Thursday, 2008-06-05

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JLafontok I amended the patch but I can't push it due to the refs thing again00:06
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JLafontok I amended the patch but I can't push it due to the refs thing again00:10
mithroJLafont: try and push again now00:11
JLafontstill failing00:12
mithrohow are you pushing?00:18
mithro       -f, --force00:18
mithro           Usually, the command refuses to update a remote ref that is not an ancestor of the local ref used to overwrite it. This flag disables the check. This00:18
mithro           can cause the remote repository to lose commits; use it with care.00:18
JLafontok pushed00:20
mithroso how did you push the first time with those problems?00:28
mithrobefore you pushed, you pulled up gitk and went over the patch and looked at what it was doing00:29
CIA-24alklomion /tmp/zRJiLL1Ugi/3o7W5T3TdU-midp * r92080c6f11c2 /src/net/thousandparsec/util/
CIA-24Added more parsing conditionals that handle optional segments of the uri (that is a partial URI constructed)00:30
CIA-24Added fragment and query support, added host, user info and port support.00:30
CIA-24via git-CVS emulator00:30
JLafontwell, this time I did00:31
CIA-24alklomion /tmp/B0i87mQPyP/if5j2wrgcm-midp * rbecac065b87c /src/net/thousandparsec/util/
CIA-24removed redundant commented code that was replaced in earlier versions.00:37
CIA-24via git-CVS emulator00:37
mithroJLafont: good :)00:37
JLafont2 more pushes00:46
CIA-24alklomion /tmp/ft7SevOGas/SO4qarZ5HR-midp * r4a00b3b6d205 /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/
CIA-24Changed import to use net.thousandparsec.util.URI00:50
CIA-24converted a switch into a conditional statement set that should do the same job00:50
CIA-24via git-CVS emulator00:50
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Alklomionhey mithro: are you there?00:57
mithroJLafont: so what lessons did we learn? :)00:57
JLafontuse tabs00:57
JLafontoh finally!00:58
mithroa lesson which you still have not learnt00:58
Alklomionmithro: could you give me an example of a URI that would be used to connect to a thousand parsec server?00:58
mithropatch ec981d769633db07af6c52921d25c399290eb49400:58
mithrois wrong00:58
JLafontI see it now00:59
mithroJLafont: the leason you have suppose to have learnt by now is, REVIEW YOUR FINE PATCHES :P00:59
JLafontthose conflict lines are sneaky00:59
mithrotp://test:[email protected]/game101:00
Alklomionso the scheme could be tp: tps: http: or https:01:00
JLafontIf I cherry pick to that one, I don't have to use the -n flag correct?01:01
mithroJLafont: hrm?01:02
mithroAlklomion: or tp+http or tp+https01:02
JLafontto fix it. Should  I use "git cherry-pick -n ec981d769633db07af6c52921d25c399290eb494" ?01:03
JLafontahh nvm01:04
JLafontchecked manual01:04
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mithroJLafont: no, you want to roll back two commits and then re do the commits01:10
JLafontand how do I do that? :-P01:11
mithrogit-branch <name of your current branch> <id of commit you want to roll back too>01:12
mithromight need a -f in there01:13
tpbaloril has joined on worldforge01:19
JLafontnow I am reaaaallly done01:20
JLafontI can code!01:20
CIA-24alklomion /tmp/4QeLIXp7eC/yhPtR9PlQs-midp * rab9ba58c4111 /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/ via git-CVS emulator01:25
Alklomionmithro: how busy are you? :)01:26
tpbaloril has quit worldforge (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)01:27
mithroJLafont: checking now01:27
mithroI'm going to let you get on with some real work - but you might want to check the comments you have on each of the last bunch of commits01:28
mithroJLafont: I have removed the dronesec branch01:30
mithroand moved dronesec-fixed to dronesec01:30
Alklomion10 errors left in connection :D01:38
tpbaloril has joined on worldforge01:39
mithroI've re-added the update hooks too01:41
mithroAlklomion: I'll be in the meeting tommorrow01:52
mithroI have to head to bed now01:52
Alklomionno problem, i'm still behind, but only a tiny bit now :)01:55
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Asmmoh, Alklomion, are you doing java part?02:15
AlklomionAsmm. i'm working on a J2ME implementation02:15
Asmmthe mobile java?02:15
Asmmi just finished a lot of work for regular java clients02:16
Asmmi guess we can share experiences, as i spent a lot of time figuring stuff out, right in the last few days02:16
Alklomionhaha yeah, my problems come in 2's 1) what does it do 2) how can i modify it to work in j2me02:17
Asmmso far i'm at the level of an operational game viewer in swing, and some code to parse the game state from the thousandparsec.netlib representation which is very connection-centered to a more game-centered02:18
Asmmfunny, i've been trying to figure out how J2ME works just recently, so cant help you there, but woudl be interested to knwo 2) as well.. i did figure out how most of 1) (the normal operation and how to get it via net.thousandparsec) works in regular J2SE02:19
Asmmi have to go to sleep soon... what is your timezone? would be interesting to connect and talk again later02:20
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AlklomionGMT +9:3002:23
Alklomionso its 4.01 pm here02:23
CIA-24alklomion /tmp/BFlLvcFGVQ/sYWehV5xfw-midp * r2a8ee64d5054 /src-generated/net/thousandparsec/netlib/tp03/
CIA-24Changed the import of to net.thousandparsec.util.uri02:31
CIA-24via git-CVS emulator02:31
Asmmis your work available somewhere though git or cvs?02:31
AsmmGMT-5 here02:31
Alklomionits branched on the java02:31
Asmmwhich branch?02:32
tpb<> (at
CIA-24alklomion /tmp/MtF2jcVhSY/eaJOoshM0Z-midp * r3b5f0ab972fc /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/
CIA-24replaced maps with Hashtables and method calls to maps with Hashtable method calls02:35
CIA-24via git-CVS emulator02:35
CIA-24alklomion /tmp/S4inSYbK9S/p9Huk2jp1W-midp * r1719864fa3e8 /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/
CIA-24removed some redundant commented code02:37
CIA-24implemented a valueOf method to get the value of a MethodCode02:37
CIA-24replaced sockets with SocketConnection in most cases02:37
CIA-24replaced calls the method to better suit calling MethodValue02:37
CIA-24via git-CVS emulator02:37
CIA-24alklomion /tmp/t9jXLkho6l/zglB9jxvo0-midp * r0dc33bee3e3f /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/
CIA-24Begun implementation of replacement for enumeration02:37
CIA-24via git-CVS emulator02:37
Asmmoh, right, J2ME has no or less generics, no new enums, no 1.5 stuff, right?02:38
Asmmok, g'night!02:39
Alklomionno generics no enums02:41
Alklomiongnight asmm02:42
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* llnz wanders off08:48
llnzlater all08:48
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CIA-24aaron tpserver-cpp-config * rb6004a4122e8 /tpserver/ (command.cpp command.h commandmanager.cpp): Added support for TP04 difference lists to Command/CommandManager.10:24
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CIA-24victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * r973098c4d8a7 /gencon/ (7 files in 4 dirs): organized the client library into packages.11:09
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CIA-24pluskid schemepy * r44548d417b29 /doc/log_book/todo/06-05-write-some-schemepy-specific-benchmarks.txt: Added a task for schemepy specific benchmark.11:49
CIA-24pluskid schemepy * r7b937f253e83 /benchmark/ Added a benchmark for mz compiling.11:49
CIA-24pluskid schemepy * r095152d818d2 /doc/log_book/todo/06-05-avoid-gc-crashes.txt: Added the task of fixing GC related bugs.11:49
CIA-24pluskid schemepy * r372d13f47e5c / (7 files in 3 dirs): Added benchmark for Scm/Py converting.11:49
CIA-24pluskid schemepy * r27ba79508e99 / (7 files in 6 dirs): Added repl for backends.11:50
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tpbaloril has quit worldforge (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)12:28
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mithroheyo people13:06
CIA-24jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * re7d04810cebc /modules/games/risk/ (constellations.txt planet.cpp risk.cpp riskturn.cpp): Removed default map and replaced with smaller test map. Fixed doOnceATurn in Planet by getting Ruleset form game. Added getting ruleset to RiskTurn13:32
CIA-24jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * rb0b5dddc42c2 /modules/games/risk/ (constellations.txt risk.cpp): Statically declared a few edges for testing the graph and Orders.13:32
CIA-24jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r8e4a50460c9b /modules/games/risk/ (risk.cpp risk.h riskturn.cpp riskturn.h): Added option defaults to Risk::startGame. Started implementing RiskTurn::getWinner.13:32
CIA-24jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r32f28dc169d6 /modules/games/risk/sample.conf: Added sample config file.13:32
CIA-24jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r230c5f7fb2fb /modules/games/risk/ (risk.cpp risk.h riskturn.cpp riskturn.h sample.conf): Added Random Number Generator to Risk.cpp. Implemented getWinner func in RiskTurn. Server now segfaults on startGame()13:32
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CIA-24jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r718cf1a22cb0 /modules/games/risk/risk.cpp: Removed a line that was both unnecessary and causing a segfault.15:24
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CIA-24jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * rc09b88db80c1 /modules/games/risk/risk.cpp: Uncommented some things I had left commented when hunting for the segfault16:08
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mithroheyo people17:02
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mithro~seen jotham18:10
tpbmithro: jotham was last seen in #tp 2 days, 9 hours, 27 minutes, and 13 seconds ago: * jotham sleeps18:10
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mithrohi JLafont18:21
mithroso how has progress going today?18:21
CIA-24nuleren tpserver-cpp-tae * re253d5d122ab /modules/games/tae/ (tae.cpp tae.h):18:22
CIA-24Added another createEmptyFleet function which places the fleet at a18:22
CIA-24specified location instead of in a star system.18:22
CIA-24nuleren tpserver-cpp-tae * rcb50dcdd47ed / (4 files in 2 dirs):18:22
CIA-24Added a starting fleet for testing purposes. Added some debug statements18:22
CIA-24to diagnose a bug in fleet.cpp. Fixed the bug in fleet.cpp (I had trimmed18:22
CIA-24some essential code).18:22
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mithrohey nash19:23
mithro~seen Alklomion19:28
tpbmithro: Alklomion was last seen in #tp 16 hours, 46 minutes, and 29 seconds ago: <Alklomion> gnight asmm19:28
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mithrospeak of the devil19:34
mithrohi Alklomion19:35
Alklomionhi mithro19:35
mithro~seen llnz19:36
tpbmithro: llnz was last seen in #tp 10 hours, 48 minutes, and 16 seconds ago: <llnz> later all19:36
mithroAlklomion: so where are we at?19:36
llnz hi mithro19:36
Alklomionmithro: i'm down to < 10 errors in the connection class, mostly syntax things i need to work out (i think)19:38
Alklomionanother class was using a blockingqueue and i'm not sure how to implement it so that it uses something i can write, or implement it without one19:39
mithrohave to have a quick meeting today as I have a talk to do in 2 hours19:39
Alklomioni'm really happy with a quick meeting, i'm sick at the moment :919:39
AlklomionURI is error free, implementing a parser in it and commenting out some of the less useful methods seemed to work fine19:40
mithroAlklomion: okay good19:40
mithroI'm getting errors in all the sub packages19:42
mithroutil, netlib and netlib.tp0319:42
mithroAlklomion: so there are generics left in19:44
AlklomionabstractIterator and and AbstractIterator19:44
Alklomioni haven't seen them used in the classes yet19:44
Alklomionand I haven't touched them, so i need to ask Krystoff about them.19:44
mithroyou should remove them then19:44
mithroand see if it breaks anything19:44
mithrowith revision control you can always add them back19:45
Alklomiontrue, that.19:47
CIA-24alklomion /tmp/B0zVp7wQdU/LoqT04mPGS-midp * r2c7f9a6e8a35 /src-generated/net/thousandparsec/netlib/tp03/
CIA-24Fixed a Visitor inheritance error with method overloading19:48
CIA-24via git-CVS emulator19:48
mithrowhat about tp03 decoder?19:48
mithroupdating and checking it again now19:49
CIA-24alklomion /tmp/JiZUkpdhf5/D6V49t8VCr-midp * r35c781ecdcb9 /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/
CIA-24removed commented code, Changed String uri back to URI uri, as it should have been.19:49
CIA-24via git-CVS emulator19:49
Alklomionyou need that one too :)19:49
AlklomionTP03Decoder had a visitor error that we were hitting last week. It takes an early morning and not feeling good to see that apparently :)19:50
Alklomionthere's one error that is the result of using String.split, which uses regular expressions again, so I need to find a suitable fix for that.19:50
mithroso where are we at?19:57
mithroPipelinedConnection seems still very broken19:59
AlklomionI *think* we're almost done on removing compiler errors. The last couple of errors I'm not clued up on at all19:59
mithroConnectionEvent has an enum still19:59
AlklomionThat enum, i'm not sure how to fix :(20:00
mithrohow is it different from any other enum?20:02
mithroactually, it's even simpliar then a normal enum20:03
mithroit's just creating a bunch of constants20:03
Alklomionconstant whats?20:04
Alklomionshould it be implemented as an inner class of type Type20:05
Alklomionand then... I'm not sure20:05
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Asmmi think if anything you can always replace an enum with a bunch of final statics? The only thing enum does that that does not is a ToString, which can be replaced wherever used with the raw value of enum?20:07
Alklomionyep, i've been doing that, but I think i've been looking at this one oddly for some reason.20:09
Alklomionpublic static enum Type20:09
AlklomionConnectionEvent ev=new ConnectionEvent(ConnectionEvent.Type.FRAME_SENT, frame, false, null);20:09
Alklomionis an example of how it is called20:09
mithrojust impiment them as a inner class with a bunch of final static const ints20:09
Asmmbtw, mithro... I have a lot of work done on the high-level java lib, and it seems to work (like i said, i was able to develope a simple game viewer in just half an hour using the lib), and i think it can be useful for people who just want to jump start and start doing AI work or write Java clients... So i was wondering how can i share thew work with others, maybe a new git repository, like libclient-java (or libclient-a-java20:10
Asmmsounds liek the rigth solution20:10
Alklomionstatic class Type20:13
Alklomionpublic static final int FRAME_SENT = 1;20:13
Alklomionpublic static final int FRAME_RECEIVED = 2;20:13
Alklomionpublic static final int CONNECTION_ERROR = 3;20:13
mithroAsmm: sure!20:14
mithroif you put up a git repository20:14
mithroonce I check it over, we will clone it and host it here20:14
Asmmok, will do20:15
CIA-24alklomion /tmp/4qqUPD2ews/Mk5nQrd2rz-midp * r44d58135b7f8 /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/
CIA-24Changed the 'type' enum to an inner class of static final integers, where FRAME_SENT = 1, FRAME_RECEIVED = 2, CONNECTION_ERROR = 3, changed the constructor to use an integer instead of a type.20:18
CIA-24via git-CVS emulator20:18
CIA-24alklomion /tmp/dDeUV1EvPS/i3YVanfUZp-midp * r98fec00b1293 /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/
CIA-24removed a commented for-each loop20:19
CIA-24via git-CVS emulator20:19
mithrogithub is pretty good20:20
mithroAsmm: you could conspire with vi1985 and Alklomion to make it more useful20:20
mithroAlklomion: okay looking good20:21
mithroso what is blocking it compiling now?20:21
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mithroAlklomion: well I will be back in 5 minutes20:26
CIA-24alklomion /tmp/br2P2g7GCL/Rd8EkF7Yfr-midp * r78b64c1b9f74 /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/
CIA-24created a Type object that is instantiated in the constructor that can be accessed through getType()20:27
CIA-24via git-CVS emulator20:27
Alklomionsorry - found a resultant error that I wanted to hammer out.20:27
Alklomionmithro: There's one error in Connection that makes no sense -  public Future<Void> receiveAllFramesAsync(final Visitor visitor), It needs to be fixed before the connection can 'work'20:28
Alklomionanother private final Future<Void> receiverFuture; in PipelinedConnection20:30
AlklomionExecutorService used in pipelined connection20:31
Alklomionand blockingqueue20:31
Alklomionthe only other error is in TP03Decoder (string.split, which i assume will be a simple fix (read: pray :) )20:32
mithroso how do we go about finish this and getting something which connects to a tp server20:34
AlklomionFinding out what Furute<void> is and working around it20:35
Alklomionfinding out what executor service is and working around it20:35
Alklomionsame with blocking queue :)20:35
Asmmmithro: yes, i was going to talk with everyone involved :) sorry, a bit slow with responses now20:35
mithroAsmm: no problems20:35
mithroI read the logs daily20:35
Asmmexecutor and future are ways of running a program in another thread20:36
mithroAlklomion: send an email to the list20:36
Asmmblocking queue i think is a class in tpproto-java., look for it20:36
mithroor see if Asmm can help you :)20:36
mithrodo you think you can have it compiling by Monday?20:36
mithronow you are down to these errors?20:36
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Asmmbtw, demo1 and demo2 ervers are down?20:38
Alklomionmithro: i need to spend some time over the weekend working on my research proposal with its deadline looming20:38
Alklomionthe earliest i could start working on it would be Monday20:39
mithroAsmm: possible, poke llnz20:39
Alklomionbeing lenient, it is entirely possible, if i send e-mails today about the questions to the mailing list20:40
Alklomionthat i could be done on tuesday :)20:40
llnzdemo1 and 2 are back up20:44
mithroAlklomion: but they have 3 days to reply20:46
mithromost of the time they have replied within a couple of hours?20:46
Alklomion<Alklomion>mithro: i need to spend some time over the weekend working on my research proposal with its deadline looming20:49
AlklomionI'd assume i could knock it off on Monday, with tuesday being lenient, given my bad estimations of time so far20:50
mithroAlklomion: sure, that should mean you have *no* time to deal with emails and suggestions right? - There should only be 2-3 hours of work left right?20:50
Alklomionmithro: yes, I think20:51
AlklomionI'll have time to read my e-mails, I need to focus on another subject over the weekend20:51
mithrowhat I don't want to happen is the following20:53
mithroYou send an email20:53
mithrothey send a response back 5 minutes later asking for more details20:54
mithroyou wait till Monday morning to send back details20:54
Alklomioni'll check my e-mails20:54
mithrookay - and respond to them?20:55
mithroif by monday you know what you have to do - just haven't done it, that would be okay20:55
mithrothat might require doing a few small tests too20:55
mithro(to see if MIDP has X or Y, etc)20:55
mithrothat sound reasonable?20:56
mithroand we will target to have it compiling on Tuesday20:56
mithrodo you think we could have a client which makes the outgoing connection using the library by Friday?20:56
mithro(not actually login or anything)20:57
mithrojust actually make an outgoing connection and have it appear in the server logs20:58
mithrothat would put us on the right course to actually making the client work?20:58
mithroAlklomion: that okay?20:59
Alklomionsorry, be right with you, my computer's being stupid21:00
Asmmbtw, i checked where one of the problems is (the Future stuff), and actually it is in the pipelinedconnection class, which is a very high-level class that is not used insde the library (provided for client's convenience)21:01
Asmmand, for example, my client doesnt use it, yet. It may later (this pipelined connection is useful indeed), but i'm sure it can be left out from the basic implementation. It CAN be simulated in J2ME, but it may take some non-trivial work, which can be left for later time21:02
Asmm(a 1-to-1 replacement for future, and mostlikely any equivalent replacement, may require manual thread launching-monitorin-etc, its all possible but may be time consuming to debug)21:03
Asmmdo you think this is ok, mithro? The method may throw an "unimplemented" Exception for now (to keep it in the interface, but make sure whenever it is necessary we go back and implement it)21:04
Alklomionmithro: just something that is commandline-esque?21:05
Alklomionit should be entirely possible21:05
mithroAlklomion: yeah - you can even hardcode where it is connecting to21:06
mithroI just want to see something running in the simulator21:06
CIA-24jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r0e2cee14c9cb /modules/games/risk/planet.cpp: Changed Planet::doOnceATurn. Added a check for planet ownership for properties that shouldn't be set on unowned planet.21:06
mithrowhich talks to the outside world using the library21:06
mithroand I want to be able to reproduce the results21:07
mithrothat sound all okay?21:07
Alklomionso 1) have solutions to the final few errors21:07
Alklomionby monday21:07
Alklomion2) implement them by monday/tuesday21:07
Alklomionand write a simple program that connects to ThousandParsec server21:08
Alklomionis 3*21:08
mithroyeah, I would like a an email to prove (1) (or a very good reason why you don't have a solution yet)21:08
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Alklomionmeeting minutes done - time to reset my computer too21:20
Alklomionthanks for the help asmm, much appreciated, and good luck with your talk mithro21:20
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mithrowell, got to run21:25
mithrosee ya21:25
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