Friday, 2008-02-22

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mithrobddebian: I still need your address too :)00:00
bddebianmithro: I would feel guilty until I get some more work done :(00:01
mithrowell - the guilt could get more work done :)00:02
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nashmithro: I need to do something about my FIXMEs.  I have over 10000:15
mithrotim@vaio:~/oss/tp$ grep -r 'FIXME' libtpproto-py libtpclient-py tpclient-pywx | wc -l00:31
nash make fixme | wc                                   ──(Fri,Feb22)─┘00:37
nash    122    1048    664300:37
nashI'm counting XXX too00:38
nashmithro:  (make fixme ; cat todo.txt) | wc                  ──(Fri,Feb22)─┘00:38
nash    306    1705   1050400:38
nashThat better00:38
mithroyou win00:39
mithrotim@vaio:~/oss/tp$ wc -l ./tpclient-pywx/TODO ./libtpproto-py/TODO00:39
mithro  24 ./tpclient-pywx/TODO00:39
mithro  45 ./libtpproto-py/TODO00:39
mithro  69 total00:39
nashmithro: `win' may not be the correct term here ;-)00:40
mithroI think Lee wins00:41
mithrotim@vaio:~/oss/tp$ grep -r 'FIXME' tpserver-cpp | wc -l00:41
nashDon't forget XXX00:41
nashmithro: Still galaxie is only 9000 lines00:42
nashmithro: We'll have to catch up... or start deleting random files in tpserver00:43
mithrolibtpproto-py has been getting smaller over the last year00:45
mithroand libtpproto2-py should be 1/10th the size00:49
nashtpserver-py is too big00:50
mithrotpserver-py is around 4659 lines of code00:57
mithronash: interesting graph -
tpb<> (at
mithromost of which is ruleset code00:58
mithrotpclient-pywx has way to much code01:01
nashtpproto-py sorry01:01
nashthats too big01:01
mithronash: it's ~5000 LOC01:02
nashwc gives me 900001:03
mithronash: it probably has 4000 lines of comments01:03
tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec : Lines of Code (at
mithrodef get_players(self, *args, **kw):01:05
mithroGet players descriptions,01:05
mithro# Get the description for players 501:05
mithro[<pro id=5>] = get_players(5)01:05
mithro[<pro id=5>] = get_players(id=5)01:05
mithro[<pro id=5>] = get_players(ids=[5])01:05
mithro[(False, "No such 5")] = get_players([5])01:05
mithro# Get the descriptions for players 5 and 1001:05
mithro[<pro id=5>, (False, "No such 10")] = get_players([5, 10])01:05
mithro[<pro id=5>, (False, "No such 10")] = get_players(ids=[5, 10])01:05
mithroreturn self._getmany(objects.Player_Get(-1, getidsarg(*arg, **kw)), object.Player)01:05
nashwhoever choose those colours for the sloc, doesn't like C01:05
mithrothat is an example function :)01:05
mithroI think the LOC in tpclient-pywx has been going down as well01:06
mithroeven though it's like 100* more featureful01:06
nashthey way it should be01:06
mithro16,000 LOC for a client seems *WAY* excessive01:07
nashdepends on what it does01:08
nashEditors for ships could be quite big01:08
mithronash: why? it a fairly easy thing to do01:11
mithrotim@vaio:~/oss/tp/tpclient-pywx/windows/main$ wc -l winDesign.py01:11
mithro542 winDesign.py01:11
mithro~600 lines easy :)01:11
mithroalthough thats not a very graphical interface - it should work pretty well (not really been tested extensively)01:12
nashI could see a few thousand lines going easy for a nice one01:14
nashAlso things like battle viewers start to creep in as well..01:14
nashDepends on what 16000 is doing01:14
mithronash: the problem is "not a lot" :/01:19
mithroactually it's probably not that bad01:19
mithroI have intree a copy of PyAUI and wxFloatCanvas which are around ~7000 LOC together01:20
mithrowhich cuts it down to around ~9000 LOC01:20
nashmuch better01:20
mithroof course that doesn't include the ~4000 lines in libtpclient-py01:23
mithrotpclient-pyw isn't in such a bad shape when you consider it is 7+ years old01:24
mithroit's survived 6 revisions of wxPython01:28
nashANyway, I'm off home01:31
nashtalk to you monday01:31
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mithrojotham: so no luck with the git commits?01:33
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mithrohey llnz01:51
mithrollnz: you see demo1 died :(01:51
llnzyes, not died, just exited for no reason01:51
llnzi have restarted it01:52
mithrollnz: exited for no reason?01:52
mithrono core dump?01:52
mithrowhere you running it in GDB?01:52
llnzno and no01:52
llnzand no message on the console01:52
mithrollnz: I think it would be a good idea to _always_ run tpserver-cpp under GDB?01:53
mithroit's not like performance is a huge issue at the moment01:53
mithrofirst time it has died for a long time01:54
llnzrunning in gdb might not have made a difference, if it exited cleanly01:55
llnznot sure why it would though...01:58
mithroheading home now01:59
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JLPmorning all02:11
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llnzhi JLP02:36
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mithrohey llnz05:06
llnzwb mithro05:07
mithroI might give the httplog stuff a go05:07
llnzif you want, i don't think it's that useful05:07
mithrollnz: I think being able to collect stats of what is happening would be useful05:07
llnzone thing you could do is add a console command called statistics05:12
llnzit would go through the various managers and ask for stats, like how many objects, etc05:12
mithrollnz: don't we already have something like that?05:15
mithroor have you broken that?05:15
llnzthe status command is about whether the server is running, and what it is running05:16
mithroguess so05:17
mithroI'm more interested in the stats over time05:17
llnzhumm... ok05:17
llnzyou could pull them from the logs05:17
llnzshould be enough info05:17
mithromy plan for this weekend is to fix up Mac tpclient-pywx and get tpsai-py working again05:18
mithroanyway got to go05:19
mithrosee ya05:19
* llnz wanders off06:44
llnzlater all06:44
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*** AquaFox has joined #tp07:47
AquaFoxCan I help out on anything?07:47
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JLPahoy all08:08
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mithro~seen xdotx08:20
tpbmithro: xdotx was last seen in #tp 4 days, 5 hours, 22 minutes, and 24 seconds ago: <xdotx> assignment operator08:20
JLPAquaFox: ahoy, almost missed you08:22
JLPAquaFox: new here?08:22
AquaFoxI said something earlier08:22
AquaFox<AquaFox> Can I help out on anything?08:22
mithrowow, sorry AquaFox, didn't notice you here08:22
mithroAquaFox: sure! we need help in loads of areas08:23
mithroAquaFox: what are your skills and interests?08:23
AquaFoxSkills: Plain C++08:23
AquaFoxInterests: Almost anything :P.08:23
mithroWell, Lee could probably use some help with tpserver-cpp08:24
JLPAquaFox: you can find some ideas here -
tpb<> (at
mithroAquaFox: how did you find us?08:25
AquaFoxWell I always hear about Thousand Parsec on Linux Game Tome, but I wanted to do some coding since I haven't for a long time so I checked your website and it linked me here.08:26
mithroAquaFox: cool08:26
mithroAquaFox: does anything on the Ideas_for_Programmers page tickle for fancy?08:27
mithrowe are happy to help you learn Python if your interested in helping out on the python components08:27
AquaFoxWoah you don't care if I don't even know Python to start Python programming :O.08:29
AquaFoxGeneric SQL Persistence tickles my balls.08:29
mithroAquaFox: cool - we really need working persistence08:29
mithroLee has been going through a major rework08:30
AquaFoxWhat do you mean by 'persistence'?08:30
AquaFoxAnd where is Lee :/?08:30
mithroLee goes via the nick name llnz and his full name is Lee Begg08:30
mithrohe is in New Zealand so is probably asleep at the moment08:30
mithropersistence is a way of storing data in a way that still exists after the server closes08:31
mithrobah, that sentence came out wrong08:32
mithroAquaFox: we have mailing lists too, which would be a good way to talk to Lee and figure out where the best place to start is08:33
JLPAquaFox: yeah, you should definitely subscribe to the mailing list and introduce yourself there08:34
mithroAquaFox: have you used git before?08:35
mithroJLP: how goes the learning of python?08:35
AquaFoxmithro, barely.08:36
JLPmithro: still stuck somwhere in the middle, didn't have much time in the past few days, been preparing the presentations that we have in the nex 5 days starting today08:36
AquaFoxmithro, where do I subscribe for the mailing list?08:36
tpb<> (at
mithroI recommend tp-devel and tp-announce08:37
mithrotp-devel, around 5-6 messages a week08:38
mithrotp-announce is only for announcements08:38
mithroso only a couple of emails a year08:38
mithroAquaFox: cool08:39
AquaFoxSo I introduce myself there.08:39
tpb<> (at
mithroAquaFox: sure! Say what your interests are and that you have been looking at the Ideas Page and the SQL persistence sounds interesting08:40
AquaFoxI will :).08:40
mithroAquaFox: feel free to ask any questions08:41
AquaFoxI will I will.08:41
AquaFoxI am excited.08:41
AquaFoxI was planning on making a beat em up engine but my co-devver doesn't have the skills, and I hate working by myself :).08:41
mithroAquaFox: we are aways happy to get new contributors08:42
mithroAquaFox: if you want to try starting with a kind of trivial task08:42
mithroI was planning to add a "http.log" style log to tpserver-cpp so we can get some stats from it (using something like
mithrofeel free to give that a go - I won't get to it for a couple of weeks08:43
* mithro is one of the Thousand Parsec founders and works mainly on the tpclient-pywx and other python parts08:44
AquaFoxmithro, umm, I haven't seen much of TP I will compile most of it and see what it's all about :D.08:45
mithroAquaFox: okay cool08:45
AquaFoxSent my email.08:46
AquaFoxDid you get it mithro ?08:46
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AquaFoxmithro, you want awstats to read a generated http.log by tpserver?08:46
mithroAquaFox: yeah, received it fine08:47
AquaFoxI'll look at what AWStats can read.08:47
bddebianHi folks08:48
mithroAquaFox: I'll get you a link to my discussion with Lee about it08:48
mithroAquaFox: what operating system do you run on?08:48
mithrohey bddebian08:49
tpb<> (at
AquaFoxAccording to AWStats website it "Works with personalized log format"08:49
mithroAquaFox: have a poke around that time08:49
AquaFoxmithro, linux.08:49
bddebianHi mithro08:49
mithroAquaFox: cool, any distro in particular?08:50
AquaFoxArch Linux08:50
JLPbddebian: ahoy08:50
bddebianHello JLP08:50
mithroAquaFox: I'm afraid we haven't done any testing on that distro - It should work pretty well however08:50
mithrobddebian: so how goes the packages?08:51
AquaFoxmithro, what do you think about a personalized log format?08:51
AquaFoxAWStats supports that.08:51
AquaFoxIt doesn't have to be http.log.08:51
bddebianmithro: I was sleeping. :-)  I will try to get some work done today.08:51
mithroAquaFox: well, something which looks like the HTTP log format would allow more then just awstats to try08:52
mithrobddebian: well that probably means I should be sleeping myself :)08:52
AquaFoxLook at the formats.08:52
tpb<> (at
mithroAquaFox: if it works - I don't think I would complain :)08:52
AquaFoxmithro, we should stick to a custom log format.08:53
AquaFoxWe can make our own stats pages it ain't so hard or time consuming.08:54
mithroAquaFox: awstats has some cool features like GeoIP, time of day, etc08:54
AquaFoxmithro.. it also has the feature of 'personalized log format' :P.08:55
AquaFoxSo if we had a table of IP, and time logged, we configure awstats to read it properly and voila.08:55
mithroAquaFox: okay cool08:55
mithrothe information we probably want are08:56
mithro  ipaddress, time logged in, time logged out, client identifier, which version of the protocol they are using, number of objects downloaded, number of orders issued08:57
mithroAquaFox: okay, I'll probably be in bed then08:58
mithroAquaFox: so see you around08:58
AquaFoxCompiling tpclient-pywx.08:58
mithroAquaFox: compiling?08:59
AquaFoxOops :P.08:59
AquaFox     tp.netlib > 0.2.109:00
AquaFox     tp.client > 0.2.9909:00
AquaFoxmithro, how come everything is not in one package.09:03
mithroAquaFox: if you get the "inplace" package it is09:03
AquaFoxWho made the kool 3d intro xD09:04
mithroa friend09:04
mithrohe is doing some more movies for us too09:04
AquaFoxmithro, how to play this game?09:05
mithroAquaFox: well, you probably want to build some more ships first09:06
AquaFox"Download the Universe" DEEP DEEP WORDS09:06
mithroJLP should be able to give you a good walk through09:07
mithrohe plays the most regularly of us09:07
mithrohopefully he will do some tutorial videos soon09:08
* mithro pokes JLP 09:08
AquaFoxNetwork Error: unable to insert the order09:08
mithroAquaFox: oh, that shouldn't happen09:08
AquaFoxI know.09:09
AquaFoxI won't be devving the Python sections with you guys okay ;P.09:09
AquaFoxI don't plan to learn Python anytime soon.09:09
mithrocan you give me a full output of the client on a pastebin somewhere?09:09
AquaFoxAlthough it's a kick-ass language/09:09
AquaFoxOkay mithro.09:09
tpbTitle: general pastebin - Someone - post number 913948 (at
mithroAquaFox: that is fine, we won't force you to do anything you don't want to :)09:10
mithroAquaFox: can you go back even further?09:11
AquaFoxmithro, okay09:11
mithroAquaFox: thanks09:11
AquaFoxI just selected and pasted a chunk most of it you won't want btw.09:12
tpbTitle: general pastebin - Anonymous - post number 913951 (at
AquaFoxmithro, 9 turns till my fleet is made?09:12
AquaFoxHow long is a turn.09:12
AquaFoxI want to move my fleet how do I know what are the coordinates my mouse is pointing to09:14
mithroabout 10 minutes per turn at the moment09:14
AquaFox90 minutes ;/09:14
AquaFoxIs this a game I look at every day or two?09:14
mithroAquaFox: yes09:15
AquaFoxAhh kool.09:15
mithroAquaFox: you select your fleet, then right click where you want to move it too09:16
AquaFoxmithro, this game won't b0rk if someone used the engine for faster turn times yeah?09:16
AquaFoxmithro, did my mail arrive in tp-devel?09:17
mithroAquaFox: I've run 5 second turns with 5 AI's playing against each other09:17
mithroAquaFox: yes09:17
AquaFoxmithro, I'm bringing my fleet to say hi :D!09:17
* JLP returns from lunch09:18
AquaFoxmithro, can I send messages to you?09:18
mithroAquaFox: not yet09:18
mithroAquaFox: the server supports it, but the client doesn't09:18
AquaFoxmithro, you are the client programmer?09:19
AquaFoxmithro, this project pwns.09:19
AquaFoxSimple protocol.09:19
AquaFoxSimple game.09:19
AquaFoxMany implementations.09:19
mithroAquaFox: can you reproduce the first problem?09:19
AquaFoxA 3D version can be done so easily.09:19
AquaFoxWhat do you mean mithro ?09:19
mithroAquaFox: when you got those problems that you pasted - how did you get it to occur?09:21
AquaFoxOh now I get it. You mean the previous error I encountered.09:21
AquaFoxI think I was messing around with the build fleet options..09:21
AquaFoxI can't reproduce it :/.09:21
mithroAquaFox: dang :/09:22
AquaFoxI clicked save too many times./09:22
mithrooh - can you log a bug report?09:22
AquaFoxLink :)?09:22
AquaFoxmithro, :).09:23
tpbTitle: general pastebin - Bug - post number 913957 (at
tpb<> (at
AquaFoxSourceforge is being a nagging housewife.09:30
AquaFoxI got an error while logging in.09:30
AquaFoxSorry mithro :(./09:30
AquaFoxmithro, are you Tim?09:34
JLPAquaFox: yes, he is Tim Ansell09:38
AquaFoxAh OK.09:54
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bddebianHey folks21:29
mithromorning people21:32
mithrollnz: you see the email on tp-devel?21:32
bddebianHeya mithro.  Should be all new packages on Gutsy, Hardy, and Debian21:33
bddebianI had to bump the version because of reprepro though :-(21:33
mithrobddebian: okay21:34
bddebianI'm hoping to start on server packages and such in the next day or two21:35
mithrobddebian: that would be cool21:35
llnzhi mithro21:36
mithrollnz: cool21:36
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mithrollnz: AquaFox was on IRC yesterday22:41
mithrollnz: any luck figuring out what cause demo1 to die?22:44
llnznot yet22:48
* llnz wanders off23:37
llnzlater all23:37
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