Thursday, 2008-02-07

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mithrogreywhind_: btw, I don't think the location of those arrows was probably the best place00:38
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mithrohey JLP03:31
JLPmithro: ahoy03:34
mithroJLP: how goes everything?03:35
mithrohad a chance to look at those python books?03:35
JLPmithro: not much yet, only downloaded them and read introduction in both of them03:36
JLPno interesting stuff yet03:36
mithroJLP: if you have any questions03:36
mithrofeel free to ask03:36
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JLPmithro: i will03:40
JLPmithro: btw did you see the spaceship Epyon posted earlier03:41
mithronot sure03:41
mithroI did see one a week ago03:41
JLPmithro: this is a second one -
mithroso now we just have to convince him to let us use it in tp03:45
JLPmithro: ah that will be easy :) he will only want a TP t-shirt in return :)03:52
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mithrowell, under a GPL license :)03:58
mithrowe got a shout out here btw ->03:58
tpb<> (at
* JLP downloading04:00
* JLP watching04:02
mithroworking on the Gaming Miniconf vids now04:10
JLPnice to see TP mentioned so much :)04:51
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* Epyon is depressed -- thinks he should dump CS and go to art school -_-13:54
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mithromorning people17:41
mithrogreywhind_: any luck?17:41
mithrohey Epyon17:41
pereshi mithro17:41
JLPmithro: ahoy17:41
mithrohey peres17:41
mithrodidn't end up doing the windows binaries last night, went a saw cloverfield instead17:42
peresi'm going to send you two lists of names in half an hour17:42
peresplease have a look at them and tell me which one you like best17:43
Epyonmithro, seen the latest ship17:47
mithroEpyon: yes, it rocks! :)17:47
EpyonThe freighter?17:47
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mithroI've seen two recently17:58
mithrohey greywhind17:58
mithroany luck?17:58
mithroEpyon: so you going to release the stuff so we can use it in tp?18:37
EpyonAt least most of it I plan.18:41
mithroEpyon: that would be ubber cool18:44
mithrojotham has just started working on the battleviewer again18:44
mithrohaving some nice ships will make his life a lot easier18:44
jothampyglet is nice18:45
mithrohey jotham18:45
jothami can have 500 sprites on the screen at once at 30fps with no real drama18:45
jothamtrying to learn enough about opengl to do lasers and crap atm18:45
mithrojotham: any luck sending me a ssh-key?18:45
jothamno i haven't made one18:45
jothami think i need to set up a new linux box18:45
mithrojotham: if you want, you could use TortoiseCVS (althought that is a little evil)18:48
jothamwell i was looking at putting open ssh on my winxp box, then i read this huge drama thread by the putty.exe guy saying how windows RNG wasn't crytographically strong18:49
jothamand suddenly it was 2am and i was still reading about openssh heh18:49
jothamso yeah18:49
jothami use tortoisecvs for some other projects18:49
jothambut i have git installed on windows, that's no problem18:49
jothami was just busy getting educated about ssh18:49
jothamspecifically openssh on windows18:49
jothamsince i normally only use it on linux18:50
peresmithro: should i send the lists to the mailing list instead?19:01
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* llnz ponders quietly19:25
* nash waves at llnz19:26
nashllnz: Hope you didn't mind my patch I sent19:26
llnzpatch? what patch?19:27
nashCheck RCS19:27
llnzdid see the change to the protocol.xml19:28
llnzoh, i see back a bit further in tpserver-cpp19:29
jothami'm thinking maybe of preprocessing the battle xml files19:30
jothamto merge damage19:30
llnzjotham: why merge damge?19:33
jothammerge damage into fire19:34
jothambecause right now the animations would play concurrently19:34
jothamso even if it took 8 seconds to fire, the damage would start animating at the same time19:34
jothambe nicer if you saw laser blast -> damage animation19:34
mithrojotham: if you want to suggest changes to the battlexml format, please do19:38
jothamok i was just floating the idea to see what kind of feedback happend19:39
jothambecause i didn't know how dependant it is on activity higher up the tp foodchain19:39
CIA-13llnz libtpproto-cpp * r431c9852b38d /tpproto/ (buffer.cpp buffer.h):19:40
CIA-13Fixed most of the issues with Buffer.19:40
CIA-13Now works with strings instead of char*, uses specific19:40
CIA-13uint32_t and 64_t types. Supports TP04 and string padding19:40
CIA-13llnz libtpproto-cpp * r343567be4b5a /tpproto/buffer.cpp: Fixed imcomplete work on frame version in readHeader of Buffer.19:40
CIA-13llnz libtpproto-cpp * r637513adb66d /tpproto/framecodec.cpp: Fixed up FrameCodec for Buffer changes.19:40
CIA-13llnz libtpproto-cpp * rf91f78adf29a /tpproto/ (okframe.cpp okframe.h):19:40
CIA-13Fixed OkFrame to work with strings from Buffer.19:40
CIA-13Also added license information in cpp and h files.19:40
CIA-13llnz libtpproto-cpp * rcefb55a52ccf /tpproto/ (failframe.cpp failframe.h):19:40
CIA-13Fixed FailFrame to use strings from Buffer.19:40
CIA-13Also fixed license info in cpp and h files.19:40
CIA-13Appears to be missing from a lot of the files.19:40
CIA-13llnz libtpproto-cpp * r5be4b12d1af7 /tpproto/ (object.cpp object.h):19:40
CIA-13Fixed Object to use Strings from Buffer.19:40
CIA-13Also added License information.19:40
CIA-13llnz libtpproto-cpp * r83bb64bf2dd4 /tpproto/ (board.cpp board.h):19:40
CIA-13Fixed Board to work with strings from Buffer.19:40
CIA-13Also added license information.19:40
CIA-13llnz libtpproto-cpp * r389706253845 /tpproto/ (message.cpp message.h):19:41
CIA-13Fixed Message to work with strings from Buffer.19:41
CIA-13Also added license information.19:41
CIA-13llnz libtpproto-cpp * rfef107d2158c /tpproto/ (orderdesc.cpp orderdesc.h):19:41
CIA-13Fixed OrderDescription to work with strings from Buffer.19:41
CIA-13Also added license information.19:41
CIA-13llnz libtpproto-cpp * r761cc10a2e18 /tpproto/ (4 files):19:41
CIA-13Fixed ListParamter and StringParameter to work with strings to/from Buffer.19:41
CIA-13Also added license info to all 4 files.19:41
CIA-13llnz libtpproto-cpp * rcf2efcaa09a8 /tpproto/redirect.cpp:19:41
CIA-13Fixed Redirect to work with strings from Buffer.19:41
CIA-13Only updated date in cpp file, license info already there.19:41
mithrojotham: well it should be pretty organic - if we have a battleviewer which works on a certain battlexml, we are likely to start producing that format :)19:42
nashmeeting time...baack soon19:48
jothamwell reason i hadn't really mentioned it19:48
jothamwas i wanted to actually have a clear plan19:49
jothambefore i went throwing ideas around likea  fuckwit19:49
jothamright now i'm working through the red book19:49
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CIA-13llnz tpserver-cpp * rf6c11087fa73 /tpserver/ (objecttype.cpp playeragent.cpp):19:56
CIA-13Put setType for the ObjectDesc frame in a slightly better place.19:56
CIA-13I can hardly believe I forgot this. Thanks nash for the quick-fix patch.19:56
* llnz notes he has more libtpproto-cpp patches coming, just need to finish them19:57
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llnzI will be back later19:58
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greywhindmithro: ping?20:21
mithrogreywhind: pong20:21
greywhindmithro: check this out... this is running from source on Mac OS 10.3.920:22
tpbTitle: Nopaste - No description (at
mithrogreywhind: hrm :( - that looks like wxPython 2.8.0 was not compiled with compatibility to 10.3.920:24
tpbaloril has quit worldforge (Read error: Connection reset by peer)20:24
greywhindmithro: so i should switch to an earlier version?20:24
mithrowell, 2.8.0 is the earlier version we really support20:24
greywhindmithro: i guess... we can't support 10.3.9?20:25
mithroGot an Intel Mac? All of the wxPython builds for OS X are now Universal Binaries, and will work on OS X 10.3.9 or 10.4.x, PPC or Intel.20:25
greywhindmithro: my intel mac runs 10.420:26
greywhindmithro: it's the one i built the package on before20:26
mithrookay - well lets just forget about 10.3.920:26
greywhindmithro: in that case, should i just go ahead and build 10.4 packages? should be able to have it done in an hour or so20:27
mithrogreywhind: hold on20:27
greywhindmithro: k20:27
mithrowe need to update the bundle so it requires 10.4.020:27
mithroyou will need to change setup.py20:27
mithroso that the line which reads20:27
greywhindmithro: i just feel bad about taking so long :(20:27
mithro"LSMinimumSystemVersion": "10.3.9",20:27
mithro"LSMinimumSystemVersion": "10.4.0",20:28
greywhindmithro: k20:28
tpbaloril has joined on worldforge20:28
greywhindmithro: did that... let me switch back over to that computer so i can chat here more easily20:31
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mithrookay cool20:32
mithrogreywhind: sorry about the hassle20:32
greywhindmithro: no, no - i should be apologizing for being so slow to get a simple package built. we were supposed to release days ago :(20:33
greywhindmithro: was that the only change? should i build a package now?20:56
greywhindmithro: Traceback (most recent call last):21:09
greywhind  File "./", line 174, in <module>21:09
greywhind    os.system('python --fix > %s' % os.path.join(privatepath, ''))21:09
greywhindNameError: name 'privatepath' is not defined21:09
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mithrogreywhind_: ping22:18
mithrosorry went to lunch22:19
* nash guesses llnz won't be back shortly then22:49
mithronash: probably not at this hour22:52
mithrohe might be back later tonight22:52
nashmithro: Is it worth setting the reply address on tp-cvs -> tp-devel?22:56
mithronash: not sure - possibly22:56
greywhind_mithro: pong22:57
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nashGenerally speaking tp-cvs should be for pure auto mail, so if I human replies you generally want it on tp-devel22:58
mithronash: that makes sense22:58
mithrohey greywhind22:58
mithrogreywhind: did you end up fixing the privatepath thing?22:58
nashmithro: It's how e-cvs & e-devel work, and it works well22:58
greywhindmithro: nope... wasn't sure what the best fix would be22:58
mithrono cogito in hardy :(23:00
greywhindmithro: any suggestions?23:01
mithrogreywhind: just getting you a patch now23:02
greywhindmithro: k23:02
tpbTitle: Nopaste - No description (at
greywhindmithro: remember, i can't apply one from git and stay back at v.3.0, unless there's a way...23:03
mithrosomething like that23:03
greywhindmithro: seems fixed23:07
mithrogreywhind: make sure you don't accidently commit the "fixed" version of ""23:07
greywhindmithro: i won't be committing from this repo23:08
mithrogreywhind: okay23:09
mithrothat patch should go into the repository sometime23:09
greywhindmithro: why don't you push it, rather than me, along with the 10.4 version bump23:10
mithrogreywhind: as your the one who can confirm they work :P23:10
greywhindmithro: so i should untrack, make the changes to, and then commit and push?23:11
mithrowell, do the commit23:11
mithrodo the release23:11
mithrothen merge the commit back into mainline23:12
greywhindmithro: i'm still getting the "may be damaged or incomplete" error when doubleclicking the app in the .dmg23:12
mithrogreywhind: does that always happen? or just on the computer you build with/23:12
greywhindmithro: but not for the one in ./dist23:12
greywhindmithro: not sure... i could check23:13
mithrogreywhind: I mean if you copy the .dmg to another 10.4 computer, does it still say it's damaged?23:13
greywhindmithro: but i'm not sure i could check tonight - unless you have a 10.4 computer you can test on23:13
mithrogreywhind: not I don't23:13
mithrowhats the size of the dmg now?23:14
greywhindmithro: 36.3 mb23:14
mithrogreywhind: okay - thats not to bad23:15
greywhindmithro: the app on the .dmg is 135.6 mb, whereas the one in the dist folder is 137.423:15
greywhindcould that point to something not being copied correctly?23:15
greywhindmithro: never mind... apparently Mac's size info is just not working.23:16
greywhindmithro: Size: 135.6 MB on disk (140,534,327 bytes)23:16
mithrowow, macs suck :(23:17
greywhindmithro: Size: 137.4 MB on disk (140,534,327 bytes)23:17
greywhindhow in the world did it get two different sizes from the same number of bytes?!23:17
mithrogreywhind: thats "interesting" :P23:18
mithrogreywhind: how long will it take to upload the dmg file?23:20
greywhindmithro: where to?23:21
greywhindmithro: i have 512 kbps up, i believe23:21
mithrogreywhind: anywhere23:21
mithrogot a guy here with 10.5 which can test23:21
greywhindmithro: not sure where i should upload to... i've never had to upload such a large file23:22
mithrobut if it's going to take you 6 hours, it might be better for you to test locally23:22
mithrogreywhind: I can give you permission to upload directly to the if you want23:22
greywhindmithro: ok23:23
mithrogreywhind: you will need to use sftp or scp23:23
greywhindmithro: pretty sure i can do that23:23
mithrogreywhind: okay you should be able to do a23:24
mithroscp -c blowfish <abc>.dmg [email protected]:~/public_html/23:25
greywhindmithro: scp: /home/users/nathan/public_html/tpclient-pywx_0.3.0.dmg: Permission denied23:27
mithrotry again now23:28
mithroforgot to change the permissions to you :)23:28
greywhindmithro: success23:28
mithrogot a timeline?23:28
tpbTitle: Index of /~nathan (at
greywhindmithro: about 10 minutes23:28
mithrothat isn't to bad23:29
greywhindmithro: hopefully a little less, 8 or so23:29
mithronash: done!23:31
nashmithro: C&F23:31
nashCool & Fruity23:31
mithrogreywhind: poke me when it finished23:38
greywhindmithro: it just did, actually23:39
mithrogreywhind: can't really test until after work23:41
greywhindmithro: well, if it works, there's your release. if not, i'll re-do it tomorrow23:41
mithro~seen Appleman123423:48
tpbmithro: Appleman1234 was last seen in #tp 1 day, 5 hours, 11 minutes, and 31 seconds ago: <Appleman1234> another project* (work related)23:48
mithrogreywhind: you heading to bed?23:48
greywhindmithro: soon23:48
mithroThe next/back buttons seem to work23:48
mithrobut I don't thing the location is the right place23:48
greywhindmithro: do they function as you'd like them to at least?23:48
mithrogreywhind: yeah, although I think there should be a "next in system" and a "next system"?23:49
greywhindmithro: ok23:49
greywhindmithro: where would you like them placed?23:50
mithroI was thinking maybe near the picture or on the starmap toolbar23:50
mithrothe starmap should have some shortcuts added for the cycling23:50
greywhindmithro: ok. i thought it made sense on the system list, because that's essentially what it's cycling through23:51
mithrogreywhind: well, just two buttons don't look right23:51
greywhindmithro: maybe with three it will23:51
mithroI think it more of cycling throught the starmap then the systems tree (which you can do with the arrow keys)23:56
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