:23
mithronot quite sure08:26
mithrois there any output above the link error?08:26
JLPgood morning everyone08:35
tpbTitle: Nopaste - Previous configure output before error (at
jmtanhello jlp08:36
* JLP slept for 11 hours, damn it felt good08:36
mithrojmtan: it is annoying, it doesn't tell you the reason for the link error08:37
jmtanyeah, but if boost 1.34 is required then that could be it08:37
JLPhm i think i've seen the same problem on the opensuse build service, it finds boost and then complains about linking08:38
jmtanis there a solution for that?08:40
JLPprobabčy there is, we just need to find it08:44
JLPit appears it is only failing on amd64 systems08:45
mithroI'm trying to get python-ogre debs working on the opensuse build service08:47
JLPhm and it looks like boost 1.32.1 should be fine:08:52
JLPchecking for IPv6 socket address... yes08:52
JLPchecking for boostlib >= 1.32.1... yes08:52
JLPchecking whether the Boost::Signals library is available... yes08:52
JLPchecking for exit in -lboost_signals... yes08:52
mithrojmtan: why do you want to compile on windows?08:53
jmtanfor testing the client on windows, i would like to have the server on the same system for convenience08:55
shenkiJLP: what's failing on amd64?08:57
JLPcompiling tpserver-cpp, something wrong with boost, it finds it but configure then says it can't link against it08:58
* shenki tries08:59
JLPand searching google it looks like ryan had the same problem compiling for mac and is posted on our own tp-devel mailing list08:59
JLPmaybe something wrong with ax_boost_signals macro09:03
shenkihrm, what's guile used for? can i disable it and still reproduce your problem?09:06
shenkinevermind, i'll just install it.09:08
shenki\o/ built sucessfully09:11
shenkiJLP: what disto are you using?09:11
JLPshenki: oh it compiles fine for me, jmtan is trying to compile on cygwin and it fails on 64-bit opensuse 10.2 and 10.309:12
mithroI really should think about heading home09:12
shenkioh, i see09:12
mithroJLP: what version of boost do they have?09:13
shenkimithro: i think you shoudl have had your sofa bed delivered to the office, it would get more use there09:13
mithroshenki: he he09:13
JLPmithro: 1.35.009:13
JLPbut it works perfectly fine with 1.32.1 on 32-bit opensuse 10.2 and 10.309:14
shenki$ apt-cache policy libboost-dev09:14
shenkilibboost-dev: Installed: 1.34.1-4ubuntu309:14
shenkithis is on amd64, ubuntu intrepid/hardy (the version is the same)09:15
JLPhm i should try o fix those expansion errors on the build service and see with what other distros it fails09:17
mithrojust about to try and upload python-ogre to the build service09:19
mithrogoing to watch it grind to a halt :P09:19
shenkimithro: link?09:21
mithroJLP: would you be interested in adding rpm support for python-ogre?09:25
tpb<> (at
shenkiauth req :(09:28
mithroI have done all the hard parts (making it all working on debian)09:28
JLPmithro: ok now we'll see what feora 8 says09:31
mithroJLP: ?09:31
JLPfor other more modern versions we'll first have to fix the cpp stuff for gcc 4.309:31
shenkioh, i like playing the 4.3 game09:31
JLPmithro: yeah i can take a look, although will probably not have time until after kde 4.1 gets tagged09:32
* shenki tries with that09:32
mithroJLP: oh? don't know that KDE has been cancelled?09:33
shenkimithro: tagged, not bagged :)09:34
mithroJLP: now you will have spend all your time on Thousand Parsec! ;)09:36
JLPmithro: yeah i know, i should just clone myself :)09:38
mithronah, just work on thousand parsec - simple solution without the painful identity confusion09:39
JLPaha fedora 8 also has problems with linking on 64-bit version09:40
mithroactually - it could be related to the problem I am having with boost on debian 64-bit09:40
shenkimithro: what problem is that?09:41
mithro/usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.1.2/../../../../lib64/libboost_python.a(errors.o): relocation R_X86_64_32S against `vtable for boost::python::error_already_set' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC09:41
mithro/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.1.2/../../../../lib64/libboost_python.a: could not read symbols: Bad value09:41
JLPhm PIC,09:41
JLPcould be yes09:42
mithroyou need PIC on windows too09:42
JLPand maybe mac to?09:42
JLPso the configure script doesn't set all the options right or somthing?09:44
mithrosounds possible09:44
JLPwhere does this check and configure macro for boost some from anyway?09:44
JLPpart of autohell?09:45
tpb<> (at
mithronothing provides libceguiogre-dev >= 1.4 | libogre-dev < 1.4.5, nothing provides libfreeimage-dev, nothing provides libogre-dev >= 1.4, nothing provides libogre-dev < 1.5, nothing provides libois-dev, nothing provides nvidia-cg-toolkit, nothing provides zziplib-bin09:45
mithrobut they all exist in ubuntu :(09:45
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jmtanhi bddebian10:41
bddebianHello jmtan10:42
jmtando you know a lot about deb packaging?10:42
bddebianEnough to be dangerous :)10:49
jmtanare ubuntu and debian packages equivalent?10:56
jmtani'm completely new to this packaging business10:56
bddebianFor the the most part they are equivalent.  Unfortunately there are some vague differences.11:07
bddebianIt mostly revolves around package dependencies differing between the two.11:07
jmtanic, so if a package has no dependencies for instance, they would be installable in either distro?11:10
bddebianarch: all packages are much easier.11:33
bddebianWhich most of the python packages are.11:33
bddebianNo, the package being architecture all, meaning there is not architecture specific code.11:34
bddebianLike the server-cpp package would be architecture specific because you would get different binaries based on the arch it was built on.11:35
jmtanoh i see, i read your sentence wrong11:38
jmtani read it as all packages are easier in arch11:38
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CIA-31aaron libtpproto-py-config * r9844076f15ff /AUTHORS: Added self to AUTHORS.16:17
* ezod cheers16:17
* JLP cheers back16:17
ezodhey JLP :)16:19
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CIA-31victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * ra1ef4d2b61a5 /gencon/ ( clientLib/ Included tp04 features when establishing connection to server.17:31
CIA-31victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * rbb087c327809 /gencon/ (5 files in 3 dirs): Added support for getting turn number from server.17:45
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CIA-31victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * rb278d82cea5d /gencon/ (5 files in 3 dirs): added support to recognizing the 3 turn types of RFTS.20:00
CIA-31victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * r41c13e6bbc9c /gencon/ (5 files in 2 dirs): Moved the 'Genotype' into the 'evolutionlib' package, from 'robolib'20:02
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CIA-31victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * rba5cab85a644 /gencon/ (4 files in 3 dirs): GCTP04Visitor now tells the client when a new turn starts. Added some logic to Master class based on that.20:50
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CIA-31victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * r80afe44cda0c /gencon/clientLib/ GCTP04Visitor now handles Component frames. (By ignoring them!)21:14
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CIA-31victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * r1659ddcf5292 /gencon/ (4 files in 3 dirs): Now checks at start of turn whether it's still alive.22:26
CIA-31victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * r2073e542d2a2 /gencon/ Fixed a bug from previous commit.22:26
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mithrohey jmtan23:48

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