Thursday, 2008-04-24

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mithroI'm back now00:10
mithrohello pluskid00:10
pluskidhi mithro00:10
mithronash: I go to lots of meetings :/00:10
nashmithro: YOu are doing it wrong00:10
mithronash: not my choice :(00:11
mithropluskid: see you have already been busy :)00:23
pluskidmithro: busy doing what?00:23
mithropluskid: commiting to the schemepy repository00:23
pluskidmithro: :) I've done some initial research00:24
mithrovi1985___: ping?00:24
mithrollnz: ping?00:25
mithro~seen JLafont00:26
tpbmithro: JLafont was last seen in #tp 5 days, 8 hours, 41 minutes, and 53 seconds ago: <JLafont> there we go00:26
pluskid~seen pluskid00:26
tpbpluskid: pluskid was last seen in #tp 2 minutes and 32 seconds ago: <pluskid> mithro: :) I've done some initial research00:26
pluskidhaha, interesting bot00:26
tpbpluskid: help [<plugin>] [<command>]00:27
pluskid~help seen00:27
tpbpluskid: (seen [<channel>] <nick>) -- Returns the last time <nick> was seen and what <nick> was last seen saying. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent on the channel itself.00:27
mithropluskid: he responses to private message00:28
nashbut private messages only work if you are registered00:29
mithronash: which you should be anyway :)00:29
pluskidnot registered yet00:29
nashmithro: I am... I hate logging on to be nash_00:29
nashI'm getting good at the whole kill the person who keeps using my nick thing00:30
mithronash: you can link your nash and nash_ together00:30
nashNah, I just recover my nick00:30
ezodnash: got your comment - cool00:30
nashezod: No problem.. although that sort of question is best for the mailing list00:31
ezodnash: when i said the other day i wasn't planning on touching the protocol, i meant changing anything about the client protocol itself, unless necessary.. just for clarification :)00:31
vi1985___mithro: pong! 103ms average.  been behaving not too bad today. yesterday was real bad...   eh, gtg now.00:31
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ezodnash: ok, i'll definitely post more formal and concise questions to the ML, the blog might just be me carrying on ;)00:34
nashConcise isn't necessary.... but the blog for thoughts is good00:34
mithrodamn he disappears before I could ask him00:34
llnzmithro: pong00:35
ezodi think vi1985 had the right idea for an EDT-er00:39
* ezod goes to bed00:39
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llnzEDT looks like a timezone, at a guess (E??? Daylight Time)00:52
mithrollnz: so how is a release looking?00:57
llnzeastern daylight time, it was00:58
llnzcoming along00:58
llnzstill debugging coming out of persistence, but mostly working00:58
mithrocool - persistence working okay?00:58
llnzit is storing a little too much, but it is working00:58
mithrollnz: have you tried a minisec ai battle?01:01
llnznot yet01:01
mithroI've yet to port tpsai-py to the 0.3.x series of libtpclient-py so you'll have to make sure it uses the older series01:02
mithroonly the error message you get will not be sensible :)01:09
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llnzbbs, dinner02:44
mithrohey llnz02:56
mithroreminder! :)02:56
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llnzmithro: thanks03:06
mithrohello JLafont03:12
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mithrostill waiting for your pubkey03:14
mithroJLafont: don't want to be the last person :)03:15
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pluskidmithro: do you have segment fault running the tests with guile?03:59
pluskidwhen I run them with this,,,test_float.py04:00
pluskidit would segment fault04:00
pluskidbut otherwise, it is OK. :/04:00
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CIA-29pluskid schemepy * r9196ef85bbac /doc/ (html/front_end.html src/front_end.rst): use topython instead of fromscheme05:28
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tedpDoes TP still advertise servers using Avahi?
tpbTitle: #142 (Service type definitions for Thousand Parsec) - Avahi - Trac (at
llnztedp: yes05:40
tedpi looked briefly at tpserver-cpp05:40
tedpah, found it05:41
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tedpAdded to the Avahi service-types-db, thanks :)05:54
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llnzcool, thanks05:54
llnzand gone05:54
* llnz chases him to #avahi05:56
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llnzall good05:59
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llnzhappy ANZAC day Kiwis and Aussies09:03
* llnz wanders off09:03
llnzlater all09:03
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* mithro ponders bed11:06
CIA-29pluskid schemepy * rdc12c6b97140 /doc/ (html/front_end.html src/front_end.rst): add doc for scheme & python type mapping11:14
JLP_ahoy everyone11:33
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ezodhey JLP11:37
* JLP hopes the internet connection will not be so crappy today11:37
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CIA-29neufelry tpserver-cpp-risk * rf7844c8716e1 /AUTHORS:17:20
CIA-29Name: Ryan Neufeld - jphr17:20
CIA-29Email: [email protected]17:20
CIA-29Changes: Added name+nick+email to AUTHORS in risk branch17:20
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ezodanyone around who can help with git?21:33
greywhindezod: what's your question?21:35
ezodgreywhind: im not familiar with how to use branches21:35
ezodwith git21:35
ezodi have a branch 'config' of tpserver-cpp im supposed to work with21:36
greywhindezod: cg-branch-ls lists remote branches21:36
greywhindif you're using cogito, that is21:36
ezodi could do either21:36
greywhindcg-branch-add adds a remote branch21:36
greywhindcg-branch-chg changes a remote branch to a specific URL21:37
ezodadds it locally? or creates a new remote branch?21:37
greywhindfor my cg-branch-ls it says:21:37
greywhindgreywhind (05:13 PM):/Programming/ThousandParsecDev/tpclient-pywx-dev > cg-branch-ls21:37
greywhinddevelopment     git+ssh://[email protected]/git/tpclient-pywx.git#development21:37
greywhindorigin          git+ssh://[email protected]/git/tpclient-pywx.git#stable21:37
greywhindstatetracker    git+ssh://[email protected]/git/tpclient-pywx.git#statetracker21:37
greywhind"`cg-switch` can switch your current local branch (and working copy)21:38
greywhindto an existing branch, or create a new branch based on a given commit."21:38
greywhindThis command concerns local branches (also called21:38
greywhind"heads"), not remote branches (those managed by `cg-branch-add`).21:38
greywhindezod: cg-branch-add adds a local reference to a remote branch21:40
greywhindand i think that's what you're looking for21:40
ezodwell i did git branch -b config origin/config, which sounds like the equivalent21:40
greywhindk. any other questions?21:41
ezodwell i had figured this part out21:41
ezodbut when i do a push, it's giving me a perm error21:41
greywhindcan you paste it?21:42
ezoderror: unable to create temporary sha1 filename ./objects/tmp_obj_47TnQf: Permission denied21:42
ezodthat's remote, i assume21:42
greywhindare you on Linux?21:42
greywhinddid you try using su or sudo to make sure it wasn't a local permissions problem?21:43
ezodwell everything is writable by my user in that tree21:44
ezodif i start running git commands as root it'll start creating files with root ownership all over the place, no?21:44
greywhindi guess it must be remote then...21:44
ezodi was thinking maybe it was trying to push to the master branch still21:45
ezodbut if i mirrored the branch properly, i guess it must just not be set up right remotely21:45
ezodas in, i don't have proper commit permission..21:45
greywhindi think that's it21:46
greywhind"I have found pages reporting that this message is related to21:46
greywhind"The problem is now that I don't seem to have write permissions21:46
greywhindon Automake [3].  Could someone add me please?"21:46
greywhindso i think that's the problem.21:47
ezodok, thanks21:48
ezodi was just worried i wasn't cloning/checkout-ing properly21:48
greywhindyou can check using cg-status what branch your master is set to21:48
ezodyeah, same with git status, and im on the right one locally21:48
ezodand like i said, i think i referenced it to the remote branch properly21:49
greywhindi think, then, it's a problem with your permissions in the remote repo21:50
greywhindtalk to mithro about it21:50
ezodwill do, thanks :)21:50
greywhindno problem.21:51
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mithrohey people22:55
mithrohow is everything today?23:13
andreiCursing at the hurd installer, but good :)23:19
mithroezod: ping?23:20
mithroandrei: starting to think about how I should spend my time today23:20
andreimithro, I sketch it out on a piece of paper every morning23:21
mithroezod: your permissions problem should be fixed23:22
ezodmithro: pong, thanks, weird that i just happened to jump on just now ;)23:22
ezodill try it23:22
mithrofor got to add you to the cppmonkey group :)23:22
CIA-29aaron tpserver-cpp-config * r89e578adfb7c /AUTHORS: Added self to AUTHORS23:22
mithroI added your account before you where accepted into GSoC23:22
ezodi see23:23
* ezod cheers23:23
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ezodthanks :)23:25
* ezod goes back to sleep23:25
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mithrowb andrei23:29
andreimithro, Thanks23:29
mithro~seen JLP23:44
tpbmithro: JLP was last seen in #tp 12 hours, 7 minutes, and 13 seconds ago: * JLP hopes the internet connection will not be so crappy today23:44

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