Monday, 2008-05-12

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CIA-29pluskid schemepy * r22046ffdb5b2 /schemepy/guile/ ( profiles/scope.scm): Test case for scoping of multi VM passed.02:08
CIA-29pluskid schemepy * r4d8553354ccd /schemepy/guile/ ( profiles/scope.scm): Profile support added for VM.02:08
CIA-29pluskid schemepy * r0e5e208e5b8d /tests/ (34 files in 2 dirs): Migrated existing test cases from py.test to nose.02:08
CIA-29pluskid schemepy * reef7e2b5737c /Makefile: Updated Makefile with respect to 'py.test -> nose' migration.02:08
CIA-29pluskid schemepy * r757453caac52 /doc/log_book/ (2 files in 2 dirs): Finished the task of profile of vm.02:20
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llnzwas still logged in at uni02:26
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mithrollnz: the email is on the list now :)02:57
mithroI think the logs need to stay in the topic02:57
*** mithro changes topic to "Thousand Parsec - || Why not help out? - || Logs at"02:58
mithroor we need that notice thing that #python does02:59
mithro~seen JLafont03:14
tpbmithro: JLafont was last seen in #tp 5 days, 0 hours, 29 minutes, and 15 seconds ago: <JLafont> mithro, will do03:14
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llnzi'll answer the email shortly03:19
nashAnyway... night all03:24
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JLPgood morning everyone03:54
llnzhi JLP03:55
* JLP puts on a TP t-shirt as it is finally warm enough in our little corner03:57
CIA-29alklomion /tmp/AG69wsMENs/bfNYYqjyow-midp * r15ebd927b7ef /src-generated/net/thousandparsec/netlib/tp03/ (73 files):04:06
CIA-29Removed String.Format from all these classes, also replaced some for-each loops04:06
CIA-29with for loops. All string buffer issues have been replaced to use default04:06
CIA-29string functions. Finally, some generics that were missed have been removed.04:06
CIA-29Very few errors remain in the majority of classes04:06
CIA-29via git-CVS emulator04:06
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CIA-29jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * rcc3367c6e5b6 / (3 files in 3 dirs): Implement information window06:43
CIA-29jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * rdcdb15357880 / (src/ windows/system.layout): Implement messages window06:43
CIA-29jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * r634d17375a69 / (src/ windows/system.layout): Implement system list06:43
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llnzwb mithro08:12
llnzi will have limited internet tomorrow and wednesday08:40
* llnz wanders off08:41
llnzlater all08:41
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mithrohello Iwanowitch09:12
mithroIwanowitch: so where are you at?09:14
Iwanowitchmithro: In general, it's pretty busy here... And way too warm to do anything productive, too.09:19
mithroIwanowitch: have you finished your exams?09:19
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Iwanowitchmithro: Nope, in Belgium, exams are until end of June. We're still having classes.09:20
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IwanowitchAns projects. And deadlines. And fun.09:20
mithroGSoC officially starts in 2 weeks09:21
IwanowitchYes, I know. I will be working on TP, but as I wrote in my proposal, the first period might see not as much productivity as for others.09:23
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mithroIwanowitch: obviously we still need to see some progress09:57
Iwanowitchmithro: Of course. I have a schedule in the proposal and I plan to keep to it. Progress included.10:02
mithroIwanowitch: posting blog posts and being active on the mailing lists are good ways to keep involved10:02
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mithro~seen JLafont10:09
tpbmithro: JLafont was last seen in #tp 5 days, 7 hours, 23 minutes, and 59 seconds ago: <JLafont> mithro, will do10:09
Iwanowitchmithro: True. Not much to report though at the moment and I can't really chime in with the current discussions on the ML.10:10
Iwanowitchmithro: Though, I should be able to do something this week.10:10
IwanowitchOr, more to the point, study the Python client libs.10:11
mithroit would be good to start making weekly status reports even when not a lot of work is happening10:18
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Iwanowitchmithro: is blog okay for that? I suppose I can keep to a weekly (or more in interesting times) post rate.10:25
mithroyeah that would be perfect10:25
mithroyou have to remeber that if you don't talk we can only assume you have been doing nothing10:29
mithrowe can't read your mind10:29
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mithrohey bddebian10:33
bddebianHeya folks10:34
bddebianHi mithro10:34
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mithrohow goes life?10:39
tpbaloril has joined on worldforge10:39
bddebianLousy.. :-(  You?10:42
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mithrostart work at Google next week10:54
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jphrhow is your windows and mac hating self doing?13:00
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jphrI think I scared him off13:11
mithroI hate mac and windows?13:14
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jphrI just thought from your post about grammar you were implying you disliked them :P13:15
tpbTitle: Mithro rants about stuff : rock verses rocks (at
jphrI realize those probably werent your words13:18
mithrowell they do suck - but that doesn't mean I hate them :P13:18
jphrhaha, your a jerk :P13:18
jphrbut you are write in a way, mac os x compiling tpserver-cpp13:19
mithrojphr: don't get me started on Mac OS X ;)13:20
jphrmithro: but i have too! unless you suggest I just use a linux server vm (which I am perfectly comfortable with)13:21
jphrxdotx sort of implied I should keep trying to get it going in osx, but I am about fed up compiling tpserver-cpp in it13:22
mithrojphr: it would be good if someone was able to get tpserver-cpp compiling on MacOS X13:29
jphrmithro: then I have to ask, did you read my most recent post about compile issues?13:30
* JLP returns from work13:30
mithroyeah - but I don't know anything about mac ports13:31
mithroapart from the fact that it works badly13:31
jphrhehe, i've noticed13:31
jphranything to say about the syntax error?13:31
mithroit means that is not working13:33
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jphroh ok13:35
mithrostupidly will just copy the contents when it doesn't know how to expand it13:36
jphrmithro: well I'll let you stew, I'm going to go grab mail, eat13:38
mithroI'm just about to go to bed13:38
jphroh ok I can wait13:38
mithroso if you want to discuss Risk stuff13:38
mithronow would be the best time13:38
mithroso... you can drive :)13:39
jphrmithro: like I said in the blog, your proposed method of "one big turn" instead of baby steps, is really good13:39
jphrmithro: it clears up for me a lot of questions about "how to control game state" etc, by removing them all together13:39
mithroso - do you have any questions or proposal you want to discuss about it13:39
jphrMainly how you forsee us implementing the graph-based travel along paths?13:40
mithroas I was suggesting13:40
mithroI don't think that "Units" should be real objects13:40
mithrobut properties on a territory13:41
jphroh yes, i really like that13:41
mithroso then you need a "move x units to y" on each planet13:41
jphryes, from what I understood of the docs planets are the interesting property holders13:42
jphrSo does that incur a whole lot of work on tpserver-cpp or just a little?13:42
mithroso then you need a "move x units to y" order on each planet13:42
mithrowhich is a13:42
mithromove <range value> to <choice value>13:43
mithroso each territory restricts the choice values to the connected territories13:43
jphrin that the only options availible would be valid ones?13:44
jphr(for a choice value)13:44
mithroof course the range value would be restricted by the number of units you have at a location13:46
mithrobtw - do you understand how you can have multiple orders resolve correctly in a single turn generation?13:47
jphrokay, I mean I don't know how to code that for tp yet, but if I did then I probably wouldn't be here :P. I can see though how it should work, and pseudocode kinda coalesces13:47
jphryou mean multiple orders by one unit? or conflicing units?13:47
mithrojphr: I'm totally talking independent of the implimentation details13:50
jphroh ok!13:50
jphri was writing out a big thing..13:50
mithroI have very little idea how the internals of tpserver-cpp actually work :)13:51
jphrthat puts me at ease :P13:51
jphrMultiple orders: let the player move freely within their own territory, once a move occurs to attack another territory happens, cut off the rest of the orders13:51
mithroyou should treat orders on an object like a queue13:52
jphrMultiple units: This comes down to the conflict resolution I may have mentioned, Dice are added to the side that is receiving an advantage. This may require some n^2 algorithm to check if any units occupied something b413:53
jphr(yeah I was thinking of orders as  a queue, I don't think I mentioned that)13:53
mithroso you could have this queue13:53
mithroAdd units to territory, Move units to x, Attack blah13:54
mithroand all those three orders could occur in a single turn13:54
jphrI guess if you treat the planet as you've said, it would happen like that :P13:54
mithroas in turn resolution you do all "add units orders", then all "move units order", then all "attack orders"13:55
mithromake sense?13:55
jphrok, so that considered, every order in the queue would be processed, reinforce would occur if the player has resources, attacks happen and "use up" availible armies, and move units occurs and can move them anywhere in owned territory13:56
jphroh ok13:56
jphrso you don't go through one by one? you pop them off into seperate queues?13:56
mithroyou consider the board as a whole13:56
jphrah yes13:56
mithroand do all "add units orders" on every object (if it's the first thing in the queue)13:57
mithroso for example13:58
mithroyou could have the following queue13:58
mithroNop, Add, Move, Attack13:58
jphr(before you really have to go, what do you feel is most pertinent for me to complete before starting. Tyler and I had discussed and hoped I could have a shell ruleset up and running before coding start?)13:59
mithroif your turn resolution then occurs in the order13:59
jphr(but keep going)13:59
mithroAdd, Move, Attack, Nop - then only the first order would be executed that turn13:59
mithrojphr: the two most important things I would say are13:59
jphroh yes13:59
mithro1. Getting a shell ruleset up and running13:59
jphrtotally see what you mean now13:59
mithro2. Figuring out how most of the mechanics of your rulesets would work14:00
mithroit's a good test to play your ruleset "manually"14:00
jphrI'm sorry I forget what Nop is?14:00
mithroNo Operation :)14:00
mithroit's a do nothing14:01
jphroh ok14:01
mithrohence it should always be the last order to be run in a turn14:01
mithrootherwise you might do something that turn14:01
mithromake sense?14:01
mithrocool :)14:02
mithroyou can explain all this to Nurelan when he hits these problems too ;)14:02
jphrhehe, well I am glad there are IRC logs :P i may not be able to recite it all yet14:02
mithrohrm that should be Nuleren i think14:02
mithroexplaining things to others is a great way to find holes in your own knowledge14:03
jphrI still need to wrap my head around my whole turn order14:03
jphrI get all the little pieces, but I need to put it all together14:04
mithrofor a look at what a complicated turn order processing looks like -
tpb<> (at
jphrNow does my turn ordering have to fall into the mould of the docs online? or can it be whatever I want?14:05
mithroit should be documented on the wiki somewhere in your ruleset explaination14:06
mithroit will be important to advanced players14:06
jphrmithro: oh wow, like now I can't have lunch after seeing that14:06
mithroI'm thinking you'll probably have 3-4 stages14:07
mithrothe most important thing about this is that the turn processing has to be deterministic14:07
jphrreinforce, move, attack, ...?14:07
mithromaybe you might add more advanced stuff too14:07
jphrIs it possible to resolve an order before turn processing?14:08
mithrono - and it shouldn't be possible14:08
jphrmmkay, just wondering14:08
mithrothe only time things in the universe should change is during turn processing14:08
jphrOkay, now is it wrong for me to sort of see attacking/moving as the same thing, just depends where the ship lands?14:09
mithrojphr: nope, that seems reasonable to me :)14:09
mithroyou may want to seperate them14:09
jphrso if I tell a ship to make a whole bunch of moves, and the first happens to be an attack, the attack is resolved, and it doesn't move. But if a movement places a unit on another friendly territory it process es the next move14:09
jphrYou said the orders queue is like a big pot for the entire board? not just a single planet?14:10
mithrojphr: no you misunderstood14:10
mithroeach planet has it's own order queue14:10
jphrthought I might have14:10
jphrgot it14:10
mithrobut in turn processing14:10
mithroyou take the first order of each queue and do it if it makes sense14:11
jphryes, that makes sense14:11
jphrlike a raid array:P14:11
mithrogetting this turn processing stuff right will be the trickest part14:12
mithrobut it's something you can test without any code :)14:12
jphrok, that puts me at ease, as well14:12
jphrnow, do I have any indication as to who (player) ordered which turn first?14:12
jphrOr do I have to randomly pick planets to execute moves from, to be fair?14:13
mithrojphr: just build up some scenarios and try and resolve it14:13
mithroI would personally prefer having a predetermined order14:13
jphrnow can I make the assumption that I may decide to only process add orders in the front of all queues first14:14
jphrand if a player decided to issue those orders later he is SOL?14:14
mithrosomething like Territory A moves first, then Terr B, then Terr C14:14
mithrowhich could be considered a "higher ground" advantage14:14
mithroor maybe the territories which the least amount of units move first14:15
jphrhmm, that could be interesting14:15
jphrqueues in c++ hold how many items they have? (sadly only used queues in java)14:16
mithroi have no idea14:16
mithroimplimentation details are not really important14:16
jphrah haha. Well that will have to be figured out.14:16
mithroand infact you shouldn't need to know how many items14:16
mithroyou only ever need to know what the first item in an order queue is14:16
mithrowhen you complete the order, you just pop it off14:17
jphrok, my mind is racing now trying to think about how things SHOULD happen14:17
mithrothe best way is to play some games "on paper"14:18
mithroyou got 6 minutes :)14:20
mithroI'm going to go to bed at 4:00am ;)14:20
jphrits a good thing the risk model makes for a fairly simple collection of data to fully represent a board. Planets have number of units, connectivity, thats about it.14:20
jphryeah i saw that14:20
jphrhey, can a player have a property?14:20
jphrlike # of resources?14:20
mithronot really14:20
mithrobtw - there are interesting things you could do to Risk for very small effort14:21
mithrolike having a Fog of War14:21
jphrI wont keep you, but how can I control the # of resources a player can have?14:21
mithrojphr: hrm?14:21
jphrwell we were saying a player could place say, 100 resources, how do you keep tabs on how many he has used14:21
mithrojphr: you'll need to store it somewhere14:22
jphrother than introducing a variable that is filled.... yeah okay i thought so14:22
mithrothat is an implimentation detail however :)14:22
mithroadding a counter somewhere is trivial ;)14:22
jphri know, i know, jumping the gun :P14:22
jphrWell I'll work on solidifying my turn today14:22
mithromaybe you could have a "side bar" where each player has a non-territory which contains all the unassigned units14:23
jphror a message could be sent to them at the beginning of the turn?14:23
mithroonly allowing a player to reinforce a single territory each turn would also dramatic change game play14:23
jphrit could14:24
mithroRisk has this advantage that small changes can quite change the game14:24
jphrthere is a lot of room for variants, I could spend a lot of time implementing the ability to control them through the conf14:24
mithroso I think you could end up with a bunch of "risk variants"14:24
mithrodon't see it as a primary focus14:24
jphryes, variants don't do any good if you dont have a game :P14:25
jphrWhat time your time is best to catch you?14:25
mithrofrom Thursday next week I will be on a US timezone for a couple of weeks14:26
mithroGoogle is sending me to the States for training14:26
jphroh awesome14:26
jphrwhat do you do for a living?14:26
mithroso I'm not sure how much time I'll be around however14:26
* mithro is a "computer person"14:26
jphrarent we all?14:26
mithroI do everything from Sysadmin, to Programming, to Support14:27
mithroso I'm going to be very in and out the next couple of weeks14:28
mithroI'm on a UTC+9:30 timezone currently14:28
jphrokay, well my blog may be the best way to communicate then14:28
mithroposting on your blog is a good way to try and put your thoughts together14:28
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jphrI'll let you get going though14:29
mithrokeep up the good work14:31
mithroit's great to see you actively thinking about stuff14:31
jphrI'll try my best, and thanks14:31
mithrodon't forget to do weekly status reports14:31
mithrofrom the start of GSoC they will be compulsory, but a good habit to start now14:31
jphrwhere's the best place to put those?14:31
mithroyour blog is probably the best14:32
jphrOK, it will probably help to go over the weeks posts anyways, and collect the highlights14:32
mithrowe don't ask you to do them because we like making you do friviously work :)14:34
jphrHow is everyone else coming along? I haven't really noticed much buzz on tp-devel or the feed at planet soc?14:34
jphrI'm going to jet too, need to eat!14:36
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llnz_laptophi all19:41
nashheyo llnz*19:42
notjothamhey llnz19:43
notjothamget my email?19:43
llnz_laptophi notjotham19:44
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llnz_laptopbbs, lunch20:12
nashit's only 10 here20:16
CIA-29victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * re031db14e424 / (README gencon/ gencon/ Very basic client; successfully connects to server.20:21
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llnz_laptoplater all23:43
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