Tuesday, 2008-06-10

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llnzlater all09:24
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CIA-30jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * rc920ae4afcd1 /modules/games/risk/ (move.cpp move.h): Added the scaffolding to Move to allow for setting ListOptionsCallback11:12
CIA-30jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r4305ec02d795 /modules/games/risk/move.cpp: Move now properly populates Planet list with adjacent planets. Displayed list is atm buggy and not displaying all planets, debugging required11:41
CIA-30jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * rfd4bb186604b /src/ (helpers.py object_dump test_starmap.py): Add starmap test application11:54
CIA-30jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * rc28bea4a2141 / (15 files in 4 dirs): Additional models from Epyon and the Vega Strike project11:54
CIA-30jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * rbaf1ffe21b17 /src/ (5 files): Update test application to mock more cache objects11:54
CIA-30jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * rbbefdef07f6f /src/overlay.py: Add an offset to text captions11:54
CIA-30jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * r85416e73c847 /src/ (Scene.py starmap.py): Assign ship models arbitrarily according to fleet type11:54
CIA-30jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * r4484f57eb7de /src/ (Framework.py console.py): Console will block keypresses while active11:54
CIA-30jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * r1b936ab7405c /src/ (Scene.py helpers.py): Orders window shows order queue of current selected object11:55
CIA-30jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * rd0060343ccbb /modules/games/risk/move.cpp: Naively forgot to increment a counter. Move now displays ALL adjacent planets as it should.11:56
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CIA-30jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r18044058a7bc /modules/games/risk/ (8 files): Changed graph from a list of adjacent to a set of adjacent, there shouldn't be duplicates. Added explanatory comments to Move::generateListOptions.12:50
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CIA-30jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r5e64a6558f92 /modules/games/risk/ (move.cpp move.h planet.h testing-risk.conf): Started implementing Move::doOrder(), friendly moves now work correctly.13:31
CIA-30jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r62edbf5c0a07 /modules/games/risk/move.cpp: Implemented more of Move::doTurn, colonize moves now work.13:37
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CIA-30jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r978866a39d41 /modules/games/risk/ (move.cpp move.h reinforce.cpp reinforce.h testing-risk.conf): Implemented Reinforce::doTurn, Reinforce order now works properly14:03
jphrman I am having an awesome day14:03
CIA-30jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r0d0b7d980a51 /modules/games/risk/riskturn.cpp: Fixed logic error by moving reinforcement calculation to AFTER moves have been processed.14:05
CIA-30jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r4effd6684236 /modules/games/risk/ (move.cpp planet.cpp risk.cpp riskturn.cpp): Added messaging to Risk::randomlyAssignPlanets. Made Planet::setOrderTypes discriminate based upon ownership. Started adding messaging to Move::doTurn15:06
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CIA-30jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r533b850dfcbb /modules/games/risk/move.cpp: Start workin on Move::doTurn messaging15:47
CIA-30jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r789819d7aad6 /modules/games/risk/ (7 files): Cleaned up finished tags (TODO, ASK, etc.)15:47
CIA-30jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r336019f54437 /modules/games/risk/ (colonize.cpp colonize.h move.cpp reinforce.h): Started getting Colonize ready for doTurn implementation.15:47
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jphrmithro: hi16:38
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mithrovi1985: did I mention how annoying it is when people reply to digest emails?16:41
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vi1985mithro: hm, i thought i changed away from digest mode yesterday, but i received a digest this morning, and i had to reply to llnz. Now that you've mentioned it, i went and checked my list-configuration, and it says that digest mode is 'on'. ok, so i change that, login again to make sure, and surprise, it's still 'on'.16:47
vi1985mithro: i don't know where the problem is16:47
mithrovi1985: don't have cookies enabled?16:47
mithroI can change it for you if you wish16:48
mithrovi1985: done!16:48
vi1985mithro: cool, thx. i checked, and it seems like cookies are enabled... just odd.16:49
vi1985mithro: ok, i double checked: i'm off digest as of now!16:50
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CIA-30nuleren tpserver-cpp-tae * reeea15e59a42 /modules/games/tae/ (Makefile.am colonize.cpp colonize.h fleet.cpp tae.cpp): Added first draft of the colonize order.18:46
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mithrohey nash20:39
nashheyo mithro20:43
nashYou back down ehre yet?20:43
mithroback in Sydney at the end of this week20:43
mithrofly out on Thursday20:43
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jphrmithro: ping?20:46
mithrojphr: pong!20:47
jphrmithro: just watching your talk, have you heard much about ACTA legislation in the works?20:47
mithronope what is ACTA?20:48
jphrscary, its a big set of anti-piracy legislation that if it comes into effect will blacklist all hardware and drm negating devices. Pretty much making homebrew illegal20:48
jphr(for consoles)20:48
tpb<http://ln-s.net/1v25> (at en.wikipedia.org)20:49
jphralso has a lot of other scary stuff in it20:50
mithromod-chips (at least for PS2's) are legal in Australia20:53
jphryeah i have a mod-cart for my ds, i want to do some homebrew on it when I have a little more experience.20:54
jphrsorry to cut and run, my wife just arrived home late, I have to go grab dinner20:55
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CIA-30victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * r061802ba4fbc /gencon/clientLib/ (Client.java ConnectionManager.java): Minor commit to allow patch21:08
CIA-30victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * r189f813a2dbc /gencon/ (4 files in 3 dirs): Applied patch to fix generics-related warnings.21:08
CIA-30victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * r7429b6ae93c1 / (14 files in 3 dirs): ruleset-specific library 3/4 done.21:08
mithrovi1985: so what does the AI do so far?21:09
vi1985mithro: i decided to go the opposite way, and have a functional client prior to ai development, so as to avoid compatibility issues later on. Right now, I have a fully functional client (still needs some work, but i'll be adding functionality as i go from now on, instead of focusing on it), and an almost ready library that is specific to RFTS. It's another level of abstraction, but it'll...21:13
vi1985...give me a much easier time when making the ai.21:13
vi1985as to the ai itself, I'll start on it late this week, or early on next week.21:14
vi1985i think this pace is good enough to even give me some buffer zone at the end21:15
vi1985mithro: do you have other questions? i was just about to close the computer for the day, but i can chat for a while ;)21:16
mithroup to you21:16
mithroI'm happy to find out more21:16
mithrobut if you want to run off, feel free21:17
vi1985:) I'd actually rather finish off for the day, got some stuff to do, but feel free to ping me tomorrow when I'm here, and i'll be happy to chat!21:18
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mithrohey llnz21:23
llnzhi mithro21:24
mithrollnz: you see the video is up?21:28
llnzpitty about the small crowd22:54
llnzwill watch it later22:54
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