Wednesday, 2007-12-26

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llnzi hope everyone had a merry chirstmas04:20
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* llnz wanders off06:25
llnzlater all06:25
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llnzhi nash, peres16:53
llnzmerry christmas16:53
pereshi llnz: merry christmas to you16:54
nashHeyo llnz!16:57
nashHow are you...16:57
peresnash: merry christmas16:57
nashllnz: I saw your email before christmas ;-)16:57
nashperes: You too ;-)  Hope it was good for you ;-)16:57
peresgood enough thanks16:57
* nash removes ':-)' from the end of all his sentences ;-)16:57
llnzi'm good thanks17:40
* llnz puts on his 10 year old Red Alert soundtrack cd on17:46
llnzi guess i need to start on ObjectView...17:52
llnznash: do you have anything to add to the progress report?17:53
nashllnz: If I can find the email again... possibly17:55
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llnz~seen mithro20:21
tpbllnz: mithro was last seen in #tp 3 days, 14 hours, 32 minutes, and 38 seconds ago: <mithro> llnz: well things like the calander would be good to mention20:21
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