Friday, 2008-05-02

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JLPahoy all02:35
llnzhi JLP02:36
* JLP goes reading the logs to see what he missed while being ill02:38
llnzjust look at the last part of the topic :-)02:38
JLPoh yeah llnz, congrats on the release of the new version of the server02:38
llnzi've put notes out on SF, freshmeat02:39
llnztried digg, but not working :-(02:39
llnzbbs, dinner02:40
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llnzback, no dinner yet02:50
tpbaloril has joined on worldforge03:09
JLPmmmmm, icecream03:47
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CIA-29llnz tpserver-cpp * r3274bd298611 /tpserver/ (playerconnection.cpp playerconnection.h playertcpconn.cpp):04:17
CIA-29Refactored the common out-of-game frames in PlayerConnection.04:17
CIA-29GetFeatures, TimeRemaining, SetFilters and GetGameInfo now only have one04:17
CIA-29implementation. Also made PlayerTcpConnection use GetFeatures, though I04:17
CIA-29would like to remove it completely from there.04:17
* JLP now attacks the huge pile of emails04:27
CIA-29llnz tpserver-cpp * reabd1e8c066c /tpserver/playertcpconn.cpp:04:33
CIA-29Disallow TP02 and early protocols.04:33
CIA-29Had previously allowed TP02, but disallowed TP01. Noone should be using TP0204:33
CIA-29and hopefully everyone is moving to TP04.04:33
* llnz adds more to JLP pile of emails05:18
JLPyay :)05:18
CIA-29llnz tpserver-cpp * r684579eeb6d1 /tpserver/playerconnection.cpp:05:27
CIA-29Moved FeatureFrame creation from Network to PlayerConnection.05:27
CIA-29Haven't removed it from Network yet, but will shortly. Better fit05:27
CIA-29in PlayerConnection rather than Network.05:27
JLPoh i see tpclient-pywx was finally added to tucows, now that was "fast"05:32
tpbTitle: Downloads - Thousand Parsec wxPython Client 0.2.0 GPL Software (at
llnzhehe, cool05:37
CIA-29llnz tpserver-cpp * rba87dde08503 /tpserver/ (net.cpp net.h):05:38
CIA-29Remove FeatureFrame processing from Network.05:38
CIA-29Now in PlayerConnection. Less complex.05:38
CIA-29jlp web * re941c1ab10ea /news/ ( Fixed the link to Ryan Neufeld's blog05:44
JLPwow, cool, mithro going to work for google06:07
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llnzhi accAgon06:58
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Marcelhi llnz06:58
tpbTitle: exastris - Google Code (at
JLPthis could fit just nice into TP framework07:06
JLPlooks like it is still very young so maybe there is still chance for it to become based on TP07:09
JLPi'll comment on his blog and ask him for thought about this07:10
llnzit is turn based?07:11
JLPdon't know yet, still checking it out07:13
llnzthey are using maemo as well, so maybe we could get an Nokia n700/800 client as well :-)07:13
MarcelDon´t forget openmoko.07:13
Marcelllnz: Do you know more about the code generator for the protocol libraries?08:12
MarcelCan it generate csharp code :) ?08:13
llnzyou are interesting in coding in C#08:13
llnzMarcel: it shouldn't be too hard to do08:13
MarcelI´m currently searching for a xml->c# generator and I found one commercial which depend on a library from the company and one from MS but this one generates the code without comments and with things I don´t understand :/08:15
llnzwell... someone started on a code generator08:15
MarcelAnd all in one 42kb big file08:15
MarcelHow is the status of the code gen?08:16
llnzstart reading this thread:
tpb<> (at
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llnzthat first message has a generator which somewhat creates c++, python and java classes for the protocol08:19
llnzthat is one approach08:19
llnzthe other is to create the objects at runtime directly from the xml08:19
llnzwhich is harder IMHO08:20
llnzyou could write a generator in c#, it shouldn't be too hard08:26
MarcelI could, but I never wrote a python program08:33
llnz you could write a generator in c#08:33
llnzparse the xml, pull out the relevent bits, create code, dump into files08:34
llnzyou might like to create a couple of the frame classes by hand first to see what they should look like08:38
MarcelWould the generated code depend on xml. I aks because currently I have generated code in C# but it has lots of attributes08:39
Marceldepending most on System.Xml.Serialization08:40
llnzno, it wouldn't08:41
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mithroheyo people08:55
ezodhi mithro08:55
mithrohow goes everything?08:55
ezodok here08:56
ezodgsoc has officially assumed its position in the back seat until tuesday ;)08:57
llnzhi mithro08:57
ezodhoping to finish all my requirements for school this weekend08:58
mithroezod: excuses excuses08:58
ezodmithro: did you follow my talk with llnz at all?08:59
ezodJLP: ping, ^^08:59
CIA-29llnz tpserver-cpp * rc5a224b8f362 /tpserver/ (7 files):09:00
CIA-29Moved all protocol defines, enums, etc to new protocol.h09:00
CIA-29Added a number of typedefs as well. Included by frame.h, so no real advantage.09:00
CIA-29Changed FrameVersion to ProtocolVersion, so FrameVersion can be used for09:00
CIA-29the versioning of each frametype.09:00
mithrodid you know that you can get an RSS feed of wiki changes?09:01
llnzyes, it's very handy09:01
Marcelllnz: I found a .xsd to C# class generator (ADCG) which works good. The .xsd file is generated from the protocol.xml via visual studio 2008. Only problem now is I have no comments in the code :/09:02
JLPezod: pong?09:03
llnzMarcel: you don't need C# classes for the various node types, etc that you will have generated from the .xsd (which i guess is related to our dtd)09:04
llnzthe xml describes our protocol, not the dtd09:05
llnzie, one more layer of indirection09:05
ezodJLP: just wondering if you had followed my thread on the ML recently09:06
JLPezod: nope, i was ill for about a week, so i just rarely looked on the internet09:08
JLPezod: i just know about the thread but did not read it yet09:09
mithroI think we should add it to tpb so that it can announce when the wiki pages change09:11
mithroalso lets us make sure nobody spams09:11
llnzmithro: why's that? because it will spam here too?09:12
mithrowell - we announce git commits09:12
mithrohow are wiki page edits any less important?09:12
llnzharder to spam git commits than wiki09:13
JLPmithro: about launchpad projects, if the licenses for python stuff is gplv2 it is OK right?09:16
mithroit's gplv2+09:16
CIA-29fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp * re4615b3af425 /tpserver/ (4 files): Added a couple typedefs for some object params.09:16
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mithrollnz: but it lets people on IRC see the spam and fix it straight away?09:16
mithrohey bddebian09:16
llnzxdotx: ?09:17
xdotxreminded me09:17
llnzmithro: true09:17
JLPmithro: there's no option to choose 2+, i can only choose 2 and 309:17
mithrogplv2 (or any later version)09:17
xdotxllnz: a couple more readable type names (instead of std::map < pair<int32,uint> uint >)09:18
llnzah, ok09:18
xdotxllnz: i was iffy about defining them in the class, but it seems the most appropriate scope09:19
Marcelllnz: Now I´m confused. I have the protocol.xml file which defines the protocol which will send over the net. I converted the xml file to .xsd because the ADCG can only handle xsd and sdf. And after convert I get some .cs files which contains c# source code.09:19
mithroMarcel: can you code?09:20
xdotxi mainly looked for adding typedefs to otherwise complex / long winded types that were used in class interfaces09:20
llnzMarcel: it will not be that easy09:20
llnzxdotx: ok, cool09:20
Marcelmithro: yes, but not that good and only in C#09:20
JLPmithro: hm i can't change the details for tpclient-pywx anyways09:21
mithroMarcel: nothing exists which will "auto convert" the xml to C# - that type of thing is not possible09:21
llnzxdotx: that looks fine, class scope seems ok09:21
mithroMarcel: you could write code which does it specifically for the thousand parsec protocol  xml09:22
Marcelmithro: Can I send you the generated source that you can take a look at it if it is really wrong what I do?09:25
* xdotx is goin' back to bed09:26
mithroMarcel: I'm not sure what you mean09:26
mithrowe will help you debug your code09:26
mithrobut only if it's open source09:27
mithroand we won't write it for you09:27
* llnz deletes his 263MB database to start a new game09:28
MarcelI planned to license it under an os license.09:28
Marcelyep, I want to write it by myself.09:29
MarcelAnd what I mean is if you can look at the generated code and say if I´m on the right way or wrong way.09:29
mithroMarcel: sure - upload it to a code repository somewhere09:30
MarcelI have 28 files (generated by ADCG) and one single file (by xsd.exe). Can´t I send you it via irc or upload it to a file host?09:32
llnzeasier way09:36
llnztell us some of the class names it created09:36
mithroMarcel: I don't think ADCG will not be generating anything useful09:38
Marcelcharacter, descparameter, descstruct, packet, protocol09:39
llnzah, yes09:39
llnzyou have created a generator/parser for the protocol.xml format09:39
llnznot the protocol09:39
llnzyour generator will create classes like Okay, Fail, Object, ObjectDescription, Order, etc09:41
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Marcelllnz: So, this is the wrong way?09:43
Marcel;( Okay, what do I need to do?09:43
llnzyou need to write a code generator09:45
llnzit will:09:45
llnz- load the protocol.xml file09:45
llnz- create a DOM tree from it09:45
llnz- go through the tree, creating classes from the information it finds09:45
llnzin each class, you will create the right members, getters and setters, and methods to create frames and read frames09:48
CIA-29llnz documents * rd2a7b468a692 /protocol/protocol.xml: Added GetPlayerIDs and PlayerIDs frames for getting the list of Player ids.09:54
mithrowas my last day at work today09:54
llnzmithro: cool09:55
CIA-29llnz tpserver-cpp * r7fc7fd1e0954 /tpserver/protocol.h: Added PlayerIds_Get and PlayerIds_List to FrameType enum.09:56
llnzMarcel: a good first goal would be to get the packet names and id numbers and print them out, or create an enum or similar with the values09:59
mithrowell I'm going to head to bed10:00
mithrohave a good night10:00
mithrohopefully I can write up a state of the union tommorrow10:00
Marcelgood night mithro10:01
Marcelllnz: From a server?10:01
llnzno, from the protocol.xml file10:01
MarcelFrom this one: <parameterset name="OrderParams"> The "Order Params" ?10:05
llnznope, from <packet id="0" name="Okay">10:06
llnzthere are two parametersets at the start of the file, ignore them for now10:06
llnzalso ignore packets with name "Header", "request" and "response"10:09
llnzhave you found packet 0, "Okay"?10:09
MarcelWill take a look later at it, now I´m eating somethign :D10:10
Marcelyeah, but only the reponse10:10
llnzdon't worry about the base attribute yet10:11
llnzon the wire, the body of the Okay frame has a string (see in the structure element)10:11
llnzthe string is encoded as a NBO uint32_t length, followed by the UTF8 string10:12
llnzthe class for Okay could look like:10:12
llnzclass Okay{10:12
llnzstring result;10:12
llnzpublic string getresult(){return result;}10:13
llnzpublic void setresult(string nresult){result = nresult;}10:13
llnzpublic void packBuffer(Buffer buf){10:14
llnz  buf.packString(result);10:14
llnzpublic void unpackBuffer(Buffer buf){10:14
llnz  result = buf.unpackString();10:14
llnzplus everything else, including comments and inline documentation10:15
* llnz hasn't done C# and only seen a tiny amount of C#, so forgive the syntax10:15
llnzand since i'm 2.5 timezones ahead of mithro, i'm off10:16
llnzMarcel: that should give you enough to get started10:17
* llnz wanders off10:17
llnzlater all10:17
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JLPahoy llnz18:43
llnzhi JLP18:43
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CIA-29llnz tpserver-cpp * r4c8025f384c3 /tpserver/ (playeragent.cpp playeragent.h):19:48
CIA-29Implemented PlayerIds_Get incoming frames.19:48
CIA-29Only TP04.19:48
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mithromorning people22:26
mithro~seen vi198522:26
tpbmithro: vi1985 was last seen in #tp 3 days, 3 hours, 52 minutes, and 8 seconds ago: <vi1985> thanks22:26
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bddebianmithro: Should be i386 wxwidgets2.8 packages up for unstable now23:07
mithrobddebian: that is awesome!23:09
mithroso now people only need to add one repository for debian?23:09
bddebianShould be able to23:13
bddebianExcept for those pesky amd64 users ;-P23:14
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