Friday, 2008-07-04

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mithrohey bddebian00:40
bddebianHi mithro, gnight mithro :)00:41
mithrodid you see a new tpserver-cpp release? :)00:43
mithroit should be pretty trivial to package (no major changes, just bug fixes really)00:44
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mithrohey pluskid01:23
mithrolong time no see01:23
mithro~seen pluskid01:23
tpbmithro: pluskid was last seen in #tp 3 weeks, 0 days, 21 hours, 38 minutes, and 25 seconds ago: <pluskid> should I copy the code of libtpproto-py to the tpserver-py directory to run it?01:23
pluskidmithro: yea01:23
mithro3 weeks :(01:24
pluskidha, I didn't realized it was so long01:24
pluskidnow I'll back to work again01:25
pluskidmithro: I just got your reply01:25
mithropluskid: ahh cool01:26
pluskidso you're finding a place to live in the USA?01:26
mithronah, here in Sydney01:27
pluskidSo you've back to Sydney01:27
pluskidCool! Timezone won't be a problem then01:28
pluskidAs to the next tasks, the most important ones is porting tp-server and tp-client I think01:28
pluskidthen is pure-Python fallback01:28
mithrowell, without a pure-Python fallback I can't release tp-server and tp-client using schemepy01:29
pluskidpyscheme will still be the default fallback before we got anything better01:30
pluskidThough pyscheme is not very complete, I guess it was working well with tp-server and tp-client01:30
mithroyeah tpcl is pretty limited01:30
pluskidwe can carry out those two tasks at the same time, I guess01:31
pluskidso, as to the mid-term eval, the task is a survey and a summary.01:34
pluskidmithro: before what time should the summary be finished?01:34
mithroprobably same time the survey's are required to be done by01:35
pluskidBTW: I just finished the simple homepage of Schemepy the other day.01:35
pluskidIt now includes git history, blog post summary and mailing list summary01:36
pluskidbut it seems not properly copied to schemepy.thousandparsec.net01:36
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mithrohrm... checking now01:43
mithropluskid: can you try doing a push now?01:53
CIA-31pluskid schemepy * r2e6181df30cf /doc/log_book/ (2 files in 2 dirs): Finished the task of simple homepage.01:53
mithropluskid: I mean a change in the website :)01:54
pluskidhmm, ok01:54
CIA-31pluskid schemepy * r7ffbea2651e6 /doc/ ( index.html): Minor change to test git push hook.01:56
pluskidI got some error like : fatal: Not a git repository01:57
tpbTitle: #227627 - Pastie (at
mithrowant to try again?01:59
mithropluskid: playing with the post-update hook02:01
pluskidmithro: ?02:01
pluskidhow to?02:01
mithroI'm playing with it02:01
pluskidmithro: so I'll try to do another push02:01
mithroyes please02:02
CIA-31pluskid schemepy * r8dfd9211b292 /doc/ ( index.html): Another trivial change for testing git post-hook.02:02
pluskidmithro: I see the updated page at now02:03
mithroyay :)02:04
pluskidgood job! :D02:04
tpbTitle: Pysch: Scheme runtime environment in Python (at
mithropluskid: seen that before?02:22
pluskidmithro: it seems I didn't know it before. Let me look at it02:23
pluskidAh, it depends on bigloo02:24
mithroI hadn't seen it before02:24
mithroI was just trying to see if Google had started serving schemepy website results02:25
mithropluskid: you should probably link to the new website a bit :) you are coming out as the first hit for schemepy02:25
pluskidmaybe every post with schemepy should be <a href="...">schemepy</a> :D02:27
mithroor something with python and scheme in it02:29
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CIA-31jm tpclient-pyogre * ra52709ffa9db / (src/ src/tpclient-pyogre windows/login.layout): Display an error message if unable to connect to the server06:53
CIA-31jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * r2e08d3acbcd1 /src/ Fix bug when clicking on empty space in icon view06:53
CIA-31jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * r7f110756bc56 /src/ Pass cegui absolute coordinates instead of relative06:54
CIA-31jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * r446d35c40631 /src/ ( Display an information overlay when mouse is over an object06:54
CIA-31jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * r9f9dbc69bb46 /src/ (7 files): Update test_starmap to include mock resources and players06:54
CIA-31jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * r4ba4839a495d /src/ ( Minor changes to cache references06:54
CIA-31jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * r499db549bc40 / (4 files in 2 dirs): Icon view colours fleets and planets by owner06:54
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llnzlater all07:40
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CIA-31jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * rf2ee71901de5 /modules/games/risk/ (move.cpp reinforce.cpp thisweek.txt): Fixed bug where player conquering planet would create extra units on origin planet12:01
CIA-31jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r50037d58ecb5 /modules/games/risk/move.cpp: Added test to ensure planet wasn't conquerred if player did not have enough units12:04
CIA-31jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * ra6d3104734aa /modules/games/risk/move.cpp: Added test tag12:05
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CIA-31jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * rde8752ad8cab /modules/games/risk/move.cpp: Made it so attack conflict increase of odds doesn't occur if target cannot actually attack (has only 1 unit, i.e. can't really move)13:44
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CIA-31jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * rbdd5a51a2935 /modules/games/risk/move.cpp: Fixed formatting in Move message for origin by adding \n14:13
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CIA-31jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r51c70004d460 /modules/games/risk/ (bugs.txt thisweek.txt): Added info to thisweek and bugs .txt18:32
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CIA-31victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * r3560c9e4631f /gencon/ (8 files in 4 dirs):20:18
CIA-31Several additions: a) organized test-methods in 'Client'. b) Done some work to20:18
CIA-31accommodate map wrap-around when calculating distances. Still needs completion.20:18
CIA-31c) Implemented some hard-core robot logic: robot should be able to find an20:18
CIA-31optimized route to visit a collection of star-systems (the travelling robot20:18
CIA-31problem :) , as well as patrol an area for a while.20:18
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