Friday, 2008-04-11

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ezodi could spend some time tomorrow, make a better roadmap00:00
mithroas a general tip, we prefer you to actually get things working sooner and then build apon them00:00
* ezod nods00:01
mithroIE starting with daemonizing the tpserver-cpp would probably make a better first task00:02
ezodcuriously, i don't think i can get at my applications anymore00:03
ezodand my local copy is not up to date with changes made since submission :(00:04
ezodheh, i don't suppose you could email me a copy of my own application?00:05
llnzezod: we will post a public comment, and you will be able to edit it again00:06
ezodoh, nevermind, i can still get to them00:07
ezodin any case, i think i can do much better, so i'll give it another go tomorrow00:09
ezodthanks, and good night :)00:11
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mithrowb llnz02:27
llnzthanks mithro02:31
mithro~seen JLafont02:47
tpbmithro: JLafont was last seen in #tp 5 days, 0 hours, 58 minutes, and 38 seconds ago: <JLafont> yeah*02:47
mithro~seen JLP02:48
tpbmithro: JLP was last seen in #tp 12 hours, 22 minutes, and 48 seconds ago: <JLP> napi: ahoy02:48
JLPgood morning all03:26
JLafont_Hi JLP, good night everyone03:42
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llnzhi accAgon04:52
accAgonHave you found out the problem with pthread and or fixed it?04:53
llnznot yet04:55
llnzhumm.... what versions of autoconf and automake to you have? (were installed)04:59
accAgonI think 1.8 if is available, I need to look04:59
llnzaccAgon: have a look at this similar bug:
tpb<> (at
SmokingRopemorning all05:05
llnzaccAgon: the other thing to try is see what output there is to "objdump -t /lib/"05:08
llnzhi SmokingRope05:08
SmokingRopehow are things?05:09
llnzaccAgon: and also /lib64/
llnzSmokingRope: fine thanks, you?05:11
SmokingRopethings are good, school gets very busy this time of year though05:12
accAgonautomake is 1.105:21
accAgonautoconf 2.605:21
llnzlocally i'm using auotmake 1.10.1 and autoconf 2.61 (debian unstable amd64)05:23
accAgonmeans it should work?05:23
accAgonI added "objdump -t /lib/" to the script. It will take some time to display/build the result.05:25
accAgonobjdump -t /lib/
accAgonobjdump: '/lib/': No such file05:25
accAgonon my local computer there it builds it has a output05:26
accAgonoh wait I looked at a x64 computer05:27
accAgonon a I568 it has an output05:27
accAgonbut it is long, should I upload it to a pastbin?05:28
accAgonthe output on the mandriva system is longer than on the other os05:29
llnzsure, pastbin is fine05:29
accAgonboth logs?05:30
accAgonllnz: Do you know a good pastbin site? thinks I spam05:32
tpbTitle: Nopaste (at
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tpbTitle: general pastebin - Etwas - post number 980825 (at
accAgonfor opensuse05:34
accAgonfor Mandriva
tpbTitle: general pastebin - Jemand - post number 980827 (at
llnzcould you upload (or email) the config.log from the computer that fails ./configure at pthread?05:40
tpbTitle: general pastebin - Unbenannt - post number 980838 (at
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llnzwhen ./configure fails it leaves a config.log in libtpproto-cpp-0.1.1 directory, i need that file05:52
llnzthat one didn't run configure05:52
accAgonoh right, sorry this is from a x64 computer05:56
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tpbTitle: general pastebin - Unbenannt - post number 980846 (at
llnzso now it is running configure and failing, i need the libtpproto-cpp-0.1.1/config.log file06:00
llnzcat it out if you like06:01
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JLPhi Ohm06:06
OhmThere, finally put #tp in my autojoin list06:06
JLPOhm: hehe :)06:07
JLPhow's it going06:07
Ohmpretty well06:09
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Ohmthere we go06:09
OhmI am now the chief/boss of our section's next festeri06:09
Ohmmeaning I am the leader of 11 people, who make parties and banquets and such for our "section"06:10
OhmA section is an organisation by and for students in certain programs06:10
OhmOur section, C sektionen, are for people in Computer Science and Innovative Programming06:11
OhmIP is basically CS-light, no math, very practical06:11
JLPoh that0s nicem i think we don't have any such group here, ot if we have it they are not very active06:14
* JLP has run out of disk space on his laptop, time for some spring cleaning06:16
llnzaccAgon: having trouble? it can be acheived by doing ./configure --prefix=/usr || ( cat config.log && non-existant-command-to-fail-on )06:17
accAgonllnz: No trouble, the builds are in the queue. I only need to wait.06:20
llnzok, cool06:20
accAgonno I568 server available. Means my builds are in a position between 1-14506:22
accAgonsome days ago the build queue was 2400 long06:24
accAgonbut only because of service problems06:24
JLPaccAgon: do they still have only the very old mandriva 2006 there? or have they finaly added 2008 too?06:25
accAgon2006, 2007, 200806:25
accAgonand fedora 6-8, opensuse 10.0 -11.0 and xubunto 6-7.10 and CentOs and RedHat 506:26
accAgonhm I think I forgot something06:26
accAgonah yeah, debian etch06:27
JLPi'll have to check the build service again, i think i even have some TP packages there from a few mounths ago when i was checking it out06:29
accAgonoh, did they worked?06:30
accAgonbecause my do not work :/06:31
JLPi think it did, let me see06:32
JLPaccAgon: yeah it's in here:
tpb<> (at
JLPaccAgon: looks like it is only failing on Mandriva 2006 amd64 - expansion error06:59
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llnzhi karol07:01
JLPkarol: ahoy07:03
accAgonJLP: Cool, should we continue on your repository or should I fix my?07:04
JLPaccAgon: i guess it is best to contine from mine which works07:06
accAgonbut it is the old version07:06
JLPaccAgon: yeah, that's true07:07
accAgonWill you update it or should I try it?07:08
JLPaccAgon: what's your user id there?07:09
JLPok i've added you as maintainer, try adding version 0.1.1 and let's see what happens07:10
accAgonok, thank you, I will delete my broken builds07:10
accAgonJLP: -.- it seems to work on your repo07:24
accAgonokay build is done but some files are not available and some are unpacked07:25
accAgonJLP: You know that you don't need to specify each file to get packed?07:25
JLPaccAgon: yeah i know now, i didn't know back then, it was my first time crwting rpm specs :07:26
accAgonJLP: What about packaging Parsek and the rest of the application which are available for tp?07:28
accAgonFirst packages are out with 0.1.1 source07:32
JLPaacAgon: first we should package the c++ server and python stuff, parsek is last since it's in very early development and it's not so important07:33
accAgonokay, I will try to do the c++ server07:33
JLPaccAgon: awesome07:34
accAgonDo I need to build this befor the c++ server: C++ TP Readline library ?07:34
accAgonJLP: Can I create the package in your repo?07:35
JLPaccAgon: yes, although I think libtprl is already there07:36
accAgonah yeah I see07:37
accAgonShould I add mysql and avahi support?07:45
llnzyes to both07:47
accAgonand gnutls?07:48
llnzyou could have a look at the deb builds to see how the various modules can be shipped separately07:48
accAgono.O I think a rpm packages which have all features is enough for the first time07:49
llnzok :-)07:50
accAgonJLP: What about adding gnutls support to libtpproto?07:55
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JLPaccAgon: it couldn't hurt :)07:58
accAgonGetting an error:07:58
accAgonhecking for guile-config... no07:58
accAgonconfigure: WARNING: Cannot find Guile configuration script07:58
accAgonconfigure: error: Either MzScheme or Guile must be used. Please install mzscheme or guile. See ./configure --help if one is already installed.07:58
accAgon*checking not hecking07:59
llnzlibguile devel will be needed08:00
accAgonokay thanks08:01
accAgonError while building cpp server:08:08
accAgon/usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-suse-linux/4.2.1/../../../../x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld: cannot find -ltprl08:08
accAgoncollect2: ld returned 1 exit status08:08
accAgonrm -f .libs/tpserver-cppS.o08:08
llnzand libtprl, obviously08:09
accAgonit is installed, but only the devel package it seems08:11
accAgonconfigure writes: checking for libtprl... yes08:11
llnzthat test only checks for the pkgconfig file08:12
llnzit doesn't actually test if it can be built against08:12
geirhawhat os are you building on?08:14
accAgonThis was opensuse x64 10.308:15
accAgonbut now it works08:16
accAgonI only need to specify the build packages08:16
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accAgonc++ server is packaged09:18
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accAgonOn fedora I get this problem:09:23
accAgonchecking for libtprl... configure: error: Couldn't find libtprl. Please install it before trying again09:23
accAgonbut it is installed. Maybe the script can't find it because of this: checking for pkg-config... no ?09:23
llnzpkg-config is needed09:24
llnz(to build, only)09:24
accAgonfedora 6,7,8 has not pkg-config installed as standard09:26
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llnzhi bddebian09:30
bddebianHello llnz09:30
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llnzhi AquaFox, Epyon_10:20
Epyon_hi llnz10:25
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llnzlater all10:30
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mithromorning people20:18
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mithromorning bddebian21:08
bddebianEvening mithro21:09
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llnzhi all22:34
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llnzhi vi198523:13
vi1985hey llnz :)23:15
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