Sunday, 2008-02-24

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mithrollnz: I found a bug in Nop00:59
mithrotry submitting a Nop order with zero turns00:59
llnzwhich one?00:59
mithrollnz: the one in Minisec00:59
llnzi'll have a look00:59
llnzyes, it accepts zero, what's the problem?01:01
llnzit accepts zero because tpclient-pywx sends the first nop with 0 turns as the value01:02
llnzbbs, dinner01:02
mithrollnz: that is fine01:02
mithrollnz: do a turn01:02
mithroNop ends up with a very large number of turns :)01:02
mithrollnz: btw, is there a reason you are not using boost? A lot of the stuff is really useful01:03
mithrowell, heading to the GF's01:38
llnzi just don't like boost01:49
CIA-19llnz tpserver-cpp * r0148f35886de /modules/games/ (minisec/nop.cpp mtsec/nop.cpp):01:53
CIA-19Moved decrement of turn and TimeParameter in Nop so we don't overflow.01:53
CIA-19Fixed both Minisec and MTSec. Caused by the values being unsigned.01:53
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JLPahoy all04:39
llnzhi JLP04:45
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mithrohey people06:43
mithrohey JLP06:43
mithrohow goes the python and tutorial videos?06:44
CIA-19mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * r60188aa6eb84 /windows/ Don't disable the ConnectingGauge, just set it to 100%06:44
CIA-19mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * r8eab8a113c23 /windows/xrc/winUpdate.xrc: Make the winUpdate progress text readonly.06:44
CIA-19mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * r1425bba7d212 /windows/main/
CIA-19Fix the problem with getting both a wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_DESELECTED and wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED on a selection change.06:44
CIA-19By using the fact that the event queue is FIFO, we just tell wxPython to call06:44
CIA-19the DESELECTED handler at a later date (using wx.CallAfter). Then in the06:44
CIA-19handler we check if the selection has actually changed - this will only be the06:44
CIA-19case when there was no associated SELECTED event.06:44
JLPmithro: we had 2 presentation days (about robotics and floss) so i haven't had any progress on that, apart from installing recordmydesktop and trying it out a bit06:47
JLPtoday i have to take care of mandriva a little bit, since i'm the coordinator of slovenian translation team06:48
mithro~seen Appleman123406:51
tpbmithro: Appleman1234 was last seen in #tp 5 days, 6 hours, 22 minutes, and 26 seconds ago: <Appleman1234> Can do06:51
mithroperes: ping?07:02
peresmithro: hi there07:03
mithroperes: we never did get you pushing to the Thousand Parsec server07:03
peresmithro: we will be able to cooperate more now, since i've moved to a closer time zone07:04
mithroperes: oh? Where did you move too?07:04
peres@whois peres07:04
peresdamn :P07:04
peresi'm in yokohama07:04
peresthere should be more chances for you to prod me into doing anything now ;)07:05
mithrowhereis yokohama?07:07
peresin japan :P07:07
* peres updates his christmas list: an atlas for mithro07:08
mithroI was thinking that07:08
mithroI guess I could have just put it into Wikipedia07:08
peresi really need to send you an atlas :O07:09
mithroperes: I have an Atlas but it was printed in the 1980's and still shows the USSR :)07:24
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mithroJLP: are you at some type of conference?07:29
mithroperes: so do you want to upload your stuff somewhere?07:29
JLPmithro: not exactly conference, primary and secondary schools have one week of holidays here and local government helped organize some presentations and stuff like that and i help them with organization07:30
mithroJLP: ahh cool07:31
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mithrohey everyone17:11
* mithro nudges jotham 17:11
mithrojotham: did you see the mouse coordinates thread on pyglet list?17:13
bddebianHeya mithro17:14
mithrohey bddebian17:15
mithroabout to run ff to work17:15
bddebianmithro: I assume I shouldn't package the python server yet?17:15
mithrobddebian: not really, there is no way to "install" it at the moment17:15
mithroit also needs to be split into multiple packages17:15
mithrothe C++ server would be a good thing to package17:15
bddebianYeah I'm working on that17:16
jothamman that Drew Smathers guy on the mailing list is a fuckwit17:29
jothambut that's a nice thread17:30
jothamthe 'quick communications' thread17:30
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mithromorning people17:49
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bddebianNo, it's afternoon :-)17:57
bddebianmithro: Have thoughts on the binary package name for tpserver-cpp?  Should I just use tpserver?  Or will it be too difficult to distinguish from python-tp-server ?18:04
mithrobddebian: well, _I_ think there should be a tpserver-cpp and a tpserver-py packages18:06
mithrojust like the client package is tpclient-pywx and not python-tp-client-pywx18:06
bddebiantpserver-cpp is OK.  I'm not sure I can get away with tpserver-py with policy but it might be OK.18:06
bddebianHmm, yeah, might be fine18:07
mithrowell, the packages tpserver-py installs are private and not in the shared python namespace18:07
mithrothere should probably be a "tpserver" virtual package which points to tpserver-cpp and tpserver-cpp18:08
mithrojust like the virtual tpclient package should point to tpclient-pywx, galaxie and parsek18:08
bddebianUhm, yeah sure.. ;-)18:09
bddebianAnyway dinner time, bbiab18:09
mithrobddebian: okay cool18:09
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mithro~seen greywhind18:20
tpbmithro: greywhind was last seen in #tp 2 days, 18 hours, 32 minutes, and 26 seconds ago: <greywhind> mithro: thanks18:20
mithrobddebian: ping?18:38
mithrobddebian: I just released that pyscheme is included in the libtpclient-py package - it should probably be a separate package19:04
mithrobddebian: did I make any sense?19:13
bddebianJesus Christ, I have to have the readline thing before the server?19:14
mithrobddebian: yeah - libtprl19:14
mithrobddebian: there is a reason we are trying to get packages :)19:16
bddebianYou're becoming a PITA :-)19:22
mithroI never understood that statement, Pita is quite a delicious meal ;)19:25
bddebianPITA == Pain In The Ass ;-P19:27
mithrobddebian: well, think of all the packaging experiance you are getting, you'll be a packaging zen master by the time you finish with us :)19:28
mithrohey jotham19:29
jothamthat Drew Smathers guy is a fuckwit19:30
jothamjust reading pyglets list19:30
jothami know i didn't get that git submit done :p19:30
jothami want to have actual pyglet graphics for the first submit19:30
mithrojotham: I think I agree - anyone with a signature like his is by definition one :)19:30
mithro <- that is a pretty cool screenshot :)19:30
jothamyep i agree, that's the guy that helped me the other day19:31
mithrohis game looks better in a single colour however ;)19:31
jothamwhat does DPS mean on his signature19:32
mithrojotham: I'm assuming it is his initials19:33
jothamgoogle should force fixed width fonts for its mailing list client19:33
bddebianmithro: I've had more experience than I care to admit and there's still sooo much I don't know19:38
mithrohey jlp19:38
mithroyou being a pirate today?19:38
jlpnope, somejow the keyboard is acting up19:39
jlpcombinations with ctrl+ alt+ don't work at all19:39
mithrojotham: so where are you up to with the battleviewer?19:39
jothamputting in the graphics against the new battle management code i wrote19:40
jothami'll need to talk to epyon at some stage (is that his nick?!)19:40
jothamwork bought me the red book and orange book for opengl, not that i'll need the orange book anytime soon19:40
jothamso i've been reading it on the bus19:40
mithroEpyon is the guy doing the cool ships19:41
mithro~seen Epyon19:42
tpbmithro: Epyon was last seen in #tp 3 days, 1 hour, 32 minutes, and 27 seconds ago: <Epyon> Yay for us! :D19:42
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bddebianAny preference on guile vs. mzscheme?20:15
mithroguile should be the default one20:16
mithromzscheme the fallback20:16
mithroguile is better supported and more actively used20:16
mithrobut mzscheme was added first20:16
mithrobddebian: makes sense?20:30
mithrobddebian: so are you going to split tpserver-cpp into multiple packages?20:34
bddebianI wasn't planning on it.  What packages?20:35
mithrowell - I was thinking that maybe each module should be in it's own package?20:36
mithrobddebian: have you looked at the debian stuff in the git repository?20:39
bddebianNot for tpserver20:39
mithrotim@vaio:~/oss/tp/tpserver-cpp/debian$ ls *.install20:39
mithrotpserver-cpp-core.install  tpserver-cpp-ruleset-minisec.install  tpserver-cpp-scheme-guile.install20:39
mithrotpserver-cpp-dev.install   tpserver-cpp-ruleset-mtsec.install    tpserver-cpp-scheme-mzscheme.install20:39
mithrobddebian: tpclient-pywx is now depending on twisted again :/20:40
mithroThe following NEW packages will be installed:20:41
mithro  python-tp-client python-tp-netlib python-twisted-bin python-twisted-core python-zopeinterface tpclient-pywx20:41
mithro0 upgraded, 6 newly installed, 0 to remove and 36 not upgraded.20:41
bddebianWhat's the point of all the different packages?20:44
mithrobddebian: you only need one package in each group20:44
mithroIE tpserver-cpp-scheme-guile or tpserver-cpp-scheme-mzscheme20:45
mithrobtw that should really be tpcl not scheme20:45
mithroIE tpserver-cpp-tpcl-guile or tpserver-cpp-tpcl-mzscheme20:45
mithrowhen tpserver-cpp has like 10 rulesets - you probably don't want to install them all20:47
mithrobddebian: it makes most sense with the mzscheme/guile and the persistence stuff20:48
mithrowell I'm off to lunch20:58
bddebianNice it fails to build21:23
bddebiannux-gnu/4.2.3/../../../../lib/crtn.o  -Wl,-soname -Wl, -o .libs/
bddebiang++: /usr/lib/ No such file or directory21:23
mithrobddebian: :/21:44
bddebianSo wtf man?22:02
mithroI'm afraid I have no idea22:04
mithrodoes /usr/lib/ exist?22:05
mithromaybe it is a fakeroot problem?22:06
mithrodoes it build normally?22:06
TBBleIs /usr/lib/ a dangling symlink?22:12
bddebianHah, interesting. ->  but there's only
bddebianGood catch22:15
mithrobddebian: I wonder how that happened22:19
bddebianApparently they've split guile into a guile-1.8-libs package as well that wasn't as up to date.22:19
bddebianSomething is broken there22:19
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bddebianHmm, getting closer.  But I'm not getting any mzscheme files22:39
mithrobddebian: it will only build one tpcl module if I understand correctly22:44
bddebianAh, so I have to build for each?22:44
bddebianAh, seems you have to force --with-mzscheme=foo/bar/baz23:03
mithrobddebian: okay23:03
mithrohrm, no greywhind yet today23:04
bddebianwell that didn't freakin' work either..23:08
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