Tuesday, 2008-01-08

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greywhindmithro: icon is made00:12
tpb<http://ln-s.net/1OY3> (at free.prohosting.com)00:13
mithrogreywhind: looks good - now I wonder how it looks on Linux/Windows00:25
greywhindmithro: i'll commit it tomorrow... should be the same, hopefully00:25
mithrookay cool00:45
midorikidTP04 introduces the concept of request and response frames, but they don't seem to have any data (yet?).  What does anyone think about including the sequence number of the request frame in the response frame that responds to it?01:02
midorikidI was thinking it would simplify making a client asynchronous.01:04
mithromidorikid: they are just "base" classes for the other frames01:04
midorikidOn the other hand, if responses are guaranteed to be processed in order, then there would be no use for it.  :/01:05
mithromidorikid: the protocol is already asynchronous01:05
mithroyou use the sequence numbers to match requests to responses01:06
midorikidI think I misunderstand the meaning of sequence numbers then.  Do the serve and client have different sequences?  That is to say, can a frame sent by the server have the same sequence number as one sent by the client?01:07
midorikidOkay, never mind.01:08
midorikidI misread the protocol definition.01:09
midorikidSorry about that.01:09
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mithrohey llnz01:52
llnzhi mithro01:53
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mithrohow goes everything?01:58
llnznot too bad, have now sorted all accomodation and long-distance travel for lca02:00
mithroleaving it a bit late? :P02:04
llnzonly a little, got nice cheap airfare and one cheap night in a hotel when the hostel is booked out02:07
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llnzmost i had booked earlier02:29
llnzdidn't know if we were going to stay in sydney with friends or not02:29
mithroahh sounds far02:29
mithrowell I have to run off02:29
mithrogreywhind: has been closing off tpclient-pywx bugs02:30
mithroso once I have finished the StateTracking stuff it should make finishing off the move stuff easy02:30
mithro(and fix the bugs with the current right click move stuff)02:30
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* llnz wanders off06:37
llnzlater all06:37
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remaximhi JLP, did you had time to upload the music and videos?11:44
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mithroI hate windows19:28
mithrohey nash20:16
mithrohow goes everything?20:16
nashit's okay20:16
nashmy least fav fst employee is back from holiday20:16
nashwhich means I get to waste time there :-(20:17
nashOtherwise... it's coo20:17
nashMy embedded miniconf topic looks fine...20:17
mithroand your gaming one?20:17
mithrooh so quiet20:28
nashSorry.. distracted20:33
nashI knew that topic was fine20:33
nashThere is nothing that could be considered political in there20:34
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bddebianHi folks21:12
bddebianmithro: You around by any chance?21:12
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greywhindmithro: ping?21:57
mithrogreywhind: pong!21:59
greywhindmithro: how might i go about translating clicks from the IdleFinder window into selections of objects?21:59
bddebianmithro: Hey, you didn't answer MY ping.. :-)22:00
mithrobddebian: I didn't see your ping22:02
bddebianmithro: :)22:02
mithrogreywhind: let me push some stuff which will break the starmap :)22:02
greywhindmithro: ok22:03
bddebianI think I have working packages of libtpproto-py, libtpclient-py, and tpclient-pywx (with the fix from git).  What else do you want/need packaged?22:03
bddebianAlso, in the new release will you have copyright dates by any chance?22:03
mithrobddebian: if you really wish22:04
mithrobddebian: oh the server would be good to package22:05
mithrotpserver-py would be nice to package but there won't be a release of that in the near future22:05
mithrogreywhind: http://git.thousandparsec.net/gitweb/gitweb.cgi?p=tpclient-pywx.git;a=shortlog;h=statetracker22:07
tpb<http://ln-s.net/1OuO> (at git.thousandparsec.net)22:07
greywhindmithro: should i merge the most recent changes into my working repository?22:07
mithrogreywhind: can you push your other stuff to incoming first?22:08
greywhindmithro: if you think i should push it first22:08
mithroonce I have finished the statetracker stuff, I will merge in incoming and then push it all to development22:08
greywhindmithro: i'll push right now then22:09
bddebianmithro: OK, I'll give them a shot.  Though I'm not having great luck getting stuff uploaded (I'm not a DD) :-(22:10
CIA-46noegnud tpclient-pywx-incoming * r13f177da09d4 / (3 files in 3 dirs):22:11
CIA-46Fixed bug with missing icon and added default zoom level for starmap. Also22:11
CIA-46changed some portions of PieChart to hopefully reduce drawing error.22:11
mithrobddebian: well, if I have packages done, I can poke people some debian developers at LCA22:11
greywhindmithro: so... should i leave the "click to select in idle finder" bug for later?22:13
bddebianmithro: Sounds good.  They'll need some review though.  I'm sure they will bitch about the copyright file :(22:16
mithrogreywhind: well, you can look at the StateTracker.py file if you want22:16
mithrothe method you want is def SelectObject(self, id):22:17
greywhindmithro: i haven't merged in the StateTracker changes yet22:17
mithroI'm hoping to have the statetracker stuff finished tonight or tommorrow22:18
mithroso it's not a long term thing22:18
greywhindmithro: i'll leave that bug for now then22:18
mithrogreywhind: can you also commit unrelated changes in seperate patches22:18
mithroone patch per bug is a good idea22:18
greywhindmithro: yeah... i just need to commit more often22:19
mithroyou can use git-commit --interactive22:19
greywhindmithro: i'll take a look at that22:19
greywhindmithro: what were you hoping the toolbar find button would do?22:20
mithropop-up a find dialog which lets you type text and cycle through the objects which had that text22:20
mithroor something like that22:20
greywhindmithro: want me to work on that? or do you have another suggestion of a bug I should fix?22:20
mithrodo you have an up-to-date list? of things?22:22
greywhindmithro: i have the sourceforge bug tracker... that should be up-to-date22:23
* mithro looks22:23
mithrogreywhind: I think I have a fix for this22:23
tpbBug #1865571: Mac: Focus doesn&#039;t work with starmap popups22:24
greywhindmithro: oh? excellent.22:24
mithrocall "self.parent.Focus()" in22:29
mithrodef PopUp(self) in PopupCtrl.py22:29
mithroor pop-down22:29
mithrogreywhind: maybe use the home button?22:31
greywhindmithro: do you want me to put that line in or are you going to do the patch?22:31
mithrogreywhind: well I need you to have a play with that a see if you can get it to wokr22:32
mithroas I don't have a mac22:32
greywhindmithro: didn't seem to fix it22:34
greywhindmithro: in fact, i don't think that function is being called22:36
nashbddebian: Don't suppose you could look at galaxie?22:44
bddebiannash: I think I started to at one point22:47
bddebianI can't remember the issue I had22:47
nashbddebian: Something to do with tags or something I seem to recall?22:48
nashElse getting the dependant libraries ;-)22:48
bddebianLet me check my other machine, hang on22:48
bddebianDamnit, I can't find it.  Have a link handy and I can try it again?22:49
nashgiv eme a second22:50
nashgit+ssh://git.thousandparsec.net/git/galaxie.git or git://git.thousandparsec.net/git/galaxie.git?22:51
bddebianI know I tried it once 'cause mithro asked me about it. Grr22:51
greywhindmithro: i think where i actually need to put the focus() is in ObjectHoverEnter in Overlay.py (line 384)22:51
CIA-46nash galaxie * r4410cc3c4229 / (ewl/gewl_object.c tpe_orders.c): A bit more on order work.22:51
CIA-46nash galaxie * r4442a99dff68 / (ewl/gewl_object.c tpe_orders.c): Can now submit object orders (badly). Debugging updates to string submission.22:52
CIA-46nash galaxie * r2e85acb703c9 /Makefile: Add talloc, and clean correctly for non-zsh22:52
CIA-46nash galaxie * r7083a676c770 /tpe_orders.c: Send corrent length for order string buffers.22:52
CIA-46nash galaxie * r27eb067dfb99 /BUGS.txt: Add TP sever string bugs for rename order.22:52
CIA-46nash galaxie * r975a42457a2c / (ewl/gewl_object.c tpe_orders.c): Serialisation for most order parameters.22:52
CIA-46nash galaxie * rbe0c2c97809d / (ewl/gewl_object.c tpe_gui.c tpe_orders.c tpe_orders.h): Parsing and saving of lists is now implemented.22:52
greywhindmithro: but i'm not sure exactly what should get the focus...22:52
nashbddebian: Just pushed my latest changes22:52
mithrothe starmap window?22:52
greywhindmithro: or rather, i'm not sure how to refer to the window...22:52
bddebiannash: OK  I may not get to it until tomorrow.  I'm in the middle of NWN2 atm :)22:52
nashIf you told me you were in the middle of an OSS game it would be okay...22:53
mithroself.parent.Focus() or self.Focus() ?22:54
greywhindmithro: self.Focus() just seems to return a value, not actually grab focus22:54
bddebianSorry, I just haven't found a good Free RPG yet :(22:54
greywhindself.parent.Focus() gives: AttributeError: 'panelStarMap' object has no attribute 'Focus'22:54
greywhindbddebian: i'm sure there are some OSS MUDs you could play22:55
nashbddebian: I'd relunctantly be forced to agree22:56
mithrogreywhind: self.Focus returns a value?22:57
greywhindoh, and the RPG that's being built on the Sauerbraten engine might turn out quite well22:57
greywhindhttp://rafb.net/p/FBcet254.html (9 lines)22:57
tpbTitle: Nopaste - No description (at rafb.net)22:57
greywhindmithro: that's the Focus() function...22:57
greywhindmithro: line 26122:58
mithroumm, that has nothing to do with the Focus function I am trying to call22:59
greywhindmithro: i figured :)23:00
mithrogreywhind: maybe SetFocus() function?23:08
mithrogreywhind: still have not seen you post to the float canvas list23:12
mithrogreywhind: you forgot to commit the icon23:13
greywhindmithro: sorry... i have a draft started, and i'll send it tonight if i can23:13
mithroXRC resource: Cannot create bitmap from 'graphics/mousemode-icon.png'.23:13
greywhindmithro: *sigh*... icon coming.23:13
mithrocg-status will tell you about that23:14
CIA-46noegnud tpclient-pywx-incoming * r5d1b9dc5be59 /graphics/mousemode-icon.png: Added mousemode icon.23:15
mithrogreywhind: the icon is not the right size on Linux23:16
greywhindmithro: hmm... too small?23:17
greywhindmithro: panelStarMap seems to take focus with: self.Canvas.SetFocus()23:20
greywhindor is that something else?23:20
greywhindmithro: line 7723:20

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