Saturday, 2007-12-08

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llnzhi peres04:24
pereshi llnz04:24
CIA-19llnz tpserver-cpp * r2e40e098d453 /tpserver/ (playerview.cpp playerview.h):04:44
CIA-19Added OwnedObjects member to PlayerView, and related methods.04:44
CIA-19Should make things like sensor sweeps easier. And can be also used to see04:44
CIA-19if the player still has objects in their control, are they in the game still.04:44
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CIA-19llnz tpserver-cpp * redd23d74f1ed /tpserver/ (turntimer.cpp turntimer.h):04:58
CIA-19TurnTimer now takes dead players into account when checking threshold.04:58
CIA-19Including checking whether the player of the TurnFinished frame is dead or04:58
CIA-19not. Should make setting the threshold a bit more simple.04:58
CIA-19llnz tpserver-cpp * re5f9e69d98d7 /sample.conf: Updated documentation of turn_player_threshold05:01
CIA-19llnz tpserver-cpp * r0a327b8646a0 /modules/games/minisec/ (6 files):05:16
CIA-19Minisec set and removes PlayerView OwnedObjects.05:16
CIA-19Quite painless, should be able to do victory conditions now, and also set05:16
CIA-19isAlive correctly.05:16
CIA-19llnz tpserver-cpp * r7b172378a0b1 /modules/games/minisec/minisecturn.cpp: Removed commented out dead code from minisecturn.cpp05:19
CIA-19llnz tpserver-cpp * r33f6288d2fc2 /modules/games/minisec/minisecturn.cpp:05:39
CIA-19Minisec impl now checks victory conditions.05:39
CIA-19And gives the players a message if they are eliminated or win. Hopefully05:39
CIA-19only once.05:39
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CIA-19llnz tpserver-cpp * ra35de74cf064 /tpserver/game.cpp:06:07
CIA-19Game sets the number of dead players on TurnTimer.06:07
CIA-19It does this before the the TurnTimer is started, and after EOT processing06:07
CIA-19has occured.06:07
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llnzhi remaxim06:24
remaximhello llnz06:24
remaximllnz, do you have a video of the battleviewer or the battleviewer on your pc?06:25
llnzdon't have the battleviewer or a video of it, but I do have the video from starmapper06:27
remaximwhat's the starmapper?06:27
llnzstarmapper is a tool for plotting empires (among other things) from a space game server (TP or stars!)06:28
remaximllnz, something like this:
tpb<> (at
llnzthat is starmapper06:29
llnza video of starmapper06:30
remaximah ok! I ve watched that already ...06:30
remaximthat was the reason for my decision not to play the game ;)06:30
llnzof the actual battleview, i haven't even seen a video06:31
llnzthere are screen shots somewhere though06:31
remaximllnz, it would be great if you could find those screenshots...06:33
remaximI m searching for them myself as well ...06:34
llnzhave just been looking06:34
remaxim     ;)06:36
tpb<> (at
remaximdid you know about that?06:36
llnzthat marker on New Zealand is me06:38
llnzok, found some links to screen shots06:41
tpb<> (at
remaximyou're fucking lucky ... I really envy you ... must be great living there06:42
remaximdo you surf?06:42
llnzyes i'm lucky, but google doesn't have an office in NZ06:43
remaximllnz, do you want to work for google?06:44
llnzquite possibly, I am interview for them currently06:45
remaximdid you ever tried to? I m loving it... it's just a great feeling! You just don't have a chance to surf in germany :(06:45
remaximllnz, I hope you get the job ... good luck06:46
llnzi haven't tried surfing, i'm not really an adventure sport person (or like getting wet)06:47
llnzi do sail (sometimes) though06:47
remaximyeah, ok! I used to skate ... probably that's why I love it ...06:49
tpbaloril has quit worldforge (Remote host closed the connection)07:22
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remaximare we connected to another channel?07:24
llnz#tp on irc.worldforge.org07:26
remaximah ...07:27
remaximthey don't talk too much on the other channel, do they?07:27
llnznope, there is normally only one or two on, and they don't talk much07:27
llnzTP used WorldForge's infrastructure for a while when we started, and where it was first announced07:28
llnzwe used their irc server till about a year or so ago07:29
remaximah ok! that's why you don't close it?07:29
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remaximhi peres07:33
pereshi there07:34
remaximdo you want to listen to the new ones ;)07:34
peresi only have 5 minutes, so it's ok if it is shorter that that07:34
remaximthe new ones togheter will last more than 5 min ;)07:35
peresjust pick one then07:35
remaximthat's the newest one:
tpbTitle: - Free Online File Storage, Internet File Sharing, Online Storage, Access Documents & Files Anywhere, Backup Data, Send Files (at
remaximperes, I did ;)07:36
remaximllnz, so the battleviewer isn't going to be finished in the near future?07:37
llnzask jotham07:40
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llnzthere is likely to be work on it in the near future07:40
remaximhi jotham, are you there?07:40
llnzjotham is also in NZ and its 1:46am here....07:49
llnzerr... 1:54am07:49
remaximah... ok!07:49
llnzi should go to bed07:49
remaximgood night07:49
* llnz wanders off07:49
llnzlater all07:49
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JLPmithro: pong08:16
mithrohey JLP08:16
mithrocould use your feedback on the calander artwork08:16
JLPmithro: sure, where can I check it out08:17
tpb<> (at
tpb<> (at
remaximhi JLP08:18
JLPremaxim: ahoy08:18
JLPmithro: very nice drawing, although most motives are too "dark"/"scarry" for my taste08:23
remaximJLP, do you want to listen to the 3th one?08:24
JLPremaxim: of course, i really should get thru the irc logs and post that post to mailing list that i was talking about before08:25
tpbTitle: - Free Online File Storage, Internet File Sharing, Online Storage, Access Documents & Files Anywhere, Backup Data, Send Files (at
JLPremaxim: btw, i finaly managed to find some of the music from Ascendancy :)08:25
remaximwhat's Ascendancy once again?08:26
remaximJLP, I did 3 songs, if you want to I can send you the links!08:26
remaximand yes, it would be great if you could do the post ... it's much cooler to get introduced by someone other ;)08:27
JLPremaxim: Ascendancy is one of the games similar to Thousand Parsec08:27
remaximah ... OK08:27
remaximit's a little bit late I think ;) ... I m almost done with the "main part" songs08:27
remaximbut I still want to listen to it ;)08:28
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JLPremaxim: here is the archive with ascendancy music -
remaximJLP, so what you think of the 3th one?08:50
JLPremaxim: just listened to it and i like it very much08:55
remaximJLP, do you need the links for those 3 songs?08:56
remaximso you don't have to search for them ...08:56
JLPremaxim: no need to, i can quickly find them in our IRC logs08:58
remaximJLP, I posted a lot of unfinished material ;)08:58
JLPremaxim: well, if you feel i should only include some of them, then it is best that you give the list of the ones08:59
remaximOK, wait a minute ;)09:00
JLPremaxim: btw, what is your name09:03
remaximJLP, could you ask me that once again in privat chat?09:03
remaxim*in a09:03
remaximthe channel is logged and I use this nickname very often ... I want to keep it anonymous09:04
remaximJLP, the first one:
tpbTitle: - Free Online File Storage, Internet File Sharing, Online Storage, Access Documents & Files Anywhere, Backup Data, Send Files (at
remaximthe second one:
tpbTitle: - Free Online File Storage, Internet File Sharing, Online Storage, Access Documents & Files Anywhere, Backup Data, Send Files (at
remaximand you already have the 3th one ;)09:06
JLPremaxim: ok then, i'll just use the nickname in the post then09:06
remaximI m trying to make a brand out of my nickname ;)09:07
JLPremaxim: post sent to mailing list09:19
remaximJLP, I didn't get it yet... how long does it usually take?09:20
JLPremaxim: a few minutes i think09:21
remaximok, thx09:21
remaximgreat post, thanks!09:27
remaximI have some discussions with the guys at #gnu about the licensing of the work09:44
JLPand what do they say? GPL or CC by-sa?09:52
remaximJLP, they say I should release it as CC by-sa...09:55
remaximbut I don't want to09:55
JLPoh, which license did you have in mind?09:57
remaximprobably GPL or something like that...09:58
remaximand a second one as CC-BY-SA-NC for jamendo ;)09:58
JLPwell as far as i know GPL is quite close to CC by-sa09:59
remaximmusic licensing seems to be big bag of shit ... :(09:59
remaximmany people don't see that there is a huge diffrence between music and software10:00
JLPyeah all licensing is crap, if all people would be fair and all then we would not need licenses and lawyers10:01
remaximJLP, I don't think so... I like close source as well, but I want good conditions for releasing freely ...10:02
* JLP goes translating KDE 4, so there could be some lag with responses10:05
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remaximjust the same dude who kicked me?10:47
mattlthat's me.10:47
mattli came to see about the game.10:47
remaximgreat! now you know which project I am working for10:47
mattlalso, listening to rain on the window10:47
remaximit's a crab name10:47
mattlwhich part of germany are you from?10:48
remaximbavaria... the ignorant one10:48
mattli was over in Germany recently, spent about a month in Berlin.10:48
remaximmattl, if you want to I can link you the music I made for this game ;) ... which should be used in free projects only ;)10:49
mattlmet a load of bands at this MTV Europe awards thing..10:49
remaximdid you like it?10:49
mattloh, i love berlin. try to go whenever i can.10:49
remaximmattl, in which band are you?10:49
mattlremaxim: furny.10:49
remaximNever heard of that one10:50
mattlwe're not huge.10:51
mattl tells you more.10:51
tpbTitle: furny - about furny (at
remaximI m already at your website ;)10:51
remaximmattl, if you want to listen to the stuff I made for this game:
tpbTitle: - Free Online File Storage, Internet File Sharing, Online Storage, Access Documents & Files Anywhere, Backup Data, Send Files (at
remaximI m off... bye10:56
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remaximperes, so... did you like it?15:24
peresremaxim: let me listen to it another time, had a long day and forgot it completely ;)15:25
* peres peeking in the logs15:25
tpbTitle: - Free Online File Storage, Internet File Sharing, Online Storage, Access Documents & Files Anywhere, Backup Data, Send Files (at
peresit's 9-2 isn't it?15:26
remaximG 9-2 to be precise ;)15:27
peresi guess the guys may like it as background music15:27
remaximso, do you like it?15:29
peresi do15:29
remaximIt's no problem if not!15:29
remaximsorry, too late15:29
peresnoob question: how do you make it longer without looping?15:29
remaximperes, are you the noob asking it? ;)15:29
peresi am15:29
remaximok... it easy...15:30
remaximit's looped15:30
remaximI did about 6-8 lines and then just switched between them15:30
remaximit's still looped, but with diffrent lines15:30
peresthat's what i wanted to know15:30
peresso you could add more length this way15:31
remaximperes, I never heard of any producer who doesn't loop ;)15:31
greywhindpretty much any music will have some repeated sections15:31
remaximperes, of course as long as you want it to be15:31
remaximgreywhind, yep... usually the voice is the only part which is not looped15:32
peresok, i understand looping, but i was wondering if anybody wouldn't turn off their speakers after a couple of times15:32
peresunless you loop a very long track, it's going to be annoying after a while15:32
greywhindperes: that's why you want more than one piece, or more than one section of the piece.15:33
remaximyep... you just have to put some variations in it15:33
* peres can't speak music-ese15:33
greywhindand if it's in the background, not the focus of a person's concentration, they usually won't get too tired of it15:33
peresgreywhind: that's a good point. I'm probably thinking of the typical pop song playing over and over...15:34
remaximperes, just put some breaks in it, add a extra instrument ... that's it15:35
peresremaxim: so, my recommendation would be to add slide guitar section15:35
remaximthat's a problem for many people who aren't used to hiphop ..15:35
remaximperes, are you serious?15:35
peresi don't mean a loud slide guitar15:36
perescan you experiment with some muffled sound? it may merge well with the keyboards15:36
remaximperes, I only have my midi keyboard to produce with ;)15:36
perestoo bad ;)15:36
remaximthat's kind of hard to do with it... I could use samples and cut them... but that's it15:37
peresi'm sorry, that was just an idea... based on personal taste :)15:37
remaximperes, you told me to add some female voice in the intro15:38
peresi did ;) should i feel guilty?15:38
remaximthat was a great Idea, I even had some stuff experiments with that... but now I was told that the intro has to be synchron to a video they showed me15:39
peresi see, so no room for voices?15:40
remaximprobably not15:40
pereshave you still got some of your experiments somewhere? i would enjoy listening to them15:41
remaximperes, yes I have... they had been awful...15:43
remaximshit, sorry... wrong button15:43
remaximI hope I didn't do anything bad15:43
greywhindremaxim: looks the same as before15:43
pereswow wikipedia is down15:44
remaximgreywhind, ok... then it should be alright I think15:45
remaximperes, true15:45
remaximperes,;a=blob;f=graphics/intro-high.mpg;h=8a212f4dabf739799abfeb50760fe3f8bd9db90f;hb=development    ... that how the intro will look like15:46
tpb<> (at
remaximgreywhind, do you know who did the intro?15:47
greywhindremaxim: nope15:47
remaximI think it looks great... like some 90's game intro15:47
remaximperes, it's not only that there is no room for voices... I don't have any fucking idea how to synchronize the music to the video15:48
peresthere is just a nine second splash screen in that intro, is that right?15:48
peresremaxim: you will need to ask the guy who made the intro to give you cues for events15:49
peresso you know what is meant to happen at each time and can compose your music according to it15:50
remaximperes, great idea... never thought of that15:50
peresotherwise, music and video would always look out of sync :)15:51
remaximperes, I thought of an software based solution, but your's probably better15:51
peresremaxim: the less software you have, the less can break ;)15:52
remaximperes, as long as my music doesn't break everything's alright15:52
peresi wonder how it could...15:52
remaximperes, me too ;)15:53
peresmy idea for the intro screen would be a longer black section at the beginning, so you can put voices in there15:53
remaximjust wanted to say something intellegent ;)15:53
remaximperes, I think it's kind of hard creating those voices15:54
peresthen a soft electric sound builds up (maybe the voices can become keyboard sounds) as the stars began to race leaving their trail15:54
peresand a big BOOM when the logo appears :P15:55
peresand a low male voice can be heard saying: 'thousand parsec, way more fps than counterstrike' at the end :P15:56
* peres goes upstairs and gets his medicine for madness15:57
remaximperes, I like the idea of the male voice...15:57
remaximI think there is the words "thousand parsec" missing at the end anyway15:58
peresfunny how it may sound, i was serious about everything BUT the male voice :P15:58
remaximperes, of course not in counterstrike kind, but it would be interesting I think16:00
remaximwith some echoes in it16:02
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remaximis anyone still here?16:54
remaximI m uploading the first intro with sound right now...16:55
greywhindi'm here16:55
remaximit's awful... but I think I m going to leave the first part as it is16:55
remaximgreywhind, do you want to watch it?16:56
greywhindremaxim: sure16:56
remaximmy internet connection is too slow ...16:56
remaximwhile uploading...16:57
remaximseems like someone's already uploading something... strange16:57
tpbTitle: - Free Online File Storage, Internet File Sharing, Online Storage, Access Documents & Files Anywhere, Backup Data, Send Files (at
remaximI ll be back in one minute ...16:58
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greywhindremaxim: i actually like that17:01
remaximgreywhind, the explosion has to be a little bit stronger, doesn't it?17:01
greywhindi don't think it's awful at all17:01
greywhindremaxim: hmm... maybe, but it didn't immediately strike me as too soft17:02
remaximgreywhind, it's awful in comparison with what I had in mind to do... but don't have the right instruments/samples for that17:02
remaximgreywhind, are you still here?17:17
greywhindremaxim: yes17:18
remaximjust uploading a version with a better explosion17:18
tpbTitle: - Free Online File Storage, Internet File Sharing, Online Storage, Access Documents & Files Anywhere, Backup Data, Send Files (at
remaximthe diffrence is not too big, but I think the new one is still better17:22
greywhindremaxim: yeah, a little bit17:22
greywhindfades out better17:22
remaximfades in better as well ;)17:22
remaxim= the sound of the explosion doesn't hurt that much I think ;)17:27
remaximthere was a *klick* sound when it exploded17:27
remaximOK, not exactly a *klick* sound...17:28
greywhindwell, it sounds good now17:28
remaximbut I added some "attack" ...17:28
remaximattack means that the sound is quite at the begining and then gets louder ... I don't know how common this expression is ...17:32
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remaximgreywhind, do you know the address of the mailing list?17:43
remaximI ve lost it somehow... (it's probably somewhere in my other OS)17:43
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greywhindremaxim: [email protected]17:44
remaximOk, I just did my first mailing list posting :)18:06
remaximand now I ll get some sleep! good night18:09
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