Friday, 2008-06-13

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CIA-30victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * r33af58aeba3a /gencon/ (26 files in 4 dirs): Major additions to the game-library (gencon.gamelib).00:39
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* llnz wanders off09:02
llnzlater all09:02
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CIA-30jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r5190ba4f294d /modules/games/risk/move.cpp: Added asserts in the messaging of Move::doTurn11:32
CIA-30jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * rdc6fbf3e61cc /modules/games/risk/move.cpp: Added origin and target odds restrictions on attack moves11:32
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CIA-30jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r69f70bcf9692 /modules/games/risk/move.cpp: We now add 1 to target odds if target is also attackig origin in Move::doOrder()11:46
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CIA-30jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * rb3b0e9c8f193 /modules/games/risk/ (colonize.cpp colonize.h move.cpp move.h): Added ListOptionCallback creation for Colonize14:05
CIA-30jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * rfa0c548eb9d5 /modules/games/risk/ (colonize.cpp colonize.h): Cleaned up Colonize14:05
CIA-30jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r655844764aad /modules/games/risk/ (colonize.cpp planet.cpp): Made colonize order globally visible14:15
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CIA-30jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r2af0d9f63c79 /modules/games/risk/move.cpp: Fixed Move::doTurn messaging segfault16:01
CIA-30jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r699efbee95b5 /modules/games/risk/planet.cpp: Commented out some debugger messages in areas known to work properly now16:03
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jphrnuieren: thanks for pointing out the obvious for me :P16:04
nulerenhaha, np... it's the tiny mistakes that are the hardest to find16:05
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CIA-30victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * rf8c4438a7a1e /gencon/ (7 files in 3 dirs): Implemented a fast, breadth first search of the Object-tree, to retreive all objects from server.16:16
CIA-30jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * rb79b8c505a5e /modules/games/risk/ (move.cpp riskturn.cpp): Added messaging to reinforcement calcluation16:21
CIA-30jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r54b374a3bf60 /modules/games/risk/riskturn.cpp: Added message about winner16:49
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mithroheyo people18:53
* mithro is back in Australia18:53
mithrohow is everyone?18:55
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llnzhi all19:21
mithrohey llnz19:24
mithroback in Australia now19:24
mithrogot back a couple of hours ago19:25
jphrmithro: probably be seeing less of you during the NA day then hmm? :P19:25
mithrojphr: probably19:26
mithroit's 9:30AM here19:26
jphrthe whole ~12 hour difference is just still weird to me19:26
jphrit comes with good timing though, I think i'm past the majority of my big issues, and am going to start debugging and play testing next week19:27
jphrbut with that, its 630 pm here, and supper time, enjoy your weekend gents.19:30
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* ezod is back from boston20:43
ezodunfortunately, internet access ~= nil while i was there20:52
ezodwe had one wireless net account where if someone else logged on the current user got booted20:53
ezodso my advisor basically told us not to use it :(20:54
ezodi wound up walking over to the mit campus to download some code to read20:54
ezodhow's libtpproto-cpp?20:55
llnzall my current work is in20:56
ezodok cool20:56
ezodi wasn't sure if that was all20:56
llnzthere will probably be some more later, but that is like 90% of it20:57
llnz90% of the changes that is20:57
ezodalright, can we set up a branch that i can add admin frames to then?20:57
llnzi'm not sure how to add a branch20:58
ezodi'll talk to mithro then20:58
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