Monday, 2008-03-31

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JLafontBehold!!! DroneSec!
tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec Ruleset: DroneSec (at
JLafontAny questions, or feedback more than appreciated.00:42
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mithrointeresting ideas00:54
mithroJLafont: could you write up a script for an example game session?00:54
JLafontmithro, Sure thing.00:55
* JLafont will try to make a small mockup of the idea using Warcraft 3 map editor if he has time00:56
mithroif you have some times, a few pictures wouldn't go astray00:56
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JLafontSure thing00:59
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mithrohello ezod01:22
mithrohello f0ster01:23
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mithrohello Epyon01:25
Epyonyo mithro :)01:25
mithroEpyon: up to 28 apps01:25
mithroopps make that 2901:26
* Epyon needs to update his01:26
EpyonHow many 3d client ones?01:26
EpyonBTW, nash, I replied to your comments on the wiki01:27
EpyonHave you seen it?01:27
nashexcellent - gave link01:27
nashhave link? that is01:27
tpb<> (at
JLafontEpyon: Thats sounds awesome.01:55
JLafontIt does seem very complicated and time-consuming01:56
JLafontIts almost like a sci-fi Elder Scrolls01:56
JLafontok, time for me to sleep.02:04
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JLafontGood night everyone02:04
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EpyonWell, it is, and I doubt the complete thing could be done in the timeframe. If I'd start it however, I soubt I could leave it unfinished after the program timeline however -- Elite gives me the chills of excitement :P02:05
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mithroyay net splits!02:06
Epyonnash, have you read it?02:06
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Epyonmithro, except for the timeline issues (which I will adress soon) are there any more comments to the apps I submitted?02:07
mithroEpyon: possibly02:08
nashEpyon: Yes02:08
Epyonnash, satisfied with the answers?02:08
nashmostly - I worry your economy may need a little more work - but I think it is servicable02:09
Epyonnash, I already thought about how it would go with the game itself, and I think it's doable.02:11
EpyonAnd I firmly believe it would be a game like no other :P02:11
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mithronash: what do you think of JLaFont's quick game idea - it think it could be quite interesting02:13
nashCould be - not sure if it would be quick enough ;-)02:13
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JLPgood morning all04:13
llnzhi JLP04:13
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llnzok, who is from Italy?05:19
llnzseeing quite a few tls errors from a client connecting from there05:28
llnztps connection with tpclient-pywx/0.3.105:29
* mithro should announce
llnzTransport Layer security05:33
mithroI know that, I was just wondering why people where are using tls05:35
mithroand why you are getting errors?05:35
llnzwhen the connection is closed, it says the tls packet is the wrong size05:36
mithrooh - so it is a tpserver-cpp bug or?05:38
llnzdon't know05:39
mithroI think I'm going to add a "bug reporting" tool into the client05:40
mithrowhich collects up the log file and other info05:40
mithrollnz: how goes the persistence?05:57
llnzcoming along slowly05:57
mithrosorry I have not been able to finish the minisec cleanup stuff05:57
llnzbusy working on many things currently05:57
mithroI have a bunch of half finished stuff here05:57
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karolhello everybody07:00
llnzhi karol07:00
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llnzlater all07:48
* karol has a course in fluid mechanics07:48
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_andyhello people11:11
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JLPATTENTION: student application deadline has been extended to April 7th11:38
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JLafontExtended Deadline12:00
karolas last year, this time no more double extended, but a whole week :)12:08
JLafontAt least it gives me more time for the mock up of DroneSec!12:09
andreiHurrah, so it's actually extended12:17
OhmDroneSec a new ruleset?12:17
JLafontto both12:18
tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec Ruleset: DroneSec (at
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fosterrranyone awake ?13:35
karolfosterrr: yup, why?13:43
JLPfosterrr: ahoy13:46
fosterrrI was looking over some of the tpserver-cpp code13:47
fosterrrthat's meant to run in windows and linux right ?13:47
JLPfosterrr: yeah it should be working everywhere13:49
fosterrrJLP: just curious, I was thinking about the idea of daemon-izing the tpserver-cpp13:49
JLPfosterrr: although noone really tests is in windows i guess, the main developer, llnz, only has linux boxes if i remember correctly13:50
fosterrrI was thinking about doing something like IPC, or using inetd, for writing the daemon13:50
fosterrrbut creating its own protocol is probably the only way to go13:52
fosterrrJLP: do you have any thoughts about the daemon-zing process of tpserver-cpp ?13:52
JLPfosterrr: i'm afraid i can't help much with that, sorry13:53
JLPfosterrr: wait for llnz to come around, or just post the question to the mailing lists and he will read it13:53
fosterrrthanks JLP, i'll probably just wait to see if he drops in anytime soon13:53
JLPfosterrr: it's about 7am where he lives13:54
fosterrrJLP: yikes :p14:06
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BZA_JLP: upon suggestion from mithro, I submitted a version of my Risk proposal for the Python server, just thought I would let ya know16:14
AlexEvtshould we all post announcements about submitted proposals here?:)16:16
BZA_AlexEvt: just thought I would tell him so he could give it a once over if he so chooses16:19
AlexEvtok, i c:)16:19
JLPBZA_: cool, i will not have time today to look at it16:19
JLPAlexEvt: not required, but it helps to get attention :)16:20
AlexEvtbut i think that anyway all proposals will be reviewed and should be reviewed after deadline16:22
JLafontAlexEvt, Getting feedback and updating or reviewing a proposal is never a bad thing16:26
* karol needs food and sleep17:37
karolgood night everyone and welcome in a new day :)17:37
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* vi1985 *final deadline passed, gl everyone*20:04
dandersonuh, no20:05
dandersondeadline has been extended another 7 days20:05
vi1985oh, thx.20:05
dandersontake this time to bond more with your mentors, have heated discussions, and maybe even start hacking :)20:06
* JLafont is trying to make a bad mock-up of his ruleset using wc320:06
JLafontwc3 = Warcraft 320:07
vi1985danderson, I worked my ass off to polish the proposal so I'll have some time to study for exams ;) I think it's at the point where I don't know what to add or polish anymore.20:08
dandersonvi1985: then you're all set :)20:08
vi1985danderson, hope so!20:08
napinow me and mithro got things sorted, not much else i can do either without chucking a huge amount of time into it - but don't have time... dissertation due soon!20:12
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brennan_hello everybody22:52
JLafonthey brennan22:58
brennan_hi JLafont22:59
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