Friday, 2007-12-21

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llnzhi all01:29
* llnz is going to try to get DesignView done tonight02:33
CIA-11llnz tpserver-cpp * r520c2efe6c3f /tpserver/ ( designview.cpp designview.h):04:02
CIA-11Added DesignView, a player's view of a Design.04:02
CIA-11Similar to ComponentView, but for Designs. Will add it to the PlayerView04:02
JLPmorning all04:44
llnzhi JLP04:47
llnzanyone here played rfts?07:16
llnz(the real one, not the tp version)07:16
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llnzhi remaxim07:22
remaximhi llnz07:22
remaximdid I miss something?07:22
llnznot really07:23
remaximokay... I already thought so... ;)07:23
remaximit's almost chrismas ... usually not much happens during this time07:23
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CIA-11llnz tpserver-cpp * rfa33a732d65a / (6 files in 3 dirs): (log message trimmed)08:27
CIA-11DesignView now used. Removed hacks from PlayerManager, updated rulesets.08:27
CIA-11This patch is a little bigger than I hoped, but improves things greatly.08:27
CIA-11PlayerView now uses DesignView. DesignStore adds a DesignView to the player's08:27
CIA-11PlayerView when a Design is added. Minisec now tells everyone all the designs08:27
CIA-11instead of depending on the hack removed from PlayerManager. RFTS also updated,08:27
CIA-11I hope it is correct. MTSec may need it too, probably some other improvements08:27
CIA-11llnz tpserver-cpp * rdde7f1db53a2 /tpserver/ (design.cpp design.h):08:32
CIA-11Removed redundant code from Design.08:32
CIA-11Frame packing moved to DesignView. Clone method no longer needed.08:32
llnzok, so that's DesignView done, now I can go to bed08:33
* llnz wanders off08:33
remaximllnz, have a good sleep08:33
llnzlater all08:33
llnzthanks remaxim08:33
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