Thursday, 2008-01-10

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mithroso nash and llnz, how goes life?00:50
nashIt's okay00:50
mithrospent 3 hours in meetings today00:54
nashOne of those days...00:56
nashNo work at all hey?00:56
mithroI actually did manage to get some work done01:04
mithroand made a few phone calls01:04
mithroand delt with 5 emails01:05
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nashAnywya - off home01:31
nashtalk to you later01:31
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remaximJLP, tomorrow s the big day?12:34
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mithronash: why are you moaning?17:46
nashJust need a holiday ;-)17:46
mithroahh, so you can work on Thousand Parsec ;)17:56
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nashsomething like that18:00
CIA-46jezuch libtpproto-java-experimental-xml * rf4fdfe2bed59 /src-generated/net/thousandparsec/netlib/tp03/ ( Regenerate tp03 files from slightly updated protocol3.xml with FinishedTurn frame copied from tp04 ("tp03+" protocol) - on master branch too.18:09
CIA-46jezuch libtpproto-java-experimental-xml * r11fd85223504 / (8 files in 2 dirs): Update the generated files - somehow they didn't keep up with changes in protocol3.xml on master branch.18:09
CIA-46jezuch libtpproto-java-experimental-xml * r90ead92e5199 /src-generated/net/thousandparsec/netlib/tp03/ Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://[email protected]/git/libtpproto-java into experimental-xml18:09
CIA-46jezuch libtpproto-java-experimental-xml * r87ba8c74737a /src-generated/net/thousandparsec/netlib/tp03/ Fix a mis-merge by git.18:09
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