Thursday, 2008-05-15

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* llnz ponders01:14
nashYou always ponfer01:21
llnznot a lot else to do01:21
llnzhow's it going nash?01:22
nashIt's not too bad01:22
llnzbeen busy, but i think i basically have tomorrow off01:23
nashNice... how'd you pull that one off?01:23
llnzthe project is over, and noone has asked me to do anything yet01:25
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nashNot bad01:26
nashI have a problem with lots of things to do.. and everyone expecting me to finish everything at the same time01:26
llnzi hate it when that happens01:27
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nashSo I think I'm expected to be working 100% on two things at the moment, with something else that will just be finished next week...01:30
* nash notes that maybe shouldn't waste time talking on irc then ;-)01:30
llnzyes, get back to work01:35
* nash wonders if this "kick" button will work../.01:37
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nashllnz: BTW... it would probably be a good idea to keep merging in the various rulesets to tpserver-cpp mainline whenever you can.01:59
nashNip any conflicts in the bud early, and make it easier to test01:59
llnznash: true, but it's harder to track who did what, though git should make that easy02:02
llnzi actually have a branch locally called "all" where i'm merging everything together02:02
nashpush it into master/all02:03
llnzstill tying to figure out all the ways to use git and all its features02:03
nashgit checkout all ; git push master all02:04
llnznot that specifically02:04
llnztpserver-cpp> status02:21
llnzServer: tpserver-cpp02:21
llnzVersion: 0.5.002:21
llnzPersistence available: yes02:21
llnzRuleset Loaded: yes02:21
llnzRuleset Name: Risk02:21
llnzRuleset Version: 0.102:21
llnzjust 59 lines of c++ to make that happen02:22
llnzit would also get submitted to mdns-sd and the metaserver02:28
llnzbbs, dinner02:52
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nashnight all03:16
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mithrowhat did I miss today?04:30
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llnzhi mithro04:43
llnzrisk can be loaded as a ruleset in tpserver-cpp04:43
mithroI saw the blog post04:44
* llnz reloads the rss feed04:45
llnzoh, cool04:45
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llnzhummm... ciabot not working?07:47
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mithropossibly not08:13
mithrollnz: where are we at with the ssh key regeneration?08:13
llnznot too many more to go08:14
llnzand i saw two of the people and forgot to mention it08:15
llnzand i think one other has already regenerated his key but hasn't sent it yet08:15
mithropluskid: hey08:16
mithrohow goes everything?08:16
pluskidmithro: almost fine08:17
pluskidI've ported pyscheme to schemepy interface08:17
mithroyeah, I saw the status report08:17
pluskidnot every test case passed08:17
pluskidI have two task currently:08:17
mithroI also read your trampoline tail recusion blog post - yay google translate!08:17
pluskid:) I'd try to write more in English.08:18
pluskidWe are having massive earthquake in China these days. :(08:18
mithropluskid: yeah, it's been all over the news here08:19
pluskidI'm going to either: write benchmark/fix the dynamic wind problem.08:19
mithropluskid: China's a pretty big place, was it anywhere near you?08:19
mithrothere is a bunch of benchmarking tools08:19
pluskide.g ?08:19
tpbTitle: benchrun - Google Code (at
pluskidbut many people died. I'm very sorry about that. I can't do some useful thing to help.08:20
pluskidmithro: OK, I'll look at that08:21
mithrothe timeit module might be useful too08:21
pluskidyes, someone mentioned that to me the other day when I asked in our local BBS08:21
mithrojust good old time.time() can also work :)08:21
pluskidI'll check that later. Doing homework now.08:23
mithroI know that py.test could do some primative benchmarking08:24
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mithropluskid: having non-passing tests is fine08:26
mithroit shows you still have things left to do08:26
pluskidyes, you are right. I'm just not get used to it yet. :p08:27
mithroif all tests pass then there can be nothing left to do ;)08:27
llnzmithro: do you have bddebian's email address?08:27
mithrollnz: yeah08:28
mithro~seen bddebian08:28
tpbmithro: bddebian was last seen in #tp 23 hours, 2 minutes, and 25 seconds ago: <bddebian> Howdy08:28
mithrohe is generally on when you are in bed :)08:28
* llnz is writing email to people with compromised keys08:28
mithropluskid: Should not include a string with unicode characters in it08:52
pluskidmithro: Do you mean unicode chars should be included in the test?08:53
mithropluskid: I mean have a string which has unicode characters in the list of strings you test08:54
mithroIE "\u02345....."08:54
pluskidhehe, test failed08:54
mithroTest long also does not appear to check for scheme->python conversion of longs08:55
mithro(well not that the fromscheme is returning a real python long and not something which just happens to be equal to one)08:56
pluskidfromscheme is scheme->python test08:57
pluskideval -> fromscheme08:57
pluskidI mean, scheme->python conversion is tested when I eval a piece of scheme code and use fromscheme to convert it to get a Python long08:58
mithroshould you not be asserting08:59
mithrotype(vm.fromscheme(v)) == long08:59
mithrootherwise the value you get back could be an int or something else which could equal a long09:00
pluskidI guess I checked09:00
pluskidassert m1.type(a) == long09:00
mithrotype(vm.fromscheme(v)) == long is not equiv to vm.type(a) == long09:01
pluskidOh, I see09:01
pluskidBut why constrain the real type here?09:01
mithroyou really should check both09:01
pluskidI think an int or long is both OK09:01
pluskidlike test_int.py09:02
mithroif the vm.type(a) is a long, it should return a long - no? :)09:02
pluskidnot really09:02
pluskidif vm.type(a) is list09:02
pluskidit might return an instance of a  sub-class of list09:03
pluskidsometimes there's even no suitable type09:03
mithrowell check it's a subclass of int?09:03
pluskidlike for a callable, or object09:03
mithroyeah - for the basic types it's more important09:04
pluskidWell, at lease type(vm.fromscheme(a)) in (int, long) should be true09:04
pluskidI'll add that09:04
mithrooh - something I have yet to suggest is I think we should support the python array interface for inplace array manipulation sharing09:05
pluskidarray interface?09:05
mithrohrm - I think the above should be     issubclass(vm.fromscheme(a), int)09:05
mithroPython has an array interface for interfacing to things like numpy09:06
pluskidso array interface to manipulate Scheme cons list directly?09:06
pluskidsometimes a Python int converted to Scheme and back, it will become a long09:07
mithropluskid: why? -- sometimes a Python int converted to Scheme and back, it will become a long09:07
pluskid2**23-1 can be int in Python, but not necessarily a fixnum in all Scheme implementation09:08
mithrowell - most scheme implementations have a vector/array type09:08
pluskidarray/vector: yes, I'm planning to support them09:08
pluskidthat's why there might be a sub-class of Python list/dict09:08
mithroI think array/vector should map to any python type which supports the python-array interface09:09
pluskidI should remember whether it is converted from Scheme cons list or vector array09:09
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pluskidI'd like it to map to a Python list09:09
mithroa cons list should go to a Python list09:10
mithroa vector array should probably go to a numpy type most of the time09:10
mithrodoes that make sense?09:10
pluskidnumpy? is it available in Python standard library?09:10
mithrono - numpy is an addon09:11
mithroit provides support for large vectors of a single type09:11
pluskidthen, in order to run schemepy, people will have to install numpy?09:11
mithrojust as uint3209:11
mithropluskid: only if they want to make use of vectors09:11
mithroif you use the array interface, they can use numpy for speed when avaliable and fall back to a start list when not09:12
mithroanyway - it's not high on our todo list at the moment09:12
mithroso I'll let you get back to your homework :)09:12
pluskidalready finished ;)09:13
mithroarn't you efficent09:13
pluskidnot too many today.09:13
mithrooh - btw the python-array interface is a C interface09:13
tpbTitle: 5.6 array -- Efficient arrays of numeric values (at
pluskidI'm wondering: is it constrained to put only objects of one type in a numpy array? But I guess scheme vector can hold any type of objects at a time09:14
mithroThis module defines an object type which can efficiently represent an array of basic values: characters, integers, floating point numbers. Arrays are sequence types and behave very much like lists, except that the type of objects stored in them is constrained.09:14
mithroa scheme vector can only hold on type of object09:15
pluskidOK, that's fine09:15
mithrooh wait09:16
mithroI have it wrong09:16
mithrovectors are fixed length lists09:16
mithroVectors are sequences of Scheme objects. Unlike lists, the length of a vector, once the vector is created, cannot be changed. The advantage of vectors over lists is that the time required to access one element of a vector given its position (synonymous with index), a zero-origin number, is constant, whereas lists have an access time linear to the position of the accessed element in the list.09:16
mithroVectors can contain any kind of Scheme object; it is even possible to have different types of objects in the same vector.09:16
tpb<> (at
mithroI was thinking of "Arrays"09:17
tpb<> (at
mithroArrays are a collection of cells organized into an arbitrary number of dimensions. Each cell can be accessed in constant time by supplying an index for each dimension.09:17
mithroIn the current implementation, an array uses a generalized vector for the actual storage of its elements. Any kind of generalized vector will do, so you can have arrays of uniform numeric values, arrays of characters, arrays of bits, and of course, arrays of arbitrary Scheme values. For example, arrays with an underlying c64vector might be nice for digital signal processing, while arrays made from a u8vector might be used to hold gray-scale images.09:17
pluskidhmm, array and vector is different in guile09:19
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mithropluskid: have a look at what I just pushed09:25
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mithropluskid: that is my suggestion for how to deal with array's09:30
* mithro is going away09:32
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pluskidmithro: OK09:33
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pluskidwhere's tp's irc chat log archive?09:36
pluskid@llnz: thanks!09:37
llnzno problem09:37
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llnzlater all09:40
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llnzhi all18:36
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llnzhumm... still ciabot not working...18:50
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llnzmorning nash19:15
nashHeyo llnz19:17
nashI see you guys finally revoked my key ;-)19:18
nashI only changed mine last week too ;-)19:18
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llnzhi bddebian21:24
bddebianHello llnz21:24
llnzbddebian: have year read about the openssl issue in debian?21:24
llnzand it's flow on effect to openssh21:24
bddebianOh, of course :)21:24
llnzthe key we have for you git access is affected21:25
bddebianAye, I figured as much21:26
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