Sunday, 2008-02-10

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llnzperes: sorry i haven't had a chance to review the lists of names05:14
peresllnz: take your time, and give me good suggestions ;)05:16
jothamwhat are the names for05:17
pereswannabe planet names05:17
pereswait until you see them ;)05:17
jothamhave you ever played dwarf fortress?05:17
peresno, never05:17
jothamit has a generator in that that produces words in one language with their translation in another05:18
jothamthe first language being pretend dwarven and its based loosely on how german works by compounding parts05:18
jothamanyway it produces some very nice names05:18
peresmy generator can use rules from different languages to produce something like that too05:18
peresnever tried this feature yet, though05:18
jothamwhat i like about it, is you see Veurtukruget say, inspect the item, and it says 'Crown of Brutality'05:19
peresmmm, this is way more complex than what i'm doing05:19
jothami like that a more elaborate meaning can be stored in a faux language as a single or few words05:19
peresdo they have a large dictionary? or do their words all sound the same?05:20
jothami don't know sorry, the game is free, you could take a look, it's a beautiful bit of work (
jothambut to my mind they seem pretty varied05:21
jothami am no linguist however05:21
peresthe game is free, but source is not available05:22
peresanyway, i downloaded the game, and will try after lunch05:39
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JLPahoy *06:34
llnzhi JLP06:36
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remaximping mithro07:03
JLPyay i think i'm on the right path to creating the very first TP python RPM packages for Mandriva07:55
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llnzlater all08:06
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mithromorning people17:34
mithronash: according to the video, you only ended up talking for 11 minutes :/17:56
nashmithro: Double d'oh18:22
mithrowhy a Double?18:23
nashd;oh becauseI was short, double d'oh because I was really short18:30
tpb<> (at
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mithrohey Appleman123418:47
mithroany luck with the manual?18:47
mithroAppleman1234: do you have a public git repository which I can look at your progress from?18:49
Appleman1234No I don't but I can send you the screenshots so far18:49
mithrowell, the manual with the replaced screenshots would be more useful18:50
Appleman1234I will send you that as soon as it gets done tommorow18:50
Appleman1234I had a function on the saturday and a birthday party on the sunday, hence the delays18:51
mithroAppleman1234: do you have somewhere you could push the git repository too so we could watch your progress?18:52
Appleman1234I have a website on a server but I don't know if that has git18:53
Appleman1234I will check18:55
Appleman1234no git :(18:56
nashAppleman1234: Does it have ssh?18:58
Appleman1234the server has ssh and cvs18:58
mithroAppleman1234: does it have rsync?19:00
Appleman1234Yes it does have rsync19:01
mithroyou could rsync your repository up19:02
Appleman1234oh ok19:02
Appleman1234how do I do that ?19:02
mithrorsync -avz -e 'ssh -C -c blowfish -ax' --progress --stats <your git repository location> appleman1234@yourwebhost:~/destdir19:04
Appleman1234how do I add local stuff to a git repo ?19:04
Appleman1234git add ?19:05
mithrogit-status will tell you what has changed19:05
Appleman1234oh ok19:05
Appleman1234mithro: I was currently developing the manual outside of version control19:06
mithroAppleman1234: well, I guess you could just rsync up your progress?19:07
mithronash: how do I revert a single file with git?19:07
Appleman1234I will add it to the git repo then and rsync that up19:07
nashmithro: rm <file> ; git checkout <file>19:08
mithroI miss cg - the output of the git-status command is a lot less readable19:08
Appleman1234added to git repo19:08
Appleman1234rsyncing now19:09
mithroAppleman1234: url?19:10
Appleman1234just wait, it hasn't finished19:10
Appleman1234I am uploading it to the server, and will rsync it from there, as the command given didn't work locally19:21
Appleman1234so the sftp copy may take some time19:21
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mithroAppleman1234: what was the error from the command?19:59
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mithrowb Appleman123421:23
mithroAppleman1234: what was the error from the rsync?21:24
* mithro nudges Appleman1234 21:46
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* mithro nudges Appleman1234 22:00
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mithroAppleman1234: how did you sftp go?22:33
mithroand what was the error the rsync outputted22:33
Appleman1234 /home/appleman/public_html/tp/: Is a directory is the rsync error I get when trying with both things on the server22:34
Appleman1234sftp is done22:34
mithrogot a url then?22:36
mithroAppleman1234: that rsync means you just need to fiddle with the slashes on the end22:37
Appleman1234the sftp isn't public yet22:37
* mithro would love to see the progress so far (and to make sure you are not going off on the wrong track)22:38
Appleman1234oh ok22:38
Appleman1234I wanted to convert the sftp to git via rsync , but stuff it22:38
Appleman1234moving to public_html now22:39
tpbTitle: Index of /tp/tpclient-pywx (at
mithroAppleman1234: okay, they look good22:50
mithroprobably need to be trimmed a little bit22:50
mithroAppleman1234: are you planning to just replace them into the scribus document?22:52
Appleman1234first step is to replace them, after trimming, second step is to add extra screenshots of new window/s22:53
Appleman1234then 3rd step is to add more content / information22:53
mithroif you need any explaination of how things work22:58
mithroplease ask22:58
mithrobtw, what timezone are you in?22:58
Appleman1234QLD est without daylight savings23:22

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