Friday, 2007-12-14

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llnzhi mithro03:04
mithrohey llnz03:04
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llnzmithro: ping05:02
CIA-20llnz tpserver-cpp * r2988b32ebcff /.gitignore: Another file extension to ignore.06:18
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CIA-20Added ComponentView class.06:18
CIA-20This class allows different players to have different views (even incorrect06:18
CIA-20views) of Components. Not used yet. Similar classes for Designs and Objects06:18
CIA-20are coming.06:18
mithrollnz: can you ping verbal or lester?06:34
llnzyes, can ping both06:35
mithrocan you paste a traceback?06:38
mithroyes, sorry06:39
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llnzhi remaxim06:45
remaximdidn't expect that many ppl to be online ;)06:46
mithrofriday night06:46
remaximoh... yes! most of you guys are in australia and NZ ...06:47
remaximyou lucky bastards ...06:47
remaximIt's so f***ing cold in here :(06:47
remaximllnz, did you listen to the batlle music and the intro video?06:48
mithroits f***ing hot here06:48
remaximmithro, arghhh06:48
remaximI want to surf ... :D06:48
remaximhot air... cool water... good waves ... what more does a man need?06:49
remaximoh yeah... a surfboard of course ;)06:49
remaximdoes anyone of you surf?06:49
mithromy sister does sometimes06:50
remaximmithro, I think we should switch the countries we live in ;)06:50
remaximmithro, do you know how advanced the battle viewer is?06:50
mithroit was going well, but jotham got very busy06:51
remaximmithro, how much time does it probably need till it's "ready" ?06:53
remaximjust dimension-wise ;)06:53
remaximsorry... I probably have to ask jotham06:58
remaximmithro, do you have the rights for the Thousand Parsec name and logo?06:58
mithrokind of07:00
remaximmithro, after I finished here I want to release an CC album called "The Thousand Parsec Soundtrack" ... that's why07:01
mithroremaxim: well, wait till you get to that point :)07:02
remaximmithro, I think I am not that far away from that ---07:03
remaximI just need to finish the battle music (or not, I m not sure how much sense it makes to do it now) ...07:04
remaximor do you have some more jobs for me?07:04
mithroa sound track is normally about 7-10 tracks :P07:04
llnzremaxim: i heard the intro video, will need to check the battle music07:05
remaximmithro, I know ... but 4-5 is IMO enough as well ;) ... just want to release a mini album...07:05
remaximllnz, which version of the intro video? ;)07:05
remaximI released a new one yesterday07:06
llnznot that one07:06
tpbTitle: - Free Online File Storage, Internet File Sharing, Online Storage, Access Documents & Files Anywhere, Backup Data, Send Files (at
remaximllnz, I think that should be the new one ...07:07
remaximThere are just too many different versions ... I m a little bit confused myself07:07
llnzhehe, cool07:08
remaximmithro, do you have the original copyright for the name and logo?07:08
remaximllnz, did you like the new one?07:08
llnzit's very good07:09
llnzthe music i have are: 5-2, 6, 8-2, 9, 9-2, 1107:10
remaximllnz, I don't want to release 6 and I am not sure if I will release 11 ... but there is no ones missing ;)07:11
llnz11 sounds very industrial07:12
mithroremaxim: I don't think the crackling sound is quite right07:12
remaximmithro, I m not sure about that as well...07:12
mithroI think more of a fizziling sound?07:13
mithroor a boiling sound?07:13
llnzit can't all be airy-fairy space sound07:13
remaximmithro, I don't like any of those endings I did07:13
* llnz watches intro-high4 again07:13
mithrowell practice makes perfect or something like that :P07:14
remaximmithro, maybe ...07:15
mithrohissing maybe?07:15
remaximI couldn't find any hissing sound ...07:16
remaximmithro, I thought of hissing as well ...07:18
remaximshit... that's already the 8th version of the ending I did ...07:20
remaximllnz, what do you think of the battle music?07:22
tpbTitle: - Free Online File Storage, Internet File Sharing, Online Storage, Access Documents & Files Anywhere, Backup Data, Send Files (at
remaximmithro, please tell me if you like this one more07:25
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mithrodang netsplit07:27
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remaximmithro, yeah... what happend?07:27
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mithroremaxim: called a netsplit07:28
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mithrowhere one server gets disconnected from the rest07:28
remaximah.. ok!07:28
llnz<llnz> true, maybe some heavy metal type music too07:28
remaximmithro, could you tell me what you think of the new version?07:28
mithrowhich is the new version?07:29
tpbTitle: - Free Online File Storage, Internet File Sharing, Online Storage, Access Documents & Files Anywhere, Backup Data, Send Files (at
mithroit's a little confusing which one is which :)07:29
remaximllnz, what is true?07:29
llnz <mithro> llnz: I think the battle music needs some more upbeat stuff07:30
remaximmithro, I am even a little bit confused myself ... I just did too many versions07:30
remaximllnz, upbeat music is already hard for me to compose ...07:30
llnz<mithro> s/llnz/remaxim/07:30
remaximand I defently won't do any heavy metal stuff... It's too hard doing it with a keyboard07:31
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remaximllnz, thx... I ve lost those messages because of the netsplit07:32
mithroremaxim: maybe thinking the cannon part in that 12th overture?07:32
* llnz has the CD for the music of Red Alert some where....07:33
remaximmithro, I don't know what you're talking about... sorry07:34
mithroremaxim: it's a very well known classical peice07:35
remaximmithro, by whom?07:35
tpbTitle: 1812 Overture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at
remaximllnz, sounds strange ... at least the sample on the wikipedia sounds strange07:37
remaximnot like battle music at all07:37
llnzit is a strange sample of that piece07:37
remaximah... ok!07:37
mithrodundundadada boom-boom07:37
mithroyou just have to time the ship explosions with that :)07:38
remaximmithro, WHAT????07:39
mithroremaxim: dang, that crackle bit still doesn't sound right07:39
mithroremaxim: you time the explosions to be at the peak of the music07:40
remaxim... I m not sure if that's possible07:40
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mithrowell, we need some type of extra info about the music content07:41
llnzrealaudio clip on here:
tpb<> (at
remaximmithro, what do you mean with some kind of extra info?07:42
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mithroremaxim: well, timing of important parts07:43
JLPahoy *07:44
remaximmithro, you need that extra information from me? hm... I just took my infos from the video and tried to synchonise it07:44
remaximhi JLP07:44
mithroremaxim: for the battle viewer it would be useful07:44
remaximif I will do any battle music I will give you the infos you need07:45
remaximthe 12th overture doesn't sound like battle music at all :(07:47
llnzfound a midi file of it07:47
mithroremaxim: i think it's more the tempo rather then actual sound07:47
remaximah, ok!07:47
mithroactually, what would be really good is the Total Annihilation soundtrack07:47
remaximI never played TA... so maybe ;)07:48
mithroI could pull out my TA cd and make you some MP3's07:51
remaximmithro, I m on youtube right now ;)07:52
mithroTA used a similar system07:52
remaximI already found the intro ... with great battle music in it07:52
remaximsimilar to whatß07:52
remaximsimilar to what?07:52
mithroit would change the music dependent on what was going on07:52
remaximmithro, do you want to do something like this?07:53
remaximI mean that the music changes automatically?07:53
mithroyeah, it would be cool to do07:53
remaximnobody told me that ... how should it work?07:53
mithroremaxim: making shorter peices with different tempos?07:54
remaximmithro, I mean where s the diffrence in gameplay?07:55
remaximhere's the new version of the intro video:
tpbTitle: - Free Online File Storage, Internet File Sharing, Online Storage, Access Documents & Files Anywhere, Backup Data, Send Files (at
remaximmithro, it would be great if you tell me what you think of the new version...07:57
mithrodownloading now07:57
mithroremaxim: I think it sounds quite a bit better07:58
remaximmithro, good enough to be part of the game?07:59
mithroremaxim: it's getting there07:59
remaximto be honest...  it's the first one I like07:59
remaximbut I don't know what to change ...07:59
mithroremaxim: I think the hissing needs to start quiter and get louder or something like that?08:00
remaximeven louder than now?08:01
mithronot quite sure08:01
mithroI think just play with it for a while longer to see what you can do08:01
remaximOK ...08:03
remaximmithro, when I asked you if you have the copyright of the name and logo you told me kind of... what do you mean with that?08:04
mithroremaxim: well, you can't copyright a name08:05
mithroyou can trademark it, I have an unregistered trademark in Australia08:05
remaximreally? I thought so...08:05
remaximah ok... right... trademark ...08:06
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remaximso I am allowed to use the name?08:06
remaxims/I am/am I08:07
mithrothe logo is GPLed08:07
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remaximmithro, who did the logo?08:07
mithroremaxim: a guy called zzorn08:07
mithrofrom the worldforge project08:08
remaximI want to use it for CC-BY-SA-NC and GPL probably won't work too well with that08:08
mithroyeah, that won't work with the GPL08:08
remaximmithro, do you know any way I could contact him?08:08
remaximthe best one would be of course a channel...08:08
remaximso I can ask him to re-release it under the CC-BY-SA-NC license08:09
mithroCC-BY-SA-NC is not really useful08:09
remaximähm... why not?08:09
mithrothe NC makes it non-free and we can't use it08:10
remaximmithro, I don't want you to use it ..08:10
remaximI want to publish a album ...08:10
remaximyou ll get your own tracks (same material but different license)08:11
mithrowhy not just release the album under the same license?08:11
remaximmithro, I don't want to08:11
mithroremaxim: you got any reasons?08:12
remaximthe only reason I would choose another license than CC-BY-SA-NC is that I want to contribute to your game...08:12
remaximbut I want to keep it non-commercial as a album! I mean not everybody knows that there is a "free for commercial purposes" version as well08:13
remaximmithro, so... is there any way I could contact zzorn? (btw. is he german ;) )08:14
mithroremaxim: no finish08:14
remaximah ... ok! I already wondered what you ment with that08:15
remaximany chatroom?08:15
mithroyou can try the worldforge server08:15
mithrooh, but you would have to use the original PNG logo08:15
mithroprevious versions have been modifyied by various people08:16
mithrobah, maybe I should go to bed :P08:16
remaximmithro, could you send me the original png logo?08:16
mithroremaxim: why not release your album under your own name?08:16
remaximhm... I want to use remaxim ...08:17
mithrothen you don't have any license problems08:17
mithroremaxim: I mean "Remaxim's Spacey Music" or something?08:17
CIA-20llnz tpclient-cpptext * rfc7face33a84 / Set execute permission on autogen.sh08:17
remaximI just want the logo on the cover ;)08:17
remaximmithro, because that's gay08:18
remaximseriously... I would look like a geek doing music like this for fun08:18
mithroremaxim: but if I wanted a muscian for my game/movie a geek would be good08:19
remaximI want to point out that I did that for others... producing their ideas08:19
remaximmithro, I m no geek... and I don't want the image of a geek ...08:19
mithroremaxim: I think you worry too much08:20
remaximmithro, I don't think so! ... I just take it quite seriously08:20
remaximmithro, could you tell me the name of the worldforge chan?08:21 try #lounge08:21
mithrohe hasn't been around much recently08:21
remaximas I see he isn't on right now08:22
remaximmithro, I will use your name anyway ;) ...08:22
remaximthe only thing making me troubles is the logo...08:23
remaximmithro, could you send me the original logo before going to bed?08:23
mithroremaxim: well, the music will be associated with the project rather then you08:23
mithroremaxim: you can find it in the repository, :P08:24
mithro(if you are using the Thousand Parsec name?)08:24
remaximmithro, that's ok08:24
remaximit's more like showing that free projects produce free media as well ;)08:25
remaximeven though not that free ;)08:25
mithroremaxim: you see our calendar?08:25
mithrothat is all GPL :)08:25
remaximwhat is your calendar good for?08:26
mithrokeeping dates and looking good :)08:26
mithroand showing of our artwork08:26
remaximmithro, is that the original one?
tpb<> (at
remaximmithro, just something like a fanproject... ?08:27
mithrothis one ->
tpb<> (at
mithrounlike commercial games we don't really have "fan projects" they are part of the community08:28
remaximI know... that's why I said "like" a fanproject ;)08:29
llnzthere is no difference between a fanproject, and the whole overall project08:31
remaximthe only difference is that the "fanproject" doesn't really help the rest of the project ... but that's not important08:33
mithroremaxim: but it does help us08:34
remaximmithro, how?08:34
mithropromots the project, helps attract new people, gives us ideas08:35
remaximI ment directly ... ;)08:36
mithrothose are pretty direct benefits to me :)08:36
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remaximmithro, but not to the project ;)08:38
mithrothose seem pretty direct benefits to the project (to me) :)08:39
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mithroanyway I need to go to bed08:39
mithrosee you all around08:39
remaximgood night08:40
remaxim... the music for the intro is called G10 ...08:41
remaximand now I am working on G10-12 ;)08:41
remaximthat's the 12th version of it ;)08:41
remaximI ll go now as well...08:49
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llnzhummm.... it's 3am, i should be asleep08:55
* llnz wanders off08:55
llnzlater all08:55
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remaximI m just reading a book about game design ...17:35
remaximthe author interview some sound engineers for that and they say that it's very important to try out sounds and music while playing... so you can find out if they truly fit the game17:36
remaximso... could someone try to integrate the music in the game and try to play for a while with it ? ...17:40
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zzorno/ :)18:07
remaximhi zzorn18:08
* zzorn adds this channel to his idle list, if you don't mind a zombie in the channel18:09
llnzhi zzorn18:10
llnzno prob, more people the better18:10
llnzzzorn: llnz == Lee on wf :-)18:14
zzornllnz: I seem to recall that nick, yes.  Good to see you :)18:16
remaximgood night @all .... bye18:50
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llnzhi mithro23:07
mithrohey llnz23:15
mithrohey zzorn23:15
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mithrollnz: have you been around much on the weekends?23:22
llnznot normally23:22
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mithrollnz: decided to try and get the above vs up again?23:36
llnznope, normally out and about with megan on the weekends, but today she is downstairs cooking23:38
llnzso i'm on the computer :-)23:38
llnzi should go cook dinner soon23:39
mithrollnz: should try and get the number up so I can bring all the stuff to LCA :)23:39
llnzoh, right23:40
llnzyeah, i should try23:40
mithrostill got a month23:44
llnzhave it running right now23:48

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