Thursday, 2008-06-19

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AlklomionHey, has anyone got much experience with the Tpserver-cpp server windows version?01:55
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xdotxnash: you probably do not need to be using "-Wno-unused-parameter"02:05
xdotxfor cases where you are not using an argument in a function, do not name it02:06
xdotxthis makes it clear to the compiler (and reader) that it is unused02:06
nashxdotx: umm... that's not valid C02:09
nashFrom K&R: Unless the parameter type list consists solely of void, showing that the function takes no parameters, each declarator in the parameter type list must contain an identifier02:09
xdotxnash:  you cannot delcare foo as: void foo(int a); then implement with: void foo(int) { } ?02:10
nashtestfn(int x, int){02:12
nash gcc -o test005 test005.c                        ──(Thu,Jun19)─┘02:12
nashtest005.c: In function ‘testfn’:02:12
nashtest005.c:4: error: parameter name omitted02:12
xdotxthat's silly... why does it care?02:12
nashWell, it makes the grammer simpler for starters ;-)02:13
xdotxyeah i suppose02:13
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nashBut think k&r declerations:02:13
nashfoo(x,y,z)  int x; int y; int z; { .. }02:14
xdotxC definitely was built with compiler in mind02:14
nashSo... foo(x,,z){ .}02:14
nashLooks like a typo to me!02:14
nashxdotx: it's suppressing a warning.  There is no requirement about the type of names you use, so dummy1 are pefectly vaid02:15
xdotxit's a useful warning though :/ you should be able to express that it's a dummy argument?02:15
xdotx(also i completely don't understand your example)02:16
nashYes, depends on who is warning you02:17
nashyou can do __attribute__((unused))02:17
nashif you like, and not add the warning02:18
nashBut I use a lot of callbacks in my code ;-)02:18
nashSo I have a lot of unused paramaters02:18
* xdotx nods02:18
mithrohrm missed Alklomion02:18
xdotxwell in good ol' cpp you can use the non-named param for dummies. jus' so you know02:19
nashhow is that02:21
nashwrong window02:21
nashxdotx: Yet another reason why C++ is evil.02:21
xdotxhow's that possibly a problem though? if you meant to name it, you get an error when you try to use it. if you mean without using, it's a warning.02:23
xdotxmm. name without using*02:23
nashjust weird02:27
xdotxthat's k&r notation is weird! supporting two distinctly different types function declarations? what's the benefit?02:28
nashto maintain compatabilty with the huge base of existing C code using K&R when the ansi method was introduced is teh benefit02:29
nashgcc needs a flag to accept k&r these days I believe02:38
xdotxnope. i tested with -ansi -pedantic and it went fine02:39
nashit doesn't like void foo(); however ;-)02:42
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Mithro-BBLlnz: how goes every thing?04:46
llnzhi Mithro-BB04:46
llnznot too bad, you?04:46
Mithro-BBBB is for blackberry04:46
Mithro-BBGood in a sypy meeting04:47
Mithro-BBI should have a cool surprise for you by next Monday04:49
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JLPgood morning everyone05:40
llnzhi JLP05:41
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* llnz wanders off07:42
llnzlater all07:42
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vi1985mornin all11:04
CIA-31jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r15ed89a1d10f /modules/games/risk/risk.cpp: Made it so guest players can join a full game11:11
CIA-31jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r3394ed1d3e13 /modules/games/risk/ (risk.cpp risk.h sample.conf testing-risk.conf): Made game capable of assigning just one planet at startup with risk_randomly_assign = false11:52
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IwanowitchHmm. X server crash, for no reason. That's a long time ago.14:18
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CIA-31jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * rc5e7d10030ef /modules/games/risk/ (colonize.cpp colonize.h move.cpp move.h riskturn.cpp): Added a tonne of implementation to Colonize::doOrder. Also fixed logic error in Move::doOrder16:23
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CIA-31jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * rfb0dd6c51e90 /modules/games/risk/colonize.cpp: Made additional changes to Colonize::doOrder to try and get it working; Does not currently work properly17:23
CIA-31jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * rf8d044564d10 /modules/games/risk/colonize.cpp: Fixed problems in Colonize::doOrder()17:23
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CIA-31jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r0de5dfda0e76 /modules/games/risk/colonize.cpp: Added todo18:00
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mithroAlklomion: ping?19:31
mithroi'm going to get coffee19:38
mithroI'll be back in 1019:38
mithro~seen sladegen19:48
tpbmithro: I have not seen sladegen.19:48
ezod~seen Equilibrium19:50
tpbezod: I have not seen Equilibrium.19:50
ezodtpb: well you should, it's a great movie!19:50
* mithro pokes Alklomion 20:04
Alklomionmithro: hey, i'm here now20:09
mithroAlklomion: okay20:09
mithroso how are things going?20:09
Alklomionthe programming is going fine20:09
AlklomionI'm having trouble setting up the windows server cpp client20:09
AlklomionI've been trying to use your python client to connect to tpserver-cpp for windows, but it says the username/pw is invalid, even after i've changed it to auto add players20:11
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mithroAlklomion: tpserver-cpp doesn't run on windows?20:15
Alklomionoh? there's a download link for a windows version20:17
tpb<> (at
Alklomionwin32 version 0.3.120:18
mithroumm - that is tpclient-pywx, tpserver-cpp is at 0.5.020:20
tpb<> (at
ezodthere appears to be a tpserver-cpp-0.4.1-win32.zip20:21
ezodon sf20:21
mithrooh - that is very ancient20:21
AlklomionYeah, that's the one I meant to link to20:22
ezod0.4.1 is over a year old20:22
AlklomionSo I guess I'd need to switch over to unix to run the local server and do some testing20:25
ezodmight run in cygwin/mingw?20:26
mithroAlklomion: yeah20:27
mithroezod: that is how 0.4.1 windows version was built20:27
mithrobut nobody has built it on windows since then20:27
mithroso it would be a pretty big effort20:27
ezodproject for me after gsoc maybe :)20:29
ezodim fairly familiar with mingw20:29
CIA-31alklomion /tmp/gm9vEe2JUA/AzT3MWev5d-midp * r6a4e129c6ee0 /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/
CIA-31Fixed the way the connection is opened to be compatible with the way it is done in J2ME and still keep compatibility with thousand parsec.20:29
CIA-31via git-CVS emulator20:29
ezodhaven't had a windows box around in years though...20:29
mithroezod: all the parts are there20:30
mithrobut because of the way windows works, you have to static compile the rulesets into the server20:30
mithroAlklomion: so where are we at?20:30
CIA-31alklomion /tmp/eeOt0crpQj/yOCCcCakGr-midp * r6731540dc98c /src-test/net/thousandparsec/netlib/test/
CIA-31J2ME compatible test (it still won't run because it isn't a midlet)20:31
CIA-31via git-CVS emulator20:31
CIA-31alklomion /tmp/xmzspJk69r/3FVeiTQ38k-midp * r00c2435f6195 /src-test/net/thousandparsec/netlib/test/
CIA-31Midlet that can test that a connection can be made to a thousand parsec server20:32
CIA-31via git-CVS emulator20:32
AlklomionI have written the midlet that will hopefully test the connection is present20:32
Alklomionto do that i'll need to run a server in unix and continue testing it20:33
* ezod and autoconf are about to scrap20:33
mithroAlklomion: have you tried connecting to demo1?20:33
Alklomiondemo1 is tps, i think20:34
tpbTitle: Index of /vmware (at
mithroAlklomion: nope, it has support for tp and tps20:34
Alklomionso you can connect with both? even if it were currently running in tps?20:35
tpbTitle: VMware/Player - Community Ubuntu Documentation (at
mithroAlklomion: that is probably the quickest way to get a ubuntu working20:37
mithroAlklomion: so how do I test this?20:37
* mithro is starting netbeans20:37
Alklomionmithro: first you'll probably need to delete the build.xml then reload the project, it will create a new one that won't have a fit if you try to run it20:38
mithroI have a completely fresh checkout20:39
Alklomionit is completely fine to delete files in Git, yes, they can just be reverted later on if needed?20:40
mithrobut you need to right click and do the delete that way20:41
mithrootherwise CVS will automatically re-create them20:41
AlklomionI'm checking out the module so we're on the same page this time :)20:43
CIA-31alklomion /tmp/uyotmOwtm2/6bDkwRI5xZ-midp * ra96673d0f547 /src/net/thousandparsec/util/
CIA-31Removed some debugging println statements20:46
CIA-31via git-CVS emulator20:46
mithroAlklomion: you should remove the files which don't compile too20:47
* ezod cheers! tpadmin-cpp is alive!20:49
mithroezod: yay!20:50
ezodmithro: when you get a chance, can you step me through git-izing this tree and doing the initial push?20:53
mithrogit-izing? you should have been using git from the start!?20:53
ezodi was worried there would be no way to reconcile the repos20:54
tpb<> (at
mithroezod: nah, with git you can merge anything20:55
* ezod is starting to like git20:55
ezodso, clone the empty repo, git-add my files, and push?20:55
mithroAlklomion: so...20:58
AlklomionTrying to work out why it isn't recognizing my midlet *sigh*20:58
CIA-31aaron tpadmin-cpp * r96a7b662d00e / (13 files in 2 dirs): Initial import of local tpadmin-cpp tree.20:58
ezodvery skeletal currently20:59
mithroAlklomion: but the libtpproto-java should compile right?21:01
Alklomionoh - yeah21:01
Alklomionif you deleted build.xml and reopened the project, it will compile21:01
mithroit seems you have not removed the Pipeline or Pair/Abstract java files?21:01
mithrohow will it compile then?21:02
AlklomionI removed them on my system, i just did not remove them from Git21:02
mithrocan you please remove them from git then?21:03
mithrootherwise I can not reproduce your results21:03
CIA-31alklomion /tmp/j1GeGAyuRB/55yABfk4YF-midp * r80ebb9294854 /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/
CIA-31via git-CVS emulator21:03
CIA-31alklomion /tmp/BDJeqJ75jP/dRkbYWWgiQ-midp * r57c6f4e82631 /src/net/thousandparsec/util/ (
CIA-31via git-CVS emulator21:05
Alklomiondoes right clicking the project and selecting build work once those three have been removed?21:08
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mithroBUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 6 seconds)21:27
JLafontmithro: I just sent you an e-mail. Also I was trying to do the getting started document on the wiki but it seems I can't upload any images.21:27
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mithroJLafont: ahh, okay I think I know the problem21:27
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mithroJLafont: can you try uploading images again now?21:30
mithroAlklomion: so have you committed the midlet and stuff that you are using to test?21:31
JLafontone sec21:33
mithroso how do I run it? and where is it located?21:33
mithroAlklomion: you might need to commit the stuff in the nbproject directory21:34
AlklomionDo you remember how I've been copying the tp03 folder from src-generated, as I did not want to change the overall structure away from what it currently was21:34
AlklomionCopy the tp03 folder in src-generated/.../netlib/ to src/.../netlib21:34
Alklomionthe same with the test directory in src-test21:35
CIA-31alklomion /tmp/SIsIys0q48/cJn8938e7N-midp * rc2600906ac36 /nbproject/ (private/ via git-CVS emulator21:36
Alklomionmithro: done, i think21:37
JLafontmithro: it worked21:37
JLafontAnd I need to update my ssh key again21:37
mithroJLafont: okay in a sec21:38
mithroAlklomion: your stuff seems to be in src-test?21:39
mithro(the test runner?)21:39
Alklomionyeah, there's a file called TestMidlet21:39
Alklomionmithro: copy the test directory from \src-test\net\thousandparsec\netlib\ to \src\net\thousandparsec\netlib21:40
mithroAlklomion: you really need to find a way to not have to copy this21:41
Alklomionyeah - i know.21:41
AlklomionI could change the structure of the files, would that make things easier? In the short term, I'd think so, but it would be more difficult in the long term. Or at the end i could just copy it back to the structure that was used in the master branch.21:42
mithroAlklomion: well, it should be a way to include stuff from both directories without having to copy21:43
mithroRunning with locale: en_AU.UTF-821:45
mithroRunning in the identified_third_party security domain21:45
mithroTP03Decoder instantiated21:45
mithroURI Object Completed21:45
mithroPort is:-121:45
mithroMethod.valueOf(serverUri.getScheme()) is: net.thousandparsec.netlib.Connection$MethodCode@1cb3766421:46
mithroserverURI.getScheme() is: tp21:46 TCP open21:46
mithrothat looks like you are getting very close21:46
mithroJLafont: new key updated21:47
JLafontmithro: awesome. Thanks21:47
Alklomionmithro: yeah, I think it is close, which is exciting :)21:52
mithroit looks like the host is null21:54
mithroI did a21:54
mithro                System.out.println(host);21:54
mithro                System.out.println(port);21:54
mithroin the makeTPConnection method21:55
mithroand go21:55
mithroMethod.valueOf(serverUri.getScheme()) is: net.thousandparsec.netlib.Connection$MethodCode@1cb3766421:55
mithroserverURI.getScheme() is: tp21:55
Alklomionsec - reloading netbeans, it is such a resource hog on my poor computer21:56
mithroyeah it is annoying21:57
mithroI hard coded the host name to ""21:57
mithroand it connected!21:57
mithro2008-06-20 12:05:20 < Info  > Accepted connection from localhost [::ffff:], connection id 721:57
mithro2008-06-20 12:05:20 < Info  > Accepting new tp (tcp) connection21:57
mithro2008-06-20 12:05:20 <Warning> Client did not show correct version of protocol (version 2 or less)21:57
mithro2008-06-20 12:05:20 < Info  > Closed connection 721:57
Alklomionthat's an error in my parser, i think22:03
Alklomionwell, it must be22:03
mithroyeah - that would be my guess22:03
mithroyou might want to write some tests for your URI.java22:04
AlklomionURI HOST IS:
Alklomionyet getHost() is returning null, hmm22:04
Alklomionaah, i know what is causing that problem.22:12
AlklomionI should really just remove the stuff that will probably never be used in the URI file22:12
mithrothat sounds like a good idea22:13
mithroyou can use netbeans to tell you about unused functions22:13
mithroyou should also remove all unused imports22:18
mithronetbeans complains about them too :)22:18
Alklomionyeah, that's an easier thing to do22:18
Alklomionthe information you linked before, did the midlet throw back an error?22:19
Alklomionan IO Error?22:19
JLafontmithro: I'm having some trouble pushing my commits. Its the same thing that was happening before my comp went crazy too.
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mithroJLafont: give it a whirl now22:37
CIA-31juan tpserver-py-dronesec * rb4816c5ad1e8 /tp/server/rules/dronesec/actions/ Automerge rewritten to be more efficient and to include messages22:37
CIA-31juan tpserver-py-dronesec * rc634fe4ff4f7 /tp/server/rules/dronesec/actions/ MoveDrones now send a message confirming arrival at destination22:37
CIA-31juan tpserver-py-dronesec * rd2b5bac71698 /tp/server/rules/dronesec/orders/ (
CIA-31Produce Drones modified to be more "fire and forget".22:37
CIA-31A backup of the old produce drones was made for referencial purposes22:37
CIA-31juan tpserver-py-dronesec * r101e98178997 /tp/server/rules/dronesec/actions/ Fleet Combat should now take into account a ships type when dealing damage22:37
CIA-31juan tpserver-py-dronesec * rc272f275d630 /tp/server/rules/dronesec/ ( actions/ Implemented Defeat. It will remove an overlord of a defeated player and send him a message22:37
tpbaloril has quit worldforge (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)22:50
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mithroAlklomion: any luck?23:05
AlklomionNaw, I'll probably get to it tomorrow. Finalising some documentation for the uni23:06
Alklomionbut for now - it is lunch time23:07
mithroAlklomion: I would try and knock if off while you have me about to ask questions off23:26
mithroI won't be around on the weekend23:26
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